# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com> # Romain Courteaud <romain@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from ExtensionClass import Base import zope.interface from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_parent, aq_inner, aq_acquire from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, interfaces from Products.ERP5.Document.Rule import Rule from Products.ERP5.Document.SimulationMovement import SimulationMovement from Products.ERP5Type.Errors import TransformationRuleError class MovementFactory: movement_type = 'Simulation Movement' def getRequestList(self): """ return the list of a request which to be used to apply movements """ raise NotImplementedError, 'Must be implemented on each child' def _getCausalityList(self, causality=None, causality_value=None, causality_list=None, causality_value_list=None, **kw): if causality is not None: return [causality] elif causality_value is not None: return [causality_value.getRelativeUrl()] elif causality_list is not None: return causality_list elif causality_value_list is not None: return [causality_value.getRelativeUrl() for causality_value in causality_value_list] def makeMovements(self, applied_rule): """ make movements under the applied_rule by requests """ movement_dict = {} for movement in applied_rule.objectValues( portal_type=self.movement_type): key = tuple(sorted(movement.getCausalityList())) movement_dict[key] = movement for request in self.getRequestList(): # get movement by causality key = tuple(sorted(self._getCausalityList(**request))) movement = movement_dict.get(key, None) # when no exist if movement is None: movement = applied_rule.newContent(portal_type=self.movement_type) # update if movement.isFrozen(): self.makeDifferentMovement(movement, **request) else: movement.edit(**request) def _requestNetQuantity(self, request): quantity = request.get('quantity', None) efficiency = request.get('efficiency', None) if efficiency in (0, 0.0, None, ''): efficiency = 1.0 return float(quantity) / efficiency def makeDifferentMovement(self, movement, **request): """ make different movement, which is based on original movement. this implementation just focus about quantity. """ applied_rule = movement.getParentValue() request['quantity'] = self._requestNetQuantity(request)\ - movement.getNetQuantity() if request['quantity'] != 0: diff_movement = applied_rule.newContent(portal_type=self.movement_type) diff_movement.edit(**request) class TransformationModelMovementFactory(MovementFactory): def __init__(self): self.product = None # base information to use for making movements self.produced_list = list() self.consumed_list = list() def requestProduced(self, **produced): self.produced_list.append(produced) def requestConsumed(self, **consumed): self.consumed_list.append(consumed) def getRequestList(self): """ return the list of a request which to be used to apply movements """ _list = [] """ produced quantity should be represented by minus quantity on movement. because plus quantity is consumed. """ for (request_list, sign) in ((self.produced_list, -1), (self.consumed_list, 1)): for request in request_list: d = self.product.copy() d.update(request) d['quantity'] *= sign _list.append(d) return _list class TransformationModelRuleMixin(Base): security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getTransformationValue') def getTransformationValue(self, movement=None, applied_rule=None): """ Return transformation related to used by the applied rule. """ if movement is None and applied_rule is not None: movement = applied_rule.getParentValue() # 'order' category is deprecated. it is kept for compatibility. order_movement = movement.getRootSimulationMovement().getOrderValue() if order_movement is None: order_movement = movement.getRootSimulationMovement().getDeliveryValue() explanation = self.getExplanationValue(movement=movement, applied_rule=applied_rule) # find the line of order recursively order_line = order_movement while order_line.getParentValue() != explanation: order_line = order_line.getParentValue() script = order_line._getTypeBasedMethod('_getTransformation') if script is not None: transformation = script() else: line_transformation = order_line.objectValues( portal_type=self.getPortalTransformationTypeList()) if len(line_transformation) == 1: transformation = line_transformation[0] else: transformation = order_line.getSpecialiseValue( portal_type=self.getPortalTransformationTypeList()) if transformation.getResource() == movement.getResource(): return transformation security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getBusinessProcessValue') def getBusinessProcessValue(self, movement=None, applied_rule=None, portal_type_list=None): """ Return a business process related to the root causality. """ if portal_type_list is None: portal_type_list = self.getPortalBusinessProcessTypeList() explanation = self.getExplanationValue(movement=movement, applied_rule=applied_rule) if explanation is not None: specialise = explanation.getSpecialiseValue() business_process_type_list = self.getPortalBusinessProcessTypeList() # because trade condition can be specialised while specialise is not None and \ hasattr(specialise, 'getSpecialiseValue') and \ specialise.getPortalType() not in portal_type_list: specialise = specialise.getSpecialiseValue() return specialise security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getExplanationValue') def getExplanationValue(self, movement=None, applied_rule=None): """ Return the explanation with the movement or the applied_rule. """ if applied_rule is not None: return applied_rule.getRootAppliedRule().getCausalityValue() else: root_simulation_movement = movement.getRootSimulationMovement() # 'order' category is deprecated. it is kept for compatibility. order = root_simulation_movement.getOrderValue() if order is None: order = root_simulation_movement.getDeliveryValue() return order.getExplanationValue() def getHeadProductionPathValueList(self, transformation, business_process): """ Return list of path which is head of transformation trade_phases """ return business_process.getHeadPathValueList( set([amount.getTradePhase() for amount in transformation.getAggregatedAmountList()])) class TransformationModelRule(TransformationModelRuleMixin, Rule): """ """ # CMF Type Definition meta_type = 'ERP5 Transformation Model Rule' portal_type = 'Transformation Model Rule' # Declarative security security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation) zope.interface.implements(interfaces.IPredicate, interfaces.IRule ) def getFactory(self): return TransformationModelMovementFactory() security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'expand') def expand(self, applied_rule, **kw): """ """ parent_movement = applied_rule.getParentValue() transformation = self.getTransformationValue(movement=parent_movement) business_process = self.getBusinessProcessValue(movement=parent_movement) explanation = self.getExplanationValue(movement=parent_movement) # get all trade_phase of the Business Process trade_phase_list = business_process.getTradePhaseList() # get head of production path from business process with trade_phase_list head_production_path_value_list = self.getHeadProductionPathValueList(transformation, business_process) # the factory which is to make simulation movements factory = self.getFactory() factory.product = dict( resource=transformation.getResource(), quantity=parent_movement.getNetQuantity(), quantity_unit=parent_movement.getQuantityUnit(), variation_category_list=parent_movement.getVariationCategoryList(), variation_property_dict=parent_movement.getVariationPropertyDict(),) # consumed amounts are sorted by phase, but not ordered. amount_dict = {} for amount in transformation.getAggregatedAmountList(): phase = amount.getTradePhase() if phase not in trade_phase_list: raise TransformationRuleError,\ "the trade phase %r is not part of Business Process %r" % (phase, business_process) amount_dict.setdefault(phase, []) amount_dict[phase].append(amount) transformation_phase_list = amount_dict.keys() last_phase_path_list = list() # to keep phase_path_list last_prop_dict = dict() for (phase, amount_list) in amount_dict.items(): phase_path_value_list = business_process.getPathValueList(phase) """ XXX: In this context, we assume quantity as ratio, but this "quantity as ratio" is consistent with transformation. """ if sum(map(lambda path: path.getQuantity(), phase_path_value_list)) != 1: raise TransformationRuleError,\ "the sum ratio at the Trade Phase %r on the Business Process %r is not 1"\ % (phase, business_process) for path in phase_path_value_list: path_common_dict = dict(causality_value=path, start_date=path.getExpectedStartDate(explanation), stop_date=path.getExpectedStopDate(explanation)) # the quantity which is produced/consumed at the path. quantity = factory.product['quantity'] * path.getQuantity() # nodes at the path source_section = path.getSourceSection(context=parent_movement) destination_section = path.getDestinationSection(context=parent_movement) source = path.getSource(context=parent_movement) destination = path.getDestination(context=parent_movement) # the remaining at the start and the end on the path predecessor_remaining_phase_list = path.getPredecessorValue()\ .getRemainingTradePhaseList(explanation, trade_phase_list=transformation_phase_list) successor_remaining_phase_list = path.getSuccessorValue()\ .getRemainingTradePhaseList(explanation, trade_phase_list=transformation_phase_list) consumed_common_dict = dict(source_section=source_section, destination_section=destination_section, source=source, **path_common_dict) produced_common_dict = dict(source_section=source_section, destination_section=destination_section, destination=destination, trade_phase_value_list=successor_remaining_phase_list, **path_common_dict) # when the path is not a part in the last phase on the transformation. if len(successor_remaining_phase_list) != 0: # partial produced movement factory.requestProduced( quantity=quantity, **produced_common_dict) else: last_phase_path_list.append(path) # used for matching work_dict = dict(filter(lambda x: x[0] != 'causality_value', produced_common_dict.items())) # when empty if not last_prop_dict: last_prop_dict.update(work_dict) # must be same, because the path(s) are integrated in the last phase on the transformation. if last_prop_dict != work_dict: raise TransformationRuleError,\ """the Properties which is used to make a movement on the last path are different with the Transformation %r and the Business Process %r"""\ % (transformation, business_process) # when the path is part of production, but not first, consume previous partial product if path not in head_production_path_value_list: factory.requestConsumed( quantity=quantity, trade_phase_value_list=predecessor_remaining_phase_list, **consumed_common_dict) # consumed movement for amount in amount_list: factory.requestConsumed( resource=amount.getResource(), quantity=quantity * amount.getQuantity() / amount.getEfficiency(), quantity_unit=amount.getQuantityUnit(), trade_phase=path.getTradePhase(), **consumed_common_dict) """ valid graph for transformation a --- b --- c a -- \ X b / c -- invalid graph a ------- b c ------- d -- b / a X \ -- c """ # when empty if last_phase_path_list is None or len(last_phase_path_list) == 0: raise TransformationRuleError,\ """could not make the product with the Transformation %r on the Business Process %r, because last_phase_path_list is empty.""" % (transformation, business_process) factory.requestProduced( causality_value_list=last_phase_path_list, # in the last phase of transformation, produced quantity must be planned as same as ordered. quantity=factory.product['quantity'], **last_prop_dict) # make actual simulation movements factory.makeMovements(applied_rule) Rule.expand(self, applied_rule, **kw) # Deliverability / orderability def isDeliverable(self, m): return 1 def isOrderable(self, m): return 0