Commit e6ade3a0 authored by Marius Wachtler's avatar Marius Wachtler

add M2Crypto test + fix missing stuff

- oldstyle classed don't add __bases__ and __name__ as attributes to their dict instead the intercept them with __getattribute__
- it was possible to encounter a crash when importing a module and then deleting the entry from sys.modules and calling the function from the other module
- add a Pyston specific PyCode_GetArgCount instead of directly accessing code->co_argcount
parent ea0ebeb5
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ addons:
- libxml2-dev
- libxslt1-dev
- libssl-dev
- swig
- if [ "$CC" = "clang" ]; then export CC="clang-3.5" CXX="clang++-3.5"; fi
......@@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ PyCode_NewEmpty(const char *filename, const char *funcname, int firstlineno) PYS
use PyFrame_GetLineNumber() instead. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCode_Addr2Line(PyCodeObject *, int) PYSTON_NOEXCEPT;
// Pyston addition:
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCode_GetArgCount(PyCodeObject *) PYSTON_NOEXCEPT;
/* for internal use only */
#define _PyCode_GETCODEPTR(co, pp) \
((*Py_TYPE((co)->co_code)->tp_as_buffer->bf_getreadbuffer) \
......@@ -148,12 +148,6 @@ Box* classobjNew(Box* _cls, Box* _name, Box* _bases, Box** _args) {
made->setattr(s, p.second, NULL);
// Note: make sure to do this after assigning the attrs, since it will overwrite any defined __name__
static BoxedString* name_str = internStringImmortal("__name__");
static BoxedString* bases_str = internStringImmortal("__bases__");
made->setattr(name_str, name, NULL);
made->setattr(bases_str, bases, NULL);
return made;
......@@ -110,6 +110,11 @@ extern "C" PyCodeObject* PyCode_New(int, int, int, int, PyObject*, PyObject*, Py
RELEASE_ASSERT(0, "not implemented");
extern "C" int PyCode_GetArgCount(PyCodeObject* op) noexcept {
RELEASE_ASSERT(PyCode_Check((Box*)op), "");
return unboxInt(BoxedCode::argcount((Box*)op, NULL));
void setupCode() {
code_cls = BoxedClass::create(type_cls, object_cls, &BoxedCode::gcHandler, 0, 0, sizeof(BoxedCode), false, "code");
......@@ -614,6 +614,15 @@ extern "C" PyObject* PyImport_ImportModule(const char* name) noexcept {
return PyImport_Import(boxString(name));
extern "C" PyObject* PyImport_GetModuleDict(void) noexcept {
try {
return getSysModulesDict();
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
return NULL;
/* Get the module object corresponding to a module name.
First check the modules dictionary if there's one there,
if not, create a new one and insert it in the modules dictionary.
......@@ -463,6 +463,9 @@ void BoxedFunction::gcHandler(GCVisitor* v, Box* b) {
if (f->f && f->f->source && f->f->source->parent_module)
BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod::BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(CLFunction* f, const char* name, const char* doc)
......@@ -1685,6 +1688,15 @@ static Box* functionCode(Box* self, void*) {
return codeForFunction(func);
extern "C" PyObject* PyFunction_GetCode(PyObject* func) noexcept {
try {
return functionCode((Box*)func, NULL);
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
return NULL;
static void functionSetCode(Box* self, Box* v, void*) {
assert(self->cls == function_cls);
diff -ur M2Crypto-0.21.1.orig/SWIG/_lib.i ./SWIG/_lib.i
--- M2Crypto-0.21.1/SWIG/_lib.i 2011-01-15 19:10:06.000000000 +0000
+++ ./SWIG/_lib.i 2015-09-25 12:41:17.184659427 +0100
@@ -110,12 +110,16 @@
PyCodeObject *code;
func = PyMethod_Function(ssl_verify_cb_func);
code = (PyCodeObject *) PyFunction_GetCode(func);
- if (code && code->co_argcount == 3) { /* XXX Python internals */
+ // Pyston change
+ //if (code && code->co_argcount == 3) { /* XXX Python internals */
+ if (code && PyCode_GetArgCount(code) == 3) {
new_style_callback = 1;
} else if (PyFunction_Check(ssl_verify_cb_func)) {
PyCodeObject *code = (PyCodeObject *) PyFunction_GetCode(ssl_verify_cb_func);
- if (code && code->co_argcount == 2) { /* XXX Python internals */
+ // Pyston change
+ //if (code && code->co_argcount == 2) { /* XXX Python internals */
+ if (code && PyCode_GetArgCount(code) == 2) {
new_style_callback = 1;
} else {
import os, sys, subprocess, shutil
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../lib")
from test_helper import create_virtenv, run_test
ENV_NAME = "M2Crypto_test_env_" + os.path.basename(sys.executable)
SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ENV_NAME, "src"))
PYTHON_EXE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ENV_NAME, "bin", "python"))
def install_and_test_lxml():
shutil.rmtree(SRC_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
url = ""
subprocess.check_call(["wget", url], cwd=SRC_DIR)
subprocess.check_call(["tar", "-zxf", "M2Crypto-0.21.1.tar.gz"], cwd=SRC_DIR)
M2CRYPTO_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SRC_DIR, "M2Crypto-0.21.1"))
url = ""
subprocess.check_call(["wget", url], cwd=M2CRYPTO_DIR)
subprocess.check_call(["tar", "-zxf", "m2crypto_0.21.1-3ubuntu5.debian.tar.gz"], cwd=M2CRYPTO_DIR)
debian_patches = ("0001-Import-inspect-in-urllib-2.patch",
for patch in debian_patches:
PATCH_FILE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(M2CRYPTO_DIR, "debian", "patches", patch))
subprocess.check_call(["patch", "-p1", "--input=" + PATCH_FILE], cwd=M2CRYPTO_DIR)
PATCH_FILE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "M2Crypto_patch.patch"))
subprocess.check_call(["patch", "-p1", "--input=" + PATCH_FILE], cwd=M2CRYPTO_DIR)
env = os.environ
# M2Crypto can't find the opensslconf without this
env["DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH"] = "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu"
# SWIG does not work with pyston if this define is not set
subprocess.check_call([PYTHON_EXE, "", "install"], cwd=M2CRYPTO_DIR, env=env)
expected = [{'ran': 235, 'failures': 1, 'errors': 7, 'skipped': 2}]
run_test([PYTHON_EXE, "", "test"], cwd=M2CRYPTO_DIR, expected=expected)
create_virtenv(ENV_NAME, None, force_create = True)
......@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ PYOPENSSL_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ENV_NAME, "site-packages", "OpenSSL
packages = ["nose==1.3.7", "pycparser==2.13", "cryptography==1.0.1", "pyopenssl==0.15.1", "pyasn1==0.1.7", "idna==2.0", "six==1.9.0", "enum34==1.0.4", "ipaddress==1.0.14", "cffi==1.1.0"]
create_virtenv(ENV_NAME, packages, force_create = True)
expected = [{'ran': 247, 'errors': 2, 'failures': 0}]
expected = [{'ran': 247, 'errors': 2}]
run_test([NOSETESTS_EXE], cwd=PYOPENSSL_DIR, expected=expected)
......@@ -40,31 +40,12 @@ def parse_output(output):
m = re.match("Ran (\d+) tests in", l)
if m:
result.append({"ran": int(})
m = re.match("FAILED \(failures=(\d+), errors=(\d+)\)", l)
if m:
d = result[-1]
assert d.keys() == ["ran"]
d['failures'] = int(
d['errors'] = int(
m = re.match("FAILED \(errors=(\d+), failures=(\d+)\)", l)
if m:
d = result[-1]
assert d.keys() == ["ran"]
d['failures'] = int(
d['errors'] = int(
m = re.match("FAILED \(failures=(\d+)\)", l)
for res_type in ("errors", "failures", "skipped"):
m = re.match("FAILED \(.*%s=(\d+).*\)" % res_type, l)
if m:
d = result[-1]
assert d.keys() == ["ran"]
d['failures'] = int(
d['errors'] = 0
m = re.match("FAILED \(errors=(\d+)\)", l)
if m:
d = result[-1]
assert d.keys() == ["ran"]
d['failures'] = 0
d['errors'] = int(
result[-1][res_type] = int(
return result
def run_test(cmd, cwd, expected, env = None):
class C():
print C, type(C)
print C, type(C), sorted(dir(C))
print map(str, C.__bases__), C.__name__
print type(C())
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