[buildout] extends = ../../software/erp5/software.cfg buildout.hash.cfg parts += vifib-fix-products-paths # SlapOS Master needs to use Wendelin.core 2. # Wendelin.core 2 works with either ZODB4-wc2, or ZODB5, but not with ZODB4. # ERP5 does not currently work with ZODB5. # -> this leaves ZODB4-wc2 as the only choice. [ZODB] major = 4-wc2 [erp5-defaults] wcfs-enable-default = true [local-bt5-repository] # Same as bt5-repository, but only local repository. # Used to generate bt5lists. list = ${erp5:location}/bt5 ${erp5:location}/product/ERP5/bootstrap ${erp5-bin:location}/bt5 ${erp5-doc:location}/bt5 ${vifib:location}/master/bt5 ${wendelin:location}/bt5 [erp5_repository_list] repository_id_list = erp5 erp5-bin erp5-doc wendelin vifib/master [erp5] branch = erp5-vifib [vifib] <= erp5 repository = https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/slapos.core.git branch = master [slapos-bin] <= erp5 repository = https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/slapos-bin.git branch = master [wendelin] recipe = slapos.recipe.build:gitclone git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git repository = https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/wendelin.git branch = master [vifib-fix-products-paths] recipe = plone.recipe.command stop-on-error = true command = for DIR in "${vifib:location}/master"; do cd "$DIR"; rm -f Products ; ln -s product Products; touch product/__init__.py; done update-command = ${:command} [eggs] eggs += slapos.core dummy += ${vifib:location} ${slapos-bin:location} extra-paths += ${vifib:location}/master ${slapos-bin:location} ${wendelin:location} ### Overwrite recipes to introduce customized changes [download-base-part] recipe = slapos.recipe.build:download url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename} [template-erp5] < = download-base-part filename = instance-erp5.cfg.in [template-balancer] < = download-base-part filename = instance-balancer.cfg.in [template-apache-backend-conf] url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename} [template-haproxy-cfg] url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename} [versions] python-memcached = 1.47 xml-marshaller = 1.0.2 # Test Suite: SlapOS-Master.UnitTest-Master ran at 2022/10/05 18:52:54.864137 UTC # 0 failures, 0 errors, 1944 total, status: PASS [erp5] revision = 8bbbc8d776dd043f53640e9d5153b9c3317569aa [vifib] revision = f85280efef2a42894c3d296f81cbffc3998b3dfd [erp5-bin] revision = 13d3ed05f0f07a53786fdf1ec0855a94ba1acdfc [slapos-bin] revision = 0e69f462bf6de44db7d9a2bf0bf5407aa9691753 [erp5-doc] revision = 3996ae1f832ca438ead9fbcf0ab8082dd1d22021 [wendelin] revision = 04787344eba874359b4c3b1df87c48919157d48d