Commit 4c08d492 authored by Daniel Agar's avatar Daniel Agar

fix Makefile changes missed in rebase

parent bd8c2dca
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ COMMON_LDFLAGS := -B$(TOOLS_DIR)/build_system -L/usr/local/lib -lpthread -lm -lu
COMMON_LDFLAGS += $(DEPS_DIR)/pypa-install/lib/libpypa.a
# Conditionally add libtinfo if available - otherwise nothing will be added
COMMON_LDFLAGS += `pkg-config tinfo && pkg-config tinfo --libs || echo ""`
COMMON_LDFLAGS += `pkg-config tinfo 2>/dev/null && pkg-config tinfo --libs || echo ""`
# Make sure that we put all symbols in the dynamic symbol table so that MCJIT can load them;
# TODO should probably do the linking before MCJIT
BUILD_SYSTEM_DEPS := Makefile Makefile.local $(wildcard build_system/*)
CLANG_DEPS := $(CLANGPP_EXE) $(abspath $(dir $(CLANGPP_EXE))/../../built_release)
$(CLANGPP_EXE) $(CLANG_EXE): $(abspath $(dir $(CLANGPP_EXE))/../../built_release)
# settings to make clang and ccache play nicely:
CLANG_CCACHE_FLAGS := -Qunused-arguments
......@@ -469,7 +470,7 @@ ifneq ($(ENABLE_INTEL_JIT_EVENTS),0)
LLVM_CONFIGURE_LINE += --with-intel-jitevents
mkdir -p $(LLVM_BUILD)
cd $(LLVM_BUILD) ; \
......@@ -782,7 +783,7 @@ memcheck$1_%: pyston$1 $$(RUN_DEPS)
$$(call make_search,memcheck$1_%)
memcheck_gdb$1_%: pyston$1 $$(RUN_DEPS)
set +e; $$(VALGRIND) -v -v -v -v -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=no --track-origins=yes --vgdb=yes --vgdb-error=0 ./pyston$1 $$(ARGS) $$< & export PID=$$$$! ; \
$$(GDB) --ex "set confirm off" --ex "target remote | $$(DEPS_DIR)/valgrind-3.9.0-install/bin/vgdb" --ex "continue" --ex "bt" ./pyston$1; kill -9 $$$$PID
$$(GDB) --ex "set confirm off" --ex "target remote | $$(DEPS_DIR)/valgrind-3.10.0-install/bin/vgdb" --ex "continue" --ex "bt" ./pyston$1; kill -9 $$$$PID
$$(call make_search,memcheck_gdb$1_%)
memleaks$1_%: pyston$1 $$(RUN_DEPS)
$$(VALGRIND) --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --leak-resolution=low --show-reachable=yes ./pyston$1 $$(ARGS) $$<
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