diff --git a/product/ERP5/bootstrap/erp5_core/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_core/Base_zGetAllFromStock.xml b/product/ERP5/bootstrap/erp5_core/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_core/Base_zGetAllFromStock.xml
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+          <string>SQL</string>
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+            <value>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_arg</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="Args" module="Shared.DC.ZRDB.Aqueduct"/>
+                </klass>
+                <tuple/>
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+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>_data</string> </key>
+                        <value>
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+                                  <dictionary/>
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+            <key> <string>arguments_src</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>limit</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>connection_id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>erp5_sql_connection</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>Base_zGetAllFromStock</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>src</string> </key>
+            <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
+select * from stock\n
+LIMIT <dtml-var expr="limit[0]">, <dtml-var expr="limit[1]">
+]]></string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>template</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="SQL" module="Shared.DC.ZRDB.DA"/>
+                </klass>
+                <none/>
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+                        <key> <string>__name__</string> </key>
+                        <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
+]]></string> </value>
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+                        <key> <string>_vars</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <dictionary/>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>globals</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <dictionary/>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>raw</string> </key>
+                        <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
+select * from stock\n
+LIMIT <dtml-var expr="limit[0]">, <dtml-var expr="limit[1]">
+]]></string> </value>
+                    </item>
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+            <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+            <value> <string></string> </value>
+        </item>
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+  </record>
diff --git a/product/ERP5/bootstrap/erp5_core/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_core/ERP5Site_checkStockTable.xml b/product/ERP5/bootstrap/erp5_core/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_core/ERP5Site_checkStockTable.xml
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@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
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+          <string>PythonScript</string>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>Python_magic</string> </key>
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+            <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key>
+            <value> <int>3</int> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>__ac_local_roles__</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key>
+            <value>
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+                <klass>
+                  <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/>
+                </klass>
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+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key>
+                        <value>
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+                                <key> <string>name_container</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>container</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_context</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>context</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>script</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                          </dictionary>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                  </dictionary>
+                </state>
+              </object>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
+            <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
+  Check that catalog tables contain data which is coherent with actual objects.\n
+  Due to the number of objects to check, this function creates activites working\n
+  on, at maximum, bundle_object_count objects.\n
+  bundle_object_count\n
+    Maximum number of objects to deal with in one transaction. \n
+    An activity is started after each successfull execution which\n
+    found bundle_object_count to work on.\n
+  bundle_offset\n
+    Offset the bundle, to allow walking along the catalog with\n
+    bundle_object_count increment.\n
+  property_override_method_id\n
+    Id of a method generating a property_override_dict as described below and\n
+    returning it.\n
+  property_override_dict (key: catalog column id, value: method id)\n
+    Defines custom methods to calculate reference column value.\n
+    None means that the column is not checked at all.\n
+    Otherwise, the function will be called on the object with no parameter\n
+    and must return the reference value for the column.\n
+MARKER = tuple()\n
+null_value_list = (\'\', None, 0.0, 0) # Values which are all considered equal.\n
+portal_catalog = context.getPortalObject().portal_catalog\n
+if property_override_method_id is None:\n
+  property_override_dict = {}\n
+  property_override_dict = getattr(context, property_override_method_id)()\n
+if active_process is not None:\n
+  from Products.CMFActivity.ActiveResult import ActiveResult\n
+  result_list = []\n
+stock_line_list = context.Base_zGetAllFromStock(limit=(bundle_offset, bundle_object_count))\n
+attribute_id_list = stock_line_list.names()\n
+for stock_line in stock_line_list:\n
+  object_candidate_list = portal_catalog(uid=stock_line[\'uid\'])\n
+  if len(object_candidate_list) != 1:\n
+    raise Exception, \'There are %s object catalogged with uid %s, 1 was expected.\' % (len(object_candidate_list), repr(stock_line[\'uid\']))\n
+  actual_object = object_candidate_list[0].getObject()\n
+  if actual_object.getPortalType().endswith(\' Inventory\'):\n
+    continue\n
+  for attribute_id in attribute_id_list:\n
+    override_method_id = property_override_dict.get(attribute_id, MARKER)\n
+    if override_method_id is None:\n
+      continue\n
+    elif override_method_id is MARKER:\n
+      reference_value = actual_object.getProperty(key=attribute_id)\n
+    elif same_type(override_method_id, \'\'):\n
+      reference_value = getattr(actual_object, override_method_id)()\n
+    else:\n
+      reference_value = override_method_id(instance=actual_object)\n
+    catalog_value = stock_line[attribute_id]\n
+    reference_can_be_null_value = False\n
+    if same_type(reference_value, tuple()) or same_type(reference_value, list()):\n
+      for reference_value_item in reference_value:\n
+        if reference_value_item in null_value_list:\n
+          reference_can_be_null_value = True\n
+          break\n
+    else:\n
+      if reference_value in null_value_list:\n
+        reference_can_be_null_value = True\n
+    if reference_can_be_null_value and catalog_value in null_value_list:\n
+      continue\n
+    elif same_type(reference_value, ()):\n
+      if catalog_value not in reference_value:\n
+        message = \'%s.%s has candidate list %s, but catalog contains %s\' % (actual_object.getRelativeUrl(), attribute_id, repr(reference_value), repr(catalog_value))\n
+        if active_process is None:\n
+          print \'%s<br/>\' % (message, )\n
+        else:\n
+          result_list.append(message)\n
+    elif reference_value != catalog_value:\n
+      message = \'%s.%s = %s, but catalog contains %s\' % (actual_object.getRelativeUrl(), attribute_id, repr(reference_value), repr(catalog_value))\n
+      if active_process is None:\n
+        print \'%s<br/>\' % (message, )\n
+      else:\n
+        result_list.append(message)\n
+if len(stock_line_list) == bundle_object_count:\n
+  if active_process is None:\n
+    print \'<a href="%s?bundle_object_count=%s&amp;bundle_offset:int=%s&amp;property_override_method_id=%s">Next</a>\' % (context.REQUEST[\'URL\'], bundle_object_count, bundle_offset + bundle_object_count, property_override_method_id)\n
+  else:\n
+    context.getPortalObject().person_module.activate(active_process=active_process).ERP5Site_checkStockTable(bundle_object_count=bundle_object_count, bundle_offset=bundle_offset + bundle_object_count, property_override_method_id=property_override_method_id, active_process=active_process)\n
+if active_process is None:\n
+  return printed\n
+  active_result = ActiveResult()\n
+  summary_list = []\n
+  summary_list.append(\'Entries %s..%s\' % (bundle_offset, bundle_offset + len(stock_line_list)))\n
+  severity = len(result_list)\n
+  if severity == 0:\n
+    summary_list.append(\'Success\')\n
+  else:\n
+    summary_list.append(\'Failed\')\n
+  active_result.edit(summary=\', \'.join(summary_list), severity=severity, detail=\'\\n\'.join(result_list))\n
+  return active_result\n
+]]></string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_code</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_filepath</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_params</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>bundle_object_count=100, bundle_offset=0, property_override_method_id=None, active_process=None</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>errors</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>func_code</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="FuncCode" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Signature"/>
+                </klass>
+                <tuple/>
+                <state>
+                  <dictionary>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>co_argcount</string> </key>
+                        <value> <int>4</int> </value>
+                    </item>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>co_varnames</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <tuple>
+                            <string>bundle_object_count</string>
+                            <string>bundle_offset</string>
+                            <string>property_override_method_id</string>
+                            <string>active_process</string>
+                            <string>_print_</string>
+                            <string>_print</string>
+                            <string>tuple</string>
+                            <string>MARKER</string>
+                            <string>int</string>
+                            <string>None</string>
+                            <string>null_value_list</string>
+                            <string>_getattr_</string>
+                            <string>portal_catalog</string>
+                            <string>property_override_dict</string>
+                            <string>getattr</string>
+                            <string>Products.CMFActivity.ActiveResult</string>
+                            <string>ActiveResult</string>
+                            <string>result_list</string>
+                            <string>stock_line_list</string>
+                            <string>attribute_id_list</string>
+                            <string>_getiter_</string>
+                            <string>stock_line</string>
+                            <string>_getitem_</string>
+                            <string>object_candidate_list</string>
+                            <string>len</string>
+                            <string>Exception</string>
+                            <string>repr</string>
+                            <string>actual_object</string>
+                            <string>attribute_id</string>
+                            <string>override_method_id</string>
+                            <string>reference_value</string>
+                            <string>same_type</string>
+                            <string>catalog_value</string>
+                            <string>False</string>
+                            <string>reference_can_be_null_value</string>
+                            <string>list</string>
+                            <string>reference_value_item</string>
+                            <string>True</string>
+                            <string>message</string>
+                            <string>active_result</string>
+                            <string>summary_list</string>
+                            <string>severity</string>
+                          </tuple>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                  </dictionary>
+                </state>
+              </object>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>func_defaults</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple>
+                <int>100</int>
+                <int>0</int>
+                <none/>
+                <none/>
+              </tuple>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>ERP5Site_checkStockTable</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>warnings</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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+++ b/product/ERP5/bootstrap/erp5_core/bt/revision
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\ No newline at end of file