Commit f48a06ec authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼

software/kvm: don't use websockify anymore

parent 7168ba00
......@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
filename =
md5sum = a7978940fb9cdcc4e1ec33015ba640ba
md5sum = b6204319cca4264b3c351d4dd1f2b5d0
filename = instance-kvm.cfg.jinja2
md5sum = 69749ef4be49b970af9548d68e6d8785
md5sum = 14a8433ca9f0038bb6cc4b68ef7ea8e5
filename =
......@@ -49,13 +49,17 @@ md5sum = 64aa1ce8785f6b94aabd787fa3443082
filename = instance-nbd.cfg.jinja2
md5sum = e041e8011ad2ec7f104be173ef76f5e9
filename = template/
md5sum = 9ca886120a99befe25ca761ddc54753c
filename = template/
md5sum = 6328f99728284847b8dd1146aadeae1b
filename = template/
md5sum = fa048a28da7362d570f5b6bd1e05d232
md5sum = 4ce3fc8072e1e010ee99651cb01d3b3d
filename = template/
......@@ -643,31 +643,48 @@ promise = check_command_execute
name =
config-command = ${kvm-started-bin:output}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:novnc
path = ${ca-novnc:executable}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
tmp = ${buildout:directory}/tmp
client-body-temp-path = ${:tmp}/client_body_temp_path
proxy-temp-path = ${:tmp}/proxy_temp_path
fastcgi-temp-path = ${:tmp}/fastcgi_temp_path
uwsgi-temp-path = ${:tmp}/uwsgi_temp_path
scgi-temp-path = ${:tmp}/scgi_temp_path
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line = ${ca-novnc:executable} -c ${nginx-config:output}
wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/nginx
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
url = {{ template_nginx }}
output = ${directory:etc}/nginx.conf
context =
section params nginx-params
section ca ca-novnc
section tempdir nginx-tempdir
raw docroot {{ novnc_location }}
raw mime {{ nginx_mime }}
path-pid = ${directory:run}/
path-error-log = ${directory:log}/nginx-error.log
path-access-log = ${directory:log}/nginx-access.log
ip = ${slap-network-information:global-ipv6}
port = 6080
vnc-ip = ${kvm-parameter-dict:vnc-ip}
vnc-port = ${kvm-parameter-dict:vnc-port}
novnc-location = {{ novnc_location }}
websockify-path = {{ websockify_executable_location }}
ssl-key-path = ${ca-novnc:key-file}
ssl-cert-path = ${ca-novnc:cert-file}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:signalwrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:bin}/websockify-sighandler
wrapped-path = ${novnc-instance:path}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line = ${websockify-sighandler:wrapper-path}
wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/websockify
hash-existing-files = ${buildout:directory}/software_release/buildout.cfg
wait-for-files =
websocket-ip = ${kvm-parameter-dict:vnc-ip}
websocket-port = ${kvm-parameter-dict:vnc-port}
websocket-path = websockify
nb-workers = 2
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
output = ${directory:scripts}/nginx-graceful
inline =
exec kill -s SIGHUP $(cat ${nginx-params:path-pid})
recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority
......@@ -699,15 +716,15 @@ crl = ${directory:ca-dir}/crl/
recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority.request
key-file = ${directory:novnc-conf}/novnc.key
cert-file = ${directory:novnc-conf}/novnc.crt
executable = ${directory:bin}/novnc
wrapper = ${directory:bin}/websockify
executable = {{ nginx_executable }}
wrapper = ${directory:bin}/nginx-with-ca
<= monitor-promise-base
promise = check_socket_listening
name =
config-host = ${novnc-instance:ip}
config-port = ${novnc-instance:port}
config-host = ${nginx-params:ip}
config-port = ${nginx-params:port}
......@@ -748,7 +765,8 @@ partition-id = ${slap-connection:partition-id}
shared = true
config-https-only = True
config-type = websocket
config-url = https://[${novnc-instance:ip}]:${novnc-instance:port}
config-websocket-path-list = ${nginx-params:websocket-path}
config-url = https://[${nginx-params:ip}]:${nginx-params:port}
return = secure_access domain
......@@ -762,7 +780,7 @@ sla-instance_guid = ${slap-parameter:frontend-instance-guid}
<= monitor-promise-base
promise = check_url_available
name =
config-url = ${request-slave-frontend:connection-secure_access}
config-url = ${request-slave-frontend:connection-secure_access}/vnc.html
{% if additional_frontend %}
......@@ -823,10 +841,10 @@ blank-line =
<= monitor-publish
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
ipv6 = ${slap-network-information:global-ipv6}
backend-url = https://[${novnc-instance:ip}]:${novnc-instance:port}/vnc.html?auto=1&encrypt=1&password=${kvm-controller-parameter-dict:vnc-passwd}
url = ${request-slave-frontend:connection-secure_access}/vnc.html?auto=1&encrypt=1&password=${kvm-controller-parameter-dict:vnc-passwd}
backend-url = https://[${nginx-params:ip}]:${nginx-params:port}/vnc.html?encrypt=1&password=${kvm-controller-parameter-dict:vnc-passwd}
url = ${request-slave-frontend:connection-secure_access}/vnc.html?encrypt=1&password=${kvm-controller-parameter-dict:vnc-passwd}
{% if additional_frontend %}
url-additional = ${request-slave-frontend-additional:connection-secure_access}/vnc.html?auto=1&encrypt=1&password=${kvm-controller-parameter-dict:vnc-passwd}
url-additional = ${request-slave-frontend-additional:connection-secure_access}/vnc.html?encrypt=1&password=${kvm-controller-parameter-dict:vnc-passwd}
{% endif %}
{% set disk_number = len(storage_dict) -%}
maximum-extra-disk-amount = {{ disk_number }}
......@@ -1242,8 +1260,8 @@ parts =
......@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ extra-context =
raw logrotate_cfg ${template-logrotate-base:output}
raw novnc_location ${noVNC:location}
raw netcat_bin ${netcat:location}/bin/netcat
raw nginx_executable ${nginx-output:nginx}
raw nginx_mime ${nginx-output:mime}
raw python_executable ${buildout:executable}
raw python_eggs_executable ${buildout:bin-directory}/${python-with-eggs:interpreter}
raw qemu_executable_location ${qemu:location}/bin/qemu-system-x86_64
......@@ -100,6 +102,7 @@ extra-context =
raw template_kvm_controller_run ${template-kvm-controller:target}
raw template_kvm_run ${template-kvm-run:target}
raw template_monitor ${monitor2-template:output}
raw template_nginx ${template-nginx:target}
raw websockify_executable_location ${buildout:directory}/bin/websockify
raw wipe_disk_wrapper ${buildout:directory}/bin/securedelete
template-parts-destination = ${template-parts:target}
......@@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ extends =
......@@ -33,28 +32,20 @@ parts = ${:common-parts}
# In qemu builtin vnc server, and make it available only for localhost
# so that only novnc can listen to it.
#XXX-Cedric: Check status of to see
# When qemu has builtin support for websockets in vnc server to get rid of
# Websockify (socket <-> websocket proxy server) when it is ready.
# May solve previous XXX depending on the implementation.
#XXX-Cedric : add list of keyboard layouts (azerty/us querty/...) parameter to qemu
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
interpreter = ${:_buildout_section_name_}
eggs =
# BBB: eggs used as recipe should be kept otherwise sections depending
# on it can't be uninstalled
scripts =
# Only generate the interpreter script to avoid conflicts with scripts
# for eggs that are also generated by another section, like slapos.toolbox
scripts = ${:interpreter}
# Create all templates that will be used to deploy instances
......@@ -97,6 +88,9 @@ output = ${buildout:directory}/template.cfg
<= download-base
<= download-base
<= download-base
......@@ -135,9 +129,3 @@ context =
<= download-base
websockify = 0.9.0
gitdb = 0.6.4
pycurl = 7.43.0
smmap = 0.9.0
worker_processes {{ params['nb-workers'] }};
pid {{ params['path-pid'] }};
error_log {{ params['path-error-log'] }};
daemon off;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
accept_mutex off;
http {
include {{ mime }};
default_type application/octet-stream;
types_hash_bucket_size 64;
access_log {{ params['path-access-log'] }} combined;
index novnc.html;
upstream vnc_proxy {
server {{ params['websocket-ip'] }}:{{ params['websocket-port'] }};
server {
listen [{{ params['ip'] }}]:{{ params['port'] }} ssl http2;
server_name _;
ssl_certificate {{ ca['cert-file'] }};
ssl_certificate_key {{ ca['key-file'] }};
ssl_session_timeout 1d;
ssl_session_cache shared:MozSSL:10m;
ssl_session_tickets off;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.3;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers off;
keepalive_timeout 5;
client_body_temp_path {{ tempdir['client-body-temp-path'] }};
proxy_temp_path {{ tempdir['proxy-temp-path'] }};
fastcgi_temp_path {{ tempdir['fastcgi-temp-path'] }};
uwsgi_temp_path {{ tempdir['uwsgi-temp-path'] }};
scgi_temp_path {{ tempdir['scgi-temp-path'] }};
# path for static files
root {{ docroot }};
location /{{ params['websocket-path'] }} {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_pass http://vnc_proxy/;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
# VNC connection timeout
proxy_read_timeout 61s;
# Disable cache
proxy_buffering off;
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ cluster_doc_port = {{ parameter_dict.get("cluster-doc-port") }}
auto_ballooning = '{{ parameter_dict.get("auto-ballooning") }}' in ('true', 'True', '1')
vm_name = '{{ parameter_dict.get("name") }}'
# If a device (ie.: /dev/sdb) is provided, use it instead
# If a device (ie.: /dev/sdb) is provided, use it instead
# the disk_path with disk_format
disk_info_list = []
for disk_device_path in '{{ parameter_dict.get("disk-device-path", "") }}'.split():
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def getMapStorageList(disk_storage_dict, external_disk_number):
if id_list:
if not map_f_exist:
# shuffle the list to not write disk in data1, data2, ... everytime
# shuffle the list to not write disk in data1, data2, ... everytime
if external_disk_number < last_amount:
# Drop created disk is not allowed
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ ram = '%sM,slots=128,maxmem=%sM' % (init_ram_size, ram_max_size)
kvm_argument_list = [qemu_path,
'-enable-kvm', '-smp', smp, '-name', vm_name, '-m', ram, '-vga', 'std',
'-vnc', '%s:1,ipv4=on,password=on' % listen_ip,
'-vnc', '%s:1,password=on,websocket=on' % listen_ip,
'-boot', 'order=cd,menu=on',
'-qmp', 'unix:%s,server,nowait' % socket_path,
'-pidfile', pid_file_path, '-msg', 'timestamp=on',
......@@ -212,7 +212,8 @@ i0:kvm-{kvm-hash-value}-on-watch RUNNING
i0:kvm_controller EXITED
i0:monitor-httpd-{hash}-on-watch RUNNING
i0:monitor-httpd-graceful EXITED
i0:websockify-{hash}-on-watch RUNNING
i0:nginx-graceful EXITED
i0:nginx-on-watch RUNNING
i0:whitelist-domains-download-{hash} RUNNING
i0:whitelist-firewall-{hash} RUNNING""",
......@@ -702,11 +703,12 @@ ir2:kvm-{kvm-hash-value}-on-watch RUNNING
ir2:kvm_controller EXITED
ir2:monitor-httpd-{hash}-on-watch RUNNING
ir2:monitor-httpd-graceful EXITED
ir2:nginx-graceful EXITED
ir2:nginx-on-watch RUNNING
ir2:notifier-on-watch RUNNING
ir2:resilient_sshkeys_authority-on-watch RUNNING
ir2:sshd-graceful EXITED
ir2:sshd-on-watch RUNNING
ir2:websockify-{hash}-on-watch RUNNING
ir2:whitelist-domains-download-{hash} RUNNING
ir2:whitelist-firewall-{hash} RUNNING
ir3:bootstrap-monitor EXITED
......@@ -2295,7 +2297,8 @@ ihs0:kvm-{kvm-hash-value}-on-watch RUNNING
ihs0:kvm_controller EXITED
ihs0:monitor-httpd-{hash}-on-watch RUNNING
ihs0:monitor-httpd-graceful EXITED
ihs0:websockify-{hash}-on-watch RUNNING
ihs0:nginx-graceful EXITED
ihs0:nginx-on-watch RUNNING
ihs0:whitelist-domains-download-{hash} RUNNING
ihs0:whitelist-firewall-{hash} RUNNING""",
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