Commit 58a72fdd authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Add incpozo, the incremental repozo restorer

parent 79cf177a
......@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ __
- `zodb cmp` - compare content of two ZODB databases bit-to-bit.
- `zodb dump` - dump content of a ZODB database.
- `zodb info` - print general information about a ZODB database.
- `incpozo` - incrementally restore a ZODB database.
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ setup(
packages = find_packages(),
install_requires = ['ZODB', 'zodburi', 'six'],
entry_points= {'console_scripts': ['zodb = zodbtools.zodb:main']},
entry_points= {'console_scripts': ['zodb = zodbtools.zodb:main', 'incpozo = zodbtools.incpozo:main']},
classifiers = [_.strip() for _ in """\
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Zope Foundation + Nexedi + Contributors
# See LICENSE-ZPL.txt for full licensing terms.
# Based on ZODB's repozo do_recover and main functions.
Incremental repozo restore.
Locates the first incremental to start restoring based on output file size.
Checks the previous chunk to detect mismatched backup & destinations.
Restores increments from that point on, following repozo arguments.
import os
import shutil
import sys
from ZODB.scripts.repozo import NoFiles, checksum, find_files, parseargs, log, concat, RECOVER
def do_inc_recover(options):
repofiles = find_files(options)
if not repofiles:
raise NoFiles('No files in repository before %s',
raise NoFiles('No files in repository')
datfile = os.path.splitext(repofiles[0])[0] + '.dat'
log('Recovering file to %s', options.output)
with open(datfile) as fp, open(options.output, 'r+b') as outfp:, 2)
initial_length = outfp.tell()
previous_chunk = None
for line in fp:
fn, startpos, endpos, _ = chunk = line.split()
startpos = int(startpos)
endpos = int(endpos)
if endpos > initial_length:
previous_chunk = chunk
# XXX: log + return so exit status is zero ?
raise NoFiles('Target file is longer than or as large at latest backup, doing nothing')
if previous_chunk is None:
# XXX: trigger a normal restore ?
raise NoFiles('Target file shorter than full backup, doing nothing')
check_start = int(previous_chunk[1])
check_end = int(previous_chunk[2]), 0)
if previous_chunk[3] != checksum(outfp, check_end - check_start):
raise NoFiles('Last whole common chunk checksum did not match with backup, doing nothing')
assert outfp.tell() == startpos, (outfp.tell(), startpos)
if startpos < initial_length:
log('Truncating target file %i bytes before its end', initial_length - startpos)
filename = os.path.join(options.repository,
first_file_to_restore = repofiles.index(filename)
assert first_file_to_restore > 0, (first_file_to_restore, options.repository, fn, filename, repofiles)
reposz, reposum = concat(repofiles[first_file_to_restore:], outfp)
log('Recovered %s bytes, md5: %s', reposz, reposum)
if options.output is not None:
last_base = os.path.splitext(repofiles[-1])[0]
source_index = '%s.index' % last_base
target_index = '%s.index' % options.output
if os.path.exists(source_index):
log('Restoring index file %s to %s', source_index, target_index)
shutil.copyfile(source_index, target_index)
log('No index file to restore: %s', source_index)
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
options = parseargs(argv)
assert options.mode == RECOVER, 'This tool only supports "recover" (-R|--recover) mode'
assert options.output is not None, 'This tool cannot recover to stdout'
except NoFiles as e:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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