| [Introduction to pipelines and jobs](pipelines.md) | Provides an overview of GitLab CI/CD and jobs. |
| [Creating and using CI/CD pipelines](pipelines.md) | Understand, visualize, create, and use CI/CD pipelines. |
| [CI/CD Variables](variables/README.md) | How environment variables can be configured and made available in pipelines. |
| [CI/CD Variables](variables/README.md) | How environment variables can be configured and made available in pipelines. |
| [Where variables can be used](variables/where_variables_can_be_used.md) | A deeper look into where and how CI/CD variables can be used. |
| [Where variables can be used](variables/where_variables_can_be_used.md) | A deeper look into where and how CI/CD variables can be used. |
| [User](../user/permissions.md#gitlab-cicd-permissions) and [job](../user/permissions.md#job-permissions) permissions | Learn about the access levels a user can have for performing certain CI actions. |
| [User](../user/permissions.md#gitlab-cicd-permissions) and [job](../user/permissions.md#job-permissions) permissions | Learn about the access levels a user can have for performing certain CI actions. |