# Note: Unless otherwise noted, all parameters in this configuration file
# must be identical for all nodes in a given cluster.
# This file is optionnal: parameters can be given at the command line.

# See SafeConfigParser at https://docs.python.org/2/library/configparser.html
# for more information about the syntax.

# Common parameters.
# The cluster name
# This must be set.
# IMPORTANT: It must be a name unique to a given cluster, to prevent foreign
# misconfigured nodes from interfering.
cluster: test

# The list of master nodes
# Master nodes not not in this list will be rejected by the cluster.
# This list should be identical for all nodes in a given cluster for
# maximum availability.

# Partition table configuration
# Data in the cluster is distributed among nodes using a partition table, which
# has the following parameters.
# Replicas: How many copies of a partition should exist at a time.
#   0 means no redundancy
#   1 means there is a spare copy of all partitions
replicas: 0
# IMPORTANT: NEO does not try to spread replicas on different physical devices
#            so replicas should not be used if you have at least 2 nodes
#            storing data on the same device.
# Partitions: How data spreads among storage nodes.
# IMPORTANT: This can not be changed once the cluster contains data.
partitions: 12
# The maximum number of usable storage nodes is: partitions * (replicas + 1)

# Master-slave asynchronous replication
# The following 2 options are only required if you want to backup another
# NEO cluster.
;upstream_cluster: test2

# Individual nodes parameters
# Some parameters makes no sense to be defined in [DEFAULT] section.
# They are:
# bind: The ip:port the node will listen on.
# database: Storage nodes only. Syntax for:
#   - MySQL: [user[:password]@]database[unix_socket]
#     Database must be created manually.
#   - SQLite: path

# Admin node

# Master nodes

# Storage nodes
database: neo:neo@neo1