[buildout] extends = ../../stack/lamp/buildout.cfg [application] recipe = slapos.recipe.build:download-unpacked url = Student shall put here url of zipped or tarballed web page or application md5sum = Student may put here md5sum of this file, this is good idea #If provided tarball does not contain top directory, option shall be changed to false strip-top-level-dir = true [application-template] recipe = slapos.recipe.download url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/template/REPLACE_ME_BY_APPLICATION_TEMPLATE_NAME #md5sum = Student may put here md5sum of this file, this is good idea filename = template.in mode = 0644 location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_} [application-configuration] location = Student shall put here relative path to application top level directory where configuration shall be created