Commit 2be549d8 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Cleanup of C++ docs.

parent 5c3fb00a
......@@ -312,30 +312,34 @@ and use any of them::
Overloading operators
Cython uses C++ for overloading operators::
Cython uses C++ naming for overloading operators::
cdef extern from "foo.h":
cdef cppclass Foo:
Foo* operator+(Foo*)
Foo* operator-(Foo)
int operator*(Foo*)
Foo operator+(Foo)
Foo operator-(Foo)
int operator*(Foo)
int operator/(int)
cdef Foo* foo = new Foo()
cdef int x
cdef Foo foo = new Foo()
cdef Foo* foo2 = foo[0] + foo
foo2 = foo[0] - foo[0]
foo2 = foo + foo
foo2 = foo - foo
x = foo[0] * foo2
x = foo[0] / 1
x = foo * foo2
x = foo / 1
cdef Foo f
foo = f + &f
foo2 = f - f
Note that if one has *pointers* to C++ objects, dereferencing must be done
to avoid doing pointer arithmetic rather than arithmetic on the objects
cdef Foo* foo_ptr = new Foo()
foo = foo_ptr[0] + foo_ptr[0]
x = foo_ptr[0] / 2
del foo_ptr
del foo, foo2
Nested class declarations
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