Commit 4c03bfef authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

Make migration code of ZODB Property sheets for Business Template more generic and add Components.

parent ad765939
......@@ -3478,67 +3478,56 @@ class DocumentTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
text =
self._objects[file_name[:-3]] = text
class PropertySheetTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem,
class FilesystemToZodbTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem,
Property Sheets are now stored in ZODB, rather than the filesystem.
However, Some Business Template may still have filesystem Property
Sheets, which need to be migrated to the ZODB.
This migration is performed in two steps:
1/ Specify explicitly in the web user interface that the Property
Sheets should be migrated.
2/ The Property Sheets will all be migrated when installing the
Business Template.
Therefore, this is an all or nothing migration, meaning that only
methods of DocumentTemplateItem will be called before the migration
has been performed, then ObjectTemplateItem methods afterwards.
Abstract class to allow migration from DocumentTemplateItem to
ObjectTemplateItem, this is useful for migration from filesystem to ZODB for
PropertySheets and Components
# If set to False, then the migration of Property Sheets will never
# be performed, required until the code of ZODB Property Sheets is
# stable and completely documented
# If set to False, then the migration from filesystem to ZODB will be
# performed, meaningful only until the code is stable
_perform_migration = True
# Only meaningful for filesystem Property Sheets
local_file_reader_name = staticmethod(readLocalPropertySheet)
local_file_writer_name = staticmethod(writeLocalPropertySheet)
local_file_importer_name = staticmethod(importLocalPropertySheet)
local_file_remover_name = staticmethod(removeLocalPropertySheet)
_tool_id = None
def _getZodbObjectId(id):
return id
def __init__(self, id_list, tool_id=None, context=None, **kw):
if tool_id is None:
tool_id = self._tool_id
def __init__(self, id_list, tool_id='portal_property_sheets', context=None, **kw):
tool = None
if context is not None and len(id_list):
# XXX looking up a tool early in the install process might
# cause issues. If it does, we'll have to consider moving this
# to build()
tool = getattr(context.getPortalObject(), tool_id, None)
tool = getattr(context.getPortalObject(), self._tool_id, None)
if tool is not None:
existing_property_sheet_set = set(tool.objectIds())
existing_set = set(tool.objectIds())
for i, id in enumerate(id_list):
if id in existing_property_sheet_set:
# if the property sheet is on ZODB, use it.
id_list[i] = "%s/%s" % (tool_id, id)
if id in existing_set:
# if the object is on ZODB, use it.
id_list[i] = "%s/%s" % (self._tool_id, self._getZodbObjectId(id))
BaseTemplateItem.__init__(self, id_list, **kw)
def _is_already_migrated(object_key_list):
def _is_already_migrated(self, object_key_list):
The Property Sheets have already been migrated if any keys within
the given object_key_list (either '_objects.keys()' or
'_archive.keys()') contains a key starting by 'portal_property_sheets/'
Objects have already been migrated if any keys within the given
object_key_list (either '_objects.keys()' or '_archive.keys()') contains a
key starting by 'tool_id/'
return len(object_key_list) != 0 and \
object_key_list[0].startswith(self._tool_id + '/')
def _filesystemCompatibilityWrapper(method_name, object_dict_name):
Call ObjectTemplateItem method when the Property Sheets have
already been migrated, otherwise fallback on DocumentTemplateItem
method for backward-compatibility
Call ObjectTemplateItem method when the objects have already been
migrated, otherwise fallback on DocumentTemplateItem method for
def inner(self, *args, **kw):
if self._is_already_migrated(getattr(self, object_dict_name).keys()):
......@@ -3548,7 +3537,7 @@ class PropertySheetTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem,
if method_name == 'preinstall':
old_result = result.copy()
for k, v in old_result.iteritems():
if not k.startswith('portal_property_sheets/'):
if not k.startswith(self._tool_id + '/'):
# Magical way to have unique path in case of not yet migrated property
# sheets available on preinstall list
......@@ -3581,49 +3570,27 @@ class PropertySheetTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem,
return DocumentTemplateItem.uninstall(self, *args, **kw)
def _getFilesystemPropertySheetPath(class_id):
def remove(self, context, **kw):
From the given class identifier, return the complete path of the
filesystem Property Sheet class. Only meaningful when the Business
Template has already been installed previously, otherwise the
Conversion of magically uniqued paths to real ones
from App.config import getConfiguration
return os.path.join(getConfiguration().instancehome,
"" % class_id)
remove_object_dict = kw.get('remove_object_dict', {})
new_remove_dict = dict()
for k,v in remove_object_dict.iteritems():
if k.startswith(self.getTemplateTypeName()+'/'):
new_remove_dict[self._getPath(k)] = v
kw['remove_object_dict'] = new_remove_dict
ObjectTemplateItem.remove(self, context, **kw)
def _migrateFilesystemPropertySheet(property_sheet_tool,
Migration of a filesystem Property Sheet involves loading the
class from 'instancehome/PropertySheet/<class_id>', then create
the ZODB Property Sheets in portal_property_sheets from its
filesystem definition
# The first parameter of 'load_source' is the module name where
# the class will be stored, thus don't only use the class name as
# it may clash with already loaded module, such as
# BusinessTemplate.
module = imp.load_source(
'Migrate%sFilesystemPropertySheet' % class_id,
klass = getattr(module, class_id)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("filesystem Property Sheet '%s' should " \
"contain a class with the same name" % \
def _getFilesystemPath(class_id):
raise NotImplementedError
return PropertySheetDocument.importFromFilesystemDefinition(
property_sheet_tool, klass)
def _migrateFromFilesystem(tool, filesystem_path, filesystem_file, class_id):
raise NotImplementedError
def _migrateAllFilesystemPropertySheets(self,
def _migrateAllFromFilesystem(self,
......@@ -3635,10 +3602,9 @@ class PropertySheetTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem,
the latter '_archive'), and finally removing the useless Property
Sheet on the filesystem
# Migrate all the filesystem Property Sheets of the Business
# Template if any
property_sheet_tool = context.getPortalObject().portal_property_sheets
property_sheet_id_set = set(property_sheet_tool.objectIds())
# Migrate all the filesystem classes of the Business Template if any
tool = getattr(context.getPortalObject(), self._tool_id)
id_set = set(tool.objectIds())
# careful, that dictionary will change
class_id_list = migrate_object_dict.keys()
......@@ -3646,48 +3612,44 @@ class PropertySheetTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem,
# If the Property Sheet already exists in ZODB, then skip it,
# otherwise it should not be needed anymore once the deletion
# code of the filesystem Property Sheets is enabled
if class_id in property_sheet_id_set:
if class_id in id_set:
# XXX a Conduit must be able to merge modifications
# from FS PropertySheets into ZODB PropertySheets
warn('Conflict when migrating Property Sheet %s: ' \
'already exists in portal_property_sheets and '\
'cannot be updated automatically for now. ' % class_id,
warn('Conflict when migrating classes %s: already exists in %s and '\
'cannot be updated automatically for now.' % (class_id,
del migrate_object_dict[class_id]
if class_id in object_dict:
del object_dict[class_id]
filesystem_property_sheet_path = \
filesystem_path = self._getFilesystemPath(class_id)
# A filesystem Property Sheet may already exist in the instance
# home if the Business Template has been previously installed,
# otherwise it is created
if os.path.exists(filesystem_property_sheet_path):
filesystem_property_sheet_file = open(filesystem_property_sheet_path)
if os.path.exists(filesystem_path):
filesystem_file = open(filesystem_path)
filesystem_property_sheet_file = open(filesystem_property_sheet_path,
filesystem__file = open(filesystem_path, 'w+')
new_property_sheet = self._migrateFilesystemPropertySheet(
migrated_object = self._migrateFromFilesystem(tool,
# Update 'migrate_object_dict' with the new path
key = 'portal_property_sheets/%s' % class_id
key = '%s/%s' % (self._tool_id, migrated_object.getId())
migrate_object_dict[key] = new_property_sheet.aq_base
migrate_object_dict[key] = migrated_object
del migrate_object_dict[class_id]
# Remove old reference in 'object_dict' as it does not make
......@@ -3700,16 +3662,6 @@ class PropertySheetTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem,
# migrated
update_parameter_dict[key] = 'migrate'
def remove(self, context, **kw):
"""Conversion of magically uniqued paths to real ones"""
remove_object_dict = kw.get('remove_object_dict', {})
new_remove_dict = dict()
for k,v in remove_object_dict.iteritems():
if k.startswith(self.getTemplateTypeName()+'/'):
new_remove_dict[self._getPath(k)] = v
kw['remove_object_dict'] = new_remove_dict
ObjectTemplateItem.remove(self, context, **kw)
def install(self, context, **kw):
if not self._perform_migration:
return DocumentTemplateItem.install(self, context, **kw)
......@@ -3721,32 +3673,131 @@ class PropertySheetTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem,
if bt_format_version == 0 and \
not self._is_already_migrated(self._archive.keys()):
elif bt_format_version == 1 and \
not self._is_already_migrated(self._objects.keys()):
return ObjectTemplateItem.install(self, context, **kw)
class PropertySheetTemplateItem(FilesystemToZodbTemplateItem):
Property Sheets are now stored in ZODB rather than the filesystem.
However, some Business Templates may still have filesystem Property
Sheets, which need to be migrated to the ZODB.
This migration is performed in two steps:
1/ Specify explicitly in the web user interface that the Property
Sheets should be migrated.
2/ The Property Sheets will all be migrated when installing the
Business Template.
Therefore, this is an all or nothing migration, meaning that only
methods of DocumentTemplateItem will be called before the migration
has been performed, then ObjectTemplateItem methods afterwards.
# Only meaningful for filesystem Property Sheets
local_file_reader_name = staticmethod(readLocalPropertySheet)
local_file_writer_name = staticmethod(writeLocalPropertySheet)
local_file_importer_name = staticmethod(importLocalPropertySheet)
local_file_remover_name = staticmethod(removeLocalPropertySheet)
_tool_id = 'portal_property_sheets'
def _getFilesystemPath(class_id):
From the given class identifier, return the complete path of the
filesystem Property Sheet class. Only meaningful when the Business
Template has already been installed previously, otherwise the
from App.config import getConfiguration
return os.path.join(getConfiguration().instancehome,
"" % class_id)
def _migrateFromFilesystem(tool,
Migration of a filesystem Property Sheet involves loading the
class from 'instancehome/PropertySheet/<class_id>', then create
the ZODB Property Sheets in portal_property_sheets from its
filesystem definition
# The first parameter of 'load_source' is the module name where
# the class will be stored, thus don't only use the class name as
# it may clash with already loaded module, such as
# BusinessTemplate.
module = imp.load_source('Migrate%sFilesystemPropertySheet' % class_id,
klass = getattr(module, class_id)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("filesystem Property Sheet '%s' should " \
"contain a class with the same name" % \
return PropertySheetDocument.importFromFilesystemDefinition(tool, klass)
class ConstraintTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem):
local_file_reader_name = staticmethod(readLocalConstraint)
local_file_writer_name = staticmethod(writeLocalConstraint)
local_file_importer_name = staticmethod(importLocalConstraint)
local_file_remover_name = staticmethod(removeLocalConstraint)
class ExtensionTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem):
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.ExtensionComponent import ExtensionComponent as \
class ExtensionTemplateItem(FilesystemToZodbTemplateItem):
Extensions are now stored in ZODB rather than on the filesystem. However,
some Business Templates may still have filesystem Extensions which need to
be migrated to the ZODB.
# XXX-arnau: the code is far from being stable
_perform_migration = False
_tool_id = 'portal_components'
# Only meaningful for filesystem Extensions
local_file_reader_name = staticmethod(readLocalExtension)
local_file_writer_name = staticmethod(writeLocalExtension)
# Extension needs no import
local_file_importer_name = None
local_file_remover_name = staticmethod(removeLocalExtension)
def _getZodbObjectId(id):
return 'erp5.component.extension.%s' % id
def _getFilesystemPath(class_id):
from App.config import getConfiguration
return os.path.join(getConfiguration().instancehome,
"" % class_id)
def _migrateFromFilesystem(tool,
return ExtensionComponentDocument.importFromFilesystem(tool,
class TestTemplateItem(DocumentTemplateItem):
local_file_reader_name = staticmethod(readLocalTest)
local_file_writer_name = staticmethod(writeLocalTest)
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