Commit 5118c476 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

ERP5/NEO: fix initialization of mysqld datadir when a plugin option is present

Since 10.4, it seems mysql_install_db does not take anymore
BASEDIR/lib/plugin as default value for plugin_dir.
parent 4cff265a
......@@ -131,14 +131,15 @@ rendered = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}/
mode = 644
template =
inline:{% raw %}#!/bin/sh -e
[ -e "$datadir" ] || {
rm -vrf "$"
'${mariadb:location}/scripts/mysql_install_db' \
"$basedir/scripts/mysql_install_db" \
--defaults-file='{{defaults_file}}' \
--skip-name-resolve \
--auth-root-authentication-method=normal \
--basedir='${mariadb:location}' \
--basedir="$basedir" --plugin_dir="$basedir/lib/plugin" \
mv -v "$" "$datadir"
......@@ -147,9 +148,7 @@ template =
{{ variable }} \
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
exec '${mariadb:location}/bin/mysqld' \
--defaults-file='{{defaults_file}}' \
exec "$basedir/bin/mysqld" --defaults-file='{{defaults_file}}' "$@"
{% endraw %}
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