diff --git a/product/ERP5Type/patches/DCWorkflow.py b/product/ERP5Type/patches/DCWorkflow.py
index 8175d8fbc05ed9d566bba873314ddf180f4aee4b..a29b79451aab803288aa028428dfc129cdf46a44 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Type/patches/DCWorkflow.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Type/patches/DCWorkflow.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
@@ -453,52 +454,52 @@ DCWorkflowDefinition.wrapWorkflowMethod = DCWorkflowDefinition_wrapWorkflowMetho
 # Patch updateRoleMappingsFor so that if 2 workflows define security, then we
 # should do an AND operation between each permission
 def updateRoleMappingsFor(self, ob):
-    '''
-    Changes the object permissions according to the current
-    state.
-    '''
-    changed = 0
-    sdef = self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)
-    tool = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
-    other_workflow_list = \
-       [x for x in tool.getWorkflowsFor(ob) if x.id != self.id and isinstance(x,DCWorkflowDefinition)]
-    other_data_list = []
-    for other_workflow in other_workflow_list:
-      other_sdef = other_workflow._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)
-      if other_sdef is not None and other_sdef.permission_roles is not None:
-        other_data_list.append((other_workflow,other_sdef))
-    # Be carefull, permissions_roles should not change
-    # from list to tuple or vice-versa. (in modifyRolesForPermission,
-    # list means acquire roles, tuple means do not acquire)
-    if sdef is not None and self.permissions:
-        for p in self.permissions:
-            roles = []
-            refused_roles = []
-            role_type = 'list'
-            if sdef.permission_roles is not None:
-                roles = sdef.permission_roles.get(p, roles)
-                if type(roles) is type(()):
-                  role_type = 'tuple'
-                roles = list(roles)
-            # We will check that each role is activated
-            # in each DCWorkflow
-            for other_workflow,other_sdef in other_data_list:
-              if p in other_workflow.permissions:
-                other_roles = other_sdef.permission_roles.get(p, [])
-                if type(other_roles) is type(()) :
-                  role_type = 'tuple'
-                for role in roles:
-                  if role not in other_roles :
-                    refused_roles.append(role)
-            for role in refused_roles :
-              if role in roles :
-                roles.remove(role)
-            if role_type=='tuple':
-              roles = tuple(roles)
-            if modifyRolesForPermission(ob, p, roles):
-                changed = 1
-    return changed
+  '''
+  Changes the object permissions according to the current
+  state.
+  '''
+  changed = 0
+  sdef = self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)
+  tool = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
+  other_workflow_list = \
+     [x for x in tool.getWorkflowsFor(ob) if x.id != self.id and isinstance(x,DCWorkflowDefinition)]
+  other_data_list = []
+  for other_workflow in other_workflow_list:
+    other_sdef = other_workflow._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)
+    if other_sdef is not None and other_sdef.permission_roles is not None:
+      other_data_list.append((other_workflow,other_sdef))
+  # Be carefull, permissions_roles should not change
+  # from list to tuple or vice-versa. (in modifyRolesForPermission,
+  # list means acquire roles, tuple means do not acquire)
+  if sdef is not None and self.permissions:
+    for p in self.permissions:
+      roles = []
+      refused_roles = []
+      role_type = 'list'
+      if sdef.permission_roles is not None:
+        roles = sdef.permission_roles.get(p, roles)
+        if type(roles) is type(()):
+          role_type = 'tuple'
+        roles = list(roles)
+      # We will check that each role is activated
+      # in each DCWorkflow
+      for other_workflow,other_sdef in other_data_list:
+        if p in other_workflow.permissions:
+          other_roles = other_sdef.permission_roles.get(p, [])
+          if type(other_roles) is type(()) :
+            role_type = 'tuple'
+          for role in roles:
+            if role not in other_roles :
+              refused_roles.append(role)
+      for role in refused_roles :
+        if role in roles :
+          roles.remove(role)
+      if role_type=='tuple':
+        roles = tuple(roles)
+      if modifyRolesForPermission(ob, p, roles):
+        changed = 1
+  return changed
 DCWorkflowDefinition.updateRoleMappingsFor = updateRoleMappingsFor