Commit 263f005e authored by Douwe Maan's avatar Douwe Maan

Merge branch 'fix-creating-group-with-space-in-group-path'

parents 4859770e e367bbff
No related merge requests found
......@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ v 8.10.0 (unreleased)
- Fix markdown rendering for: consecutive labels references, label references that begin with a digit or contains `.`
- Fix last update timestamp on issues not preserved on and project imports
- Fix issues importing projects from EE to CE
- Fix creating group with space in group path
v 8.9.6
- Fix importing of events under notes for GitLab projects. !5154
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
name: "#{j(}"
- if @group and @group.path
- if @group && @group.persisted? && @group.path
gl.groupOptions = gl.groupOptions || {};
gl.groupOptions["#{j(@group.path)}"] = {
require 'spec_helper'
feature 'Group', feature: true do
describe 'description' do
let(:group) { create(:group) }
let(:path) { group_path(group) }
before do
describe 'creating a group with space in group path' do
it 'renders new group form with validation errors' do
visit new_group_path
fill_in 'Group path', with: 'space group'
click_button 'Create group'
expect(current_path).to eq(groups_path)
expect(page).to have_content("Path can contain only letters, digits, '_', '-' and '.'. Cannot start with '-' or end in '.'.")
describe 'description' do
let(:group) { create(:group) }
let(:path) { group_path(group) }
it 'parses Markdown' do
group.update_attribute(:description, 'This is **my** group')
visit path
Markdown is supported
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