Changes ======= 0.25 (unreleased) ----------------- * No changes yet. 0.24 (2011-09-19) ----------------- * mysql: Unhardcode the requested url. [Antoine Catton] 0.23 (2011-09-19) ----------------- * Clean code in mysql recipe [Cedric de Saint Martin] * librecipe: Provide createPromiseWrapper method. [Antoine Catton] * kvm: Expose promisee checks to slapgrid. [Antoine Catton] * davstorage: Initial version. [Antoine Catton] * mysql: Support DAV backup. [Antoine Catton] 0.22 (2011-09-12) ----------------- * Fix haproxy setup for erp5 [Sebastien Robin] 0.21 (2011-09-12) ----------------- * Update PHP configuration to set session and date options. [Alain Takoudjou Kamdem] * Improve logrotate policy and haproxy config for erp5 [Sebastien Robin] 0.20 (2011-09-07) ----------------- * Update and fix KVM/noVNC installation to be compatible with new WebSocket protocol (HyBi-10) required by Chrome >= 14 and Firefox >= 7. [Cedric de Saint Martin] 0.19 (2011-09-06) ----------------- * Update PHP configuration to disable debug logging. [Cedric de Saint Martin] 0.18 (2011-08-25) ----------------- * Repackage egg to include needed .bin files. [Cedric de Saint Martin] 0.17 (2011-08-25) ----------------- * Add XWiki software release [Cedric de Saint Martin] 0.16 (2011-07-15) ----------------- * Improve Vifib and pure ERP5 instantiation [Rafael Monnerat] * Use configurator for Vifib [Rafael Monnerat] 0.15 (2011-07-13) ----------------- * Encrypt connection by default. [Vivien Alger] 0.14 (2011-07-13) ----------------- * Provide new way to instantiate kvm. [Cedric de Saint Martin, Vivien Alger] 0.13 (2011-07-13) ----------------- * Implement generic execute_wait wrapper, which allows to wait for some files to appear before starting service depending on it. [Łukasz Nowak] 0.12 (2011-07-11) ----------------- * Fix slaprunner, phpmyadmin software releases, added wordpress software release. [Cedric de Saint Martin] 0.11 (2011-07-07) ----------------- * Enable test suite runner for vifib. 0.10 (2011-07-01) ----------------- * Add PHPMyAdmin software release used in SlapOS tutorials [Cedric de Saint Martin] * Add slaprunner software release [Cedric de Saint Martin] 0.9 (2011-06-24) ---------------- * mysql recipe : Changing slapos.recipe.erp5.execute to slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute [Cedric de Saint Martin] 0.8 (2011-06-15) ---------------- * Add MySQL and MariaDB standalone software release and recipe [Cedric de Saint Martin] * Fixed slapos.recipe.erp5testnode instantiation [Sebastien Robin] 0.7 (2011-06-14) ---------------- * Fix slapos.recipe.erp5 package by providing site.zcml in it. [Łukasz Nowak] * Improve slapos.recipe.erp5testnode partition instantiation error reporting [Sebastien Robin] 0.6 (2011-06-13) ---------------- * Fixed slapos.recipe.erp5 instantiation. [Łukasz Nowak] 0.5 (2011-06-13) ---------------- * Implement zabbix agent instantiation. [Łukasz Nowak] * Drop dependency on Zope2. [Łukasz Nowak] * Share more in slapos.recipe.librecipe module. [Łukasz Nowak] 0.4 (2011-06-09) ---------------- * Remove reference to slapos.tool.networkcache as it was removed from pypi. [Łukasz Nowak] * Add Kumofs standalone software release and recipe [Cedric de Saint Martin] * Add Memcached standalone software release and recipe [Cedric de Saint Martin] 0.3 (2011-06-09) ---------------- * Moved out template and build to separate distributions [Łukasz Nowak] * Depend on slapos.core instead of depracated slapos.slap [Romain Courteaud] * Fix apache module configuration [Kazuhiko Shiozaki] * Allow to control full environment in erp5 module [Łukasz Nowak] 0.2 (2011-05-30) ---------------- * Allow to pass zope_environment in erp5 entry point [Łukasz Nowak] 0.1 (2011-05-27) ---------------- * All slapos.recipe.* became slapos.cookbook:* [Łukasz Nowak]