import cython cython.declare(PyrexTypes=object, Naming=object, ExprNodes=object, Nodes=object, Options=object, UtilNodes=object, ModuleNode=object, LetNode=object, LetRefNode=object, TreeFragment=object, TemplateTransform=object, EncodedString=object, error=object, warning=object, copy=object) import Builtin import ExprNodes import Nodes from PyrexTypes import py_object_type, unspecified_type from Visitor import TreeVisitor, CythonTransform from Errors import error, warning, CompileError, InternalError from cython import set class TypedExprNode(ExprNodes.ExprNode): # Used for declaring assignments of a specified type whithout a known entry. def __init__(self, type): self.type = type object_expr = TypedExprNode(py_object_type) class ControlBlock(object): """Control flow graph node. Sequence of assignments and name references. children set of children nodes parents set of parent nodes positions set of position markers stats list of block statements gen dict of assignments generated by this block bounded set of entries that are definitely bounded in this block Example: a = 1 b = a + c # 'c' is already bounded or exception here stats = [Assignment(a), NameReference(a), NameReference(c), Assignment(b)] gen = {Entry(a): Assignment(a), Entry(b): Assignment(b)} bounded = set([Entry(a), Entry(c)]) """ def __init__(self): self.children = set() self.parents = set() self.positions = set() self.stats = [] self.gen = {} self.bounded = set() self.i_input = 0 self.i_output = 0 self.i_gen = 0 self.i_kill = 0 self.i_state = 0 def empty(self): return (not self.stats and not self.positions) def detach(self): """Detach block from parents and children.""" for child in self.children: child.parents.remove(self) for parent in self.parents: parent.children.remove(self) self.parents.clear() self.children.clear() def add_child(self, block): self.children.add(block) block.parents.add(self) class ExitBlock(ControlBlock): """Non-empty exit point block.""" def empty(self): return False class AssignmentList: def __init__(self): self.stats = [] class ControlFlow(object): """Control-flow graph. entry_point ControlBlock entry point for this graph exit_point ControlBlock normal exit point block ControlBlock current block blocks set children nodes entries set tracked entries loops list stack for loop descriptors exceptions list stack for exception descriptors """ def __init__(self): self.blocks = set() self.entries = set() self.loops = [] self.exceptions = [] self.entry_point = ControlBlock() self.exit_point = ExitBlock() self.blocks.add(self.exit_point) self.block = self.entry_point def newblock(self, parent=None): """Create floating block linked to `parent` if given. NOTE: Block is NOT added to self.blocks """ block = ControlBlock() self.blocks.add(block) if parent: parent.add_child(block) return block def nextblock(self, parent=None): """Create block children block linked to current or `parent` if given. NOTE: Block is added to self.blocks """ block = ControlBlock() self.blocks.add(block) if parent: parent.add_child(block) elif self.block: self.block.add_child(block) self.block = block return self.block def is_tracked(self, entry): if entry.is_anonymous: return False if entry.type.is_array or entry.type.is_struct_or_union: return False return entry.is_local or entry.is_pyclass_attr or entry.is_arg def mark_position(self, node): """Mark position, will be used to draw graph nodes.""" if self.block: self.block.positions.add(node.pos[:2]) def mark_assignment(self, lhs, rhs, entry=None): if self.block: if entry is None: entry = lhs.entry if not self.is_tracked(entry): return assignment = NameAssignment(lhs, rhs, entry) self.block.stats.append(assignment) self.block.gen[entry] = assignment self.entries.add(entry) def mark_argument(self, lhs, rhs, entry): if self.block and self.is_tracked(entry): assignment = Argument(lhs, rhs, entry) self.block.stats.append(assignment) self.block.gen[entry] = assignment self.entries.add(entry) def mark_deletion(self, node, entry): if self.block and self.is_tracked(entry): assignment = NameAssignment(node, None, entry) self.block.stats.append(assignment) self.block.gen[entry] = Uninitialized self.entries.add(entry) def mark_reference(self, node, entry): if self.block and self.is_tracked(entry): self.block.stats.append(NameReference(node, entry)) # Local variable is definitely bound after this reference if not node.allow_null: self.block.bounded.add(entry) self.entries.add(entry) def normalize(self): """Delete unreachable and orphan blocks.""" queue = set([self.entry_point]) visited = set() while queue: root = queue.pop() visited.add(root) for child in root.children: if child not in visited: queue.add(child) unreachable = self.blocks - visited for block in unreachable: block.detach() visited.remove(self.entry_point) for block in visited: if block.empty(): for parent in block.parents: # Re-parent for child in block.children: parent.add_child(child) block.detach() unreachable.add(block) self.blocks -= unreachable def initialize(self): """Set initial state, map assignments to bits.""" self.assmts = {} offset = 0 for entry in self.entries: assmts = AssignmentList() assmts.bit = 1 << offset assmts.mask = assmts.bit self.assmts[entry] = assmts offset += 1 for block in self.blocks: for stat in block.stats: if isinstance(stat, NameAssignment): stat.bit = 1 << offset assmts = self.assmts[stat.entry] assmts.stats.append(stat) assmts.mask |= stat.bit offset += 1 for block in self.blocks: for entry, stat in block.gen.items(): assmts = self.assmts[entry] if stat is Uninitialized: block.i_gen |= assmts.bit else: block.i_gen |= stat.bit block.i_kill |= assmts.mask block.i_output = block.i_gen for entry in block.bounded: block.i_kill |= self.assmts[entry].bit for assmts in self.assmts.itervalues(): self.entry_point.i_gen |= assmts.bit self.entry_point.i_output = self.entry_point.i_gen def map_one(self, istate, entry): ret = set() assmts = self.assmts[entry] if istate & assmts.bit: ret.add(Uninitialized) for assmt in assmts.stats: if istate & assmt.bit: ret.add(assmt) return ret def reaching_definitions(self): """Per-block reaching definitions analysis.""" dirty = True while dirty: dirty = False for block in self.blocks: i_input = 0 for parent in block.parents: i_input |= parent.i_output i_output = (i_input & ~block.i_kill) | block.i_gen if i_output != block.i_output: dirty = True block.i_input = i_input block.i_output = i_output class LoopDescr(object): def __init__(self, next_block, loop_block): self.next_block = next_block self.loop_block = loop_block self.exceptions = [] class ExceptionDescr(object): """Exception handling helper. entry_point ControlBlock Exception handling entry point finally_enter ControlBlock Normal finally clause entry point finally_exit ControlBlock Normal finally clause exit point """ def __init__(self, entry_point, finally_enter=None, finally_exit=None): self.entry_point = entry_point self.finally_enter = finally_enter self.finally_exit = finally_exit class NameAssignment(object): def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, entry): if lhs.cf_state is None: lhs.cf_state = set() self.lhs = lhs self.rhs = rhs self.entry = entry self.pos = lhs.pos self.refs = set() self.is_arg = False def __repr__(self): return '%s(entry=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.entry) class Argument(NameAssignment): is_arg = True class Uninitialized(object): pass class NameReference(object): def __init__(self, node, entry): if node.cf_state is None: node.cf_state = set() self.node = node self.entry = entry self.pos = node.pos def __repr__(self): return '%s(entry=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.entry) class GVContext(object): """Graphviz subgraph object.""" def __init__(self): self.blockids = {} self.nextid = 0 self.children = [] self.sources = {} def add(self, child): self.children.append(child) def nodeid(self, block): if block not in self.blockids: self.blockids[block] = 'block%d' % self.nextid self.nextid += 1 return self.blockids[block] def extract_sources(self, block): if not block.positions: return '' start = min(block.positions) stop = max(block.positions) srcdescr = start[0] if not srcdescr in self.sources: self.sources[srcdescr] = list(srcdescr.get_lines()) lines = self.sources[srcdescr] return '\\n'.join([l.strip() for l in lines[start[1] - 1:stop[1]]]) def render(self, fp, name, annotate_defs=False): """Render graphviz dot graph""" fp.write('digraph %s {\n' % name) fp.write(' node [shape=box];\n') for child in self.children: child.render(fp, self, annotate_defs) fp.write('}\n') def escape(self, text): return text.replace('"', '\\"').replace('\n', '\\n') class GV(object): """Graphviz DOT renderer.""" def __init__(self, name, flow): = name self.flow = flow def render(self, fp, ctx, annotate_defs=False): fp.write(' subgraph %s {\n' % for block in self.flow.blocks: label = ctx.extract_sources(block) if annotate_defs: for stat in block.stats: if isinstance(stat, NameAssignment): label += '\n %s [definition]' % elif isinstance(stat, NameReference): if stat.entry: label += '\n %s [reference]' % if not label: label = 'empty' pid = ctx.nodeid(block) fp.write(' %s [label="%s"];\n' % (pid, ctx.escape(label))) for block in self.flow.blocks: pid = ctx.nodeid(block) for child in block.children: fp.write(' %s -> %s;\n' % (pid, ctx.nodeid(child))) fp.write(' }\n') class MessageCollection(list): """Collect error/warnings messages first then sort""" def error(self, pos, message): self.append((pos, True, message)) def warning(self, pos, message): self.append((pos, False, message)) def _key(self, item): return item[0] def sort(self): list.sort(self, key=self._key) def check_definitions(flow, compiler_directives): flow.initialize() flow.reaching_definitions() # Track down state assignments = set() # Node to entry map references = {} assmt_nodes = set() for block in flow.blocks: i_state = block.i_input for stat in block.stats: i_assmts = flow.assmts[stat.entry] state = flow.map_one(i_state, stat.entry) if isinstance(stat, NameAssignment): stat.lhs.cf_state.update(state) assmt_nodes.add(stat.lhs) i_state = i_state & ~i_assmts.mask if stat.rhs: i_state |= stat.bit else: i_state |= i_assmts.bit assignments.add(stat) stat.entry.cf_assignments.append(stat) elif isinstance(stat, NameReference): references[stat.node] = stat.entry stat.entry.cf_references.append(stat) stat.node.cf_state.update(state) if not stat.node.allow_null: i_state &= ~i_assmts.bit state.discard(Uninitialized) for assmt in state: assmt.refs.add(stat) # Check variable usage warn_maybe_uninitialized = compiler_directives['warn.maybe_uninitialized'] warn_unused_result = compiler_directives['warn.unused_result'] warn_unused = compiler_directives['warn.unused'] warn_unused_arg = compiler_directives['warn.unused_arg'] messages = MessageCollection() # assignment hints for node in assmt_nodes: if Uninitialized in node.cf_state: node.cf_maybe_null = True if len(node.cf_state) == 1: node.cf_is_null = True else: node.cf_is_null = False else: node.cf_is_null = False node.cf_maybe_null = False # Find uninitialized references and cf-hints for node, entry in references.iteritems(): if Uninitialized in node.cf_state: node.cf_maybe_null = True if entry.from_closure or node.allow_null: pass # Can be uninitialized here elif len(node.cf_state) == 1: if entry.type.is_pyobject or entry.type.is_unspecified: messages.error( node.pos, "local variable '%s' referenced before assignment" % else: messages.warning( node.pos, "local variable '%s' referenced before assignment" % node.cf_is_null = True else: if warn_maybe_uninitialized: messages.warning( node.pos, "local variable '%s' might be referenced before assignment" % else: node.cf_is_null = False node.cf_maybe_null = False # Unused result for assmt in assignments: if not assmt.refs and not assmt.entry.is_pyclass_attr \ and not assmt.entry.in_closure: if assmt.entry.cf_references and warn_unused_result: if assmt.is_arg: messages.warning(assmt.pos, "Unused argument value '%s'" % else: messages.warning(assmt.pos, "Unused result in '%s'" % assmt.lhs.cf_used = False # Unused entries for entry in flow.entries: if not entry.cf_references and not entry.is_pyclass_attr and not entry.in_closure: # TODO: starred args entries are not marked with is_arg flag for assmt in entry.cf_assignments: if assmt.is_arg: is_arg = True break else: is_arg = False if is_arg: if warn_unused_arg: messages.warning(entry.pos, "Unused argument '%s'" % # TODO: handle unused arguments entry.cf_used = True else: if warn_unused: messages.warning(entry.pos, "Unused entry '%s'" % entry.cf_used = False # Sort warnings by position messages.sort() for pos, is_error, message in messages: if is_error: error(pos, message) else: warning(pos, message, 2) class AssignmentCollector(TreeVisitor): def __init__(self): super(AssignmentCollector, self).__init__() self.assignments = [] def visit_Node(self): self.visitchildren(self) def visit_SingleAssignmentNode(self, node): self.assignments.append((node.lhs, node.rhs)) def visit_CascadedAssignmentNode(self, node): for lhs in node.lhs_list: self.assignments.append((lhs, node.rhs)) class CreateControlFlowGraph(CythonTransform): """Create NameNode use and assignment graph.""" def visit_ModuleNode(self, node): self.gv_ctx = GVContext() self.env_stack = [] self.env = node.scope self.stack = [] self.flow = ControlFlow() self.visitchildren(node) dot_output = self.current_directives['control_flow.dot_output'] if dot_output: annotate_defs = self.current_directives['control_flow.dot_annotate_defs'] fp = open(dot_output, 'wt') try: self.gv_ctx.render(fp, 'module', annotate_defs=annotate_defs) finally: fp.close() return node def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node): self.env_stack.append(self.env) self.env = node.local_scope self.stack.append(self.flow) self.flow = ControlFlow() self.mark_position(node) # Function body block self.flow.nextblock() if node.star_arg: self.flow.mark_argument(node.star_arg, TypedExprNode(Builtin.tuple_type), node.star_arg.entry) if node.starstar_arg: self.flow.mark_argument(node.starstar_arg, TypedExprNode(Builtin.dict_type), node.starstar_arg.entry) self.visitchildren(node) # Workaround for generators if node.is_generator: self.visit(node.gbody.body) # Exit point if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(self.flow.exit_point) # Cleanup graph self.flow.normalize() check_definitions(self.flow, self.current_directives) self.flow.blocks.add(self.flow.entry_point) self.gv_ctx.add(GV(, self.flow)) self.flow = self.stack.pop() self.env = self.env_stack.pop() return node def visit_DefNode(self, node): ## XXX: no target name node here node.used = True self.flow.mark_assignment(node, object_expr, self.env.lookup( return self.visit_FuncDefNode(node) def visit_GeneratorBodyDefNode(self, node): return node def visit_CTypeDefNode(self, node): return node def mark_assignment(self, lhs, rhs=None): if not self.flow.block: return if self.flow.exceptions: exc_descr = self.flow.exceptions[-1] self.flow.block.add_child(exc_descr.entry_point) self.flow.nextblock() if isinstance(lhs, (ExprNodes.AttributeNode, ExprNodes.IndexNode)): self.visit(lhs) return if not rhs: rhs = object_expr if lhs.is_name: if lhs.entry is None: # TODO: This shouldn't happen... return self.flow.mark_assignment(lhs, rhs) elif isinstance(lhs, ExprNodes.SequenceNode): for arg in lhs.args: self.mark_assignment(arg) else: # Could use this info to infer cdef class attributes... pass if self.flow.exceptions: exc_descr = self.flow.exceptions[-1] self.flow.block.add_child(exc_descr.entry_point) self.flow.nextblock() def mark_position(self, node): """Mark position if DOT output is enabled.""" if self.current_directives['control_flow.dot_output']: self.flow.mark_position(node) def visit_FromImportStatNode(self, node): for name, target in node.items: if name != "*": self.mark_assignment(target) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_AssignmentNode(self, node): raise InternalError, "Unhandled assignment node" def visit_SingleAssignmentNode(self, node): self.visit(node.rhs) self.mark_assignment(node.lhs, node.rhs) return node def visit_CascadedAssignmentNode(self, node): self.visit(node.rhs) for lhs in node.lhs_list: self.mark_assignment(lhs, node.rhs) return node def visit_ParallelAssignmentNode(self, node): collector = AssignmentCollector() collector.visitchildren(node) for lhs, rhs in collector.assignments: self.visit(rhs) for lhs, rhs in collector.assignments: self.mark_assignment(lhs, rhs) return node def visit_InPlaceAssignmentNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) self.mark_assignment(node.lhs, node.create_binop_node()) return node def visit_DelStatNode(self, node): for arg in node.args: if arg.is_name: entry = arg.entry or self.env.lookup( if entry.in_closure or entry.from_closure: error(arg.pos, "can not delete variable '%s' referenced in nested scope" % # Mark reference self.visit(arg) self.flow.mark_deletion(arg, entry) return node def visit_CArgDeclNode(self, node): entry = self.env.lookup( self.flow.mark_argument(node, TypedExprNode(entry.type), entry) return node def visit_NameNode(self, node): if self.flow.block: entry = node.entry or self.env.lookup( if entry: self.flow.mark_reference(node, entry) return node def visit_StatListNode(self, node): if self.flow.block: for stat in node.stats: self.visit(stat) if not self.flow.block: stat.is_terminator = True break return node def visit_Node(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) self.mark_position(node) return node def visit_IfStatNode(self, node): next_block = self.flow.newblock() parent = self.flow.block # If clauses for clause in node.if_clauses: parent = self.flow.nextblock(parent) self.visit(clause.condition) self.flow.nextblock() self.visit(clause.body) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(next_block) # Else clause if node.else_clause: self.flow.nextblock(parent=parent) self.visit(node.else_clause) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(next_block) else: parent.add_child(next_block) if next_block.parents: self.flow.block = next_block else: self.flow.block = None return node def visit_WhileStatNode(self, node): condition_block = self.flow.nextblock() next_block = self.flow.newblock() # Condition block self.flow.loops.append(LoopDescr(next_block, condition_block)) self.visit(node.condition) # Body block self.flow.nextblock() self.visit(node.body) self.flow.loops.pop() # Loop it if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(condition_block) self.flow.block.add_child(next_block) # Else clause if node.else_clause: self.flow.nextblock(parent=condition_block) self.visit(node.else_clause) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(next_block) else: condition_block.add_child(next_block) if next_block.parents: self.flow.block = next_block else: self.flow.block = None return node def visit_ForInStatNode(self, node): condition_block = self.flow.nextblock() next_block = self.flow.newblock() # Condition with iterator self.flow.loops.append(LoopDescr(next_block, condition_block)) self.visit(node.iterator) # Target assignment self.flow.nextblock() self.mark_assignment( # Body block self.flow.nextblock() self.visit(node.body) self.flow.loops.pop() # Loop it if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(condition_block) # Else clause if node.else_clause: self.flow.nextblock(parent=condition_block) self.visit(node.else_clause) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(next_block) else: condition_block.add_child(next_block) if next_block.parents: self.flow.block = next_block else: self.flow.block = None return node def visit_ForFromStatNode(self, node): condition_block = self.flow.nextblock() next_block = self.flow.newblock() # Condition with iterator self.flow.loops.append(LoopDescr(next_block, condition_block)) self.visit(node.bound1) self.visit(node.bound2) if node.step: self.visit(node.step) # Target assignment self.flow.nextblock() self.mark_assignment( # Body block self.flow.nextblock() self.visit(node.body) self.flow.loops.pop() # Loop it if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(condition_block) # Else clause if node.else_clause: self.flow.nextblock(parent=condition_block) self.visit(node.else_clause) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(next_block) else: condition_block.add_child(next_block) if next_block.parents: self.flow.block = next_block else: self.flow.block = None return node def visit_LoopNode(self, node): raise InternalError, "Generic loops are not supported" def visit_WithTargetAssignmentStatNode(self, node): self.mark_assignment(node.lhs) return node def visit_WithStatNode(self, node): self.visit(node.manager) self.visit(node.body) return node def visit_TryExceptStatNode(self, node): # After exception handling next_block = self.flow.newblock() # Body block self.flow.newblock() # Exception entry point entry_point = self.flow.newblock() self.flow.exceptions.append(ExceptionDescr(entry_point)) self.flow.nextblock() ## XXX: links to exception handling point should be added by ## XXX: children nodes self.flow.block.add_child(entry_point) self.visit(node.body) self.flow.exceptions.pop() # After exception if self.flow.block: if node.else_clause: self.flow.nextblock() self.visit(node.else_clause) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(next_block) for clause in node.except_clauses: self.flow.block = entry_point if clause.pattern: for pattern in clause.pattern: self.visit(pattern) else: # TODO: handle * pattern pass if self.mark_assignment( entry_point = self.flow.newblock(parent=self.flow.block) self.flow.nextblock() self.visit(clause.body) if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(next_block) if self.flow.exceptions: entry_point.add_child(self.flow.exceptions[-1].entry_point) if next_block.parents: self.flow.block = next_block else: self.flow.block = None return node def visit_TryFinallyStatNode(self, node): body_block = self.flow.nextblock() # Exception entry point entry_point = self.flow.newblock() self.flow.block = entry_point self.visit(node.finally_clause) if self.flow.block and self.flow.exceptions: self.flow.block.add_child(self.flow.exceptions[-1].entry_point) # Normal execution finally_enter = self.flow.newblock() self.flow.block = finally_enter self.visit(node.finally_clause) finally_exit = self.flow.block descr = ExceptionDescr(entry_point, finally_enter, finally_exit) self.flow.exceptions.append(descr) if self.flow.loops: self.flow.loops[-1].exceptions.append(descr) self.flow.block = body_block ## XXX: Is it still required body_block.add_child(entry_point) self.visit(node.body) self.flow.exceptions.pop() if self.flow.loops: self.flow.loops[-1].exceptions.pop() if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(finally_enter) if finally_exit: self.flow.block = self.flow.nextblock(parent=finally_exit) else: self.flow.block = None return node def visit_RaiseStatNode(self, node): self.mark_position(node) if self.flow.exceptions: self.flow.block.add_child(self.flow.exceptions[-1].entry_point) self.flow.block = None return node def visit_ReraiseStatNode(self, node): self.mark_position(node) if self.flow.exceptions: self.flow.block.add_child(self.flow.exceptions[-1].entry_point) self.flow.block = None return node def visit_ReturnStatNode(self, node): self.mark_position(node) self.visitchildren(node) for exception in self.flow.exceptions[::-1]: if exception.finally_enter: self.flow.block.add_child(exception.finally_enter) if exception.finally_exit: exception.finally_exit.add_child(self.flow.exit_point) break else: if self.flow.block: self.flow.block.add_child(self.flow.exit_point) self.flow.block = None return node def visit_BreakStatNode(self, node): if not self.flow.loops: #error(node.pos, "break statement not inside loop") return node loop = self.flow.loops[-1] self.mark_position(node) for exception in loop.exceptions[::-1]: if exception.finally_enter: self.flow.block.add_child(exception.finally_enter) if exception.finally_exit: exception.finally_exit.add_child(loop.next_block) break else: self.flow.block.add_child(loop.next_block) self.flow.block = None return node def visit_ContinueStatNode(self, node): if not self.flow.loops: #error(node.pos, "continue statement not inside loop") return node loop = self.flow.loops[-1] self.mark_position(node) for exception in loop.exceptions[::-1]: if exception.finally_enter: self.flow.block.add_child(exception.finally_enter) if exception.finally_exit: exception.finally_exit.add_child(loop.loop_block) break else: self.flow.block.add_child(loop.loop_block) self.flow.block = None return node def visit_ComprehensionNode(self, node): if node.expr_scope: self.env_stack.append(self.env) self.env = node.expr_scope # Skip append node here self.visit( self.visit(node.loop) if node.expr_scope: self.env = self.env_stack.pop() return node def visit_ScopedExprNode(self, node): if node.expr_scope: self.env_stack.append(self.env) self.env = node.expr_scope self.visitchildren(node) if node.expr_scope: self.env = self.env_stack.pop() return node def visit_PyClassDefNode(self, node): self.flow.mark_assignment(, object_expr, self.env.lookup( # TODO: add negative attribute list to "visitchildren"? self.visitchildren(node, attrs=['dict', 'metaclass', 'mkw', 'bases', 'classobj']) self.env_stack.append(self.env) self.env = node.scope self.flow.nextblock() self.visitchildren(node, attrs=['body']) self.flow.nextblock() self.env = self.env_stack.pop() return node