# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import getpass import os import shutil import stat import sys import tempfile import subprocess import iniparse import requests from slapos.cli.command import Command, must_be_root from slapos.util import parse_certificate_key_pair class RegisterCommand(Command): """ register a node in the SlapOS cloud """ command_group = 'node' def get_parser(self, prog_name): ap = super(RegisterCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name) ap.add_argument('node_name', help='Name of the node') ap.add_argument('--interface-name', default='eth0', help='Primary network interface. IP of Partitions ' 'will be added to it' ' (default: %(default)s)') ap.add_argument('--master-url', default='https://slap.vifib.com', help='URL of SlapOS Master REST API' ' (default: %(default)s)') ap.add_argument('--master-url-web', default='https://www.slapos.org', help='URL of SlapOS Master webservice to register certificates' ' (default: %(default)s)') ap.add_argument('--partition-number', default=10, type=int, help='Number of partitions to create in the SlapOS Node' ' (default: %(default)s)') ap.add_argument('--ipv4-local-network', default='', help='Subnetwork used to assign local IPv4 addresses. ' 'It should be a not used network in order to avoid conflicts' ' (default: %(default)s)') ap.add_argument('--ipv6-interface', help='Interface name to get ipv6') ap.add_argument('--login-auth', action='store_true', help='Force login and password authentication') ap.add_argument('--login', help='Your SlapOS Master login. ' 'Asks it interactively, then password.') ap.add_argument('--password', help='Your SlapOS Master password. If not provided, ' 'asks it interactively. NOTE: giving password as parameter ' 'should be avoided for security reasons.') ap.add_argument('--token', help="SlapOS 'computer security' authentication token") ap.add_argument('-t', '--create-tap', action='store_true', help='Will trigger creation of one virtual "tap" interface per ' 'Partition and attach it to primary interface. Requires ' 'primary interface to be a bridge. ' 'Needed to host virtual machines' ' (default: %(default)s)') ap.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Simulate the execution steps' ' (default: %(default)s)') return ap @must_be_root def take_action(self, args): try: conf = RegisterConfig(logger=self.app.log) conf.setConfig(args) return_code = do_register(conf) except SystemExit as err: return_code = err sys.exit(return_code) # XXX dry_run will happily register a new node on the slapos master. Isn't it supposed to be no-op? def check_credentials(url, login, password): """Check if login and password are correct""" req = requests.get(url, auth=(login, password), verify=False) return 'Logout' in req.text def get_certificate_key_pair(logger, master_url_web, node_name, token=None, login=None, password=None): """Download certificates from SlapOS Master""" if token: req = requests.post('/'.join([master_url_web, 'add-a-server/WebSection_registerNewComputer']), data={'title': node_name}, headers={'X-Access-Token': token}, verify=False) else: register_server_url = '/'.join([master_url_web, ("add-a-server/WebSection_registerNewComputer?dialog_id=WebSection_viewServerInformationDialog&dialog_method=WebSection_registerNewComputer&title={}&object_path=/erp5/web_site_module/hosting/add-a-server&update_method=&cancel_url=https%3A//www.vifib.net/add-a-server/WebSection_viewServerInformationDialog&Base_callDialogMethod=&field_your_title=Essai1&dialog_category=None&form_id=view".format(node_name))]) req = requests.get(register_server_url, auth=(login, password), verify=False) if not req.ok and 'Certificate still active.' in req.text: # raise a readable exception if the computer name is already used, # instead of an opaque 500 Internal Error. # this will not work with the new API. logger.error('The node name "%s" is already in use. ' 'Please change the name, or revoke the active ' 'certificate if you want to replace the node.', node_name) sys.exit(1) if req.status_code == 403: if token: msg = 'Please check the authentication token or require a new one.' else: msg = 'Please check username and password.' logger.critical('Access denied to the SlapOS Master. %s', msg) sys.exit(1) elif not req.ok and 'NotImplementedError' in req.text and not token: logger.critical('This SlapOS server does not support login/password ' 'authentication. Please use the token.') sys.exit(1) else: req.raise_for_status() return parse_certificate_key_pair(req.text) def get_computer_name(certificate): """Parse certificate to get computer name and return it""" k = certificate.find("COMP-") i = certificate.find("/email", k) return certificate[k:i] def save_former_config(conf): """Save former configuration if found""" former = '/etc/opt/slapos' if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(former, 'slapos.cfg')): return saved = former + '.old' while os.path.exists(saved): conf.logger.info('Slapos configuration detected in %s', saved) if saved[-1] == 'd': saved += '.1' else: # XXX this goes from 19 to 110 saved = saved[:-1] + str(int(saved[-1]) + 1) conf.logger.info('Former slapos configuration detected ' 'in %s moving to %s', former, saved) shutil.move(former, saved) def get_slapos_conf_example(logger): """ Get slapos.cfg.example and return its path """ _, path = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(path, 'wb') as fout: req = requests.get('http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.core.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/slapos.cfg.example') try: req.content.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: # we have to reject the file because iniparse chokes on non-ascii, # and similar packages (cfgparse, INITools etc) have issues with # multiline values, like certificates, or do not retain comments (ConfigParser). logger.critical('Cannot create configuration file (bad template).') sys.exit(1) fout.write(req.content) return path def slapconfig(conf): """Base Function to configure slapos in /etc/opt/slapos""" dry_run = conf.dry_run # Create slapos configuration directory if needed slap_conf_dir = os.path.normpath(conf.slapos_configuration) # Make sure everybody can read slapos configuration directory: # Add +x to directories in path directory = os.path.dirname(slap_conf_dir) while True: if os.path.dirname(directory) == directory: break # Do "chmod g+xro+xr" os.chmod(directory, os.stat(directory).st_mode | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IROTH) directory = os.path.dirname(directory) if not os.path.exists(slap_conf_dir): conf.logger.info('Creating directory: %s', slap_conf_dir) if not dry_run: os.mkdir(slap_conf_dir, 0o711) user_certificate_repository_path = os.path.join(slap_conf_dir, 'ssl') if not os.path.exists(user_certificate_repository_path): conf.logger.info('Creating directory: %s', user_certificate_repository_path) if not dry_run: os.mkdir(user_certificate_repository_path, 0o711) key_file = os.path.join(user_certificate_repository_path, 'key') cert_file = os.path.join(user_certificate_repository_path, 'certificate') for src, dst in [(conf.key, key_file), (conf.certificate, cert_file)]: conf.logger.info('Copying to %r, and setting minimum privileges', dst) if not dry_run: with open(dst, 'w') as destination: destination.write(''.join(src)) os.chmod(dst, 0o600) os.chown(dst, 0, 0) certificate_repository_path = os.path.join(slap_conf_dir, 'ssl', 'partition_pki') if not os.path.exists(certificate_repository_path): conf.logger.info('Creating directory: %s', certificate_repository_path) if not dry_run: os.mkdir(certificate_repository_path, 0o711) # Put slapos configuration file config_path = os.path.join(slap_conf_dir, 'slapos.cfg') # Get example configuration file slapos_cfg_example = get_slapos_conf_example(conf.logger) new_configp = iniparse.RawConfigParser() new_configp.read(slapos_cfg_example) os.remove(slapos_cfg_example) for section, key, value in [ ('slapos', 'computer_id', conf.computer_id), ('slapos', 'master_url', conf.master_url), ('slapos', 'key_file', key_file), ('slapos', 'cert_file', cert_file), ('slapos', 'certificate_repository_path', certificate_repository_path), ('slapformat', 'interface_name', conf.interface_name), ('slapformat', 'ipv4_local_network', conf.ipv4_local_network), ('slapformat', 'partition_amount', conf.partition_number), ('slapformat', 'create_tap', conf.create_tap) ]: new_configp.set(section, key, value) if conf.ipv6_interface: new_configp.set('slapformat', 'ipv6_interface', conf.ipv6_interface) if not dry_run: with open(config_path, 'w') as fout: new_configp.write(fout) conf.logger.info('SlapOS configuration written to %s', config_path) class RegisterConfig(object): """ Class containing all parameters needed for configuration """ def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger def setConfig(self, options): """ Set options given by parameters. """ # Set options parameters for option, value in options.__dict__.items(): setattr(self, option, value) def COMPConfig(self, slapos_configuration, computer_id, certificate, key): self.slapos_configuration = slapos_configuration self.computer_id = computer_id self.certificate = certificate self.key = key def displayUserConfig(self): self.logger.debug('Computer Name: %s', self.node_name) self.logger.debug('Master URL: %s', self.master_url) self.logger.debug('Number of partition: %s', self.partition_number) self.logger.info('Using Interface %s', self.interface_name) self.logger.debug('Ipv4 sub network: %s', self.ipv4_local_network) self.logger.debug('Ipv6 Interface: %s', self.ipv6_interface) def gen_auth(conf): ask = True if conf.login: if conf.password: yield conf.login, conf.password ask = False else: yield conf.login, getpass.getpass() while ask: yield raw_input('SlapOS Master Login: '), getpass.getpass() def do_register(conf): """Register new computer on SlapOS Master and generate slapos.cfg""" if conf.login or conf.login_auth: for login, password in gen_auth(conf): if check_credentials(conf.master_url_web, login, password): break conf.logger.warning('Wrong login/password') else: return 1 certificate, key = get_certificate_key_pair(conf.logger, conf.master_url_web, conf.node_name, login=login, password=password) else: while not conf.token: conf.token = raw_input('Computer security token: ').strip() certificate, key = get_certificate_key_pair(conf.logger, conf.master_url_web, conf.node_name, token=conf.token) # get computer id COMP = get_computer_name(certificate) # Getting configuration parameters conf.COMPConfig(slapos_configuration='/etc/opt/slapos/', computer_id=COMP, certificate=certificate, key=key) # Save former configuration if not conf.dry_run: save_former_config(conf) # Prepare Slapos Configuration slapconfig(conf) conf.logger.info('Node has successfully been configured as %s.', COMP) # XXX hardcoded value, relying on package installation # We shall fix that later conf.logger.info('Running starting script') if os.path.isfile("/usr/sbin/slapos-start"): try: subprocess.check_call("/usr/sbin/slapos-start") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: conf.logger.error('Error while trying to run /usr/sbin/slapos-start') else: conf.logger.warning('Missing file /usr/sbin/slapos-start') return 0