Original code from active state recipe
        'Colorize Python source using the built-in tokenizer'

     MoinMoin - Python Source Parser

 This code is part of MoinMoin (http://moin.sourceforge.net/) and converts
 Python source code to HTML markup, rendering comments, keywords, operators,
 numeric and string literals in different colors.

 It shows how to use the built-in keyword, token and tokenize modules
 to scan Python source code and re-emit it with no changes to its
 original formatting (which is the hard part).
__revision__ = '$Id: python.py 3661 2005-02-23 17:05:31Z tiran $'

import string
import keyword, token, tokenize
from io import StringIO

from Products.PortalTransforms.interfaces import ITransform
from zope.interface import implementer
from DocumentTemplate.DT_Util import html_quote

## Python Source Parser #####################################################

_KEYWORD = token.NT_OFFSET + 1
_TEXT    = token.NT_OFFSET + 2

class Parser:
    """ Send colored python source.

    def __init__(self, raw, tags, out):
        """ Store the source text.
        self.raw = string.strip(string.expandtabs(raw))
        self.out = out
        self.tags = tags

    def format(self):
        """ Parse and send the colored source.
        # store line offsets in self.lines
        self.lines = [0, 0]
        pos = 0
        while 1:
            pos = string.find(self.raw, '\n', pos) + 1
            if not pos: break

        # parse the source and write it
        self.pos = 0
        text = StringIO(self.raw)
        self.out.write('<pre class="python">\n')
            tokenize.tokenize(text.readline, self)
        except tokenize.TokenError as ex:
            msg = ex[0]
            line = ex[1][0]
            self.out.write("<h5 class='error>'ERROR: %s%s</h5>" % (
                msg, self.raw[self.lines[line]:]))

    def __call__(self, toktype, toktext, (srow,scol), (erow,ecol), line):
        """ Token handler.
        #print "type", toktype, token.tok_name[toktype], "text", toktext,
        #print "start", srow,scol, "end", erow,ecol, "<br>"

        ## calculate new positions
        oldpos = self.pos
        newpos = self.lines[srow] + scol
        self.pos = newpos + len(toktext)

        ## handle newlines
        if toktype in [token.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL]:

        ## send the original whitespace, if needed
        if newpos > oldpos:

        ## skip indenting tokens
        if toktype in [token.INDENT, token.DEDENT]:
            self.pos = newpos

        ## map token type to a group
        if token.LPAR <= toktype and toktype <= token.OP:
            toktype = 'OP'
        elif toktype == token.NAME and keyword.iskeyword(toktext):
            toktype = 'KEYWORD'
            toktype = tokenize.tok_name[toktype]

        open_tag = self.tags.get('OPEN_'+toktype, self.tags['OPEN_TEXT'])
        close_tag = self.tags.get('CLOSE_'+toktype, self.tags['CLOSE_TEXT'])

        ## send text

class PythonTransform:
    """Colorize Python source files

    __name__ = "python_to_html"
    inputs  = ("text/x-python",)
    output = "text/html"

    config = {
        'OPEN_NUMBER':       '<span style="color: #0080C0;">',
        'CLOSE_NUMBER':      '</span>',
        'OPEN_OP':           '<span style="color: #0000C0;">',
        'CLOSE_OP':          '</span>',
        'OPEN_STRING':       '<span style="color: #004080;">',
        'CLOSE_STRING':      '</span>',
        'OPEN_COMMENT':      '<span style="color: #008000;">',
        'CLOSE_COMMENT':      '</span>',
        'OPEN_NAME':         '<span style="color: #000000;">',
        'CLOSE_NAME':        '</span>',
        'OPEN_ERRORTOKEN':   '<span style="color: #FF8080;">',
        'CLOSE_ERRORTOKEN':  '</span>',
        'OPEN_KEYWORD':      '<span style="color: #C00000;">',
        'CLOSE_KEYWORD':     '</span>',
        'OPEN_TEXT':         '',
        'CLOSE_TEXT':        '',

    def name(self):
        return self.__name__

    def convert(self, orig, data, **kwargs):
        dest = StringIO()
        Parser(orig, self.config, dest).format()
        return data

def register():
    return PythonTransform()