# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2018 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## import glob import os import textwrap import logging import time import errno import socket from six.moves import urllib from six.moves import http_client try: import subprocess32 as subprocess except ImportError: import subprocess try: from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Iterable, Dict, Union if TYPE_CHECKING: import subprocess except ImportError: # XXX to be removed once we depend on typing pass import zope.interface import psutil from .interface.slap import IException from .interface.slap import ISupply from .interface.slap import IRequester from ..grid.slapgrid import SLAPGRID_PROMISE_FAIL from .slap import slap from ..util import dumps, rmtree from ..grid.svcbackend import getSupervisorRPC from ..grid.svcbackend import _getSupervisordSocketPath @zope.interface.implementer(IException) class SlapOSNodeCommandError(Exception): """Exception raised when running a SlapOS Node command failed. """ def __str__(self): # This is a false positive in pylint https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/1498 called_process_error = self.args[0] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object return "{} exitstatus: {} output:\n{}".format( self.__class__.__name__, called_process_error['exitstatus'], called_process_error['output'], ) @zope.interface.implementer(IException) class PathTooDeepError(Exception): """Exception raised when path is too deep to create an unix socket. """ class ConfigWriter(object): """Base class for an object writing a config file or wrapper script. """ def __init__(self, standalone_slapos): self._standalone_slapos = standalone_slapos def writeConfig(self, path): NotImplemented class SupervisorConfigWriter(ConfigWriter): """Write supervisor configuration at etc/supervisor.conf """ def _getProgramConfig(self, program_name, command, stdout_logfile): """Format a supervisor program block. """ return textwrap.dedent( """\ [program:{program_name}] command = {command} autostart = false autorestart = false startretries = 0 startsecs = 0 redirect_stderr = true stdout_logfile = {stdout_logfile} stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 5MB stdout_logfile_backups = 0 """).format(**locals()) def _getSupervisorConfigParts(self): """Iterator on parts of formatted config. """ standalone_slapos = self._standalone_slapos yield textwrap.dedent( """ [unix_http_server] file = {standalone_slapos._supervisor_socket} [supervisorctl] serverurl = unix://{standalone_slapos._supervisor_socket} [supervisord] logfile = {standalone_slapos._supervisor_log} pidfile = {standalone_slapos._supervisor_pid} childlogdir = {standalone_slapos._log_directory} [rpcinterface:supervisor] supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface [program:slapos-proxy] command = slapos proxy start --cfg {standalone_slapos._slapos_config} --verbose startretries = 0 startsecs = 0 redirect_stderr = true stdout_logfile = {standalone_slapos._log_directory}/slapos-proxy.log [program:slapos-instance-supervisord] command = supervisord --nodaemon --configuration {standalone_slapos._instance_root}/etc/supervisord.conf startretries = 0 startsecs = 0 redirect_stderr = true stdout_logfile = {standalone_slapos._log_directory}/slapos-instance-supervisord.log """).format(**locals()) for program, program_config in standalone_slapos._slapos_commands.items(): yield self._getProgramConfig( program, program_config['command'].format( self=standalone_slapos, debug_args=''), stdout_logfile=program_config['stdout_logfile'].format(self=standalone_slapos)) def writeConfig(self, path): with open(path, 'w') as f: for part in self._getSupervisorConfigParts(): f.write(part) class SlapOSConfigWriter(ConfigWriter): """Write slapos configuration at etc/slapos.cfg """ def _getPartitionForwardConfiguration(self): # type: () -> Iterable[str] for pfc in self._standalone_slapos._partition_forward_configuration: software_release_list = '\n '.join(pfc.software_release_list) config = '[multimaster/{pfc.master_url}]\n'.format(pfc=pfc) if pfc.cert: config += 'cert = {pfc.cert}\n'.format(pfc=pfc) if pfc.key: config += 'key = {pfc.key}\n'.format(pfc=pfc) config += 'software_release_list =\n {}\n'.format('\n '.join(pfc.software_release_list)) if isinstance(pfc, PartitionForwardAsPartitionConfiguration): config += "computer = {pfc.computer}\n".format(pfc=pfc) config += "partition = {pfc.partition}\n".format(pfc=pfc) yield config def writeConfig(self, path): # type: (str) -> None standalone_slapos = self._standalone_slapos read_only_shared_part_list = '\n '.join( # pylint: disable=unused-variable; used in format() standalone_slapos._shared_part_list) partition_forward_configuration = '\n'.join(self._getPartitionForwardConfiguration()) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write( textwrap.dedent( """ [slapos] software_root = {standalone_slapos._software_root} instance_root = {standalone_slapos._instance_root} shared_part_list = {read_only_shared_part_list} {standalone_slapos._shared_part_root} master_url = {standalone_slapos._master_url} master_rest_url = {standalone_slapos._master_url}/hateoas computer_id = {standalone_slapos._computer_id} root_check = False pidfile_software = {standalone_slapos._instance_pid} pidfile_instance = {standalone_slapos._software_pid} pidfile_report = {standalone_slapos._report_pid} forbid_supervisord_automatic_launch = true [slapproxy] host = {standalone_slapos._server_ip} port = {standalone_slapos._server_port} database_uri = {standalone_slapos._proxy_database} {partition_forward_configuration} """).format(**locals())) class SlapOSCommandWriter(ConfigWriter): """Write a bin/slapos wrapper. """ def writeConfig(self, path): with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write( textwrap.dedent( """\ #!/bin/sh SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION={self._standalone_slapos._slapos_config} \\ SLAPOS_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION=$SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION \\ exec slapos "$@" """).format(**locals())) os.chmod(path, 0o755) class SlapOSNodeAutoWriter(ConfigWriter): """Write a bin/slapos-node-auto wrapper. """ def writeConfig(self, path): with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write( textwrap.dedent( """\ #!/bin/sh while true do for i in $(seq 1 60) do supervisorctl -c {self._standalone_slapos._supervisor_config} start slapos-node-software & supervisorctl -c {self._standalone_slapos._supervisor_config} start slapos-node-instance & sleep 60 done supervisorctl -c {self._standalone_slapos._supervisor_config} start slapos-node-report & done """).format(**locals())) os.chmod(path, 0o755) class PartitionForwardConfiguration(object): """Specification of request forwarding to another master, requested as user. """ def __init__( self, master_url, cert=None, key=None, software_release_list=(), ): # type: (str, Optional[str], Optional[str], Iterable[str]) -> None self.master_url = master_url self.cert = cert self.key = key self.software_release_list = list(software_release_list) class PartitionForwardAsPartitionConfiguration(PartitionForwardConfiguration): """Specification of request forwarding to another master, requested as partition. """ def __init__( self, master_url, computer, partition, cert=None, key=None, software_release_list=(), ): # type: (str, str, str, Optional[str], Optional[str], Iterable[str]) -> None super(PartitionForwardAsPartitionConfiguration, self).__init__( master_url, cert, key, software_release_list, ) self.computer = computer self.partition = partition @zope.interface.implementer(ISupply, IRequester) class StandaloneSlapOS(object): """A SlapOS that can be embedded in other applications, also useful for testing. This plays the role of an `IComputer` where users of classes implementing this interface can install software, create partitions and access parameters of the running partitions. Extends the existing `IRequester` and `ISupply`, with the special behavior that `IRequester.request` and `ISupply.supply` will only use the embedded computer. """ def __init__( self, base_directory, server_ip, server_port, computer_id='local', shared_part_list=(), software_root=None, instance_root=None, shared_part_root=None, partition_forward_configuration=(), ): # type: (str, str, int, str, Iterable[str], Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str], Iterable[Union[PartitionForwardConfiguration, PartitionForwardAsPartitionConfiguration]]) -> None """Constructor, creates a standalone slapos in `base_directory`. Arguments: * `base_directory` -- the directory which will contain softwares and instances. * `server_ip`, `server_port` -- the address this SlapOS proxy will listen to. * `computer_id` -- the id of this computer. * `shared_part_list` -- list of extra paths to use as read-only ${buildout:shared-part-list}. * `software_root` -- directory to install software, default to "soft" in `base_directory` * `instance_root` -- directory to create instances, default to "inst" in `base_directory` * `shared_part_root` -- directory to hold shared parts software, default to "shared" in `base_directory`. * `partition_forward_configuration` -- configuration of partition request forwarding to external SlapOS master. Error cases: * `PathTooDeepError` when `base_directory` is too deep. Because of limitation with the length of paths of UNIX sockets, too deep paths cannot be used. Note that once slapns work is integrated, this should not be an issue anymore. """ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # slapos proxy address self._server_ip = server_ip self._server_port = server_port self._master_url = "http://{server_ip}:{server_port}".format(**locals()) self._base_directory = base_directory self._shared_part_list = list(shared_part_list) self._partition_forward_configuration = list(partition_forward_configuration) self._slapos_commands = { 'slapos-node-software': { 'command': 'slapos node software --cfg {self._slapos_config} --all {debug_args}', 'debug_args': '-v --buildout-debug', 'stdout_logfile': '{self._log_directory}/slapos-node-software.log', }, 'slapos-node-instance': { 'command': 'slapos node instance --cfg {self._slapos_config} --all {debug_args}', 'debug_args': '-v --buildout-debug', 'stdout_logfile': '{self._log_directory}/slapos-node-instance.log', }, 'slapos-node-report': { 'command': 'slapos node report --cfg {self._slapos_config} {debug_args}', 'stdout_logfile': '{self._log_directory}/slapos-node-report.log', }, 'slapos-node-auto': { 'command': '{self._slapos_node_auto_bin}', 'stdout_logfile': '{self._log_directory}/slapos-node-auto.log', } } self._computer_id = computer_id self._slap = slap() self._slap.initializeConnection(self._master_url) self._initBaseDirectory(software_root, instance_root, shared_part_root) def _initBaseDirectory(self, software_root, instance_root, shared_part_root): """Create the directory after checking it's not too deep. """ base_directory = self._base_directory # To prevent error: Cannot open an HTTP server: socket.error reported # AF_UNIX path too long This `base_directory` should not be too deep. # Socket path is 108 char max on linux # https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/3848ec5/net/unix/af_unix.c#L234-L238 # Supervisord socket name contains the pid number, which is why we add # .xxxxxxx in this check. if len(os.path.join(base_directory, 'sv.sock.xxxxxxx')) > 108: raise PathTooDeepError( 'working directory ( {base_directory} ) is too deep'.format( **locals())) def ensureDirectoryExists(d): if not os.path.exists(d): os.mkdir(d) self._software_root = software_root if software_root else os.path.join( base_directory, 'soft') self._instance_root = instance_root if instance_root else os.path.join( base_directory, 'inst') self._shared_part_root = shared_part_root if shared_part_root else os.path.join( base_directory, 'shared') for d in (self._software_root, self._instance_root, self._shared_part_root): ensureDirectoryExists(d) os.chmod(d, 0o750) etc_directory = os.path.join(base_directory, 'etc') ensureDirectoryExists(etc_directory) self._supervisor_config = os.path.join(etc_directory, 'supervisord.conf') self._slapos_config = os.path.join(etc_directory, 'slapos.cfg') var_directory = os.path.join(base_directory, 'var') ensureDirectoryExists(var_directory) self._proxy_database = os.path.join(var_directory, 'proxy.db') # for convenience, make a slapos command for this instance bin_directory = os.path.join(base_directory, 'bin') ensureDirectoryExists(bin_directory) self._slapos_bin = os.path.join(bin_directory, 'slapos') self._slapos_node_auto_bin = os.path.join(bin_directory, 'slapos-node-auto') self._log_directory = os.path.join(var_directory, 'log') ensureDirectoryExists(self._log_directory) self._supervisor_log = os.path.join(self._log_directory, 'supervisord.log') run_directory = os.path.join(var_directory, 'run') ensureDirectoryExists(run_directory) self._supervisor_pid = os.path.join(run_directory, 'supervisord.pid') self._software_pid = os.path.join(run_directory, 'slapos-node-software.pid') self._instance_pid = os.path.join(run_directory, 'slapos-node-instance.pid') self._report_pid = os.path.join(run_directory, 'slapos-node-report.pid') self._supervisor_socket = os.path.join(run_directory, 'sv.sock') SupervisorConfigWriter(self).writeConfig(self._supervisor_config) SlapOSConfigWriter(self).writeConfig(self._slapos_config) SlapOSCommandWriter(self).writeConfig(self._slapos_bin) SlapOSNodeAutoWriter(self).writeConfig(self._slapos_node_auto_bin) self.start() @property def computer(self): """Access the computer. """ return self._slap.registerComputer(self._computer_id) @property def software_directory(self): # type: () -> str """Path to software directory """ return self._software_root @property def shared_directory(self): # type: () -> str """Path to shared parts directory """ return self._shared_part_root @property def instance_directory(self): # type: () -> str """Path to instance directory """ return self._instance_root @property def system_supervisor_rpc(self): """A xmlrpc connection to control the "System" supervisor. The system supervisor is used internally by StandaloneSlapOS to start slap proxy and run slapos node commands. This should be used as a context manager. """ return getSupervisorRPC(self._supervisor_socket) @property def instance_supervisor_rpc(self): """A xmlrpc connection to control the "Instance" supervisor. The instance supervisor is the one started implictly by slapos node instance. This should be used as a context manager. """ return getSupervisorRPC(_getSupervisordSocketPath(self._instance_root, self._logger)) def format( self, partition_count, ipv4_address, ipv6_address, partition_base_name="slappart"): """Creates `partition_count` partitions. All partitions have the same `ipv4_address` and `ipv6_address` and use the current system user. When calling this a second time with a lower `partition_count` or with different `partition_base_name` will delete existing partitions. Error cases: * ValueError when re-formatting should delete partitions that are busy. """ for path in ( self._software_root, self._shared_part_root, self._instance_root, ): if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) # check for partitions to remove unknown_partition_set = set([]) for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._instance_root, '*')): # var and etc are some slapos "system" directories, not partitions if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.basename(path) not in ('var', 'etc'): unknown_partition_set.add(path) # create partitions and configure computer partition_list = [] for i in range(partition_count): partition_reference = '%s%s' % (partition_base_name, i) partition_path = os.path.join(self._instance_root, partition_reference) unknown_partition_set.discard(partition_path) if not (os.path.exists(partition_path)): os.mkdir(partition_path) os.chmod(partition_path, 0o750) partition_list.append({ 'address_list': [ { 'addr': ipv4_address, 'netmask': '' }, { 'addr': ipv6_address, 'netmask': 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff' }, ], 'path': partition_path, 'reference': partition_reference, 'tap': { 'name': partition_reference }, }) if unknown_partition_set: # sanity check that we are not removing partitions in use computer_partition_dict = { computer_part.getId(): computer_part for computer_part in self.computer.getComputerPartitionList() } for part in unknown_partition_set: # used in format(**locals()) below part_id = os.path.basename(part) # pylint: disable=unused-variable computer_partition = computer_partition_dict.get(os.path.basename(part)) if computer_partition is not None \ and computer_partition.getState() != "destroyed": raise ValueError( "Cannot reformat to remove busy partition at {part_id}".format( **locals())) self.computer.updateConfiguration( dumps({ 'address': ipv4_address, 'netmask': '', 'partition_list': partition_list, 'reference': self._computer_id, 'instance_root': self._instance_root, 'software_root': self._software_root })) for part in unknown_partition_set: self._logger.debug( "removing partition no longer part of format spec %s", part) # remove partition directory rmtree(part) # remove partition supervisor config, if it was not removed cleanly supervisor_conf = os.path.join( self._instance_root, 'etc', 'supervisord.conf.d', '%s.conf' % os.path.basename(part)) if os.path.exists(supervisor_conf): self._logger.info( "removing leftover supervisor config from destroyed partition at %s", supervisor_conf) os.unlink(supervisor_conf) def supply(self, software_url, computer_guid=None, state="available"): """Supply a software, see ISupply.supply Software can only be supplied on this embedded computer. """ if computer_guid not in (None, self._computer_id): raise ValueError("Can only supply on embedded computer") self._slap.registerSupply().supply( software_url, self._computer_id, state=state, ) def request( self, software_release, partition_reference, software_type=None, shared=False, partition_parameter_kw=None, filter_kw=None, state=None): """Request an instance, see IRequester.request Instance can only be requested on this embedded computer. """ if filter_kw is not None: raise ValueError("Can only request on embedded computer") return self._slap.registerOpenOrder().request( software_release, software_type=software_type, partition_reference=partition_reference, shared=shared, partition_parameter_kw=partition_parameter_kw, filter_kw=filter_kw, state=state) def start(self): """Start the system. If system was stopped, it will start partitions. If system was already running, this does not restart partitions. """ self._logger.debug("Starting StandaloneSlapOS in %s", self._base_directory) self._ensureSupervisordStarted() self._ensureSlapOSAvailable() def stop(self, timeout=300): # type: (int) -> None """Stops all services. This methods blocks until the services are stopped or the timeout is reached. Arguments: * `timeout`: maximum duration, in seconds, to wait for services to terminate. Error cases: * `RuntimeError` when unexpected error occurs trying to stop supervisors. """ self._logger.info("shutting down") with self.system_supervisor_rpc as system_supervisor: system_supervisor_process = psutil.Process(system_supervisor.getPID()) system_supervisor.stopAllProcesses() system_supervisor.shutdown() _, alive = psutil.wait_procs([system_supervisor_process], timeout=timeout) if alive: raise RuntimeError( "Could not terminate some processes: {}".format(alive)) def waitForSoftware(self, max_retry=0, debug=False, error_lines=30): """Synchronously install or uninstall all softwares previously supplied/removed. This method retries on errors. If after `max_retry` times there's still an error, the error is raised, containing `error_lines` of output from the buildout command. If `debug` is true, buildout is executed in the foreground, with flags to drop in a debugger session if error occurs. Error cases: * `SlapOSNodeCommandError` when buildout error while installing software. * Unexpected `Exception` if unable to connect to embedded slap server. """ return self._runSlapOSCommand( 'slapos-node-software', max_retry=max_retry, debug=debug, error_lines=error_lines, ) def waitForInstance(self, max_retry=0, debug=False, error_lines=30): """Instantiate all partitions previously requested for start. This method retries on errors. If after `max_retry` times there's still an error, the error is raised, containing `error_lines` of output from the buildout command. If `debug` is true, buildout is executed in the foreground, with flags to drop in a debugger session if error occurs. Error cases: * `SlapOSNodeCommandError` when buildout error while creating instances. * Unexpected `Exception` if unable to connect to embedded slap server. """ return self._runSlapOSCommand( 'slapos-node-instance', max_retry=max_retry, debug=debug, error_lines=error_lines, ) def waitForReport(self, max_retry=0, debug=False, error_lines=30): """Destroy all partitions previously requested for destruction. This method retries on errors. If after `max_retry` times there's still an error, the error is raised, containing `error_lines` of output from the buildout command. If `debug` is true, buildout is executed in the foreground, with flags to drop in a debugger session if error occurs. Error cases: * `SlapOSNodeCommandError` when buildout error while destroying instances. * Unexpected `Exception` if unable to connect to embedded slap server. """ return self._runSlapOSCommand( 'slapos-node-report', max_retry=max_retry, debug=debug, error_lines=error_lines, ) def _runSlapOSCommand( self, command, max_retry=0, debug=False, error_lines=30): if debug: prog = self._slapos_commands[command] # used in format(**locals()) below debug_args = prog.get('debug_args', '') # pylint: disable=unused-variable command = prog['command'].format(**locals()) try: return subprocess.check_call( command, shell=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == SLAPGRID_PROMISE_FAIL: self._logger.exception('Promise error when running %s', command) import pdb; pdb.post_mortem() raise with self.system_supervisor_rpc as supervisor: retry = 0 while True: self._logger.info("starting command %s (retry:%s)", command, retry) supervisor.startProcess(command, False) delay = 0.1 while True: self._logger.debug("retry %s: sleeping %s", retry, delay) # we start waiting a short delay and increase the delay each loop, # because when software is already built, this should return fast, # but when we build a full software we don't need to poll the # supervisor too often. time.sleep(delay) delay = min(delay * 1.2, 300) process_info = supervisor.getProcessInfo(command) if process_info['statename'] in ('EXITED', 'FATAL'): self._logger.debug("SlapOS command finished %s" % process_info) if process_info['exitstatus'] == 0: return if retry >= max_retry: # get the last lines of output, at most `error_lines`. If # these lines are long, the output may be truncated. _, log_offset, _ = supervisor.tailProcessStdoutLog(command, 0, 0) output, _, _ = supervisor.tailProcessStdoutLog( command, log_offset - (2 << 13), 2 << 13) raise SlapOSNodeCommandError({ 'output': '\n'.join(output.splitlines()[-error_lines:]), 'exitstatus': process_info['exitstatus'], }) break retry += 1 def _ensureSupervisordStarted(self): if os.path.exists(self._supervisor_pid): with open(self._supervisor_pid, 'r') as f: try: pid = int(f.read()) except (ValueError, TypeError): self._logger.debug( "Error reading supervisor pid from file, assuming it's not running" ) else: try: process = psutil.Process(pid) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: if process.name() == 'supervisord': # OK looks already running self._logger.debug("Supervisor running with pid %s", pid) return self._logger.debug("Supervisor pid file seem stale") # start new supervisord output = subprocess.check_output( ['supervisord', '--configuration', self._supervisor_config], cwd=self._base_directory, ) self._logger.debug("Started new supervisor: %s", output) def _isSlapOSAvailable(self): try: urllib.request.urlopen(self._master_url).close() except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: # root URL (/) of slapproxy is 404 if e.code == http_client.NOT_FOUND: return True raise except urllib.error.URLError as e: if e.reason.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED: return False raise except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: return False raise except http_client.HTTPException: return False return True # (if / becomes 200 OK) def _ensureSlapOSAvailable(self): # Wait for proxy to accept connections for i in range(2**8): if self._isSlapOSAvailable(): return time.sleep(i * .01) raise RuntimeError("SlapOS not started")