• Z.J. van de Weg's avatar
    Fix timing issues on convertion migration award emoji · f8290c28
    Z.J. van de Weg authored
    This commit does two things:
    1. It adds logic which prevents timing issues when running the
    migration. During the migration, notes can be created which _should_
    be award emoji and thus migrated. To prevent these timing issues, a
    lock is obtained on the table (MySQL) or on Transaction level (PG).
    2. There was no down migration before as you'd probably lose some data.
    Data effected is all awards on notes. These could be migrated back, as
    the noteable type would just be Note, though this would litter the DB
    with data which should not be there. This down migration does not yet
    delete the table.
20160416182152_convert_award_note_to_emoji_award.rb 1.2 KB