diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/BPMRule.py b/product/ERP5/Document/BPMRule.py
index 4b75fe57d911f5139edce0a5774d48c815462c02..e50f4560ac08691d3971947eb7eaf6abb8af6f09 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/BPMRule.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/BPMRule.py
@@ -31,9 +31,12 @@
 import zope.interface
 from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
 from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, interfaces
-from Products.ERP5.Document.Rule import Rule
+from Products.ERP5.Document.Predicate import Predicate
+from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
+from Acquisition import aq_base
+from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
-class BPMRule(Rule):
+class BPMRule(Predicate, XMLObject):
     DISCLAIMER: Do not use this in any production system.
                 This is only proof of concept and evaluation of new system
@@ -72,7 +75,134 @@ class BPMRule(Rule):
                     , PropertySheet.AppliedRule
-#### Helpers
+  movement_type = 'Simulation Movement'
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+                            'isAccountable')
+  def isAccountable(self, movement):
+    """Tells wether generated movement needs to be accounted or not.
+    Only account movements which are not associated to a delivery;
+    Whenever delivery is there, delivery has priority
+    """
+    return movement.getDeliveryValue() is None
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent,
+                            'constructNewAppliedRule')
+  def constructNewAppliedRule(self, context, id=None, activate_kw=None):
+    """
+      Creates a new applied rule which points to self
+    """
+    portal_types = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types')
+    if id is None:
+      id = context.generateNewId()
+    if getattr(aq_base(context), id, None) is None:
+      context.newContent(id=id,
+                         portal_type='Applied Rule',
+                         specialise_value=self,
+                         activate_kw=activate_kw)
+    return context.get(id)
+  # Simulation workflow
+  def test(self, *args, **kw):
+    """
+    If no test method is defined, return False, to prevent infinite loop
+    """
+    if not self.getTestMethodId():
+      return False
+    return Predicate.test(self, *args, **kw)
+  # Solvers
+  security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+                            'isDivergent')
+  def isDivergent(self, sim_mvt, ignore_list=[]):
+    """
+    Returns true if the Simulation Movement is divergent comparing to
+    the delivery value
+    """
+    delivery = sim_mvt.getDeliveryValue()
+    if delivery is None:
+      return 0
+    if self.getDivergenceList(sim_mvt) == []:
+      return 0
+    else:
+      return 1
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getDivergenceList')
+  def getDivergenceList(self, sim_mvt):
+    """
+    Return a list of messages that contains the divergences.
+    """
+    result_list = []
+    for divergence_tester in self.contentValues(
+               portal_type=self.getPortalDivergenceTesterTypeList()):
+      result = divergence_tester.explain(sim_mvt)
+      result_list.extend(result)
+    return result_list
+  # Deliverability / orderability
+  def isOrderable(self, movement):
+    return 0
+  def isDeliverable(self, movement):
+    return 0
+  def isStable(self, applied_rule, **kw):
+    """
+    - generate a list of previsions
+    - compare the prevision with existing children
+    - return 1 if they match, 0 else
+    """
+    list = self._getCompensatedMovementList(applied_rule, **kw)
+    for e in list:
+      if len(e) > 0:
+        return 0
+    return 1
+#### Helpers to overload
+  def _getExpandablePropertyUpdateDict(self, applied_rule, movement, business_path, **kw):
+    """Rule specific dictionary used to update _getExpandablePropertyDict
+    This method might be overloaded.
+    """
+    return {}
+  def _getInputMovementList(self, applied_rule):
+    """Return list of movements for applied rule.
+    This method might be overloaded"""
+    return [applied_rule.getParentValue()]
+  def _generatePrevisionList(self, applied_rule, **kw):
+    """
+    Generate a list of dictionaries, that contain calculated content of
+    current Simulation Movements in applied rule.
+    based on its context (parent movement, delivery, configuration ...)
+    These previsions are returned as dictionaries.
+    """
+    input_movement_list = self._getInputMovementList(applied_rule)
+    business_process = applied_rule.getBusinessProcessValue()
+    input_movement_and_path_list = []
+    business_path_list = []
+    for input_movement in input_movement_list:
+      for business_path in business_process.getPathValueList(
+                          self.getProperty('trade_phase_list'),
+                          input_movement):
+        input_movement_and_path_list.append((input_movement, business_path))
+        business_path not in business_path_list and business_path_list \
+            .append(business_path)
+    if len(business_path_list) > 1:
+      raise NotImplementedError
+    prevision_dict_list = []
+    for input_movement, business_path in input_movement_and_path_list:
+      prevision_dict_list.append(self._getExpandablePropertyDict(applied_rule,
+          input_movement, business_path))
+    return prevision_dict_list
+#### Helpers NOT to overload
   def _getCurrentMovementList(self, applied_rule, **kw):
     Returns the list of current children of the applied rule, sorted in 3
@@ -199,17 +329,6 @@ class BPMRule(Rule):
     return (add_list, modify_dict, delete_list)
-  def _getExpandablePropertyUpdateDict(self, applied_rule, movement, business_path, **kw):
-    """Rule specific dictionary used to update _getExpandablePropertyDict
-    This method might be overloaded.
-    """
-    return {}
-  def _getInputMovementList(self, applied_rule):
-    """Return list of movements for applied rule.
-    This method might be overloaded"""
-    return [applied_rule.getParentValue()]
   def _getExpandablePropertyDict(self, applied_rule, movement, business_path,
@@ -255,38 +374,10 @@ class BPMRule(Rule):
       movement, business_path, **kw))
     return property_dict
-  def _generatePrevisionList(self, applied_rule, **kw):
-    """
-    Generate a list of dictionaries, that contain calculated content of
-    current Simulation Movements in applied rule.
-    based on its context (parent movement, delivery, configuration ...)
-    These previsions are returned as dictionaries.
-    """
-    input_movement_list = self._getInputMovementList(applied_rule)
-    business_process = applied_rule.getBusinessProcessValue()
-    input_movement_and_path_list = []
-    business_path_list = []
-    for input_movement in input_movement_list:
-      for business_path in business_process.getPathValueList(
-                          self.getProperty('trade_phase_list'),
-                          input_movement):
-        input_movement_and_path_list.append((input_movement, business_path))
-        business_path not in business_path_list and business_path_list \
-            .append(business_path)
-    if len(business_path_list) > 1:
-      raise NotImplementedError
-    prevision_dict_list = []
-    for input_movement, business_path in input_movement_and_path_list:
-      prevision_dict_list.append(self._getExpandablePropertyDict(applied_rule,
-          input_movement, business_path))
-    return prevision_dict_list
   security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'expand')
   def expand(self, applied_rule, force=0, **kw):
+    """Generic expand with helpers.
+    Do NOT overload, use helpers."""
     add_list, modify_dict, \
       delete_list = self._getCompensatedMovementList(applied_rule, **kw)
@@ -304,5 +395,5 @@ class BPMRule(Rule):
       new_movement = applied_rule.newContent(id=movement_id,
           portal_type=self.movement_type, **movement_dict)
-    # Pass to base class
-    Rule.expand(self, applied_rule, force=force, **kw)  # Simulation workflow
+    for o in applied_rule.objectValues():
+      o.expand(**kw)