Commit 8552e978 authored by Kevin Deldycke's avatar Kevin Deldycke

Move PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation code to PaySheetTransaction_initializePreview script.

Move generic code of _preCalculation_l10n_fr to PaySheetTransaction_initializePreview.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 82b39eab
No related merge requests found
......@@ -68,113 +68,154 @@
<key> <string>_body</string> </key>
<value> <string>import random\n
<value> <string>"""\n
This script create the data structure of the pay sheet preview (= the PaySheetTransaction_viewPreview fast input).\n
Then it fill this data structure with rates and amounts of money from the localized pre calculation script.\n
import random\n
from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempBase\n
from string import zfill\n
global portal_object, num, l\n
portal_object = context.getPortalObject()\n
num = 0\n
l = []\n
# get all pre-calculated rates and bases\n
default_values = context.PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation()\n
# function to create a new preview line\n
def createPreviewLine( new_id = None\n
, new_title = None\n
, new_base = None\n
, new_base_name = None\n
, new_employee_rate = None\n
, new_employer_rate = None\n
, new_service_url = None\n
, new_organisation_url = None\n
, new_salary_range_cat = None\n
, new_tax_cat = None\n
# This part of the script create the data structure designed to hold the result of pre calculation.\n
global portal_object, num, l\n
num += 1\n
int_len = 3\n
o = newTempBase(portal_object, new_id)\n
o.setUid( \'new_%s\' % zfill(num, int_len)) # XXX There is a security issue here\n
o.edit(uid=\'new_%s\' % zfill(num, int_len)) # XXX There is a security issue here\n
o.edit( id = new_id\n
, title = new_title\n
, base = new_base\n
, base_name = new_base_name\n
, employee_share_rate = new_employee_rate\n
, employer_share_rate = new_employer_rate\n
, service_url = new_service_url\n
, organisation_url = new_organisation_url\n
, salary_range_cat = new_salary_range_cat\n
, tax_cat = new_tax_cat\n
# \'d\' is the dict which contain the default values of the Pay Sheet fast input\n
# TODO: Bad name ! Find something more explicit.\n
d = {}\n
# get all services related to pay sheet transaction\n
paysheet_services = []\n
erp5site = context.portal_url.getPortalObject()\n
# during 06/2005 service module has been renamed service_module\n
# During 06/2005 service module has been renamed service_module\n
# both names are supported\n
# XXX This should definitly use portal_catalog !!!\n
if hasattr(erp5site, \'payroll_service_module\') :\n
# XXX The following code will be deprecated when the Payroll Service portal type will be used.\n
erp5site = context.portal_url.getPortalObject()\n
if hasattr(erp5site, \'payroll_service_module\'):\n
service_module = erp5site.payroll_service_module\n
elif hasattr(erp5site, \'service_module\') :\n
elif hasattr(erp5site, \'service_module\'):\n
service_module = erp5site.service_module\n
else :\n
service_module = erp5site.service\n
# Get all services related to pay sheet transaction\n
# TODO: Only choose services of the current localisation.\n
paysheet_services = []\n
for service in service_module.objectValues():\n
base_cat = service.getVariationBaseCategoryList()\n
# A service is related to paysheet transaction if it has\n
# \'tax_category\' and \'salary_range\' as base category.\n
if \'tax_category\' in base_cat and \'salary_range\' in base_cat and service.getId() != \'labour\':\n
# Check service validity\n
# TODO: Use a validation workflow on Payroll Service and check the validity of a Service there\n
base_categories = service.getVariationBaseCategoryList()\n
if \'salary_range\' in base_categories and \'tax_category\' in base_categories:\n
# XXX add "and service.getId() != \'labour\':" ??\n
# Sort the service list by id\n
paysheet_services.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getId(), y.getId()))\n
# generate all lines for the preview form\n
for serv in paysheet_services:\n
cat_list = serv.getCategoryList()\n
# store all categories of the service into lists\n
tax_cat = []\n
range_cat = []\n
for cat in cat_list:\n
if str(cat).find(\'tax_category\') != -1:\n
if str(cat).find(\'salary_range\') != -1:\n
# create a line for every salary_range of the service\n
for base in range_cat:\n
if mycategory is None:\n
context.log("PaySheetTransaction_initializePreview","WARNING : category not found : %s" % base)\n
# Create the pre-calculation data structure\n
for service in paysheet_services:\n
# XXX Is there a better way to get categorylist ? Something like getCategoryList(base=\'tax_category\')\n
# will be nice to have.\n
service_categories = service.getCategoryList()\n
tax_categories = []\n
salary_range_categories = []\n
for category in service_categories:\n
if category.startswith(\'tax_category/\'): tax_categories.append(category)\n
elif category.startswith(\'salary_range/\'): salary_range_categories.append(category)\n
# Create a preview line for each salary_range of the service.\n
# This method is valid as long as we assume each line is composed of a base, an employee share\n
# and an employer share only.\n
for salary_range in salary_range_categories:\n
salary_range_object = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(salary_range)\n
if salary_range_object is None:\n
context.log( "PaySheetTransaction_initializePreview"\n
, "WARNING! Category not found: %s" % salary_range\n
name = serv.getId() + \'/\' + mycategory.getId()\n
# a preview line is composed of a base calculation, an employee share rate and an employer share rate\n
if default_values.has_key(name):\n
new_base = default_values[name][\'base\']\n
new_employee_rate = default_values[name][\'employee_rate\']\n
new_employer_rate = default_values[name][\'employer_rate\']\n
# create a preview line for every salary_range value of the service\n
createPreviewLine( new_id = serv.getId()\n
, new_title = serv.getTitleOrId()\n
, new_base = new_base\n
, new_base_name = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(base).getTitleOrId()\n
, new_employee_rate = new_employee_rate\n
, new_employer_rate = new_employer_rate\n
, new_service_url = serv.getRelativeUrl()\n
, new_organisation_url = serv.getSource()\n
, new_salary_range_cat = base\n
, new_tax_cat = tax_cat\n
preview_line_uid = "%s/%s" % (service.getId(), salary_range_object.getId())\n
d[preview_line_uid] = { \'service\' : service\n
, \'tax_categories\': tax_categories\n
, \'salary_range\' : salary_range\n
, \'employer_share\': None\n
, \'employee_share\': None\n
, \'base\' : None\n
# This part of the script select the right localized version of PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation_l10n script.\n
# TODO: implement here a generic method to get the right precalculation script automaticcaly.\n
# Force which script to use - BAD\n
country = \'fr\'\n
year = \'2006\'\n
script_name = \'_\'.join([ "PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation_l10n"\n
, country\n
, year\n
calculation_method = getattr(context, script_name)\n
pre_calculation = calculation_method()\n
# Merge pre_calculation and preview line dict\n
preview_line_keys = d.items()[0][1].keys()\n
for k in pre_calculation.keys():\n
if k in d.keys():\n
for required_key in preview_line_keys:\n
if not pre_calculation[k].has_key(required_key):\n
pre_calculation[k][required_key] = d[k][required_key]\n
context.log( "PaySheetTransaction_initializePreview"\n
, "Preview line key \'%s\' not found in default services" % k\n
# Remove line\n
del pre_calculation[k]\n
# Because all rates in the localized file are written in percents, we must convert them in pure floats.\n
for preview_line_uid in pre_calculation.keys():\n
# Only \'Fixed\' (or \'Forfait\' in french) base are expressed in percents\n
# TODO: base this test on "/forfait" string is bad. A more generic way must be found.\n
preview_line = pre_calculation[preview_line_uid]\n
if not preview_line_uid.endswith(\'/forfait\'):\n
# Fix percents\n
for share_type in [\'employer_share\', \'employee_share\']:\n
share_value = preview_line[share_type]\n
if share_value not in (\'\', None):\n
preview_line[share_type] = share_value / 100.0\n
# Normalize the value of \'Fixed\' (or \'Forfait\' in french) base to 1.0\n
preview_line[\'base\'] = 1.0\n
pre_calculation[preview_line_uid] = preview_line\n
# Create a preview line for every salary_range value of the service\n
portal_object = context.getPortalObject()\n
preview_line_list = []\n
num = 0\n
INT_LEN = 3\n
for (preview_line_id, preview_line_item) in pre_calculation.items():\n
num += 1\n
context.log("Kev dfsdfsdfsdff", repr((preview_line_id, preview_line_item)))\n
service = preview_line_item[\'service\']\n
salary_range = preview_line_item[\'salary_range\']\n
service_id = service.getId()\n
o = newTempBase(portal_object, service_id)\n
o.setUid( \'new_%s\' % zfill(num, INT_LEN)) # XXX There is a security issue here\n
o.edit(uid=\'new_%s\' % zfill(num, INT_LEN)) # XXX There is a security issue here\n
o.edit( id = service_id\n
, base = preview_line_item[\'base\']\n
, employer_share = preview_line_item[\'employer_share\']\n
, employee_share = preview_line_item[\'employee_share\']\n
, service_title = service.getTitleOrId()\n
, service_id = service_id\n
, salary_range = salary_range\n
, salary_range_title = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(salary_range).getTitleOrId()\n
, tax_category = preview_line_item[\'tax_categories\']\n
# return the list of preview lines\n
return l\n
return preview_line_list\n
</string> </value>
......@@ -237,34 +278,47 @@ return l\n
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
<key> <string>Python_magic</string> </key>
<key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key>
<value> <int>3</int> </value>
<key> <string>__ac_local_roles__</string> </key>
<key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key>
<global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/>
<key> <string>_asgns</string> </key>
<key> <string>name_container</string> </key>
<value> <string>container</string> </value>
<key> <string>name_context</string> </key>
<value> <string>context</string> </value>
<key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key>
<value> <string>script</string> </value>
<key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key>
<value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value>
<key> <string>_body</string> </key>
<value> <string># This script must select the right localized version of PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation\n
# depending of given parameters.\n
# Force which script to use manually.\n
country = \'fr\'\n
year = \'2006\'\n
script_name = \'_\'.join([ "PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation_l10n"\n
, country\n
, year\n
calculation_method = getattr(context, script_name)\n
return calculation_method(**kw)\n
</string> </value>
<key> <string>_code</string> </key>
<key> <string>_filepath</string> </key>
<key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
<key> <string>_params</string> </key>
<value> <string>**kw</string> </value>
<key> <string>errors</string> </key>
<key> <string>func_code</string> </key>
<global name="FuncCode" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Signature"/>
<key> <string>co_argcount</string> </key>
<value> <int>0</int> </value>
<key> <string>co_varnames</string> </key>
<key> <string>func_defaults</string> </key>
<key> <string>id</string> </key>
<value> <string>PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation</string> </value>
<key> <string>warnings</string> </key>
......@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
according french fiscal & social rules for a SME.\n
kw = {}\n
......@@ -82,7 +83,6 @@
# This part depend mostly of the current localisation.\n
global paysheet\n
paysheet = context.getObject()\n
paysheet_type = paysheet.getPortalType()\n
......@@ -168,66 +168,13 @@ else:\n
# This part of the script create the data structure designed to hold the result of pre calculation.\n
# TODO: This part must be generic to be moved outside this localized script. Probably in PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation.\n
# \'d\' is the dict which contain the default values of the Pay Sheet fast input\n
d = {}\n
# During 06/2005 service module has been renamed service_module\n
# both names are supported\n
# XXX This should definitly use portal_catalog !!!\n
# XXX The following code will be deprecated when the Payroll Service portal type will be used\n
erp5site = context.portal_url.getPortalObject()\n
if hasattr(erp5site, \'payroll_service_module\'):\n
service_module = erp5site.payroll_service_module\n
elif hasattr(erp5site, \'service_module\'):\n
service_module = erp5site.service_module\n
service_module = erp5site.service\n
# Check service validity\n
# TODO: Use a validation workflow on Payroll Service and check the validity of a Service there\n
# TODO: Only choose services of the current localisation.\n
paysheet_services = []\n
for service in service_module.objectValues():\n
base_cat = service.getVariationRangeBaseCategoryList()\n
if \'tax_category\' in base_cat and \'salary_range\' in base_cat:\n
for service in paysheet_services:\n
# XXX Is there a better way to get categorylist ? Something like getCategoryList(base=\'tax_category\') will be nice to have.\n
service_categories = service.getCategoryList()\n
tax_categories = []\n
salary_range_categories = []\n
for category in service_categories:\n
if category.startswith(\'tax_category/\'): tax_categories.append(category)\n
elif category.startswith(\'salary_range/\'): salary_range_categories.append(category)\n
for salary_range in salary_range_categories:\n
salary_range_object = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(salary_range)\n
if salary_range_object is None:\n
context.log( "PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation"\n
, "WARNING! Category not found: %s" % salary_range\n
preview_line_uid = "%s/%s" % (service.getId(), salary_range_object.getId())\n
d[preview_line_uid] = { \'employer_rate\': None\n
, \'employee_rate\': None\n
, \'base\' : None\n
# This part of the script calculate the default salaey range and rates.\n
# This part is the core of the script: all rates and amounts are defined below.\n
# Here is a model of a line definition:\n
# d[\'payroll_service_id/salary_range_category_id\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_rate\' : employer_rate_in_percent\n
# , \'employee_rate\' : employee_rate_in_percent\n
# kw[\'payroll_service_id/salary_range_category_id\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_share\': employer_rate_in_percent\n
# , \'employee_share\': employee_rate_in_percent\n
# , \'base\' : contribution_base_in_currency\n
# }\n
# Rates and base must be floats.\n
......@@ -241,93 +188,93 @@ if executive:\n
employer_rate = 13.10\n
employee_rate = 0.75\n
d[\'sickness_insurance/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : employer_rate\n
, \'employee_rate\' : employee_rate\n
kw[\'sickness_insurance/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': employer_rate\n
, \'employee_share\': employee_rate\n
, \'base\' : gross_salary\n
# Old-age insurance = Assurance vieillesse\n
if executive:\n
d[\'oldage_insurance/salaire_plafonne\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : None\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 6.65\n
kw[\'oldage_insurance/salaire_plafonne\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': None\n
, \'employee_share\': 6.65\n
, \'base\' : limited_salary\n
d[\'oldage_insurance/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 1.60\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 0.10\n
kw[\'oldage_insurance/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 1.60\n
, \'employee_share\': 0.10\n
, \'base\' : gross_salary\n
d[\'oldage_insurance/salaire_plafonne\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 8.30\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 6.65\n
kw[\'oldage_insurance/salaire_plafonne\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 8.30\n
, \'employee_share\': 6.65\n
, \'base\' : limited_salary\n
# Family benefits = Allocations familliale\n
if not executive:\n
d[\'family_benefits/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 5.40\n
, \'employee_rate\' : None\n
kw[\'family_benefits/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 5.40\n
, \'employee_share\': None\n
, \'base\' : gross_salary\n
# Industrial accident = Accidents du travail\n
if not executive:\n
d[\'industrial_accident/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 1.10\n
, \'employee_rate\' : None\n
kw[\'industrial_accident/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 1.10\n
, \'employee_share\': None\n
, \'base\' : gross_salary\n
# Lodging helps = Aide au logemenent\n
# if company_size > 9:\n
# d[\'lodging_helps/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_rate\' : 0.40\n
# , \'employee_rate\' : None\n
# kw[\'lodging_helps/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_share\': 0.40\n
# , \'employee_share\': None\n
# , \'base\' : gross_salary\n
# }\n
# else:\n
# d[\'lodging_helps/salaire_plafonne\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_rate\' : 0.10\n
# , \'employee_rate\' : None\n
# kw[\'lodging_helps/salaire_plafonne\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_share\': 0.10\n
# , \'employee_share\': None\n
# , \'base\' : limited_salary\n
# }\n
# Transport payment\n
# TODO: rate depending of the town, 1.80 is the \'default\' value (when the town isn\'t referenced by laws)\n
if company_size > 9:\n
d[\'transport_payment/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 1.80\n
, \'employee_rate\' : None\n
kw[\'transport_payment/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 1.80\n
, \'employee_share\': None\n
, \'base\' : gross_salary\n
# CSG\n
d[\'csg_deductible/salaire_brut_csg\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : None\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 5.10\n
kw[\'csg_deductible/salaire_brut_csg\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': None\n
, \'employee_share\': 5.10\n
, \'base\' : 0.97 * gross_salary\n
d[\'csg_non_deductible/salaire_brut_csg\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : None\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 2.9\n
kw[\'csg_non_deductible/salaire_brut_csg\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': None\n
, \'employee_share\': 2.9\n
, \'base\' : 0.97 * gross_salary\n
# CRDS\n
# d[\'crds/salaire_brut_crds\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_rate\' : None\n
# , \'employee_rate\' : 0.50\n
# kw[\'crds/salaire_brut_crds\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_share\': None\n
# , \'employee_share\': 0.50\n
# , \'base\' : 0.97 * gross_salary\n
# }\n
# Unemployment insurance = Assurance chomage\n
d[\'unemployment_insurance/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 4.04\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 2.44\n
kw[\'unemployment_insurance/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 4.04\n
, \'employee_share\': 2.44\n
, \'base\' : gross_salary\n
......@@ -336,18 +283,18 @@ d[\'unemployment_insurance/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
fngs_employer_rate = 0.25\n
if start_date >= DateTime(2006, 7, 1):\n
fngs_employer_rate = 0.15\n
d[\'fngs/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : fngs_employer_rate\n
, \'employee_rate\' : None\n
kw[\'fngs/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': fngs_employer_rate\n
, \'employee_share\': None\n
, \'base\' : gross_salary\n
if not executive:\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'1\'):\n
d[\'arrco/tranche_1\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 4.5\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 3.0\n
kw[\'arrco/tranche_1\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 4.5\n
, \'employee_share\': 3.0\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'1\']\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'2\'):\n
......@@ -357,43 +304,43 @@ if not executive:\n
employee_share_rate = 8.0\n
employer_share_rate = 12.0\n
d[\'arrco/tranche_2\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : employer_share_rate\n
, \'employee_rate\' : employee_share_rate\n
kw[\'arrco/tranche_2\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': employer_share_rate\n
, \'employee_share\': employee_share_rate\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'2\']\n
elif salary_slices.has_key(\'A\'):\n
d[\'arrco/tranche_a\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 4.5\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 3.0\n
kw[\'arrco/tranche_a\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 4.5\n
, \'employee_share\': 3.0\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'A\']\n
# AGFF\n
if executive:\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'A\'):\n
d[\'agff_tranche_a/tranche_a\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 1.20\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 0.80\n
kw[\'agff_tranche_a/tranche_a\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 1.20\n
, \'employee_share\': 0.80\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'A\']\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'B\'):\n
d[\'agff_tranche_b/tranche_b\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 1.30\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 0.90\n
kw[\'agff_tranche_b/tranche_b\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 1.30\n
, \'employee_share\': 0.90\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'B\']\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'1\'):\n
d[\'agff_tranche_a/tranche_1\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 1.20\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 0.80\n
kw[\'agff_tranche_a/tranche_1\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 1.20\n
, \'employee_share\': 0.80\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'1\']\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'2\'):\n
d[\'agff_tranche_b/tranche_2\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 1.30\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 0.90\n
kw[\'agff_tranche_b/tranche_2\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 1.30\n
, \'employee_share\': 0.90\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'2\']\n
......@@ -401,82 +348,82 @@ else:\n
# TODO: fix the repartition of share rate in case of slice C\n
if executive:\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'B\'):\n
d[\'argic/tranche_b\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 12.60\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 7.70\n
kw[\'argic/tranche_b\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 12.60\n
, \'employee_share\': 7.70\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'B\']\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'C\'):\n
# free repartition (20.30% to share between employee & employer)\n
d[\'argic/tranche_c\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 10.15\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 10.15\n
kw[\'argic/tranche_c\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 10.15\n
, \'employee_share\': 10.15\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'C\']\n
# CET\n
if executive:\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'A\'):\n
d[\'cet/tranche_a\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 0.22\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 0.13\n
kw[\'cet/tranche_a\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 0.22\n
, \'employee_share\': 0.13\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'A\']\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'B\'):\n
d[\'cet/tranche_b\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 0.22\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 0.13\n
kw[\'cet/tranche_b\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 0.22\n
, \'employee_share\': 0.13\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'B\']\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'C\'):\n
d[\'cet/tranche_c\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 0.22\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 0.13\n
kw[\'cet/tranche_c\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 0.22\n
, \'employee_share\': 0.13\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'C\']\n
# Life insurance = Assurance vie\n
# if executive == True and salary_slices.has_key(\'A\'):\n
# d[\'life_insurance/tranche_a\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_rate\' : 1.5\n
# , \'employee_rate\' : None\n
# kw[\'life_insurance/tranche_a\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_share\': 1.5\n
# , \'employee_share\': None\n
# , \'base\' : salary_slices[\'A\']\n
# }\n
# APEC forfaitaire\n
if executive:\n
d[\'apec/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 3.72\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 2.49\n
kw[\'apec/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 3.72\n
, \'employee_share\': 2.49\n
, \'base\' : 1.0\n
if salary_slices.has_key(\'B\'):\n
d[\'apec/tranche_b\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 0.036\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 0.024\n
kw[\'apec/tranche_b\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 0.036\n
, \'employee_share\': 0.024\n
, \'base\' : salary_slices[\'B\']\n
# Retirement = Retraite Cadre forfaitaire\n
if executive:\n
d[\'cavcic/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : 35.62\n
, \'employee_rate\' : 21.21\n
kw[\'cavcic/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': 35.62\n
, \'employee_share\': 21.21\n
, \'base\' : 1.0\n
# construction tax\n
# if company_size > 9:\n
# d[\'construction_tax/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_rate\' : 0.45\n
# , \'employee_rate\' : None\n
# kw[\'construction_tax/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_share\': 0.45\n
# , \'employee_share\': None\n
# , \'base\' : gross_salary\n
# }\n
# training tax\n
# d[\'training_tax/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_rate\' : 0.50\n
# , \'employee_rate\' : None\n
# kw[\'training_tax/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_share\': 0.50\n
# , \'employee_share\': None\n
# , \'base\' : gross_salary\n
# }\n
......@@ -485,9 +432,9 @@ if executive:\n
# rate = 0.15\n
# else:\n
# rate = 1.5\n
# d[\'courses_tax/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_rate\' : rate\n
# , \'employee_rate\' : None\n
# kw[\'courses_tax/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
# { \'employer_share\': rate\n
# , \'employee_share\': None\n
# , \'base\' : gross_salary\n
# }\n
......@@ -501,9 +448,9 @@ if col_agr not in (None, \'\') and \'syntec\' in col_agr.lower():\n
syntec_rate = 0.96\n
if employee.getMaritalStatusId() == \'married\':\n
syntec_rate *= 2\n
d[\'syntec_insurance/salaire_plafonne_syntec\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : syntec_rate\n
, \'employee_rate\' : syntec_rate\n
kw[\'syntec_insurance/salaire_plafonne_syntec\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': syntec_rate\n
, \'employee_share\': syntec_rate\n
, \'base\' : ceiling_salary\n
......@@ -513,19 +460,19 @@ if col_agr not in (None, \'\') and \'syntec\' in col_agr.lower():\n
# * non-working days (= absences)\n
# Thanks to this, the accountant has the freedom to add the missing amount of money\n
# that this script can\'t guess.\n
d[\'retenue_maladie/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : None\n
, \'employee_rate\' : None\n
kw[\'retenue_maladie/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': None\n
, \'employee_share\': None\n
, \'base\' : 1.0\n
d[\'primes/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : None\n
, \'employee_rate\' : None\n
kw[\'primes/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': None\n
, \'employee_share\': None\n
, \'base\' : 1.0\n
d[\'absences/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : None\n
, \'employee_rate\' : None\n
kw[\'absences/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': None\n
, \'employee_share\': None\n
, \'base\' : 1.0\n
......@@ -533,27 +480,13 @@ d[\'absences/forfait\'] = \\\n
# This tax can be calculated automaticcaly.\n
# Because of lack of time we just let the accountant do the work.\n
# See coresponding service description for more details.\n
d[\'reduction_fillon_forfait/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_rate\' : None\n
, \'employee_rate\' : None\n
kw[\'reduction_fillon_forfait/forfait\'] = \\\n
{ \'employer_share\': None\n
, \'employee_share\': None\n
, \'base\' : 1.0\n
# Because all rates above are written in percents, we must convert them in pure floats.\n
# TODO: this part is generic, so move it to PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation script.\n
for line_id in d.keys():\n
# Only \'Fixed\' (or \'Forfait\' in french) base are expressed in percents\n
if not line_id.endswith(\'/forfait\'):\n
# Fix percents\n
for share_type in [\'employer_rate\', \'employee_rate\']:\n
share_value = d[line_id][share_type]\n
if share_value not in (\'\', None):\n
d[line_id][share_type] = share_value / 100.0\n
# Normalize the value of \'Fixed\' (or \'Forfait\' in french) base to 1.0\n
d[line_id][\'base\'] = 1.0\n
return d\n
return kw\n
]]></string> </value>
......@@ -610,6 +543,7 @@ return d\n
<key> <string>co_varnames</string> </key>
......@@ -644,22 +578,7 @@ return d\n
......@@ -667,9 +586,6 @@ return d\n
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