From 58c82e3b0b67ee5aa6d9aab283f48d2f68dbdaf3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Gr=C3=A9gory=20Wisniewski?= <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 08:25:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add a packet logger for custom and fine-grained debugging

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
 neo/ |  17 +--
 neo/     | 311 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 neo/

diff --git a/neo/ b/neo/
index 16335a30..f87e8f16 100644
--- a/neo/
+++ b/neo/
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class Connection(BaseConnection):
           Process a pending packet.
         packet = self._dequeue()
-        self.logPacket('from', packet)
+        PACKET_LOGGER.log(self, packet, 'from')
         self.handler.packetReceived(self, packet)
     def pending(self):
@@ -349,25 +349,12 @@ class Connection(BaseConnection):
-    def logPacket(self, direction, packet):
-        packet_type = packet.getType()
-        ip, port = self.getAddress()
-        if packet_type == protocol.ERROR:
-            code, message = packet.decode()
-            logging.debug('#0x%08x ERROR %-24s %s %s (%s:%d) %s',
-                packet.getId(), code, direction, dump(self.uuid),
-                ip, port, message)
-        else:
-            logging.debug('#0x%08x %-30s %s %s (%s:%d)', packet.getId(),
-                packet_type, direction, dump(self.uuid),
-                ip, port)
     def _addPacket(self, packet):
         """Add a packet into the write buffer."""
         if self.connector is None:
-        self.logPacket(' to ', packet)
+        PACKET_LOGGER.log(self, packet, ' to ')
             self.write_buf += packet.encode()
         except PacketMalformedError, m:
diff --git a/neo/ b/neo/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7080b526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neo/
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2009  Nexedi SA
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+from neo import logging
+from neo import protocol
+from neo.util import dump
+class PacketLogger(object):
+    """ Logger at packet level (for debugging purpose) """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.fetch_table = self.initFetchTable()
+    def log(self, conn, packet, direction):
+        """This is a helper method to handle various packet types."""
+        # default log message 
+        type = packet.getType()
+        uuid = dump(conn.getUUID())
+        ip, port = conn.getAddress()
+        logging.debug('#0x%08x %-30s %s %s (%s:%d)', packet.getId(),
+                type, direction, uuid, ip, port)
+        logger = self.fetch_table.get(type, None)
+        if logger is None:
+            logging.warning('No logger found for packet %s' % type)
+            return
+        # enhanced log
+        args = packet.decode() or ()
+        log_message = logger(conn, packet, *args)
+        if log_message is not None:
+            logging.debug('#0x%08x %s', packet.getId(), log_message)
+    # Packet loggers
+    def error(self, conn, packet, code, message):
+        return "%s (%s)" % (code, message)
+    def requestNodeIdentification(self, conn, packet, node_type,
+                                        uuid, address, name):
+        pass
+    def acceptNodeIdentification(self, conn, packet, node_type,
+                       uuid, address, num_partitions, num_replicas, your_uuid):
+        pass
+    def askPrimaryMaster(self, conn, packet):
+        pass
+    def answerPrimaryMaster(self, conn, packet, primary_uuid,
+                                  known_master_list):
+        pass
+    def announcePrimaryMaster(self, conn, packet):
+        pass
+    def reelectPrimaryMaster(self, conn, packet):
+        pass
+    def notifyNodeInformation(self, conn, packet, node_list):
+        pass
+    def askLastIDs(self, conn, packet):
+        pass
+    def answerLastIDs(self, conn, packet, loid, ltid, lptid):
+        pass
+    def askPartitionTable(self, conn, packet, offset_list):
+        pass
+    def answerPartitionTable(self, conn, packet, ptid, row_list):
+        pass
+    def sendPartitionTable(self, conn, packet, ptid, row_list):
+        pass
+    def notifyPartitionChanges(self, conn, packet, ptid, cell_list):
+        pass
+    def startOperation(self, conn, packet):
+        pass
+    def stopOperation(self, conn, packet):
+        pass
+    def askUnfinishedTransactions(self, conn, packet):
+        pass
+    def answerUnfinishedTransactions(self, conn, packet, tid_list):
+        pass
+    def askObjectPresent(self, conn, packet, oid, tid):
+        pass
+    def answerObjectPresent(self, conn, packet, oid, tid):
+        pass
+    def deleteTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def commitTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def askBeginTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def answerBeginTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def askNewOIDs(self, conn, packet, num_oids):
+        pass
+    def answerNewOIDs(self, conn, packet, num_oids):
+        pass
+    def finishTransaction(self, conn, packet, oid_list, tid):
+        pass
+    def notifyTransactionFinished(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def lockInformation(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def notifyInformationLocked(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def invalidateObjects(self, conn, packet, oid_list, tid):
+        pass
+    def unlockInformation(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def askStoreObject(self, conn, packet, oid, serial,
+                             compression, checksum, data, tid):
+        pass
+    def answerStoreObject(self, conn, packet, status, oid):
+        pass
+    def abortTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def askStoreTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid, user, desc,
+                                  ext, oid_list):
+        pass
+    def answerStoreTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def askObject(self, conn, packet, oid, serial, tid):
+        pass
+    def answerObject(self, conn, packet, oid, serial_start,
+                           serial_end, compression, checksum, data):
+        pass
+    def askTIDs(self, conn, packet, first, last, partition):
+        pass
+    def answerTIDs(self, conn, packet, tid_list):
+        pass
+    def askTransactionInformation(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        pass
+    def answerTransactionInformation(self, conn, packet, tid, 
+                                           user, desc, ext, oid_list):
+        pass
+    def askObjectHistory(self, conn, packet, oid, first, last):
+        pass
+    def answerObjectHistory(self, conn, packet, oid, history_list):
+        pass
+    def askOIDs(self, conn, packet, first, last, partition):
+        pass
+    def answerOIDs(self, conn, packet, oid_list):
+        pass
+    def askPartitionList(self, conn, packet, min_offset, max_offset, uuid):
+        pass
+    def answerPartitionList(self, conn, packet, ptid, row_list):
+        pass
+    def askNodeList(self, conn, packet, offset_list):
+        pass
+    def answerNodeList(self, conn, packet, node_list):
+        pass
+    def setNodeState(self, conn, packet, uuid, state, modify_partition_table):
+        pass
+    def answerNodeState(self, conn, packet, uuid, state):
+        pass
+    def addPendingNodes(self, conn, packet, uuid_list):
+        pass
+    def answerNewNodes(self, conn, packet, uuid_list):
+        pass
+    def askNodeInformation(self, conn, packet):
+        pass
+    def answerNodeInformation(self, conn, packet, node_list):
+        pass
+    def askClusterState(self, conn, packet):
+        pass
+    def answerClusterState(self, conn, packet, state):
+        pass
+    def setClusterState(self, conn, packet, state):
+        pass
+    def notifyClusterInformation(self, conn, packet, state):
+        pass
+    def notifyLastOID(self, conn, packet, oid):
+        pass
+    # Fetch tables initialization
+    def initFetchTable(self):
+        d = {}
+        d[protocol.ERROR] = self.error
+        d[protocol.REQUEST_NODE_IDENTIFICATION] = self.requestNodeIdentification
+        d[protocol.ACCEPT_NODE_IDENTIFICATION] = self.acceptNodeIdentification
+        d[protocol.ASK_PRIMARY_MASTER] = self.askPrimaryMaster
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_PRIMARY_MASTER] = self.answerPrimaryMaster
+        d[protocol.ANNOUNCE_PRIMARY_MASTER] = self.announcePrimaryMaster
+        d[protocol.REELECT_PRIMARY_MASTER] = self.reelectPrimaryMaster
+        d[protocol.NOTIFY_NODE_INFORMATION] = self.notifyNodeInformation
+        d[protocol.ASK_LAST_IDS] = self.askLastIDs
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_LAST_IDS] = self.answerLastIDs
+        d[protocol.ASK_PARTITION_TABLE] = self.askPartitionTable
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_PARTITION_TABLE] = self.answerPartitionTable
+        d[protocol.SEND_PARTITION_TABLE] = self.sendPartitionTable
+        d[protocol.NOTIFY_PARTITION_CHANGES] = self.notifyPartitionChanges
+        d[protocol.START_OPERATION] = self.startOperation
+        d[protocol.STOP_OPERATION] = self.stopOperation
+        d[protocol.ASK_UNFINISHED_TRANSACTIONS] = self.askUnfinishedTransactions
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_UNFINISHED_TRANSACTIONS] = self.answerUnfinishedTransactions
+        d[protocol.ASK_OBJECT_PRESENT] = self.askObjectPresent
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_OBJECT_PRESENT] = self.answerObjectPresent
+        d[protocol.DELETE_TRANSACTION] = self.deleteTransaction
+        d[protocol.COMMIT_TRANSACTION] = self.commitTransaction
+        d[protocol.ASK_BEGIN_TRANSACTION] = self.askBeginTransaction
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_BEGIN_TRANSACTION] = self.answerBeginTransaction
+        d[protocol.FINISH_TRANSACTION] = self.finishTransaction
+        d[protocol.NOTIFY_TRANSACTION_FINISHED] = self.notifyTransactionFinished
+        d[protocol.LOCK_INFORMATION] = self.lockInformation
+        d[protocol.NOTIFY_INFORMATION_LOCKED] = self.notifyInformationLocked
+        d[protocol.INVALIDATE_OBJECTS] = self.invalidateObjects
+        d[protocol.UNLOCK_INFORMATION] = self.unlockInformation
+        d[protocol.ASK_NEW_OIDS] = self.askNewOIDs
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_NEW_OIDS] = self.answerNewOIDs
+        d[protocol.ASK_STORE_OBJECT] = self.askStoreObject
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_STORE_OBJECT] = self.answerStoreObject
+        d[protocol.ABORT_TRANSACTION] = self.abortTransaction
+        d[protocol.ASK_STORE_TRANSACTION] = self.askStoreTransaction
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_STORE_TRANSACTION] = self.answerStoreTransaction
+        d[protocol.ASK_OBJECT] = self.askObject
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_OBJECT] = self.answerObject
+        d[protocol.ASK_TIDS] = self.askTIDs
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_TIDS] = self.answerTIDs
+        d[protocol.ASK_TRANSACTION_INFORMATION] = self.askTransactionInformation
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_TRANSACTION_INFORMATION] = self.answerTransactionInformation
+        d[protocol.ASK_OBJECT_HISTORY] = self.askObjectHistory
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_OBJECT_HISTORY] = self.answerObjectHistory
+        d[protocol.ASK_OIDS] = self.askOIDs
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_OIDS] = self.answerOIDs
+        d[protocol.ASK_PARTITION_LIST] = self.askPartitionList
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_PARTITION_LIST] = self.answerPartitionList
+        d[protocol.ASK_NODE_LIST] = self.askNodeList
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_NODE_LIST] = self.answerNodeList
+        d[protocol.SET_NODE_STATE] = self.setNodeState
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_NODE_STATE] = self.answerNodeState
+        d[protocol.SET_CLUSTER_STATE] = self.setClusterState
+        d[protocol.ADD_PENDING_NODES] = self.addPendingNodes
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_NEW_NODES] = self.answerNewNodes
+        d[protocol.ASK_NODE_INFORMATION] = self.askNodeInformation
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_NODE_INFORMATION] = self.answerNodeInformation
+        d[protocol.ASK_CLUSTER_STATE] = self.askClusterState
+        d[protocol.ANSWER_CLUSTER_STATE] = self.answerClusterState
+        d[protocol.NOTIFY_CLUSTER_INFORMATION] = self.notifyClusterInformation
+        d[protocol.NOTIFY_LAST_OID] = self.notifyLastOID
+        return d
+PACKET_LOGGER = PacketLogger()