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Refactor GitHub importing documentation

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# Import your project from GitHub to GitLab # Import your project from GitHub to GitLab
Import your projects from GitHub to GitLab with minimal effort.
## Overview
>**Note:** >**Note:**
In order to enable the GitHub import setting, you may also want to If you are an administrator you can enable the [GitHub integration][gh-import]
enable the [GitHub integration][gh-import] in your GitLab instance. This in your GitLab instance sitewide. This configuration is optional, users will be
configuration is optional, you will be able import your GitHub repositories able import their GitHub repositories with a [personal access token][gh-token].
with a Personal Access Token.
- At its current state, GitHub importer can import:
- the repository description (GitLab 7.7+)
- the Git repository data (GitLab 7.7+)
- the issues (GitLab 7.7+)
- the pull requests (GitLab 8.4+)
- the wiki pages (GitLab 8.4+)
- the milestones (GitLab 8.7+)
- the labels (GitLab 8.7+)
- the release note descriptions (GitLab 8.12+)
- References to pull requests and issues are preserved (GitLab 8.7+)
- Repository public access is retained. If a repository is private in GitHub
it will be created as private in GitLab as well.
## How it works
When issues/pull requests are being imported, the GitHub importer tries to find
the GitHub author/assignee in GitLab's database using the GitHub ID. For this
to work, the GitHub author/assignee should have signed in beforehand in GitLab
and [**associated their GitHub account**][social sign-in]. If the user is not
found in GitLab's database, the project creator (most of the times the current
user that started the import process) is set as the author, but a reference on
the issue about the original GitHub author is kept.
The importer will create any new namespaces (groups) if they don't exist or in
the case the namespace is taken, the repository will be imported under the user's
namespace that started the import process.
## Importing your GitHub repositories
The importer page is visible when you create a new project.
At its current state, GitHub importer can import: ![New project page on GitLab](img/import_projects_from_github_new_project_page.png)
- the repository description (introduced in GitLab 7.7) Click on the **GitHub** link and the import authorization process will start.
- the git repository data (introduced in GitLab 7.7) There are two ways to authorize access to your GitHub repositories:
- the issues (introduced in GitLab 7.7)
- the pull requests (introduced in GitLab 8.4)
- the wiki pages (introduced in GitLab 8.4)
- the milestones (introduced in GitLab 8.7)
- the labels (introduced in GitLab 8.7)
- the release note descriptions (introduced in GitLab 8.12)
With GitLab 8.7+, references to pull requests and issues are preserved. 1. [Using the GitHub integration][gh-integration] (if it's enabled by your
GitLab administrator). This is the preferred way as it's possible to
preserve the GitHub authors/assignees. Read more in the [How it works](#how-it-works)
1. [Using a personal access token][gh-token] provided by GitHub.
The importer page is visible when you [create a new project][new-project]. ![Select authentication method](img/import_projects_from_github_select_auth_method.png)
Click on the **GitHub** link and, if you are logged in via the GitHub
integration, you will be redirected to GitHub for permission to access your
projects. After accepting, you'll be automatically redirected to the importer.
If you are not using the GitHub integration, you can still perform a one-off ### Authorize access to your repositories using the GitHub integration
authorization with GitHub to access your projects.
Alternatively, you can also enter a GitHub Personal Access Token. Once you enter If the [GitHub integration][gh-import] is enabled by your GitLab administrator,
your token, you'll be taken to the importer. you can use it instead of the personal access token.
![New project page on GitLab](img/import_projects_from_github_new_project_page.png) 1. First you may want to connect your GitHub account to GitLab in order for
the username mapping to be correct. Follow the [social sign-in] documentation
on how to do so.
1. Once you connect GitHub, click the **List your GitHub repositories** button
and you will be redirected to GitHub for permission to access your projects.
1. After accepting, you'll be automatically redirected to the importer.
--- You can now go on and [select which repositories to import](#select-which-repositories-to-import).
While at the GitHub importer page, you can see the import statuses of your ### Authorize access to your repositories using a personal access token
GitHub projects. Those that are being imported will show a _started_ status,
those already imported will be green, whereas those that are not yet imported
have an **Import** button on the right side of the table. If you want, you can
import all your GitHub projects in one go by hitting **Import all projects**
in the upper left corner.
![GitHub importer page](img/import_projects_from_github_importer.png) >**Note:**
For a proper author/assignee mapping, the [GitHub integration][gh-integration]
should be used instead of using a [personal access token][gh-token]. If the
GitHub integration is enabled by your GitLab administrator, it should be the
preferred method to import your repositories.
--- If you are not using the GitHub integration, you can still perform a one-off
authorization with GitHub to grant GitLab access your repositories:
1. Go to <>.
1. Enter a token description.
1. Check the `repo` scope.
1. Click **Generate token**.
1. Copy the token hash.
1. Go back to GitLab and provide the token to the GitHub importer.
1. Hit the **List your GitHub repositories** button and wait while GitLab reads
your repositories' information. Once done, you'll be taken to the importer
page to select the repositories to import.
### Select which repositories to import
The importer will create any new namespaces if they don't exist or in the After you've authorized access to your GitHub repositories, you will be
case the namespace is taken, the project will be imported on the user's redirected to the GitHub importer page.
### Note From there, you can see the import statuses of your GitHub repositories.
When we are importing Issues/Pull Requests we try to find the original - Those that are being imported will show a _started_ status,
author or assignee using the Github Id, but for this to work the original - those already successfully imported will be green with a _done_ status,
author or assignee should had signed in before on the GitLab instance and - whereas those that are not yet imported will have an **Import** button on the
associated their GitHub account. If we don’t find the user in our database right side of the table.
we set the project creator (most of the times the current user that started
the import process) as the author but we keep a reference on the issue If you want, you can import all your GitHub projects in one go by hitting
about the original author. **Import all projects** in the upper left corner.
![GitHub importer page](img/import_projects_from_github_importer.png)
[gh-import]: ../../integration/ "GitHub integration" [gh-import]: ../../integration/ "GitHub integration"
[ee-gh]: "GitHub integration for GitLab EE"
[new-project]: ../../gitlab-basics/ "How to create a new project in GitLab" [new-project]: ../../gitlab-basics/ "How to create a new project in GitLab"
[gh-integration]: #authorize-access-to-your-repositories-using-the-github-integration
[gh-token]: #authorize-access-to-your-repositories-using-a-personal-access-token
[social sign-in]: ../../profile/account/
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