Commit 9c53df82 authored by Boxiang Sun's avatar Boxiang Sun

erp5_user_tutorial: Update user-Howto.Post.Outgoing.Events

parent 2ca2e995
<section class="master">
<section class="master"> <h1>How to Send Outgoing Events</h1>
<h1>How to Send Outgoing Events</h1> <img alt="Send outgoing Events in Tickets" src="" title="Send outgoing Events in Tickets" />
<img alt="Send outgoing Events in Tickets" title="Send outgoing Events in Tickets" src=""> <footer>by <a href="">OSOE Project</a>.
<footer> </footer>
by <a href="">OSOE Project</a>.
</footer> <details open="open">
<details open="open"> <p>We now know how to <strong>create outgoing Events</strong> and associate them to a Ticket such as a campaign. In this tutorial, you will learn how to <strong>send an outgoing Event</strong> created for the campaign Ticket.</p>
<p> </details>
We now know how to <strong>create outgoing Events</strong> <test>
and associate them to a Ticket such as a campaign. In this tutorial, you will learn how to <table class="test" style="display: none;">
<strong>send an outgoing Event</strong>
created for the campaign Ticket.
<table style="display: none;" class="test">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr class="" style="opacity: 1;"> <tr style="opacity: 1;">
<td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro="container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/init_test_environment"&gt;init&lt;/span&gt;</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro=&quot;container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/init_test_environment&quot;&gt;init&lt;/span&gt;</td>
</tr> </tr>
<tr> <tr>
<td>openAndWait</td> <td>openAndWait</td>
<td>${base_url}/Zuite_setUpPostEventTest</td> <td>${base_url}/Zuite_setUpPostEventTest</td>
<td> <td>&nbsp;</td>
<br> </tr>
</td> <tr>
</tr> <td>verifyTextPresent</td>
<tr> <td>Init Ok</td>
<td>verifyTextPresent</td> <td>&nbsp;</td>
<td>Init Ok</td> </tr>
<td> <tr style="opacity: 1;">
<br> <td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro=&quot;container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/wait_for_activities&quot;&gt; Wait for activities &lt;/span&gt;</td>
</td> </tr>
</tr> <tr style="opacity: 1;">
<tr class="" style="opacity: 1;"> <td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro=&quot;container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/login_as_functional_test_user&quot;&gt;Login As Functional Test User&lt;/span&gt;</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro="container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/wait_for_activities"&gt; Wait for activities &lt;/span&gt;</td> </tr>
<tr class="" style="opacity: 1;">
<td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro="container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/login_as_functional_test_user"&gt;Login As Functional Test User&lt;/span&gt;</td>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section><section> </section>
<ul> <section>
<li>Confirm the Event</li> <h1>Agenda</h1>
<li>Send the Event</li>
<li>Check the Event status</li> <ul>
</ul> <li>Confirm the Event</li>
<test> <li>Send the Event</li>
<table style="display: none;" class="test"> <li>Check the Event status</li>
<tbody></tbody> </ul>
</table> <test>
</test> <table class="test" style="display: none;">
</section><section class="screenshot">
<h1>The planned Event sheet</h1>
<img alt="The planned Event sheet - Event to be send" title="The planned Event sheet - Event to be send" src="">
<details open="open">
<p>The Red Zone of the screenshot shows you the Bread Crumb which gives you your location in your ERP5 instance: the planned Event waiting to be sent.</p><p>
The Blue Zone displays the content of the Event. As we have edited this Event previously, it is now <strong>ready to be sent</strong>
. We will then explain how to send this event from this event sheet.
<table style="display: none;" class="test">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr style="opacity: 1; z-index: 0;" class="">
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:content="structure python: here.Zuite_generateListboxBrowsing(listbox_selection=(['title', 'ZUITE-TEST-POST-EVENT-EVENT-001'],), enter_object=True)"/&gt;</td>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </section>
<h1>Confirm the Event (1): Click on 'Confirm' in 'Action' list</h1>
<img alt="Send the Event (1): Confirm the planned Event" title="Send the Event (1): Confirm the planned Event" src=""> <section class="screenshot">
<details open="open"> <h1>The planned Event sheet</h1>
<p> <img alt="The planned Event sheet - Event to be send" src="" title="The planned Event sheet - Event to be send" />
In order to send the Event, first we should verify that everything is correct in the Event sheet and then <strong>confirm</strong> <details open="open">
the <p>The Red Zone of the screenshot shows you the Bread Crumb which gives you your location in your ERP5 instance: the planned Event waiting to be sent.</p>
<strong>Planned Event</strong>
. <p>The Blue Zone displays the content of the Event. As we have edited this Event previously, it is now <strong>ready to be sent</strong> . We will then explain how to send this event from this event sheet.</p>
</p><p>The Red Zone displays the current state of the Event is “planned”. This means that this Event has been created in the Follow Up Ticket, and waiting to be sent to the person set in the Recipient field of this Event. The person set in the Sender field will be displayed as the Sender when the Recipient receives the Event.</p><p> </details>
When you are sure everything is fine, you can then confirm the planned Event. <strong>Open the Action item list</strong> <test>
as circled in the Blu Zone on the sreenshot. Then <table class="test" style="display: none;">
<strong>click on Confirm</strong>
<table style="display: none;" class="test">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr> <tr>
<td>selectAndWait</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:define=&quot;click_configuration python: {&#39;text&#39;: &#39;Modules&#39;}&quot;&gt; &lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/click_on_panel_link&quot; /&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td>//select[@name="select_action"]</td> </tr>
<td>Confirm</td> <tr>
</tr> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:define=&quot;click_configuration python: {&#39;text&#39;: &#39;Events&#39;}&quot;&gt; &lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/click_on_page_link&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt;&lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_listbox_loaded&quot; /&gt;</td>
<td>//a[contains(text(), &quot;ZUITE-TEST-POST-EVENT-EVENT-001&quot;)]</td>
<td>//a[contains(text(), &quot;ZUITE-TEST-POST-EVENT-EVENT-001&quot;)]</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </section>
<h1>Confirm the Event (2): Comment and confirm</h1>
<img alt="Confirm the Event (1): Comment and confirm" title="Confirm the Event (1): Comment and confirm" src=""> <section class="screenshot">
<details open="open"> <h1>Confirm the Event (1): Click on &#39;Confirm&#39; in &#39;Action&#39; list</h1>
<p> <img alt="Send the Event (1): Confirm the planned Event" src="" title="Send the Event (1): Confirm the planned Event" />
In this page you can add comments to this Event going to be confirmed, and then <strong>click on Confirm</strong> <details open="open">
once again. <p>In order to send the Event, first we should verify that everything is correct in the Event sheet and then <strong>confirm</strong> the <strong>Planned Event</strong> .
</p> </p>
<test> <p>The Red Zone displays the current state of the Event is &ldquo;planned&rdquo;. This means that this Event has been created in the Follow Up Ticket, and waiting to be sent to the person set in the Recipient field of this Event. The person set in the Sender field will be displayed as the Sender when the Recipient receives the Event.</p>
<table style="display: none;" class="test">
<p>When you are sure everything is fine, you can then confirm the planned Event. <strong>Open the Action item list</strong> as circled in the Blu Zone on the sreenshot. Then <strong>click on Confirm</strong> .
<table class="test" style="display: none;">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr> <tr>
<td>clickAndWait</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:define=&quot;click_configuration python: {&#39;text&#39;: &#39;Confirm&#39;}&quot;&gt; &lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/click_on_panel_link&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td>//button[@id="dialog_submit_button"]</td> </tr>
<td></td> <tr>
</tr> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<tr style="opacity: 1; z-index: 0;" class=""> </tr>
<td>Status changed.</td>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </section>
<h1>Send the Event (1): Click on 'Send' in 'Action' item list</h1>
<img alt="Send the Event (1): Click on 'Send' in 'Action' item list" title="Send the Event (1): Click on 'Send' in 'Action' item list" src=""> <section class="screenshot">
<details open="open"> <h1>Confirm the Event (2): Comment and confirm</h1>
<p> <img alt="Confirm the Event (1): Comment and confirm" src="" title="Confirm the Event (1): Comment and confirm" />
After you <strong>Confirm</strong> <details open="open">
the Event, you will see in the Event sheet the status has changed from <p>In this page you can add comments to this Event going to be confirmed, and then <strong>click on Confirm</strong> once again.</p>
<strong>Planned</strong> </details>
to <test>
<strong>Confirmed</strong> <table class="test" style="display: none;">
Then we will <strong>Send</strong>
Event. The first step is to
<strong>click on Send</strong>
in the Action item list.
<table style="display: none;" class="test">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr> <tr>
<td>selectAndWait</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:define=&quot;click_configuration python: {&#39;text&#39;: &#39;Confirm&#39;}&quot;&gt; &lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/click_on_panel_link&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td>//select[@name="select_action"]</td> </tr>
<td>Send</td> <tr>
</tr> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/submit_dialog&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </section>
<h1>Send the Event (2): Comment and send the Event</h1>
<img alt="Send the Event (2): Comment and send the Event" title="Send the Event (2): Comment and send the Event" src="" type="image/svg+xml"> <section class="screenshot">
<details open="open"> <h1>Send the Event (1): Click on &#39;Send&#39; in &#39;Action&#39; item list</h1>
<p>This is the page that asks for confirmation that you really want to send the Event. When an Event is sent, it cannot be modified anymore, so be careful.</p><p> <img alt="Send the Event (1): Click on 'Send' in 'Action' item list" src="" title="Send the Event (1): Click on 'Send' in 'Action' item list" />
You can first <strong>add some comments</strong> <details open="open">
if needed, which will be seen only by your team. When you are ready to send the Event, <p>After you <strong>Confirm</strong> the Event, you will see in the Event sheet the status has changed from <strong>Planned</strong> to <strong>Confirmed</strong> .
<strong>click on Send</strong> </p>
</p> <p>Then we will <strong>Send</strong> the <strong>confirmed</strong> Event. The first step is to <strong>click on Send</strong> in the Action item list.</p>
</details> </details>
<test> <test>
<table style="display: none;" class="test"> <table class="test" style="display: none;">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr> <tr>
<td>clickAndWait</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:define=&quot;click_configuration python: {&#39;text&#39;: &#39;Send&#39;}&quot;&gt; &lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/click_on_panel_link&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td>//button[@id="dialog_submit_button"]</td> </tr>
<td></td> <tr>
</tr> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </section>
<h1>Check the Event status (1): In the Event sheet</h1>
<img alt="Check the Event status (1): In the Event sheet" title="Check the Event status (1): In the Event sheet" src=""> <section class="screenshot">
<details open="open"> <h1>Send the Event (2): Comment and send the Event</h1>
<p> <img alt="Send the Event (2): Comment and send the Event" src="" title="Send the Event (2): Comment and send the Event" type="image/svg+xml" />
After the Event is sent, you will have to check the <strong>Event status</strong> <details open="open">
to make sure the Event is sent to the intended recipient. There are <p>This is the page that asks for confirmation that you really want to send the Event. When an Event is sent, it cannot be modified anymore, so be careful.</p>
<strong>three documents</strong>
you need to check in order to make sure that your Event has been sent, and that the Recipient has successfully received the Event: <p>You can first <strong>add some comments</strong> if needed, which will be seen only by your team. When you are ready to send the Event, <strong>click on Send</strong> .
<strong>the Event sheet, the Ticket sheet, and the Recipient's document</strong> </p>
. </details>
</p><p> <test>
Now we will first look at the <strong>Event sheet</strong> <table class="test" style="display: none;">
. After you click on Send in the last step, you will be lead back on your Event sheet. As shown in the screenshot, first, you can see in the red circled area that the status of your Event has changed from "Confirmed" to "Sent", which means
<strong>your Event has been "Sent"</strong>
Then we will have to check the <strong>Ticket sheet</strong>
<strong>Click on the Plane Icon</strong>
next to the Follow Up field of your Event. This action will lead you back to the related Ticket, in our example, which is still the same campaign "Beta Developer Program" as in the previous tutorial “How to Send Outgoing Events”.
<table style="display: none;" class="test">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr style="opacity: 1; z-index: 0;" class=""> <tr>
<td>verifyText</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/submit_dialog&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td>//div[@id="transition_message"]</td> </tr>
<td>Status changed.</td> <tr>
</tr> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<tr> </tr>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </section>
<h1>Check the Event status (2): In the Ticket sheet</h1>
<img alt="Check the Event status (2): In the Ticket sheet" title="Check the Event status (2): In the Ticket sheet" src=""> <section class="screenshot">
<details open="open"> <h1>Check the Event status (1): In the Event sheet</h1>
<p> <img alt="Check the Event status (1): In the Event sheet" src="" title="Check the Event status (1): In the Event sheet" />
From the previous step we see that the <strong>Event sheet</strong> <details open="open">
shows the Event is sent. After we clicked on the plane icon, we are lead to the sheet of the message Event's <p>After the Event is sent, you will have to check the <strong>Event status</strong> to make sure the Event is sent to the intended recipient. There are <strong>three documents</strong> you need to check in order to make sure that your Event has been sent, and that the Recipient has successfully received the Event: <strong>the Event sheet, the Ticket sheet, and the Recipient&#39;s document</strong> .
<strong>Follow Up Ticket</strong> </p>
- in our example the Beta Developer Program. So as you can see circled in red on the screenshot of the Campaign Ticket, in the
<strong>Events list</strong> <p>Now we will first look at the <strong>Event sheet</strong> . After you click on Send in the last step, you will be lead back on your Event sheet. As shown in the screenshot, first, you can see in the red circled area that the status of your Event has changed from &quot;Confirmed&quot; to &quot;Sent&quot;, which means <strong>your Event has been &quot;Sent&quot;</strong> .
, the Event is now displayed in a sent state. Again, this means that </p>
<strong>your Event has been sent</strong>
. <p>Then we will have to check the <strong>Ticket sheet</strong> . <strong>Click on the Plane Icon</strong> next to the Follow Up field of your Event. This action will lead you back to the related Ticket, in our example, which is still the same campaign &quot;Beta Developer Program&quot; as in the previous tutorial &ldquo;How to Send Outgoing Events&rdquo;.</p>
</p><p> </details>
However, are you sure that your Event has been sent to the right person/the Recipient that you set in the Event? And do you want to know how this message Event is displayed on the person document of the Recipient? In order to have a clear look, we will need to access to the <strong>Person Document of the Recipient</strong> <test>
. <table class="test" style="display: none;">
<strong>Open the “Modules” item list, and click on “Person”</strong>
. This will lead you to the person module of your ERP5 instance, displaying the list of
the persons stored in your instance.
<table style="display: none;" class="test">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr> <tr>
<td>clickAndWait</td> <td>waitForElementPresent</td>
<td>//input[@name="field_my_default_follow_up_title"]/../a</td> <td>//p[text()=&quot;Sent&quot;]</td>
<td></td> <td>&nbsp;</td>
</tr> </tr>
<td>1 records</td>
<td>//tr[@class='listbox-data-line-0 DataA']/td[7]/</td>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </section>
<h1>Check the Event status (3): Reach ERP5 Persons database</h1>
<img alt="Check the Event status (3): Reach ERP5 Persons database" title="Check the Event status (3): Reach ERP5 Persons database" src=""> <section class="screenshot">
<details open="open"> <h1>Check the Event status (2): In the Ticket sheet</h1>
<p> <img alt="Check the Event status (2): In the Ticket sheet" src="" title="Check the Event status (2): In the Ticket sheet" />
Now that you have been lead to the Persons database of your ERP5 instance which displays the list of the persons stored in your instance, <strong>Click on the line of the Recipient of the Event</strong> <details open="open">
. In our example, we choose one of the recipients to whom the mail message was sent. <p>From the previous step we see that the <strong>Event sheet</strong> shows the Event is sent. After we clicked on the plane icon, we are lead to the sheet of the message Event&#39;s <strong>Follow Up Ticket</strong> - in our example the Beta Developer Program. So as you can see circled in red on the screenshot of the Campaign Ticket, in the <strong>Events list</strong> , the Event is now displayed in a sent state. Again, this means that <strong>your Event has been sent</strong> .
</p> </p>
<test> <p>However, are you sure that your Event has been sent to the right person/the Recipient that you set in the Event? And do you want to know how this message Event is displayed on the person document of the Recipient? In order to have a clear look, we will need to access to the <strong>Person Document of the Recipient</strong> . <strong>Open the &ldquo;Modules&rdquo; item list, and click on &ldquo;Person&rdquo;</strong> . This will lead you to the person module of your ERP5 instance, displaying the list of the persons stored in your instance.</p>
<table style="display: none;" class="test"> </details>
<table class="test" style="display: none;">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr> <tr>
<td>selectAndWait</td> <td>click</td>
<td>//select[@name="select_module"]</td> <td>//input[@name=&quot;field_my_default_follow_up_title&quot;]/../../a</td>
<td>Persons</td> <td>&nbsp;</td>
</tr> </tr>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_listbox_loaded&quot; /&gt;</td>
<td>//a[contains(text(), &quot;ZUITE-TEST-POST-EVENT-EVENT-001&quot;)]</td>
<td>//a[contains(text(), &quot;Sent&quot;)]</td>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </section>
<h1>Check the Event status (4): In the Recipient's document</h1>
<img alt="Check the Event status (4): In the Recipient's document" title="Check the Event status (4): In the Recipient's document" src=""> <section class="screenshot">
<details open="open"> <h1>Check the Event status (3): Reach ERP5 Persons database</h1>
<p> <img alt="Check the Event status (3): Reach ERP5 Persons database" src="" title="Check the Event status (3): Reach ERP5 Persons database" />
Now we have been redirected to Rafaël Dubois's Person Document (the recipient you choose may differ), to check how the Event behaves in this document, we will <strong>click on the “Event” tab</strong> <details open="open">
, as circled in the top of the screenshot. <p>Now that you have been lead to the Persons database of your ERP5 instance which displays the list of the persons stored in your instance, <strong>Click on the line of the Recipient of the Event</strong> . In our example, we choose one of the recipients to whom the mail message was sent.</p>
</p><p>In ERP5 the Event tab of the person document displays all the Events that have been sent or received by a person. As you can see in the screenshot, the Event we have sent in this tutorial is displayed here. This method helps you follow the relations you have with your clients, suppliers and prospects. If you click on the Event, you will be redirected to the sheet of this Event.</p> </details>
</details> <test>
<test> <table class="test" style="display: none;">
<table style="display: none;" class="test">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr style="opacity: 1; z-index: 0;" class=""> <tr>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:content="structure python: here.Zuite_generateListboxBrowsing(listbox_selection=(['title', 'ZUITE-TEST-POST-EVENT-PERSON-SUPERVISOR'],), enter_object=True)"/&gt;</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:define=&quot;click_configuration python: {&#39;text&#39;: &#39;Modules&#39;}&quot;&gt; &lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/click_on_panel_link&quot; /&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
</tr> </tr>
<tr> <tr>
<td>verifyText</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td>//div[@id="breadcrumb"]/a[3]</td> </tr>
</tr> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:define=&quot;click_configuration python: {&#39;text&#39;: &#39;Persons&#39;}&quot;&gt; &lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/click_on_page_link&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<tr> </tr>
<td>clickAndWait</td> <tr>
<td>link=Events</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt;&lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td></td> </tr>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </section>
<h1>Your Event has been sent</h1>
<img alt="Back to the sent Event" title="Back to the sent Event" src=""> <section class="screenshot">
<details open="open"> <h1>Check the Event status (4): In the Recipient&#39;s document</h1>
<p>Here we are back on the Event sheet of the Event that we have sent to Rafaël Dubois and other recipients in this tutorial.</p> <img alt="Check the Event status (4): In the Recipient's document" src="" title="Check the Event status (4): In the Recipient's document" />
</details> <details open="open">
<test> <p>Now we have been redirected to Rafa&euml;l Dubois&#39;s Person Document (the recipient you choose may differ), to check how the Event behaves in this document, we will <strong>click on the &ldquo;Event&rdquo; tab</strong> , as circled in the top of the screenshot.</p>
<table style="display: none;" class="test">
<p>In ERP5 the Event tab of the person document displays all the Events that have been sent or received by a person. As you can see in the screenshot, the Event we have sent in this tutorial is displayed here. This method helps you follow the relations you have with your clients, suppliers and prospects. If you click on the Event, you will be redirected to the sheet of this Event.</p>
<table class="test" style="display: none;">
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr> <tr>
<td>clickAndWait</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_listbox_loaded&quot; /&gt;</td>
<td>link=ZUITE-TEST-POST-EVENT-EVENT-001</td> </tr>
<td></td> <tr>
</tr> <td>waitForElementPresent</td>
<tr> <td>//a[contains(text(), &quot;ZUITE-TEST-POST-EVENT-PERSON-SUPERVISOR&quot;)]</td>
<td>verifyText</td> <td>&nbsp;</td>
<td>//label[normalize-space(text())='State']/../div</td> </tr>
<td>Sent</td> <tr>
</tr> <td>click</td>
<tr class="" style="opacity: 1;"> <td>//a[contains(text(), &quot;ZUITE-TEST-POST-EVENT-PERSON-SUPERVISOR&quot;)]</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro="container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/login_as_manager"&gt;Login As Manager&lt;/span&gt;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td>
</tr> </tr>
<tr> <tr>
<td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro="container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/wait_for_activities"&gt; Wait for activities &lt;/span&gt;</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
</tr> </tr>
<tr> <tr>
<td>openAndWait</td> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:define=&quot;click_configuration python: {&#39;text&#39;: &#39;Events&#39;}&quot;&gt; &lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/click_on_panel_link&quot; /&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<td>${base_url}/Zuite_tearDownPostEventTest</td> </tr>
<td></td> <tr>
</tr> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt;&lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<tr> </tr>
<td>verifyTextPresent</td> <tr>
<td>Clean Ok</td> <td>waitForElementPresent</td>
<td></td> <td>//a[contains(text(), &quot;ZUITE-TEST-POST-EVENT-EVENT-001&quot;)]</td>
</tr> <td>&nbsp;</td>
<tr> </tr>
<td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro="container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/wait_for_activities"&gt; Wait for activities &lt;/span&gt;</td>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</test> </test>
</section> </section>
\ No newline at end of file <section class="screenshot">
<h1>Your Event has been sent</h1>
<img alt="Back to the sent Event" src="" title="Back to the sent Event" />
<details open="open">
<p>Here we are back on the Event sheet of the Event that we have sent to Rafa&euml;l Dubois and other recipients in this tutorial.</p>
<table class="test" style="display: none;">
<td>//a[contains(text(), &quot;ZUITE-TEST-POST-EVENT-EVENT-001&quot;)]</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_content_loaded&quot;&gt;&lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
<tr style="opacity: 1;">
<td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro=&quot;container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/login_as_manager&quot;&gt;Login As Manager&lt;/span&gt;</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro=&quot;container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/wait_for_activities&quot;&gt; Wait for activities &lt;/span&gt;</td>
<td>Clean Ok</td>
<td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro=&quot;container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/wait_for_activities&quot;&gt; Wait for activities &lt;/span&gt;</td>
\ No newline at end of file
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