#!/usr/bin/python import math, nemu, os, signal, socket, subprocess, sys, time, weakref from collections import defaultdict IPTABLES = 'iptables' SCREEN = 'screen' VERBOSE = 4 REGISTRY='' CA_DAYS = 1000 # registry # |.2 # |10.0.0 # |.1 # ---------------Internet---------------- # |.1 |.1 |.1 # |10.1.0 |10.2.0 | # |.2 |.2 | # gateway1 gateway2 s3:10.0.1 # |.1 |.1 |.2 |.3 |.4 # s1:10.1.1 s2:10.2.1 m6 m7 m8 # |.2 |.3 |.2 |.3 |.4 | # m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m9 # def disable_signal_on_children(sig): pid = os.getpid() sigint = signal.signal(sig, lambda *x: os.getpid() == pid and sigint(*x)) disable_signal_on_children(signal.SIGINT) Node__add_interface = nemu.Node._add_interface def _add_interface(node, iface): iface.__dict__['node'] = weakref.proxy(node) return Node__add_interface(node, iface) nemu.Node._add_interface = _add_interface # create nodes for name in """internet=I registry=R gateway1=g1 machine1=1 machine2=2 gateway2=g2 machine3=3 machine4=4 machine5=5 machine6=6 machine7=7 machine8=8 machine9=9 """.split(): name, short = name.split('=') globals()[name] = node = nemu.Node() node.name = name node.short = short node._screen = node.Popen((SCREEN, '-DmS', name)) node.screen = (lambda name: lambda *cmd: subprocess.call([SCREEN, '-r', name, '-X', 'eval'] + map( """screen sh -c 'set %s; "\$@"; echo "\$@"; exec $SHELL'""" .__mod__, cmd)))(name) # create switch switch1 = nemu.Switch() switch2 = nemu.Switch() switch3 = nemu.Switch() #create interfaces re_if_0, in_if_0 = nemu.P2PInterface.create_pair(registry, internet) in_if_1, g1_if_0 = nemu.P2PInterface.create_pair(internet, gateway1) in_if_2, g2_if_0 = nemu.P2PInterface.create_pair(internet, gateway2) m6_if_1, m9_if_0 = nemu.P2PInterface.create_pair(machine6, machine9) g1_if_0_name = g1_if_0.name gateway1.Popen((IPTABLES, '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'POSTROUTING', '-o', g1_if_0_name, '-j', 'MASQUERADE')).wait() gateway1.Popen((IPTABLES, '-t', 'nat', '-N', 'MINIUPNPD')).wait() gateway1.Popen((IPTABLES, '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'PREROUTING', '-i', g1_if_0_name, '-j', 'MINIUPNPD')).wait() gateway1.Popen((IPTABLES, '-N', 'MINIUPNPD')).wait() machine9.Popen(('sysctl', 'net.ipv6.conf.%s.accept_ra=2' % m9_if_0.name)).wait() in_if_3 = nemu.NodeInterface(internet) g1_if_1 = nemu.NodeInterface(gateway1) g2_if_1 = nemu.NodeInterface(gateway2) m1_if_0 = nemu.NodeInterface(machine1) m2_if_0 = nemu.NodeInterface(machine2) m3_if_0 = nemu.NodeInterface(machine3) m4_if_0 = nemu.NodeInterface(machine4) m5_if_0 = nemu.NodeInterface(machine5) m6_if_0 = nemu.NodeInterface(machine6) m7_if_0 = nemu.NodeInterface(machine7) m8_if_0 = nemu.NodeInterface(machine8) # connect to switch switch1.connect(g1_if_1) switch1.connect(m1_if_0) switch1.connect(m2_if_0) switch2.connect(g2_if_1) switch2.connect(m3_if_0) switch2.connect(m4_if_0) switch2.connect(m5_if_0) switch3.connect(in_if_3) switch3.connect(m6_if_0) switch3.connect(m7_if_0) switch3.connect(m8_if_0) # setting everything up switch1.up = switch2.up = switch3.up = True re_if_0.up = in_if_0.up = in_if_1.up = g1_if_0.up = in_if_2.up = g2_if_0.up = True in_if_3.up = g1_if_1.up = g2_if_1.up = m1_if_0.up = m2_if_0.up = m3_if_0.up = m4_if_0.up = m5_if_0.up = m6_if_0.up = m6_if_1.up = m7_if_0.up = m8_if_0.up = m9_if_0.up = True # Add IPv4 addresses re_if_0.add_v4_address(address=REGISTRY, prefix_len=24) in_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) in_if_1.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) in_if_2.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) in_if_3.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) in_if_3.add_v6_address(address='2001:db8::1', prefix_len=48) g1_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) g1_if_1.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) g2_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) g2_if_1.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) m1_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) m2_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) m3_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) m4_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) m5_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) m6_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) m7_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) m8_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) m6_if_1.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24) def add_llrtr(iface, peer, dst='default'): for a in peer.get_addresses(): a = a['address'] if a.startswith('fe80:'): return iface.node.Popen(('ip', 'route', 'add', dst, 'via', a, 'proto', 'static', 'dev', iface.name)).wait() # setup routes add_llrtr(re_if_0, in_if_0) add_llrtr(in_if_0, re_if_0, '2001:db8:42::/48') registry.add_route(prefix='', prefix_len=8, nexthop='') internet.add_route(prefix='', prefix_len=16, nexthop='') gateway1.add_route(prefix='', prefix_len=8, nexthop='') gateway2.add_route(prefix='', prefix_len=8, nexthop='') for m in machine1, machine2: m.add_route(nexthop='') for m in machine3, machine4, machine5: m.add_route(prefix='', prefix_len=8, nexthop='') for m in machine6, machine7, machine8: m.add_route(prefix='', prefix_len=8, nexthop='') # Test connectivity first. Run process, hide output and check # return code null = file(os.devnull, "r+") for ip in '', '', '', '': if machine1.Popen(('ping', '-c1', ip), stdout=null).wait(): print 'Failed to ping %s' % ip break else: print "Connectivity IPv4 OK!" nodes = [] gateway1.screen('miniupnpd -d -f miniupnpd.conf -P miniupnpd.pid' ' -a %s -i %s' % (g1_if_1.name, g1_if_0_name)) if 1: import sqlite3 os.path.exists('ca.crt') or subprocess.check_call( "openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -key registry/ca.key -out ca.crt" " -subj /CN=re6st.example.com/emailAddress=re6st@example.com" " -set_serial 0x120010db80042 -days %u" % CA_DAYS, shell=True) db_path = 'registry/registry.db' registry.screen('./py re6st-registry @registry/re6st-registry.conf' ' --db %s --mailhost %s -v%u --control-socket registry/babeld.socket' % (db_path, os.path.abspath('mbox'), VERBOSE)) registry_url = 'http://%s/' % REGISTRY registry.Popen(('python', '-c', """if 1: import socket, time s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) while True: try: s.connect(('localhost', 80)) break except socket.error: time.sleep(.1) """)).wait() db = sqlite3.connect(db_path, isolation_level=None) def re6stnet(node, folder, args='', prefix_len=None, registry=registry_url): nodes.append(node) if not os.path.exists(folder + '/cert.crt'): dh_path = folder + '/dh2048.pem' if not os.path.exists(dh_path): os.symlink('../dh2048.pem', dh_path) email = node.name + '@example.com' p = node.Popen(('../py', 're6st-conf', '--registry', registry, '--email', email), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=folder) token = None while not token: time.sleep(.1) token = db.execute("SELECT token FROM token WHERE email=?", (email,)).fetchone() if prefix_len: db.execute("UPDATE token SET prefix_len=? WHERE token=?", (prefix_len, token[0])) p.communicate(str(token[0])) os.remove(dh_path) os.remove(folder + '/ca.crt') node.screen('./py re6stnet @%s/re6stnet.conf -v%u --registry %s' ' --control-socket %s/babeld.socket' ' %s' % (folder, VERBOSE, registry, folder, args)) re6stnet(registry, 'registry', '--ip ' + REGISTRY, registry='http://localhost/') re6stnet(machine1, 'm1', '-I%s' % m1_if_0.name) re6stnet(machine2, 'm2', '--remote-gateway', prefix_len=80) re6stnet(machine3, 'm3', '-i%s' % m3_if_0.name) re6stnet(machine4, 'm4', '-i%s' % m4_if_0.name) re6stnet(machine5, 'm5', '-i%s' % m5_if_0.name) re6stnet(machine6, 'm6', '-I%s' % m6_if_1.name) re6stnet(machine7, 'm7') re6stnet(machine8, 'm8') db.close() _ll = {} def node_by_ll(addr): try: return _ll[addr] except KeyError: for n in nodes: for i in n.get_interfaces(): t = isinstance(i, nemu.interface.ImportedNodeInterface) try: a = i.get_addresses() except KeyError: break for a in a: p = a['prefix_len'] a = a['address'] if a.startswith('2001:db8:'): assert not p % 8 a = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, a)[:p/8].ljust(16, '\0')) elif not a.startswith('fe80::'): continue _ll[a] = n, t return _ll[addr] def route_svg(z=4): graph = {} for n in nodes: g = graph[n] = defaultdict(list) for r in n.get_routes(): if r.prefix and r.prefix.startswith('2001:db8:'): try: g[node_by_ll(r.nexthop)].append(node_by_ll(r.prefix)[0]) except KeyError: pass gv = ["digraph { splines = true; edge[color=grey, labelangle=0, arrowhead=dot];"] N = len(nodes) a = 2 * math.pi / N edges = set() for i, n in enumerate(nodes): gv.append('%s[pos="%s,%s!"];' % (n.name, z * math.cos(a * i), z * math.sin(a * i))) l = [] for p, r in graph[n].iteritems(): j = abs(nodes.index(p[0]) - i) l.append((min(j, N - j), p, r)) for j, (l, (p, t), r) in enumerate(sorted(l)): l = [] for r in sorted(r.short for r in r): if r == p.short: r = '<font color="grey">%s</font>' % r l.append(r) if (n.name, p.name) in edges: r = 'penwidth=0' else: edges.add((p.name, n.name)) r = 'style=solid' if t else 'style=dashed' gv.append('%s -> %s [labeldistance=%u, headlabel=<%s>, %s];' % (p.name, n.name, 1.5 * math.sqrt(j) + 2, ','.join(l), r)) gv.append('}\n') return subprocess.Popen(('neato', '-Tsvg'), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ).communicate('\n'.join(gv))[0] if len(sys.argv) > 1: import SimpleHTTPServer, SocketServer class Handler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): svg = None if self.path == '/route.html': other = 'tunnel' svg = route_svg() elif self.path == '/tunnel.html': other = 'route' gv = registry.Popen(('python', '-c', r"""if 1: import math from re6st.registry import RegistryClient g = eval(RegistryClient('http://localhost/').topology()) print 'digraph {' a = 2 * math.pi / len(g) z = 4 m2 = '%u/80' % (2 << 64) title = lambda n: '2|80' if n == m2 else n g = sorted((title(k), v) for k, v in g.iteritems()) for i, (n, p) in enumerate(g): print '"%s"[pos="%s,%s!"%s];' % (title(n), z * math.cos(a * i), z * math.sin(a * i), ', style=dashed' if p is None else '') for p in p or (): print '"%s" -> "%s";' % (n, title(p)) print '}' """), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd="..").communicate()[0] if gv: svg = subprocess.Popen(('neato', '-Tsvg'), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ).communicate(gv)[0] if not svg: self.send_error(500) return else: if self.path == '/': self.send_response(302) self.send_header('Location', 'route.html') self.end_headers() else: self.send_error(404) return mt = 'text/html' body = """<html> <head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10"/></head> <body><a style="position: absolute" href="%s.html">%ss</a> %s </body> </html>""" % (other, other, svg[svg.find('<svg'):]) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Length', len(body)) self.send_header('Content-type', mt + '; charset=utf-8') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(body) class TCPServer(SocketServer.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = True TCPServer(('', int(sys.argv[1])), Handler).serve_forever() import pdb; pdb.set_trace()