Commit bd860c22 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master

parent e567b4c2
......@@ -565,11 +565,6 @@ Style/EmptyLiteral:
Enabled: false
# Offense count: 40
# Cop supports --auto-correct.
Enabled: false
# Offense count: 203
# Cop supports --auto-correct.
# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
title: Render xml artifact files in GitLab
merge_request: 16790
type: added
......@@ -199,12 +199,7 @@ class Projects::PipelinesController < Projects::ApplicationController
def latest_pipeline
ref = params['ref'].presence || @project.default_branch
sha = @project.commit(ref)&.sha
.newest_first(ref: ref, sha: sha)
&.present(current_user: current_user)
......@@ -46,9 +46,12 @@ class IssuableFinder
# This is used in unassigning users
NONE = '0'
NEGATABLE_PARAMS_HELPER_KEYS = %i[include_subgroups in].freeze
attr_accessor :current_user, :params
def self.scalar_params
class << self
def scalar_params
@scalar_params ||= %i[
......@@ -62,12 +65,28 @@ class IssuableFinder
def self.array_params
def array_params
@array_params ||= { label_name: [], assignee_username: [] }
def self.valid_params
@valid_params ||= scalar_params + [array_params]
# This should not be used in controller strong params!
def negatable_scalar_params
@negatable_scalar_params ||= scalar_params + %i[project_id group_id]
# This should not be used in controller strong params!
def negatable_array_params
@negatable_array_params ||= array_params.keys.append(:iids)
# This should not be used in controller strong params!
def negatable_params
@negatable_params ||= negatable_scalar_params + negatable_array_params
def valid_params
@valid_params ||= scalar_params + [array_params] + [{ not: [] }]
def initialize(current_user, params = {})
......@@ -79,6 +98,9 @@ class IssuableFinder
items = init_collection
items = filter_items(items)
# Let's see if we have to negate anything
items = by_negation(items)
# This has to be last as we use a CTE as an optimization fence
# for counts by passing the force_cte param and enabling the
# attempt_group_search_optimizations feature flag
......@@ -366,6 +388,33 @@ class IssuableFinder
# Negates all params found in `negatable_params`
# rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
def by_negation(items)
not_params = params[:not].dup
# API endpoints send in `nil` values so we test if there are any non-nil
return items unless not_params.present? && not_params.values.any?
not_params.keep_if { |_k, v| v.present? }.each do |(key, value)|
# These aren't negatable params themselves, but rather help other searches, so we skip them.
# They will be added into all the NOT searches.
next if NEGATABLE_PARAMS_HELPER_KEYS.include?(key.to_sym)
next unless self.class.negatable_params.include?(key.to_sym)
# These are "helper" params that are required inside the NOT to get the right results. They usually come in
# at the top-level params, but if they do come in inside the `:not` params, they should take precedence.
not_helpers = params.slice(*NEGATABLE_PARAMS_HELPER_KEYS).merge(params[:not].slice(*NEGATABLE_PARAMS_HELPER_KEYS))
not_param = { key => value }.with_indifferent_access.merge(not_helpers)
items_to_negate =, not_param).execute
items = items.where.not(id: items_to_negate)
# rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
# rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
def by_scope(items)
return items.none if current_user_related? && !current_user
# coding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
module PageLayoutHelper
......@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ module ProjectsHelper
allowedVisibilityOptions: project_allowed_visibility_levels(project),
visibilityHelpPath: help_page_path('public_access/public_access'),
registryAvailable: Gitlab.config.registry.enabled,
registryHelpPath: help_page_path('user/project/container_registry'),
registryHelpPath: help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/index'),
lfsAvailable: Gitlab.config.lfs.enabled,
lfsHelpPath: help_page_path('workflow/lfs/manage_large_binaries_with_git_lfs'),
pagesAvailable: Gitlab.config.pages.enabled,
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Ci
class ArtifactBlob
include BlobLike
EXTENSIONS_SERVED_BY_PAGES = %w[.html .htm .txt .json .log].freeze
EXTENSIONS_SERVED_BY_PAGES = %w[.html .htm .txt .json .xml .log].freeze
attr_reader :entry
......@@ -37,13 +37,18 @@ module Clusters
has_one :platform_kubernetes, class_name: 'Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes', inverse_of: :cluster, autosave: true
has_one :application_helm, class_name: 'Clusters::Applications::Helm'
has_one :application_ingress, class_name: 'Clusters::Applications::Ingress'
has_one :application_cert_manager, class_name: 'Clusters::Applications::CertManager'
has_one :application_prometheus, class_name: 'Clusters::Applications::Prometheus'
has_one :application_runner, class_name: 'Clusters::Applications::Runner'
has_one :application_jupyter, class_name: 'Clusters::Applications::Jupyter'
has_one :application_knative, class_name: 'Clusters::Applications::Knative'
def self.has_one_cluster_application(name) # rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName
application = APPLICATIONS[name.to_s]
has_one application.association_name, class_name: application.to_s # rubocop:disable Rails/ReflectionClassName
has_one_cluster_application :helm
has_one_cluster_application :ingress
has_one_cluster_application :cert_manager
has_one_cluster_application :prometheus
has_one_cluster_application :runner
has_one_cluster_application :jupyter
has_one_cluster_application :knative
has_many :kubernetes_namespaces
......@@ -127,15 +132,9 @@ module Clusters
def applications
application_helm || build_application_helm,
application_ingress || build_application_ingress,
application_cert_manager || build_application_cert_manager,
application_prometheus || build_application_prometheus,
application_runner || build_application_runner,
application_jupyter || build_application_jupyter,
application_knative || build_application_knative
] do |application_class|
public_send(application_class.association_name) || public_send("build_#{application_class.association_name}") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
def provider
......@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ module Clusters
def self.association_name
def name
# coding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
class Commit
......@@ -753,6 +753,15 @@ class Project < ApplicationRecord
latest_successful_build_for_ref(job_name, ref) || raise("Couldn't find job #{job_name}"))
def latest_pipeline_for_ref(ref = default_branch)
ref = ref.presence || default_branch
sha = commit(ref)&.sha
return unless sha
ci_pipelines.newest_first(ref: ref, sha: sha).first
def merge_base_commit(first_commit_id, second_commit_id)
sha = repository.merge_base(first_commit_id, second_commit_id)
commit_by(oid: sha) if sha
......@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ module Clusters
def application_class
def create_oauth_application(application, request)
oauth_application_params = {
name: params[:application],
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Clusters
def builder
cluster.public_send(:"application_#{application_name}") || # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
cluster.public_send(application_class.association_name) || # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
cluster.public_send(:"build_application_#{application_name}") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module Clusters
def builder
cluster.public_send(:"application_#{application_name}") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
cluster.public_send(application_class.association_name) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Clusters
def builder
cluster.public_send(:"application_#{application_name}") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
cluster.public_send(application_class.association_name) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
......@@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ module ProtectedBranches
......@@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ module ProtectedBranches
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#js-vue-registry-images{ data: { endpoint: project_container_registry_index_path(@project, format: :json),
"help_page_path" => help_page_path('user/project/container_registry'),
"help_page_path" => help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/index'),
"no_containers_image" => image_path('illustrations/docker-empty-state.svg'),
"containers_error_image" => image_path('illustrations/docker-error-state.svg'),
"repository_url" => escape_once(@project.container_registry_url),
title: Add not param to Issues API endpoint
merge_request: 16748
type: added
title: Adds the runners_token of the group if the user that requests the group info is admin of it
merge_request: 16831
author: Ignacio Lorenzo Subirá Otal
type: changed
# frozen_string_literal: true
class CreatePackageMetadatum < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def change
create_table :packages_package_metadata do |t|
t.references :package, index: { unique: true }, null: false, foreign_key: { to_table: :packages_packages, on_delete: :cascade }, type: :integer
t.binary :metadata, null: false
# frozen_string_literal: true .
class CreatePackageTag < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def change
create_table :packages_package_tags do |t|
t.references :package, index: true, null: false, foreign_key: { to_table: :packages_packages, on_delete: :cascade }, type: :integer
t.string :name, limit: 255, null: false
......@@ -2498,6 +2498,18 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2019_09_12_061145) do
t.index ["package_id", "file_name"], name: "index_packages_package_files_on_package_id_and_file_name"
create_table "packages_package_metadata", force: :cascade do |t|
t.integer "package_id", null: false
t.binary "metadata", null: false
t.index ["package_id"], name: "index_packages_package_metadata_on_package_id", unique: true
create_table "packages_package_tags", force: :cascade do |t|
t.integer "package_id", null: false
t.string "name", limit: 255, null: false
t.index ["package_id"], name: "index_packages_package_tags_on_package_id"
create_table "packages_packages", force: :cascade do |t|
t.integer "project_id", null: false
t.datetime_with_timezone "created_at", null: false
......@@ -4023,6 +4035,8 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2019_09_12_061145) do
add_foreign_key "operations_feature_flags_clients", "projects", on_delete: :cascade
add_foreign_key "packages_maven_metadata", "packages_packages", column: "package_id", name: "fk_be88aed360", on_delete: :cascade
add_foreign_key "packages_package_files", "packages_packages", column: "package_id", name: "fk_86f0f182f8", on_delete: :cascade
add_foreign_key "packages_package_metadata", "packages_packages", column: "package_id", on_delete: :cascade
add_foreign_key "packages_package_tags", "packages_packages", column: "package_id", on_delete: :cascade
add_foreign_key "packages_packages", "projects", on_delete: :cascade
add_foreign_key "pages_domain_acme_orders", "pages_domains", on_delete: :cascade
add_foreign_key "pages_domains", "projects", name: "fk_ea2f6dfc6f", on_delete: :cascade
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Have a look at some of our most popular documentation resources:
| [Configuring `.gitlab-ci.yml`](ci/yaml/ | Complete syntax documentation for configuring your CI pipelines. |
| [GitLab CI/CD examples](ci/examples/ | Get up to speed quickly with common CI/CD scenarios. |
| [GitLab Container Registry](user/project/ | Host containers within GitLab. |
| [GitLab Container Registry](user/packages/container_registry/ | Host Docker images within GitLab. |
| [GitLab Pages](user/project/pages/ | Host static websites for your projects with GitLab. |
| [ settings](user/gitlab_com/ | Settings for |
| [Kubernetes integration](user/project/clusters/ | Use GitLab with Kubernetes. |
......@@ -248,16 +248,18 @@ The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Verify** stage:
### Package
GitLab Container Registry gives you the enhanced security and access controls of
custom Docker images without 3rd party add-ons. Easily upload and download images
from GitLab CI/CD with full Git repository management integration.
GitLab Packages allows organizations to utilize GitLab as a private repository
for a variety of common package managers. Users are able to build and publish
packages, which can be easily consumed as a dependency in downstream projects.
The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Package** stage:
| Package Topics | Description |
| [GitLab Container Registry](user/project/ | Learn how to use GitLab's built-in Container Registry. |
| [GitLab Packages](administration/ **(PREMIUM)** | Use GitLab as an NPM registry or Maven repository. |
| [Container Registry](user/packages/container_registry/ | The GitLab Container Registry enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [Docker]( images. |
| [Dependency Proxy](user/packages/dependency_proxy/ **(PREMIUM)** | The GitLab Dependency Proxy sets up a local proxy for frequently used upstream images/packages. |
| [Maven Repository](user/packages/maven_repository/ **(PREMIUM)** | The GitLab Maven Repository enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [Maven]( packages. |
| [NPM Registry](user/packages/npm_registry/ **(PREMIUM)** | The GitLab NPM Registry enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [NPM]( packages. |
<div align="right">
<a type="button" class="btn btn-default" href="#overview">
last_updated: 2019-02-04
last_updated: 2019-09-16
# Audit Events **(STARTER)**
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ From there, you can see the following actions:
- Project repository was downloaded
- Project was archived
- Project was unarchived
- Added/removed/updated protected branches
### Instance events **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
......@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ GitLab supports LDAP groups that use member attributes:
- `memberuid`.
This means group sync supports, at least, LDAP groups with object class:
`groupOfNames`, `posixGroup`, and `groupOfUniqueName`.
`groupOfNames`, `posixGroup`, and `groupOfUniqueNames`.
Other object classes should work fine as long as members
are defined as one of the mentioned attributes. This also means GitLab supports
This diff is collapsed.
# GitLab Dependency Proxy administration **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
redirect_to: 'packages/'
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 11.11.
GitLab can be utilized as a dependency proxy for a variety of common package managers.
This is the administration documentation. If you want to learn how to use the
dependency proxies, see the [user guide](../user/group/dependency_proxy/
## Enabling the Dependency Proxy feature
NOTE: **Note:**
Dependency proxy requires the Puma web server to be enabled.
Puma support is EXPERIMENTAL at this time.
To enable the Dependency proxy feature:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_enabled'] = true
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
1. Enable the [Puma web server](
**Installations from source**
1. After the installation is complete, you will have to configure the `dependency_proxy`
section in `config/gitlab.yml`. Set to `true` to enable it:
enabled: true
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
1. Enable the [Puma web server](../install/
## Changing the storage path
By default, the dependency proxy files are stored locally, but you can change the default
local location or even use object storage.
### Changing the local storage path
The dependency proxy files for Omnibus GitLab installations are stored under
`/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/dependency_proxy/` and for source
installations under `shared/dependency_proxy/` (relative to the Git home directory).
To change the local storage path:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_storage_path'] = "/mnt/dependency_proxy"
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `dependency_proxy` section in `config/gitlab.yml`:
enabled: true
storage_path: shared/dependency_proxy
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
### Using object storage
Instead of relying on the local storage, you can use an object storage to
upload the blobs of the dependency proxy:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following lines (uncomment where
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/dependency_proxy"
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_remote_directory'] = "dependency_proxy" # The bucket name.
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_direct_upload'] = false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_background_upload'] = true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_connection'] = {
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#'provider' => 'AWS',
#'region' => 'eu-west-1',
#'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
#'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#'host' => '',
#'aws_signature_version' => 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#'endpoint' => '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#'path_style' => false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `dependency_proxy` section in `config/gitlab.yml` (uncomment where necessary):
enabled: true
## The location where build dependency_proxy are stored (default: shared/dependency_proxy).
#storage_path: shared/dependency_proxy
enabled: false
remote_directory: dependency_proxy # The bucket name.
#direct_upload: false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
#background_upload: true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
#proxy_download: false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#provider: AWS
#region: us-east-1
#aws_access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
#aws_secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#host: '' # default:
#aws_signature_version: 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#endpoint: '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#path_style: false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
[reconfigure gitlab]: "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab"
[restart gitlab]: "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab"
This document was moved to [another location](packages/
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Registry on the **primary** node, you can use the same storage for a **secondary
Docker Registry as well. For more information, read the
[Load balancing considerations](
when deploying the Registry, and how to set up the storage driver for GitLab's
integrated [Container Registry](../../
integrated [Container Registry](../../packages/
## Replicating Docker Registry
......@@ -274,9 +274,9 @@ You can keep track of the progress to include the missing items in:
| [Server-side Git Hooks](../../ | No | No |
| [Elasticsearch integration](../../../integration/ | No | No |
| [GitLab Pages](../../pages/ | No | No |
| [Container Registry](../../ | Yes | No |
| [NPM Registry](../../ | No | No |
| [Maven Packages](../../ | No | No |
| [Container Registry](../../packages/ | Yes | No |
| [NPM Registry](../../../user/packages/npm_registry/ | No | No |
| [Maven Packages](../../../user/packages/maven_repository/ | No | No |
| [External merge request diffs](../../ | No, if they are on-disk | No |
| Content in object storage ([track progress]( | No | No |
......@@ -128,13 +128,17 @@ Learn how to install, configure, update, and maintain your GitLab instance.
## Project settings
- [Container Registry]( Configure Container Registry with GitLab.
- [Issue closing pattern]( Customize how to close an issue from commit messages.
- [Gitaly](gitaly/ Configuring Gitaly, GitLab's Git repository storage service.
- [Default labels](../user/admin_area/ Create labels that will be automatically added to every new project.
- [Restrict the use of public or internal projects](../public_access/ Restrict the use of visibility levels for users when they create a project or a snippet.
- [Custom project templates](../user/admin_area/ Configure a set of projects to be used as custom templates when creating a new project. **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
- [Packages]( Enable GitLab to act as a Maven repository or NPM registry. **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
## Package Registry administration
- [Container Registry](packages/ Configure Container Registry with GitLab.
- [Package Registry](packages/ Enable GitLab to act as an NPM Registry and a Maven Repository. **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
- [Dependency Proxy](packages/ Configure the Dependency Proxy, a local proxy for frequently used upstream images/packages. **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
### Repository settings
redirect_to: ''
redirect_to: 'packages/'
This document was moved to [another location](
This document was moved to [another location](packages/
redirect_to: ''
redirect_to: 'packages/'
This document was moved to [another location](
This document was moved to [another location](packages/
redirect_to: ''
redirect_to: 'packages/'
This document was moved to [another location](
This document was moved to [another location](packages/
# GitLab Packages administration **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
redirect_to: 'packages/'
GitLab Packages allows organizations to utilize GitLab as a private repository
for a variety of common package managers. Users are able to build and publish
packages, which can be easily consumed as a dependency in downstream projects.
The Packages feature allows GitLab to act as a repository for the following:
| Software repository | Description | Available in GitLab version |
| ------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------- |
| [Maven Repository](../user/project/packages/ | The GitLab Maven Repository enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [Maven]( packages. | 11.3+ |
| [NPM Registry](../user/project/packages/ | The GitLab NPM Registry enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [NPM]( packages. | 11.7+ |
Don't you see your package management system supported yet?
Please consider contributing
to GitLab. This [development documentation](../development/ will guide you through the process.
## Enabling the Packages feature
NOTE: **Note:**
After the Packages feature is enabled, the repositories are available
for all new projects by default. To enable it for existing projects, users will
have to explicitly do so in the project's settings.
To enable the Packages feature:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['packages_enabled'] = true
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. After the installation is complete, you will have to configure the `packages`
section in `config/gitlab.yml`. Set to `true` to enable it:
enabled: true
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
## Changing the storage path
By default, the packages are stored locally, but you can change the default
local location or even use object storage.
### Changing the local storage path
The packages for Omnibus GitLab installations are stored under
`/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/packages/` and for source
installations under `shared/packages/` (relative to the Git homedir).
To change the local storage path:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['packages_storage_path'] = "/mnt/packages"
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `packages` section in `config/gitlab.yml`:
enabled: true
storage_path: shared/packages
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
### Using object storage
Instead of relying on the local storage, you can use an object storage to
upload packages:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following lines (uncomment where
gitlab_rails['packages_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['packages_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/packages"
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_remote_directory'] = "packages" # The bucket name.
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_direct_upload'] = false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_background_upload'] = true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_connection'] = {
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#'provider' => 'AWS',
#'region' => 'eu-west-1',
#'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
#'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#'host' => '',
#'aws_signature_version' => 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#'endpoint' => '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#'path_style' => false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `packages` section in `config/gitlab.yml` (uncomment where necessary):
enabled: true
## The location where build packages are stored (default: shared/packages).
#storage_path: shared/packages
enabled: false
remote_directory: packages # The bucket name.
#direct_upload: false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
#background_upload: true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
#proxy_download: false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#provider: AWS
#region: us-east-1
#aws_access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
#aws_secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#host: '' # default:
#aws_signature_version: 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#endpoint: '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#path_style: false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
### Migrating local packages to object storage
After [configuring the object storage](#using-object-storage), you may use the
following task to migrate existing packages from the local storage to the remote one.
The processing will be done in a background worker and requires **no downtime**.
For Omnibus GitLab:
sudo gitlab-rake "gitlab:packages:migrate"
For installations from source:
RAILS_ENV=production sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:packages:migrate
[reconfigure gitlab]: "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab"
[restart gitlab]: "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab"
This document was moved to [another location](packages/
This diff is collapsed.
# GitLab Dependency Proxy administration **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 11.11.
GitLab can be utilized as a dependency proxy for a variety of common package managers.
This is the administration documentation. If you want to learn how to use the
dependency proxies, see the [user guide](../../user/group/dependency_proxy/
## Enabling the Dependency Proxy feature
NOTE: **Note:**
Dependency proxy requires the Puma web server to be enabled.
Puma support is EXPERIMENTAL at this time.
To enable the Dependency proxy feature:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_enabled'] = true
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../ "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab") for the changes to take effect.
1. Enable the [Puma web server](
**Installations from source**
1. After the installation is complete, you will have to configure the `dependency_proxy`
section in `config/gitlab.yml`. Set to `true` to enable it:
enabled: true
1. [Restart GitLab](../ "How to restart GitLab") for the changes to take effect.
1. Enable the [Puma web server](../../install/
## Changing the storage path
By default, the dependency proxy files are stored locally, but you can change the default
local location or even use object storage.
### Changing the local storage path
The dependency proxy files for Omnibus GitLab installations are stored under
`/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/dependency_proxy/` and for source
installations under `shared/dependency_proxy/` (relative to the Git home directory).
To change the local storage path:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_storage_path'] = "/mnt/dependency_proxy"
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../ "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab") for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `dependency_proxy` section in `config/gitlab.yml`:
enabled: true
storage_path: shared/dependency_proxy
1. [Restart GitLab](../ "How to restart GitLab") for the changes to take effect.
### Using object storage
Instead of relying on the local storage, you can use an object storage to
upload the blobs of the dependency proxy:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following lines (uncomment where
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/dependency_proxy"
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_remote_directory'] = "dependency_proxy" # The bucket name.
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_direct_upload'] = false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_background_upload'] = true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
gitlab_rails['dependency_proxy_object_store_connection'] = {
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#'provider' => 'AWS',
#'region' => 'eu-west-1',
#'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
#'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#'host' => '',
#'aws_signature_version' => 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#'endpoint' => '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#'path_style' => false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../ "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab") for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `dependency_proxy` section in `config/gitlab.yml` (uncomment where necessary):
enabled: true
## The location where build dependency_proxy are stored (default: shared/dependency_proxy).
#storage_path: shared/dependency_proxy
enabled: false
remote_directory: dependency_proxy # The bucket name.
#direct_upload: false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
#background_upload: true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
#proxy_download: false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#provider: AWS
#region: us-east-1
#aws_access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
#aws_secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#host: '' # default:
#aws_signature_version: 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#endpoint: '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#path_style: false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. [Restart GitLab](../ "How to restart GitLab") for the changes to take effect.
# GitLab Package Registry administration **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
GitLab Packages allows organizations to utilize GitLab as a private repository
for a variety of common package managers. Users are able to build and publish
packages, which can be easily consumed as a dependency in downstream projects.
The Packages feature allows GitLab to act as a repository for the following:
| Software repository | Description | Available in GitLab version |
| ------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------- |
| [Maven Repository](../../user/packages/maven_repository/ | The GitLab Maven Repository enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [Maven]( packages. | 11.3+ |
| [NPM Registry](../../user/packages/npm_registry/ | The GitLab NPM Registry enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [NPM]( packages. | 11.7+ |
Don't you see your package management system supported yet?
Please consider contributing
to GitLab. This [development documentation](../../development/ will guide you through the process.
## Enabling the Packages feature
NOTE: **Note:**
After the Packages feature is enabled, the repositories are available
for all new projects by default. To enable it for existing projects, users will
have to explicitly do so in the project's settings.
To enable the Packages feature:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['packages_enabled'] = true
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../ "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab") for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. After the installation is complete, you will have to configure the `packages`
section in `config/gitlab.yml`. Set to `true` to enable it:
enabled: true
1. [Restart GitLab](../ "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab") for the changes to take effect.
## Changing the storage path
By default, the packages are stored locally, but you can change the default
local location or even use object storage.
### Changing the local storage path
The packages for Omnibus GitLab installations are stored under
`/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/packages/` and for source
installations under `shared/packages/` (relative to the Git homedir).
To change the local storage path:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['packages_storage_path'] = "/mnt/packages"
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../
for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `packages` section in `config/gitlab.yml`:
enabled: true
storage_path: shared/packages
1. Save the file and [restart GitLab](../ for the changes to take effect.
### Using object storage
Instead of relying on the local storage, you can use an object storage to
upload packages:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following lines (uncomment where
gitlab_rails['packages_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['packages_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/packages"
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_remote_directory'] = "packages" # The bucket name.
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_direct_upload'] = false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_background_upload'] = true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_connection'] = {
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#'provider' => 'AWS',
#'region' => 'eu-west-1',
#'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
#'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#'host' => '',
#'aws_signature_version' => 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#'endpoint' => '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#'path_style' => false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../
for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `packages` section in `config/gitlab.yml` (uncomment where necessary):
enabled: true
## The location where build packages are stored (default: shared/packages).
#storage_path: shared/packages
enabled: false
remote_directory: packages # The bucket name.
#direct_upload: false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
#background_upload: true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
#proxy_download: false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#provider: AWS
#region: us-east-1
#aws_access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
#aws_secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#host: '' # default:
#aws_signature_version: 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#endpoint: '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#path_style: false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. Save the file and [restart GitLab](../ for the changes to take effect.
### Migrating local packages to object storage
After [configuring the object storage](#using-object-storage), you may use the
following task to migrate existing packages from the local storage to the remote one.
The processing will be done in a background worker and requires **no downtime**.
For Omnibus GitLab:
sudo gitlab-rake "gitlab:packages:migrate"
For installations from source:
RAILS_ENV=production sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:packages:migrate
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 11.8.
This is the API docs of the [GitLab Container Registry](../user/project/
This is the API docs of the [GitLab Container Registry](../user/packages/container_registry/
## List registry repositories
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ Example response:
## Details of a group
Get all details of a group. This endpoint can be accessed without authentication
if the group is publicly accessible.
if the group is publicly accessible. In case the user that requests is admin of the group, it will return the `runners_token` for the group too.
GET /groups/:id
......@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ Example response:
"request_access_enabled": false,
"full_name": "Twitter",
"full_path": "twitter",
"runners_token": "ba324ca7b1c77fc20bb9",
"file_template_project_id": 1,
"parent_id": null,
"projects": [
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ GET /issues?confidential=true
| `updated_after` | datetime | no | Return issues updated on or after the given time |
| `updated_before` | datetime | no | Return issues updated on or before the given time |
| `confidential` | Boolean | no | Filter confidential or public issues. |
| `not` | Hash | no | Return issues that do not match the parameters supplied. Accepts: `labels`, `milestone`, `author_id`, `author_username`, `assignee_id`, `assignee_username`, `my_reaction_emoji`, `search`, `in` |
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>"
......@@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ GET /groups/:id/issues?confidential=true
| `updated_after` | datetime | no | Return issues updated on or after the given time |
| `updated_before` | datetime | no | Return issues updated on or before the given time |
| `confidential` | Boolean | no | Filter confidential or public issues. |
| `not` | Hash | no | Return issues that do not match the parameters supplied. Accepts: `labels`, `milestone`, `author_id`, `author_username`, `assignee_id`, `assignee_username`, `my_reaction_emoji`, `search`, `in` |
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>"
......@@ -354,6 +356,7 @@ GET /projects/:id/issues?confidential=true
| `updated_after` | datetime | no | Return issues updated on or after the given time |
| `updated_before` | datetime | no | Return issues updated on or before the given time |
| `confidential` | Boolean | no | Filter confidential or public issues. |
| `not` | Hash | no | Return issues that do not match the parameters supplied. Accepts: `labels`, `milestone`, `author_id`, `author_username`, `assignee_id`, `assignee_username`, `my_reaction_emoji`, `search`, `in` |
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>"
# Packages API **(PREMIUM)**
This is the API docs of [GitLab Packages](../administration/
This is the API docs of [GitLab Packages](../administration/packages/
## List project packages
......@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ If you're running multiple Runners you will have to modify all configuration fil
> login to GitLab's Container Registry.
Once you've built a Docker image, you can push it up to the built-in
[GitLab Container Registry](../../user/project/
[GitLab Container Registry](../../user/packages/container_registry/
Some things you should be aware of:
- You must [log in to the container registry](#authenticating-to-the-container-registry)
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ few important details:
In the following example, kaniko is used to:
1. Build a Docker image.
1. Then push it to [GitLab Container Registry](../../user/project/
1. Then push it to [GitLab Container Registry](../../user/packages/container_registry/
The job will run only when a tag is pushed. A `config.json` file is created under
`/kaniko/.docker` with the needed GitLab Container Registry credentials taken from the
......@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ We used `docker-php-ext-install` (provided by the official PHP Docker image) to
#### Setting Up GitLab Container Registry
Now that we have our `Dockerfile` let's build and push it to our [GitLab Container Registry](../../../user/project/
Now that we have our `Dockerfile` let's build and push it to our [GitLab Container Registry](../../../user/packages/container_registry/
> The registry is the place to store and tag images for later use. Developers may want to maintain their own registry for private, company images, or for throw-away images used only in testing. Using GitLab Container Registry means you don't need to set up and administer yet another service or use a public registry.
......@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ On your GitLab project repository navigate to the **Registry** tab.
![container registry page empty image](img/container_registry_page_empty_image.png)
You may need to [enable Container Registry](../../../user/project/ to your project to see this tab. You'll find it under your project's **Settings > General > Permissions**.
You may need to [enable Container Registry](../../../user/packages/container_registry/ to your project to see this tab. You'll find it under your project's **Settings > General > Permissions**.
To start using Container Registry on our machine, we first need to login to the GitLab registry using our GitLab username and password:
......@@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ according to each stage (Verify, Package, Release).
- Perform a series of tests, such as [Container Scanning](../../user/application_security/container_scanning/ **(ULTIMATE)**, [Dependency Scanning](../../user/application_security/dependency_scanning/ **(ULTIMATE)**, and [JUnit tests](../
- Deploy your changes with [Review Apps](../review_apps/ to preview the app changes on every branch.
1. **Package**:
- Store Docker images with [Container Registry](../../user/project/
- Store NPM packages with [NPM Registry](../../user/project/packages/ **(PREMIUM)**
- Store Maven artifacts with [Maven Repository](../../user/project/packages/ **(PREMIUM)**
- Store Docker images with [Container Registry](../../user/packages/container_registry/
- Store NPM packages with [NPM Registry](../../user/packages/npm_registry/ **(PREMIUM)**
- Store Maven artifacts with [Maven Repository](../../user/packages/maven_repository/ **(PREMIUM)**
1. **Release**:
- Continuous Deployment, automatically deploying your app to production.
- Continuous Delivery, manually click to deploy your app to production.
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ There are some high level differences between the products worth mentioning:
- The `.gitlab-ci.yml` file is checked in to the root of your repository, much like a Jenkinsfile, but
is in the YAML format (see [complete reference](../yaml/ instead of a Groovy DSL. It's most
analagous to the declarative Jenkinsfile format.
- GitLab comes with a [container registry](../../user/project/, and we recommend using
- GitLab comes with a [container registry](../../user/packages/container_registry/, and we recommend using
container images to set up your build environment.
## Groovy vs. YAML
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ Because GitLab is integrated tightly with git, SCM polling options for triggers
GitLab does not support a separate `tools` directive. Our best-practice reccomendation is to use pre-built
container images, which can be cached, and can be built to already contain the tools you need for your pipelines. Pipelines can
be set up to automatically build these images as needed and deploy them to the [container registry](../../user/project/
be set up to automatically build these images as needed and deploy them to the [container registry](../../user/packages/container_registry/
If you're not using container images with Docker/Kubernetes, for example on Mac or FreeBSD, then the `shell` executor does require you to
set up your environment either in advance or as part of the jobs. You could create a `before_script`
......@@ -277,6 +277,6 @@ removed with one of the future versions of GitLab.
[variables]: ../variables/
[predef]: ../variables/
[registry]: ../../user/project/
[registry]: ../../user/packages/container_registry/
[permissions]: ../../user/
[trigapi]: ../../api/
......@@ -126,5 +126,5 @@ future GitLab releases.**
| `GITLAB_FEATURES` | 10.6 | all | The comma separated list of licensed features available for your instance and plan |
[gitlab-deploy-token]: ../../user/project/deploy_tokens/
[registry]: ../../user/project/
[registry]: ../../user/packages/container_registry/
[dependent-repositories]: ../../user/project/
redirect_to: '../user/project/'
redirect_to: '../user/packages/container_registry/'
This document was moved to [another location](../user/project/
This document was moved to [another location](../user/packages/container_registry/
redirect_to: '../user/project/'
redirect_to: '../user/packages/container_registry/'
This document was moved to [user/project/container_registry](../user/project/
This document was moved to [user/project/container_registry](../user/packages/container_registry/
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Component statuses are linked to configuration documentation for each component.
| [GitLab Workhorse](#gitlab-workhorse) | Smart reverse proxy, handles large HTTP requests | [][workhorse-omnibus] | [][workhorse-charts] | [][workhorse-charts] | []( | [][workhorse-source] | ✅ | CE & EE |
| [GitLab Shell](#gitlab-shell) | Handles `git` over SSH sessions | [][shell-omnibus] | [][shell-charts] | [][shell-charts] | []( | [][shell-source] | [][gitlab-yml] | CE & EE |
| [GitLab Pages](#gitlab-pages) | Hosts static websites | [][pages-omnibus] | [][pages-charts] | [][pages-charts] | [](../user/gitlab_com/ | [][pages-source] | [][pages-gdk] | CE & EE |
| [Registry](#registry) | Container registry, allows pushing and pulling of images | [][registry-omnibus] | [][registry-charts] | [][registry-charts] | [](../user/project/ | [][registry-source] | [][registry-gdk] | CE & EE |
| [Registry](#registry) | Container registry, allows pushing and pulling of images | [][registry-omnibus] | [][registry-charts] | [][registry-charts] | [](../user/packages/container_registry/ | [][registry-source] | [][registry-gdk] | CE & EE |
| [Redis](#redis) | Caching service | [][redis-omnibus] | [][redis-omnibus] | [][redis-charts] | []( | [][redis-source] | ✅ | CE & EE |
| [PostgreSQL](#postgresql) | Database | [][postgres-omnibus] | [][postgres-charts] | [][postgres-charts] | [](../user/gitlab_com/ | [][postgres-source] | ✅ | CE & EE |
| [PgBouncer](#pgbouncer) | Database connection pooling, failover | [][pgbouncer-omnibus] | [][pgbouncer-charts] | [][pgbouncer-charts] | []( | ❌ | ❌ | EE Only |
......@@ -654,9 +654,9 @@ We've also detailed [our architecture of](
[pages-source]: ../install/
[registry-omnibus]: ../administration/
[registry-omnibus]: ../administration/packages/
[registry-source]: ../administration/
[registry-source]: ../administration/packages/
# Packages **(PREMIUM)**
This document will guide you through adding another [package management system](../administration/ support to GitLab.
This document will guide you through adding another [package management system](../administration/packages/ support to GitLab.
See already supported package types in [Packages documentation](../administration/
See already supported package types in [Packages documentation](../administration/packages/
Since GitLab packages' UI is pretty generic, it is possible to add new
package system support by solely backend changes. This guide is superficial and does
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Group-level and instance-level endpoints are good to have but are optional.
NOTE: **Note:**
To avoid name conflict for instance-level endpoints we use
[the package naming convention](../user/project/packages/
[the package naming convention](../user/packages/npm_registry/
## Configuration
......@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ which would otherwise take much space.
In particular, you can store in S3:
- [The Git LFS objects](../../workflow/lfs/ ((Omnibus GitLab installations))
- [The Container Registry images](../../administration/ (Omnibus GitLab installations)
- [The Container Registry images](../../administration/packages/ (Omnibus GitLab installations)
- [The GitLab CI/CD job artifacts](../../administration/ (Omnibus GitLab installations)
### Setting up a domain name
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Kerberos, etc. Here are some documents you might be interested in reading:
- [Omnibus GitLab documentation](
- [Integration documentation](../../integration/
- [GitLab Pages configuration](../../administration/pages/
- [GitLab Container Registry configuration](../../administration/
- [GitLab Container Registry configuration](../../administration/packages/
[freetrial]: "GCP free trial"
[ip]: "Configuring an Instance's IP Addresses"
......@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ and the lost data can be manually replaced.
### Container Registry push failures after restoring from a backup
If you use the [Container Registry](../user/project/, you
If you use the [Container Registry](../user/packages/container_registry/, you
may see pushes to the registry fail after restoring your backup on an Omnibus
GitLab instance after restoring the registry data.
......@@ -752,14 +752,14 @@ In projects:
1. Activate the experimental `Dockerfile` syntax by adding the following
to the top of the file:
# syntax = docker/dockerfile:experimental
1. To make secrets available in any `RUN $COMMAND` in the `Dockerfile`, mount
the secret file and source it prior to running `$COMMAND`:
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=auto-devops-build-secrets . /run/secrets/auto-devops-build-secrets && $COMMAND
......@@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ curl --data "value=true" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: personal_access_token" https:/
[kubernetes-clusters]: ../../user/project/clusters/
[docker-in-docker]: ../../docker/
[review-app]: ../../ci/review_apps/
[container-registry]: ../../user/project/
[container-registry]: ../../user/packages/container_registry/
[Auto DevOps template]:
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ The pipeline is split into 4 stages, each running a couple of jobs.
![Pipeline stages](img/guide_pipeline_stages.png)
In the **build** stage, the application is built into a Docker image and then
uploaded to your project's [Container Registry](../../user/project/ ([Auto Build](
uploaded to your project's [Container Registry](../../user/packages/container_registry/ ([Auto Build](
In the **test** stage, GitLab runs various checks on the application:
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ To enable Container Scanning in your pipeline, you need:
running. If you're using the shared Runners on, this is already
the case.
- To [build and push](../../../ci/docker/
your Docker image to your project's [Container Registry](../../project/
your Docker image to your project's [Container Registry](../../packages/container_registry/
The name of the Docker image should match the following scheme:
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ The included template will:
1. Create a `container_scanning` job in your CI/CD pipeline.
1. Pull the already built Docker image from your project's
[Container Registry](../../project/ (see [requirements](#requirements))
[Container Registry](../../packages/container_registry/ (see [requirements](#requirements))
and scan it for possible vulnerabilities.
The results will be saved as a
# Dependency Proxy **(PREMIUM)**
redirect_to: '../../packages/dependency_proxy/'
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 11.11.
NOTE: **Note:**
This is the user guide. In order to use the dependency proxy, an administrator
must first [configure it](../../../administration/
For many organizations, it is desirable to have a local proxy for frequently used
upstream images/packages. In the case of CI/CD, the proxy is responsible for
receiving a request and returning the upstream image from a registry, acting
as a pull-through cache.
The dependency proxy is available in the group level. To access it, navigate to
a group's **Overview > Dependency Proxy**.
![Dependency Proxy group page](img/group_dependency_proxy.png)
## Supported dependency proxies
NOTE: **Note:**
For a list of the upcoming additions to the proxies, visit the
[direction page](
The following dependency proxies are supported.
| Dependency proxy | GitLab version |
| ---------------- | -------------- |
| Docker | 11.11+ |
## Using the Docker dependency proxy
With the Docker dependency proxy, you can use GitLab as a source for a Docker image.
To get a Docker image into the dependency proxy:
1. Find the proxy URL on your group's page under **Overview > Dependency Proxy**,
for example ``.
1. Trigger GitLab to pull the Docker image you want (e.g., `alpine:latest` or
`linuxserver/nextcloud:latest`) and store it in the proxy storage by using
one of the following ways:
- Manually pulling the Docker image:
docker pull
- From a `Dockerfile`:
- In [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../../../ci/yaml/
GitLab will then pull the Docker image from Docker Hub and will cache the blobs
on the GitLab server. The next time you pull the same image, it will get the latest
information about the image from Docker Hub but will serve the existing blobs
from GitLab.
The blobs are kept forever, and there is no hard limit on how much data can be
## Limitations
The following limitations apply:
- Only public groups are supported (authentication is not supported yet).
- Only Docker Hub is supported.
- This feature requires Docker Hub being available.
This document was moved to [another location](../../packages/dependency_proxy/
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ To change your group path:
CAUTION: **Caution:**
It is currently not possible to rename a namespace if it contains a
project with [Container Registry](../project/ tags,
project with [Container Registry](../packages/container_registry/ tags,
because the project cannot be moved.
TIP: **TIP:**
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ With [GitLab Issues Analytics](issues_analytics/, you can see a bar cha
## Dependency Proxy **(PREMIUM)**
Use GitLab as a [dependency proxy](dependency_proxy/ for upstream Docker images.
Use GitLab as a [dependency proxy](../packages/dependency_proxy/ for upstream Docker images.
<!-- ## Troubleshooting
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ GitLab is a Git-based platform that integrates a great number of essential tools
branch with [Review Apps](../ci/review_apps/
- Building, testing, and deploying with built-in [Continuous Integration](../ci/
- Deploying personal and professional static websites with [GitLab Pages](project/pages/
- Integrating with Docker by using [GitLab Container Registry](project/
- Integrating with Docker by using [GitLab Container Registry](packages/container_registry/
- Tracking the development lifecycle by using [GitLab Cycle Analytics](project/
With GitLab Enterprise Edition, you can also:
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ directly from GitLab. No third-party integrations needed.
- [Review Apps](../ci/review_apps/ Live-preview the changes introduced by a merge request with Review Apps.
- [GitLab Pages](project/pages/ Publish your static site directly from
GitLab with GitLab Pages. You can build, test, and deploy any Static Site Generator with Pages.
- [GitLab Container Registry](project/ Build and deploy Docker
- [GitLab Container Registry](packages/container_registry/ Build and deploy Docker
images with Container Registry.
## Account
# GitLab Container Registry
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 8.8.
> - Docker Registry manifest `v1` support was added in GitLab 8.9 to support Docker
> versions earlier than 1.10.
> - Starting from GitLab 8.12, if you have 2FA enabled in your account, you need
> to pass a [personal access token](../../profile/ instead of your password in order to
> login to GitLab's Container Registry.
> - Multiple level image names support was added in GitLab 9.1.
NOTE: **Note:**
This document is the user guide. To learn how to enable GitLab Container
Registry across your GitLab instance, visit the
[administrator documentation](../../../administration/packages/
With the Docker Container Registry integrated into GitLab, every project can
have its own space to store its Docker images.
You can read more about Docker Registry at <>.
## Enable the Container Registry for your project
If you cannot find the **Packages > Container Registry** entry under your
project's sidebar, it is not enabled in your GitLab instance. Ask your
administrator to enable GitLab Container Registry following the
[administration documentation](../../../administration/packages/
If you are using, this is enabled by default so you can start using
the Registry immediately. Currently there is a soft (10GB) size restriction for
Registry on, as part of the [repository size limit](../../project/repository/
Once enabled for your GitLab instance, to enable Container Registry for your
1. Go to your project's **Settings > General** page.
1. Expand the **Visibility, project features, permissions** section
and enable the **Container Registry** feature on your project. For new
projects this might be enabled by default. For existing projects
(prior GitLab 8.8), you will have to explicitly enable it.
1. Press **Save changes** for the changes to take effect. You should now be able
to see the **Packages > Container Registry** link in the sidebar.
## Build and push images
> **Notes:**
> - Moving or renaming existing container registry repositories is not supported
> once you have pushed images because the images are signed, and the
> signature includes the repository name.
> - To move or rename a repository with a container registry you will have to
> delete all existing images.
If you visit the **Packages > Container Registry** link under your project's
menu, you can see the explicit instructions to login to the Container Registry
using your GitLab credentials.
For example if the Registry's URL is ``, then you should be
able to login with:
docker login
Building and publishing images should be a straightforward process. Just make
sure that you are using the Registry URL with the namespace and project name
that is hosted on GitLab:
docker build -t .
docker push
Your image will be named after the following scheme:
<registry URL>/<namespace>/<project>/<image>
GitLab supports up to three levels of image repository names.
Following examples of image tags are valid:
## Use images from GitLab Container Registry
To download and run a container from images hosted in GitLab Container Registry,
use `docker run`:
docker run [options] [arguments]
For more information on running Docker containers, visit the
[Docker documentation](
## Control Container Registry from within GitLab
GitLab offers a simple Container Registry management panel. Go to your project
and click **Packages > Container Registry** in the project menu.
This view will show you all tags in your project and will easily allow you to
delete them.
## Build and push images using GitLab CI
NOTE: **Note:**
This feature requires GitLab 8.8 and GitLab Runner 1.2.
Make sure that your GitLab Runner is configured to allow building Docker images by
following the [Using Docker Build](../../../ci/docker/
and [Using the GitLab Container Registry documentation](../../../ci/docker/
Alternatively, you can [build images with Kaniko](../../../ci/docker/ if the Docker builds are not an option for you.
## Using with private projects
> Personal Access tokens were [introduced]( in GitLab 9.3.
> Project Deploy Tokens were [introduced]( in GitLab 10.7
If a project is private, credentials will need to be provided for authorization.
There are two ways to do this:
- By using a [personal access token](../../profile/
- By using a [deploy token](../../project/deploy_tokens/
The minimal scope needed for both of them is `read_registry`.
Example of using a token:
docker login -u <username> -p <token>
## Troubleshooting the GitLab Container Registry
### Docker connection error
A Docker connection error can occur when there are special characters in either the group,
project or branch name. Special characters can include:
- Leading underscore
- Trailing hyphen/dash
- Double hyphen/dash
To get around this, you can [change the group path](../../group/,
[change the project path](../../project/settings/ or change the branch
### Troubleshoot as a GitLab server admin
Troubleshooting the GitLab Container Registry, most of the times, requires
administration access to the GitLab server.
[Read how to troubleshoot the Container Registry](../../../administration/packages/
# Dependency Proxy **(PREMIUM)**
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 11.11.
NOTE: **Note:**
This is the user guide. In order to use the dependency proxy, an administrator
must first [configure it](../../../administration/packages/
For many organizations, it is desirable to have a local proxy for frequently used
upstream images/packages. In the case of CI/CD, the proxy is responsible for
receiving a request and returning the upstream image from a registry, acting
as a pull-through cache.
The dependency proxy is available in the group level. To access it, navigate to
a group's **Overview > Dependency Proxy**.
![Dependency Proxy group page](img/group_dependency_proxy.png)
## Supported dependency proxies
NOTE: **Note:**
For a list of the upcoming additions to the proxies, visit the
[direction page](
The following dependency proxies are supported.
| Dependency proxy | GitLab version |
| ---------------- | -------------- |
| Docker | 11.11+ |
## Using the Docker dependency proxy
With the Docker dependency proxy, you can use GitLab as a source for a Docker image.
To get a Docker image into the dependency proxy:
1. Find the proxy URL on your group's page under **Overview > Dependency Proxy**,
for example ``.
1. Trigger GitLab to pull the Docker image you want (e.g., `alpine:latest` or
`linuxserver/nextcloud:latest`) and store it in the proxy storage by using
one of the following ways:
- Manually pulling the Docker image:
docker pull
- From a `Dockerfile`:
- In [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../../../ci/yaml/
GitLab will then pull the Docker image from Docker Hub and will cache the blobs
on the GitLab server. The next time you pull the same image, it will get the latest
information about the image from Docker Hub but will serve the existing blobs
from GitLab.
The blobs are kept forever, and there is no hard limit on how much data can be
## Limitations
The following limitations apply:
- Only public groups are supported (authentication is not supported yet).
- Only Docker Hub is supported.
- This feature requires Docker Hub being available.
# GitLab Package Registry
GitLab Packages allows organizations to utilize GitLab as a private repository
for a variety of common package managers. Users are able to build and publish
packages, which can be easily consumed as a dependency in downstream projects.
The Packages feature allows GitLab to act as a repository for the following:
| Software repository | Description | Available in GitLab version |
| ------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------- |
| [Container Registry](container_registry/ | The GitLab Container Registry enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [Docker]( images. | 8.8+ |
| [Dependency Proxy](dependency_proxy/ **(PREMIUM)** | The GitLab Dependency Proxy sets up a local proxy for frequently used upstream images/packages. | 11.11+ |
| [Maven Repository](maven_repository/ **(PREMIUM)** | The GitLab Maven Repository enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [Maven]( packages. | 11.3+ |
| [NPM Registry](npm_registry/ **(PREMIUM)** | The GitLab NPM Registry enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [NPM]( packages. | 11.7+ |
TIP: **Tip:**
Don't you see your package management system supported yet? Consider contributing
to GitLab. This [development documentation](../../development/ will
guide you through the process.
This diff is collapsed.
# GitLab NPM Registry **(PREMIUM)**
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 11.7.
With the GitLab NPM Registry, every
project can have its own space to store NPM packages.
![GitLab NPM Registry](img/npm_package_view.png)
NOTE: **Note:**
Only [scoped]( packages are supported.
## Enabling the NPM Registry
NOTE: **Note:**
This option is available only if your GitLab administrator has
[enabled support for the NPM registry](../../../administration/packages/**(PREMIUM ONLY)**
After the NPM registry is enabled, it will be available for all new projects
by default. To enable it for existing projects, or if you want to disable it:
1. Navigate to your project's **Settings > General > Permissions**.
1. Find the Packages feature and enable or disable it.
1. Click on **Save changes** for the changes to take effect.
You should then be able to see the **Packages** section on the left sidebar.
Before proceeding to authenticating with the GitLab NPM Registry, you should
get familiar with the package naming convention.
## Package naming convention
**Packages must be scoped in the root namespace of the project**. The package
name may be anything but it is preferred that the project name be used unless
it is not possible due to a naming collision. For example:
| Project | Package | Supported |
| ---------------------- | ----------------------- | --------- |
| `foo/bar` | `@foo/bar` | Yes |
| `foo/bar/baz` | `@foo/baz` | Yes |
| `foo/bar/buz` | `@foo/anything` | Yes |
| `gitlab-org/gitlab-ce` | `@gitlab-org/gitlab-ce` | Yes |
| `gitlab-org/gitlab-ce` | `@foo/bar` | No |
Now, you can configure your project to authenticate with the GitLab NPM
## Authenticating to the GitLab NPM Registry
If a project is private or you want to upload an NPM package to GitLab,
credentials will need to be provided for authentication. Support is available for [OAuth tokens](../../../api/ or [personal access tokens](../../profile/
CAUTION: **2FA is only supported with personal access tokens:**
If you have 2FA enabled, you need to use a [personal access token](../../profile/ with OAuth headers. Standard OAuth tokens won't be able to authenticate to the GitLab NPM Registry.
### Authenticating with an OAuth token
To authenticate with an [OAuth token](../../../api/
or [personal access token](../../profile/, add a corresponding section to your `.npmrc` file:
; Set URL for your scoped packages.
; For example package with name `@foo/bar` will use this URL for download
; Add the token for the scoped packages URL. This will allow you to download
; `@foo/` packages from private projects.
; Add token for uploading to the registry. Replace <your_project_id>
; with the project you want your package to be uploaded to.
Replace `<your_project_id>` with your project ID which can be found on the home page
of your project and `<your_token>` with your OAuth or personal access token.
If you have a self-hosted GitLab installation, replace `` with your
domain name.
You should now be able to download and upload NPM packages to your project.
NOTE: **Note:**
If you encounter an error message with [Yarn](, see the
[troubleshooting section](#troubleshooting).
## Uploading packages
Before you will be able to upload a package, you need to specify the registry
for NPM. To do this, add the following section to the bottom of `package.json`:
"publishConfig": {
Replace `<your_project_id>` with your project ID, which can be found on the home
page of your project, and replace `@foo` with your own scope.
If you have a self-hosted GitLab installation, replace `` with your
domain name.
Once you have enabled it and set up [authentication](#authenticating-to-the-gitlab-npm-registry),
you can upload an NPM package to your project:
npm publish
You can then navigate to your project's **Packages** page and see the uploaded
packages or even delete them.
If you attempt to publish a package with a name that already exists within
a given scope, you will receive a `403 Forbidden!` error.
## Uploading a package with the same version twice
If you upload a package with a same name and version twice, GitLab will show
both packages in the UI, but the GitLab NPM Registry will expose the most recent
one as it supports only one package per version for `npm install`.
## Troubleshooting
### Error running yarn with NPM registry
If you are using [yarn]( with the NPM registry, you may get
an error message like:
yarn install v1.15.2
warning package.json: No license field
info No lockfile found.
warning XXX: No license field
[1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages...
[2/4] 🚚 Fetching packages...
error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"404 Not Found\"".
info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "/Users/XXX/gitlab-migration/module-util/yarn-error.log".
info Visit for documentation about this command
In this case, try adding this to your `.npmrc` file (and replace `<your_oauth_token>`
with your with your OAuth or personal access token):
......@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ The following table depicts the various user permission levels in a project.
| See a list of merge requests | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| View project statistics | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| View Error Tracking list | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Pull from [Maven repository](project/packages/ or [NPM registry](project/packages/ **(PREMIUM)** | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Publish to [Maven repository](project/packages/ or [NPM registry](project/packages/ **(PREMIUM)** | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Pull from [Maven repository](packages/maven_repository/ or [NPM registry](packages/npm_registry/ **(PREMIUM)** | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Publish to [Maven repository](packages/maven_repository/ or [NPM registry](packages/npm_registry/ **(PREMIUM)** | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Upload [Design Management](project/issues/ files **(PREMIUM)** | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Create new branches | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Push to non-protected branches | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ To change your `username`:
CAUTION: **Caution:**
It is currently not possible to change your username if it contains a
project with [Container Registry](../project/ tags,
project with [Container Registry](../packages/container_registry/ tags,
because the project cannot be moved.
TIP: **Tip:**
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ the following table.
[2fa]: ../account/
[api]: ../../api/
[container registry]: ../project/
[container registry]: ../packages/container_registry/
[users]: ../../api/
[usage]: ../../api/
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -97,4 +97,4 @@ docker login -u $CI_DEPLOY_USER -p $CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY
[container registry]: ../
[container registry]: ../../packages/container_registry/
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ When you create a project in GitLab, you'll have access to a large number of
**GitLab CI/CD:**
- [GitLab CI/CD](../../ci/ GitLab's built-in [Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment]( tool
- [Container Registry]( Build and push Docker
- [Container Registry](../packages/container_registry/ Build and push Docker
images out-of-the-box
- [Auto Deploy](../../ci/autodeploy/ Configure GitLab CI/CD
to automatically set up your app's deployment
......@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ When you create a project in GitLab, you'll have access to a large number of
- [Releases](releases/ a way to track deliverables in your project as snapshot in time of
the source, build output, and other metadata or artifacts
associated with a released version of your code.
- [Maven packages](packages/ your private Maven repository in GitLab. **(PREMIUM)**
- [NPM packages](packages/ your private NPM package registry in GitLab. **(PREMIUM)**
- [Maven packages](../packages/maven_repository/ your private Maven repository in GitLab. **(PREMIUM)**
- [NPM packages](../packages/npm_registry/ your private NPM package registry in GitLab. **(PREMIUM)**
- [Code owners]( specify code owners for certain files **(STARTER)**
- [License Compliance](../application_security/license_compliance/ approve and blacklist licenses for projects. **(ULTIMATE)**
- [Dependency List](../application_security/dependency_list/ view project dependencies. **(ULTIMATE)**
......@@ -157,19 +157,6 @@ The plain text title and description of the issue fill the top center of the iss
The description fully supports [GitLab Flavored Markdown](../../,
allowing many formatting options.
##### Zoom call links
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.0.
Including a link to a [Zoom]( call in the description of an issue
results in a **Join Zoom meeting** button at the top of the issue, just under the header.
For example:
![Link Zoom Call in Issue](img/link_zoom_call_in_issue.png)
To remove the button, edit the description and remove the Zoom call link.
#### 17. Mentions
You can mention a user or a group present in your GitLab instance with `@username` or
......@@ -259,3 +246,15 @@ Once you write a comment, you can:
![Comment or thread](img/comment-or-discussion.png)
You can also close the issue from here, so you don't need to scroll to the top of the issue page.
#### 26. Zoom Meetings
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.3.
You can attach and remove Zoom meetings to issues using the `/zoom` and `/remove_zoom` [quick actions](../ as part of
[GitLab Flavored Markdown](../../
Attaching a [Zoom]( call an issue
results in a **Join Zoom meeting** button at the top of the issue, just under the header.
![Link Zoom Call in Issue](img/zoom-quickaction-button.png)
redirect_to: 'packages/'
redirect_to: '../packages/maven_repository/'
This document was moved to [another location](packages/
This document was moved to [another location](../packages/maven_repository/
redirect_to: ''
redirect_to: '../../packages/maven_repository/'
This document was moved to [another location](
This document was moved to [another location](../../packages/maven_repository/
redirect_to: ''
redirect_to: '../../packages/maven_repository/'
This document was moved to [another location](
This document was moved to [another location](../../packages/maven_repository/
# GitLab NPM Registry **(PREMIUM)**
redirect_to: '../../packages/npm_registry/'
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 11.7.
With the GitLab NPM Registry, every
project can have its own space to store NPM packages.
![GitLab NPM Registry](img/npm_package_view.png)
NOTE: **Note:**
Only [scoped]( packages are supported.
## Enabling the NPM Registry
NOTE: **Note:**
This option is available only if your GitLab administrator has
[enabled support for the NPM registry](../../../administration/**(PREMIUM ONLY)**
After the NPM registry is enabled, it will be available for all new projects
by default. To enable it for existing projects, or if you want to disable it:
1. Navigate to your project's **Settings > General > Permissions**.
1. Find the Packages feature and enable or disable it.
1. Click on **Save changes** for the changes to take effect.
You should then be able to see the **Packages** section on the left sidebar.
Before proceeding to authenticating with the GitLab NPM Registry, you should
get familiar with the package naming convention.
## Package naming convention
**Packages must be scoped in the root namespace of the project**. The package
name may be anything but it is preferred that the project name be used unless
it is not possible due to a naming collision. For example:
| Project | Package | Supported |
| ---------------------- | ----------------------- | --------- |
| `foo/bar` | `@foo/bar` | Yes |
| `foo/bar/baz` | `@foo/baz` | Yes |
| `foo/bar/buz` | `@foo/anything` | Yes |
| `gitlab-org/gitlab-ce` | `@gitlab-org/gitlab-ce` | Yes |
| `gitlab-org/gitlab-ce` | `@foo/bar` | No |
Now, you can configure your project to authenticate with the GitLab NPM
## Authenticating to the GitLab NPM Registry
If a project is private or you want to upload an NPM package to GitLab,
credentials will need to be provided for authentication. Support is available for [OAuth tokens](../../../api/ or [personal access tokens](../../profile/
CAUTION: **2FA is only supported with personal access tokens:**
If you have 2FA enabled, you need to use a [personal access token](../../profile/ with OAuth headers. Standard OAuth tokens won't be able to authenticate to the GitLab NPM Registry.
### Authenticating with an OAuth token
To authenticate with an [OAuth token](../../../api/
or [personal access token](../../profile/, add a corresponding section to your `.npmrc` file:
; Set URL for your scoped packages.
; For example package with name `@foo/bar` will use this URL for download
; Add the token for the scoped packages URL. This will allow you to download
; `@foo/` packages from private projects.
; Add token for uploading to the registry. Replace <your_project_id>
; with the project you want your package to be uploaded to.
Replace `<your_project_id>` with your project ID which can be found on the home page
of your project and `<your_token>` with your OAuth or personal access token.
If you have a self-hosted GitLab installation, replace `` with your
domain name.
You should now be able to download and upload NPM packages to your project.
NOTE: **Note:**
If you encounter an error message with [Yarn](, see the
[troubleshooting section](#troubleshooting).
## Uploading packages
Before you will be able to upload a package, you need to specify the registry
for NPM. To do this, add the following section to the bottom of `package.json`:
"publishConfig": {
Replace `<your_project_id>` with your project ID, which can be found on the home
page of your project, and replace `@foo` with your own scope.
If you have a self-hosted GitLab installation, replace `` with your
domain name.
Once you have enabled it and set up [authentication](#authenticating-to-the-gitlab-npm-registry),
you can upload an NPM package to your project:
npm publish
You can then navigate to your project's **Packages** page and see the uploaded
packages or even delete them.
If you attempt to publish a package with a name that already exists within
a given scope, you will receive a `403 Forbidden!` error.
## Uploading a package with the same version twice
If you upload a package with a same name and version twice, GitLab will show
both packages in the UI, but the GitLab NPM Registry will expose the most recent
one as it supports only one package per version for `npm install`.
## Troubleshooting
### Error running yarn with NPM registry
If you are using [yarn]( with the NPM registry, you may get
an error message like:
yarn install v1.15.2
warning package.json: No license field
info No lockfile found.
warning XXX: No license field
[1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages...
[2/4] 🚚 Fetching packages...
error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"404 Not Found\"".
info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "/Users/XXX/gitlab-migration/module-util/yarn-error.log".
info Visit for documentation about this command
In this case, try adding this to your `.npmrc` file (and replace `<your_oauth_token>`
with your with your OAuth or personal access token):
This document was moved to [another location](../../packages/npm_registry/
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ The project description also partially supports [standard markdown](../../markdo
### Sharing and permissions
Set up your project's access, [visibility](../../../public_access/, and enable [Container Registry](../ for your projects:
Set up your project's access, [visibility](../../../public_access/, and enable [Container Registry](../../packages/container_registry/ for your projects:
![projects sharing permissions](img/sharing_and_permissions_settings.png)
......@@ -400,6 +400,7 @@ module API
class GroupDetail < Group
expose :runners_token, if: lambda { |group, options| options[:user_can_admin_group] }
expose :projects, using: Entities::Project do |group, options|
projects =
group: group,
......@@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ module API
options = {
with: params[:with_projects] ? Entities::GroupDetail : Entities::Group,
current_user: current_user
current_user: current_user,
user_can_admin_group: can?(current_user, :admin_group, group)
group, options = with_custom_attributes(group, options)
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ module API
params :optional_issues_params_ee do
params :optional_issue_not_params_ee do
def self.update_params_at_least_one_of
......@@ -35,8 +38,11 @@ module API
args = declared_params.merge(args)
args[:not] ||= {}
args[:milestone_title] ||= args.delete(:milestone)
args[:not][:milestone_title] ||= args[:not]&.delete(:milestone)
args[:label_name] ||= args.delete(:labels)
args[:not][:label_name] ||= args[:not]&.delete(:labels)
args[:scope] = args[:scope].underscore if args[:scope]
args[:sort] = "#{args[:order_by]}_#{args[:sort]}"
# coding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
module API
......@@ -9,17 +9,12 @@ module API
before { authenticate_non_get! }
helpers do
params :issues_stats_params do
params :negatable_issue_filter_params do
optional :labels, type: Array[String], coerce_with: Validations::Types::LabelsList.coerce, desc: 'Comma-separated list of label names'
optional :milestone, type: String, desc: 'Milestone title'
optional :milestone, type: String, desc: 'Return issues for a specific milestone'
optional :iids, type: Array[Integer], desc: 'The IID array of issues'
optional :search, type: String, desc: 'Search issues for text present in the title, description, or any combination of these'
optional :in, type: String, desc: '`title`, `description`, or a string joining them with comma'
optional :created_after, type: DateTime, desc: 'Return issues created after the specified time'
optional :created_before, type: DateTime, desc: 'Return issues created before the specified time'
optional :updated_after, type: DateTime, desc: 'Return issues updated after the specified time'
optional :updated_before, type: DateTime, desc: 'Return issues updated before the specified time'
optional :author_id, type: Integer, desc: 'Return issues which are authored by the user with the given ID'
optional :author_username, type: String, desc: 'Return issues which are authored by the user with the given username'
......@@ -31,6 +26,18 @@ module API
coerce_with: Validations::CheckAssigneesCount.coerce,
desc: 'Return issues which are assigned to the user with the given username'
mutually_exclusive :assignee_id, :assignee_username
params :issues_stats_params do
use :negatable_issue_filter_params
optional :created_after, type: DateTime, desc: 'Return issues created after the specified time'
optional :created_before, type: DateTime, desc: 'Return issues created before the specified time'
optional :updated_after, type: DateTime, desc: 'Return issues updated after the specified time'
optional :updated_before, type: DateTime, desc: 'Return issues updated before the specified time'
optional :not, type: Hash do
use :negatable_issue_filter_params
optional :scope, type: String, values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me created_by_me assigned_to_me all],
desc: 'Return issues for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`'
......@@ -69,6 +69,19 @@ module API
# rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
desc 'Gets a the latest pipeline for the project branch' do
detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 12.3'
success Entities::Pipeline
params do
optional :ref, type: String, desc: 'branch ref of pipeline'
get ':id/pipelines/latest' do
authorize! :read_pipeline, latest_pipeline
present latest_pipeline, with: Entities::Pipeline
desc 'Gets a specific pipeline for the project' do
detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.11'
success Entities::Pipeline
......@@ -144,7 +157,15 @@ module API
helpers do
def pipeline
@pipeline ||= user_project.ci_pipelines.find(params[:pipeline_id])
strong_memoize(:pipeline) do
def latest_pipeline
strong_memoize(:latest_pipeline) do
# -*- ruby encoding: utf-8 -*-
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Based on the `ruby-net-ldap` gem's `Net::LDAP::DN`
# coding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
# rubocop: disable Rails/Output
# coding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Gitlab
# coding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Gitlab
# coding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Gitlab
# coding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
# coding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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