# THIS IS NOT A BUILDOUT FILE, despite purposedly using a compatible syntax.
# The only allowed lines here are (regexes):
# - "^#" comments, copied verbatim
# - "^[" section beginings, copied verbatim
# - lines containing an "=" sign which must fit in the following categorie.
#   - "^\s*filename\s*=\s*path\s*$" where "path" is relative to this file
#     Copied verbatim.
#   - "^\s*hashtype\s*=.*" where "hashtype" is one of the values supported
#     by the re-generation script.
#     Re-generated.
# - other lines are copied verbatim
# Substitution (${...:...}), extension ([buildout] extends = ...) and
# section inheritance (< = ...) are NOT supported (but you should really
# not need these here).

filename = instance.cfg.in
md5sum = 3ccdd2299e759488545b62368c7a0b91

filename = influxdb-config-file.cfg.in
md5sum = a28972ced3e0f4aa776e43a9c44717c0

filename = telegraf-config-file.cfg.in
md5sum = a1a9c22c2a7829c66a49fc2504604d21

filename = grafana-config-file.cfg.in
md5sum = e255dcca466f5de51698d24cbd114577

filename = grafana-provisioning-config-file.cfg.in
md5sum = 3aa0f1ed752b2a59ea2b5e7c1733daf3

filename = loki-config-file.cfg.in
md5sum = ad2baf4599a937d7352034a41fa24814

filename = promtail-config-file.cfg.in
md5sum = c8c9d815dd7b427788c066f041f04573