• Rafael Monnerat's avatar
    apache-frontend: Delay reload apache configuration · 49e2a2ae
    Rafael Monnerat authored
      Wait for 60 to reload apache configuration in order to accumulate
      several logrotate runs.
      If the amount of slaves are too high, the number of logs are high,
      so the entries on logrotate are also high. So it is enough to DDoS
      with a huge amount of 'kill -1', so delay is the only way to avoid
      to re-implement logrotate existing features.
      Only reload the apache configuration if the the apache configuration
      or the certificates contains a change, else don't reload it.
      Keep a command on bin folder to force reload of configuration in
      case it is required.
buildout.hash.cfg 3.31 KB
# THIS IS NOT A BUILDOUT FILE, despite purposedly using a compatible syntax.
# The only allowed lines here are (regexes):
# - "^#" comments, copied verbatim
# - "^[" section beginings, copied verbatim
# - lines containing an "=" sign which must fit in the following categorie.
#   - "^\s*filename\s*=\s*path\s*$" where "path" is relative to this file
#     But avoid directories, they are not portable.
#     Copied verbatim.
#   - "^\s*hashtype\s*=.*" where "hashtype" is one of the values supported
#     by the re-generation script.
#     Re-generated.
# - other lines are copied verbatim
# Substitution (${...:...}), extension ([buildout] extends = ...) and
# section inheritance (< = ...) are NOT supported (but you should really
# not need these here).
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