Commit ea06fec9 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

These cpython tests are passing now

parent fd85b564
# expected: fail
# PyOS_ascii_formatd is deprecated and not called from anywhere in
# Python itself. So this module is the only place it gets tested.
# Test that it works, and test that it's deprecated.
# expected: fail
from DocXMLRPCServer import DocXMLRPCServer
import httplib
import sys
# expected: fail
# Test hashlib module
# $Id$
# expected: fail
# Test case for the os.poll() function
import os
# expected: fail
Test cases for
Nick Mathewson
# expected: fail
Very minimal unittests for parts of the readline module.
# expected: fail
import asyncore
import email.utils
import socket
# expected: fail
Create and delete FILES_PER_THREAD temp files (via tempfile.TemporaryFile)
in each of NUM_THREADS threads, recording the number of successes and
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ test_aifc Unsupported subclassing from file?
test_al No module named al
test_applesingle Not really a failure, but it tries to skip itself and we don't support that
test_argparse [unknown]
test_ascii_formattd [unknown]
test_ast [unknown]
test_asynchat [unknown]
test_asyncore [unknown]
......@@ -88,7 +87,6 @@ test_distutils [unknown]
test_dis [unknown]
test_dl [unknown]
test_doctest hard to know. also missing some input files
test_docxmlrpc [unknown]
test_dumbdbm [unknown]
test_email_codecs [unknown]
test_email_renamed [unknown]
......@@ -118,7 +116,6 @@ test_getargs2 [unknown]
test_global SyntaxWarnings for global statements after uses
test_gl [unknown]
test_grammar bug in our tokenizer
test_hashlib [unknown]
test_heapq [unknown]
test_hotshot [unknown]
test_httplib [unknown]
......@@ -172,13 +169,11 @@ test_pep352 various unique bugs
test_pickletools [unknown]
test_pickle unknown
test_pkg unknown bug
test_poll [unknown]
test_poplib [unknown]
test_pprint [unknown]
test_print [unknown]
test_profile [unknown]
test_py3kwarn [unknown]
test_pyclbr [unknown]
test_py_compile [unknown]
test_pydoc [unknown]
test_random long("invalid number")
......@@ -195,7 +190,6 @@ test_shelve [unknown]
test_shlex [unknown]
test_signal [unknown]
test_site [unknown]
test_smtplib [unknown]
test_smtpnet [unknown]
test_socketserver [unknown]
test_socket [unknown]
......@@ -225,7 +219,6 @@ test_tcl [unknown]
test_telnetlib [unknown]
test_tempfile [unknown]
test_threaded_import [unknown]
test_threadedtempfile [unknown]
test_threading_local [unknown]
test_threading [unknown]
test_threadsignals [unknown]
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