Commit 9c428be4 authored by Boxiang Sun's avatar Boxiang Sun

erp5_notebook: Support standard pyodide notebook grammar

Simply ignore the section "meta" and "plugin", support "%%code {"language" : "py"}"
instead "%% py"
parent 515c3a84
/*global window, console, RSVP, document, URL, eval, XMLHttpRequest, marked, pyodide */
/*global window, console, RSVP, document, URL, eval, XMLHttpRequest, marked, pyodide, WebAssembly, fetch*/
/*jslint nomen: true, indent: 2, maxerr: 3 */
(function (window) {
"use strict";
......@@ -11,15 +11,16 @@
this._line_list = line_list;
split_line_regex = /[\r\n|\n|\r]/,
cell_type_regexp = /^\%\% (\w+)$/,
is_pyodide_loaded = false;
cell_type_regexp = /^\%\% (\w+)\b/,
language_type_regexp = /\{[\S\s]+\}/,
is_pyodide_loaded = false,
Module = {};
window.xiodide = new IODide();
window.iodide = new IODide();
IODide.prototype.addOutputHandler = function () {
var Module = {};
// Copied from jio
function ajax(param) {
......@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@
len = line_list.length,
cell_list = [];
......@@ -87,6 +89,15 @@
next_type = current_line.match(cell_type_regexp);
if (next_type) {
// New type detexted
if (next_type[1] === 'code') {
// language detected
try {
language_type = JSON.parse(current_line.match(language_type_regexp)).language;
} catch (e) {
throw e;
next_type[1] = next_type[1] + '_' + language_type;
current_type = next_type;
current_text_list = [];
......@@ -256,34 +267,21 @@
function loadPyodide() {
let wasm_promise = WebAssembly.compileStreaming(fetch(`pyodide.asm.wasm`));
Module.instantiateWasm = function (info, receiveInstance) {
.then(module => WebAssembly.instantiate(module, info))
.then(instance => receiveInstance(instance));
return {};
window.Module = Module;
function executePyCell(line_list) {
var result_text, code_text = line_list.join('\n');
try {
result_text = pyodide.runPython(line_list.join('\n'));
} catch (e) {
result_text = e.message;
if (typeof(result_text) === 'undefined') {
result_text = 'undefined';
renderCodeblock(result_text, 'python');
function loadPyodide(info, receiveInstance) {
var queue = new RSVP.Queue();
queue.push(function () {
return WebAssembly.compileStreaming(fetch("pyodide.asm.wasm"));
.push(function (module) {
return WebAssembly.instantiate(module, info);
.push(function (instance) {
return receiveInstance(instance);
return queue;
function renderCodeblock(result_text, language) {
function renderCodeblock(result_text) {
var div = document.createElement('div'),
pre = document.createElement('pre'),
result = document.createElement('code');
......@@ -299,23 +297,32 @@
function executePyCell(line_list) {
var result_text, code_text = line_list.join('\n');
try {
result_text = pyodide.runPython(code_text);
} catch (e) {
result_text = e.message;
renderCodeblock(result_text, 'python');
function pyodideSetting() {
window.pyodide = pyodide(Module);
var defer = RSVP.defer(), promise=defer.promise;
console.log("Setting postRun");
window.pyodide.loadPackage = pyodideLoadPackage;
var defer = RSVP.defer(), promise = defer.promise;
Module.postRun = defer.resolve;
promise.then(function() {
promise.then(function () {
console.log("postRun get called");
console.log("Setting postRun finished");
return defer.promise;
function executeCell(cell) {
if (cell._type === 'raw') {
if (['raw', 'meta', 'plugin'].indexOf(cell._type) !== -1) {
// Do nothing...
......@@ -334,26 +341,33 @@
if (cell._type === 'css') {
return executeCssCell(cell._line_list);
if (cell._type === 'py') {
console.log("Py cell");
if (cell._type === 'code_py') {
if (cell._line_list.length === 0) {
// empty block, do nothing.
var queue = new RSVP.Queue();
if (!is_pyodide_loaded) {
console.log("Loading pyodide");
queue.push(function() {
queue.push(function () {
console.log("Loading webassembly module");
return loadPyodide();
Module.instantiateWasm = loadPyodide;
window.Module = Module;
.push(function () {
return loadJSResource(``);
return loadJSResource('');
.push(function () {
console.log("Loading pyodide.asm.js");
return loadJSResource('pyodide.asm.js');
.push(function () {
console.log("Delay the execution");
return RSVP.delay();
.push(function () {
console.log("Prepare to set postRun and pyodide");
return pyodideSetting();
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