Commit 3f8fefb0 authored by Mark Florisson's avatar Mark Florisson

Tempita support

parent 2cd11fd8
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import os
import re
import codecs
import glob
import Naming
import Options
import StringEncoding
......@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ from Scanning import SourceDescriptor
from Cython.StringIOTree import StringIOTree
import DebugFlags
import Errors
from Cython import Tempita as tempita
from Cython.Utils import none_or_sub
......@@ -42,6 +44,9 @@ uncachable_builtins = [
Cython_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
Utility_dir = os.path.join(Cython_dir, "Utility")
class UtilityCodeBase(object):
is_cython_utility = False
......@@ -69,8 +74,7 @@ class UtilityCodeBase(object):
if utilities:
return utilities
Cython_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
filename = os.path.join(Cython_dir, "Utility", path)
filename = os.path.join(Utility_dir, path)
f =, encoding='UTF-8')
_, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
......@@ -111,8 +115,8 @@ class UtilityCodeBase(object):
return utilities
def load_utility_from_file(cls, path, util_code_name, proto_fmt_dict=None,
impl_fmt_dict=None, *args, **kwargs):
def load_utility_from_file(cls, path, util_code_name,
context=None, **kwargs):
Load a utility code from a file specified by path (relative to
Cython/Utility) and name util_code_name.
......@@ -125,37 +129,52 @@ class UtilityCodeBase(object):
for prototypes and implementation respectively. For non-python or
-cython files a // comment should be used instead.
proto_fmt_dict and impl_format_dict can optionally be given to perform
any substitutions.
If context is given, the utility is considered a tempita template.
The context dict (which may be empty) will be unpacked to form
all the variables in the template.
If the @cname decorator is not used and this is a CythonUtilityCode,
one should pass in the 'name' keyword argument to be used for name
mangling of such entries.
proto, impl = cls.load_utility_as_string(path, util_code_name)
proto, impl = cls.load_utility_as_string(path, util_code_name, context)
if proto:
if proto_fmt_dict:
proto = proto % proto_fmt_dict
if proto is not None:
kwargs['proto'] = proto
if impl:
if impl_fmt_dict:
impl = impl % impl_fmt_dict
if impl is not None:
kwargs['impl'] = impl
if 'name' not in kwargs:
kwargs['name'] = os.path.splitext(path)[0]
return cls(*args, **kwargs)
return cls(**kwargs)
def load_utility_as_string(cls, path, util_code_name):
def load_utility_as_string(cls, path, util_code_name, context=None):
Load a utility code as a string. Returns (proto, implementation)
utilities = cls.load_utilities_from_file(path)
return utilities[util_code_name]
proto, impl = utilities[util_code_name]
if proto:
if context is not None:
proto = tempita.sub(proto, **context)
if impl:
if context is not None:
impl = tempita.sub(impl, **context)
return proto, impl
def load_utility(cls, name, context=None, **kwargs):
"Load utility name with context from a utility file name.suffix"
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(Utility_dir, name + '.*'))
if len(files) != 1:
raise ValueError("Need exactly one utility file")
return cls.load_utilities_from_file(files[0], name, context, **kwargs)
def __str__(self):
return "<%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__,
......@@ -1275,6 +1294,12 @@ class CCodeWriter(object):
elif fix_indent:
self.level += 1
def putln_tempita(self, code, **context):
self.putln(tempita.sub(code, **context))
def put_tempita(self, code, **context):
self.put(tempita.sub(code, **context))
def increase_indent(self):
self.level = self.level + 1
......@@ -2345,8 +2345,12 @@ class IndexNode(ExprNode):
skip_child_analysis = False
buffer_access = False
# memoryviewslice_access = False
if self.base.type.is_buffer or self.base.type.is_memoryviewslice:
memoryviewslice_access = False
if (self.base.type.is_memoryviewslice and not self.indices and
isinstance(self.index, EllipsisNode)):
memoryviewslice_access = True
elif self.base.type.is_buffer or self.base.type.is_memoryviewslice:
if self.indices:
indices = self.indices
......@@ -2390,11 +2394,11 @@ class IndexNode(ExprNode):
if self.type.is_buffer:
self.base.entry.buffer_aux.writable_needed = True
# elif memoryviewslice_access:
# self.type = self.base.type
# self.is_memoryviewslice_access = True
# if getting:
# error(self.pos, "memoryviews currently support setting only.")
elif memoryviewslice_access:
self.type = self.base.type
self.is_memoryviewslice_access = True
if getting:
error(self.pos, "memoryviews currently support setting only.")
base_type = self.base.type
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def put_assign_to_memviewslice(lhs_cname, rhs_cname, memviewslicetype, pos, code
for i in range(ndim):
code.putln("%s.shape[%d] = %s.shape[%d];" % (lhs_cname, i, rhs_cname, i))
code.putln("%s.strides[%d] = %s.strides[%d];" % (lhs_cname, i, rhs_cname, i))
# code.putln("%s.suboffsets[%d] = %s.suboffsets[%d];" % (lhs_cname, i, rhs_cname, i))
code.putln("%s.suboffsets[%d] = %s.suboffsets[%d];" % (lhs_cname, i, rhs_cname, i))
def get_buf_flag(specs):
is_c_contig, is_f_contig = is_cf_contig(specs)
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class MemoryViewSliceBufferEntry(Buffer.BufferEntry):
self.buf_ptr_type = dtype
def get_buf_suboffsetvars(self):
return self._for_all_ndim("%s.memview->view.suboffsets[%d]")
return self._for_all_ndim("%s.suboffsets[%d]")
def get_buf_stridevars(self):
return self._for_all_ndim("%s.strides[%d]")
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ static int %s(const __Pyx_memviewslice mvs) {
%(for_loop)s {
#ifdef DEBUG
/* printf("mvs.suboffsets[i] %%d\\n", mvs.suboffsets[i]); */
printf("mvs.suboffsets[i] %%d\\n", mvs.suboffsets[i]);
printf("mvs.strides[i] %%d\\n", mvs.strides[i]);
printf("mvs.shape[i] %%d\\n", mvs.shape[i]);
printf("size %%d\\n", size);
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ static int %s(const __Pyx_memviewslice mvs) {
#undef DEBUG
if(mvs.memview->view.suboffsets[i] >= 0) {
if(mvs.suboffsets[i] >= 0) {
return 0;
if(size * itemsize != mvs.strides[i]) {
......@@ -374,13 +374,17 @@ class CopyFuncUtilCode(object):
mode = 'fortran'
contig_flag = "PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS"
code.put(copy_template %
context = dict(
sizeof_dtype="sizeof(%s)" % self.from_memview.dtype.declaration_code(''),
_, copy_code = UtilityCode.load_utility_as_string(
"MemoryView_C.c", "MemviewSliceCopyTemplate", context)
def get_copy_contents_func(from_mvs, to_mvs, cfunc_name):
......@@ -744,10 +748,8 @@ def load_memview_c_utility(name, *args, **kwargs):
def load_memview_c_string(name):
return UtilityCode.load_utility_as_string("MemoryView_C.c", name)
_, copy_template = UtilityCode.load_utility_as_string(
"MemoryView_C.c", "MemviewSliceCopyTemplate")
fmt_dict = {
context = {
'memview_struct_name': memview_objstruct_cname,
'max_dims': Options.buffer_max_dims,
'memviewslice_name': memviewslice_cname,
......@@ -755,10 +757,10 @@ fmt_dict = {
memviewslice_declare_code = load_memview_c_utility(
memviewslice_init_code = load_memview_c_utility(
proto_fmt_dict={'BUF_MAX_NDIMS': Options.buffer_max_dims},
context={'BUF_MAX_NDIMS': Options.buffer_max_dims},
This diff is collapsed.
Helper for looping over sequences, particular in templates.
Often in a loop in a template it's handy to know what's next up,
previously up, if this is the first or last item in the sequence, etc.
These can be awkward to manage in a normal Python loop, but using the
looper you can get a better sense of the context. Use like::
>>> for loop, item in looper(['a', 'b', 'c']):
... print loop.number, item
... if not loop.last:
... print '---'
1 a
2 b
3 c
import sys
from Cython.Tempita.compat3 import basestring_
__all__ = ['looper']
class looper(object):
Helper for looping (particularly in templates)
Use this like::
for loop, item in looper(seq):
if loop.first:
def __init__(self, seq):
self.seq = seq
def __iter__(self):
return looper_iter(self.seq)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s for %r>' % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.seq)
class looper_iter(object):
def __init__(self, seq):
self.seq = list(seq)
self.pos = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.pos >= len(self.seq):
raise StopIteration
result = loop_pos(self.seq, self.pos), self.seq[self.pos]
self.pos += 1
return result
if sys.version < "3":
next = __next__
class loop_pos(object):
def __init__(self, seq, pos):
self.seq = seq
self.pos = pos
def __repr__(self):
return '<loop pos=%r at %r>' % (
self.seq[self.pos], self.pos)
def index(self):
return self.pos
index = property(index)
def number(self):
return self.pos + 1
number = property(number)
def item(self):
return self.seq[self.pos]
item = property(item)
def __next__(self):
return self.seq[self.pos + 1]
except IndexError:
return None
__next__ = property(__next__)
if sys.version < "3":
next = __next__
def previous(self):
if self.pos == 0:
return None
return self.seq[self.pos - 1]
previous = property(previous)
def odd(self):
return not self.pos % 2
odd = property(odd)
def even(self):
return self.pos % 2
even = property(even)
def first(self):
return self.pos == 0
first = property(first)
def last(self):
return self.pos == len(self.seq) - 1
last = property(last)
def length(self):
return len(self.seq)
length = property(length)
def first_group(self, getter=None):
Returns true if this item is the start of a new group,
where groups mean that some attribute has changed. The getter
can be None (the item itself changes), an attribute name like
``'.attr'``, a function, or a dict key or list index.
if self.first:
return True
return self._compare_group(self.item, self.previous, getter)
def last_group(self, getter=None):
Returns true if this item is the end of a new group,
where groups mean that some attribute has changed. The getter
can be None (the item itself changes), an attribute name like
``'.attr'``, a function, or a dict key or list index.
if self.last:
return True
return self._compare_group(self.item, self.__next__, getter)
def _compare_group(self, item, other, getter):
if getter is None:
return item != other
elif (isinstance(getter, basestring_)
and getter.startswith('.')):
getter = getter[1:]
if getter.endswith('()'):
getter = getter[:-2]
return getattr(item, getter)() != getattr(other, getter)()
return getattr(item, getter) != getattr(other, getter)
elif hasattr(getter, '__call__'):
return getter(item) != getter(other)
return item[getter] != other[getter]
import sys
__all__ = ['b', 'basestring_', 'bytes', 'next', 'is_unicode']
if sys.version < "3":
b = bytes = str
basestring_ = basestring
def b(s):
if isinstance(s, str):
return s.encode('latin1')
return bytes(s)
basestring_ = (bytes, str)
bytes = bytes
text = str
if sys.version < "3":
def next(obj):
next = next
if sys.version < "3":
def is_unicode(obj):
return isinstance(obj, unicode)
def is_unicode(obj):
return isinstance(obj, str)
def coerce_text(v):
if not isinstance(v, basestring_):
if sys.version < "3":
attr = '__unicode__'
attr = '__str__'
if hasattr(v, attr):
return unicode(v)
return bytes(v)
return v
......@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
/* memoryview slice struct */
typedef struct {
struct %(memview_struct_name)s *memview;
struct {{memview_struct_name}} *memview;
/* For convenience and faster access */
char *data;
Py_ssize_t shape[%(max_dims)d];
Py_ssize_t strides[%(max_dims)d];
/* Py_ssize_t suboffsets[%(max_dims)d]; */
} %(memviewslice_name)s;
Py_ssize_t shape[{{max_dims}}];
Py_ssize_t strides[{{max_dims}}];
Py_ssize_t suboffsets[{{max_dims}}];
} {{memviewslice_name}};
// UtilityProto: MemviewSliceInit
......@@ -194,12 +194,11 @@ static int __Pyx_init_memviewslice(
for(i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
memviewslice->strides[i] = buf->strides[i];
memviewslice->shape[i] = buf->shape[i];
if(buf->suboffsets) {
memviewslice->suboffsets[i] = buf->suboffsets[i];
} else {
memviewslice->suboffsets[i] = -1;
__Pyx_INCREF((PyObject *)memview);
......@@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ no_fail:
// UtilityCode: MemviewSliceCopyTemplate
static __Pyx_memviewslice %(copy_name)s(const __Pyx_memviewslice from_mvs) {
static __Pyx_memviewslice {{copy_name}}(const __Pyx_memviewslice from_mvs) {
int i;
......@@ -232,9 +231,9 @@ static __Pyx_memviewslice %(copy_name)s(const __Pyx_memviewslice from_mvs) {
PyObject *temp_int = 0;
struct __pyx_array_obj *array_obj = 0;
struct __pyx_memoryview_obj *memview_obj = 0;
char *mode = "%(mode)s";
char *mode = "{{mode}}";
shape_tuple = PyTuple_New((Py_ssize_t)(buf->ndim));
if(unlikely(!shape_tuple)) {
......@@ -252,13 +251,13 @@ static __Pyx_memviewslice %(copy_name)s(const __Pyx_memviewslice from_mvs) {
array_obj = __pyx_array_new(shape_tuple, %(sizeof_dtype)s, buf->format, mode);
array_obj = __pyx_array_new(shape_tuple, {{sizeof_dtype}}, buf->format, mode);
if (unlikely(!array_obj)) {
goto fail;
memview_obj = __pyx_memoryview_new((PyObject *) array_obj, %(contig_flag)s);
memview_obj = __pyx_memoryview_new((PyObject *) array_obj, {{contig_flag}});
if (unlikely(!memview_obj)) {
goto fail;
......@@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ static __Pyx_memviewslice %(copy_name)s(const __Pyx_memviewslice from_mvs) {
goto fail;
if (unlikely(-1 == %(copy_contents_name)s(&from_mvs, &new_mvs))) {
if (unlikely(-1 == {{copy_contents_name}}(&from_mvs, &new_mvs))) {
/* PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
"Could not copy contents of memoryview slice."); */
goto fail;
......@@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ packages = [
if include_debugger:
......@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ def create_array(shape, mode='c'):
def slice_contig_indexing():
>>> slice_contig_indexing()
>>> print "disabled"
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