Commit ca705ceb authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@13-10-stable-ee

parent 1ace5d8b
......@@ -2,6 +2,533 @@
documentation](doc/development/ for instructions on adding your own
## 13.10.0 (2021-03-22)
### Security (3 changes)
- Workhorse: prevent escaped router path traversal.
- Workhorse: Stop logging when path is excluded.
- Patch Kramdown syntax highlighter gem.
### Removed (2 changes)
- Remove Remove from board button from board sidebar. !53946
- Remove workaround for icon loading in Chrome 84. !56114
### Fixed (99 changes, 23 of them are from the community)
- Fix button alignment in design management header. !48003
- Updated UI text to match style guidelines. !50383
- Don't close auto suggest select boxes on click if only the mouseup (but not the mousedown) event happened outside the box. !51139 (Simon Stieger @sim0)
- Fix Auto DevOps deploys that use a default branch that's not named 'master'. !53280 (Mitchell Cash @MitchellCash)
- Correct job artifacts API download for expired and locked files. !53567 (Fabio Huser)
- Fix project import error occurring due to default visibility. !53827 (Jonas Wälter @wwwjon)
- Fix relative URL with composer package. !53918
- Cleanup incorrect data in projects.has_external_issue_tracker. !53936
- Fix not skipped manual and delayed DAG jobs. !54073
- Skip orphaned pool repositories on restore. !54112
- Add space next to icons in epic issue list. !54138 (Yogi (@yo))
- Render version dropdowns in MR changes view above tab navbar. !54159 (Simon Stieger @sim0)
- Do not show button to resolve discussion opening an issue when issues are disabled. !54263
- Hide issue count and link in project list for projects with disabled issues. !54275 (Simon Stieger @sim0)
- Handle GlobalIDs with invalid resource names. !54290
- Fix overflowing width - at mention container. !54377
- Update k8s version for EKS cluster. !54389 (Vincent Firmin @winkies)
- React to new DOM nodes being added to the page to bind the user information popover to them. !54411
- move create_release_evidence sidekiq queue out of the cronjob namespace. !54432
- Fix copy to clipboard tooltip button. !54472
- Fix bold text mismatch in MR ⚙ menu. !54531
- Wrap long code lines in markdown. !54540
- Hide repeated trial offers on self-hosted instances. !54550
- Fix bug when snippet blobs array contain a nil value. !54552
- Fix the npm instance level API to exclude subgroups. !54554
- Fix the value of `$CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX` when used in group with a name containing uppercase letters. !54559 (Eric Engestrom @1ace)
- Fixed typo on Two-Factor Authentication page. !54565 (Jani Uusitalo @uusijani)
- Forcibly load OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE. !54569
- Stop scrollbar stretching filtered search box. !54574
- Correctly style Dark Mode application header in profile preferences. !54575 (Simon Stieger @sim0)
- Prevent removal of the last group owner if the last group owner is a blocked user. !54587 (Jonas Wälter @wwwjon)
- Fix style issue with "reply" placeholder textarea in firefox. !54592
- Update batch_loader gem to v2.0.0. !54639
- Fix rendering of projects when the last pipeline changes during rendering. !54651
- Search: Log search.scope for the default scope. !54684
- Fix double scrollbar in ref selector dropdown. !54719
- Fix double scrollbar issue in milestone selector dropdown. !54734
- Skip two factor setup for help pages. !54739
- Fixed diff notes GraphQL mutation not allowing comments on deleted lines. !54801
- Expand left sidebar `Issues` when viewing project iterations. !54815
- Added a missing class to reply placeholder. !54817
- Renamed the second project panel to group. !54834 (Niklas van Schrick @Taucher2003)
- Fix double scrollbars in some dropdowns. !54837
- Fix pipeline notifications for Webex Teams / Unify Circuit integrations. !54852
- Github Importer: Import Pull request "merged_at" attribute. !54862
- Fix UTF-8 characters not working with Azure Blob storage. !54875
- Upgrade gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher for correctly detecting interrupted jobs when Sidekiq pods are restarted. !54881
- Include shared with groups in list of authorized groups. !54894
- Fix `@` autocomplete selecting the loading icon. !54925
- Fix status cache for upstream pipelines. !54937
- Update gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher to 0.5.5 to handle namespaced queues. !55013
- Use gitlab_web_url (if it exists) for issue title links in Issue lists. !55021
- Fix issue with loading the repository compare page. !55058
- Fix argument type for background migration. !55097
- reconcile source installation and upgrade docs. !55170 (Jörg Behrmann @behrmann)
- Sync the maven metadata file upon package deletion through the UI. !55207
- Fix empty field in custom notification events modal. !55313 (Kev @KevSlashNull)
- Fix 500 error for long commit messages. !55320
- Include MRs for merge commits for changelogs. !55371
- GithubImporter: Add Merge request approval only if it does not exists yet. !55376
- Fix assignees search to show only project members. !55396
- Do not break word in the code blocks under Safari. !55405
- Fix typo in pipeline status email. !55412 (Gabriel Berke-Williams)
- Fix inconsistent heading style in email diffs. !55420
- Ensure Project Approvals API casts to boolean. !55492
- Update fog-aws to v3.9.0. !55528
- Handle relative position on issue move or clone. !55555
- Fix horizontal alignment of MR Changes cog menu dropdown checkboxes. !55591
- checks: Skip LFS checks when deleting refs. !55609
- Fix edited timestamp updated when transforming / resolving comments. !55671 (Mycroft Kang @TaehyeokKang)
- Allow saving repository weights after a storage has been removed. !55689
- Resolve project from branch in commit resolver. !55694
- Update validate_url gem. !55706
- Fixes: No such file or directory lib/pager_duty/validator/schemas/message.json. !55725
- Fix fork thumbnail overflow. !55764
- Change terraform_states.locked_by_user_id foreign key to SET NULL. !55813
- Fix invite member modal dropdown checkbox styling. !55832 (Kev @KevSlashNull)
- Reenable OAuth password grants without client credentials. !55873
- Fixed vestigial Anchor links in doc/development/usage_ping/ !55874 (Raimund Hook)
- Fix 'viewed' checkbox in single-file view mode. !55922
- Fix Web Project Export rate limiting scope. !55975
- Remove merge manually message. !56016
- fix stringify empty position object. !56037
- Fix diff comment hidden dropdown. !56072
- Handle RestClient errors in Discord integration. !56112
- Turn off native autocomplete for ref selector components. !56128
- Handle commits without descriptions for changelogs. !56224
- Support maven plugins packaging in the maven metadata sync worker. !56229
- Use gitlab-fog-google instead of upstream fog-google gem. !56245
- Fix styling of "Enabled OAuth sign-in sources" checkboxes. !56254
- Sanitize issue description in search result. !56256
- Fix bug in wiki page destroy API endpoint when an error is raised. !56285
- Correct generated maven repository instruction for Gradle Groovy DSL. !56318 (Cromefire_ (@cromefire_))
- Add labels to GlToggles. !56387
- Fixed error handling GraphQL API when issue board creation fails. !56467
- Hide fork count and link in project list where forks are disabled. !56520 (Simon Stieger @sim0)
- Fix upgrade banner for Jira issues showing on group / instance level integrations. !56628
- Fix tooltips failing to hide in commit graph on Firefox. !56631 (Jonathan Duncan)
- Hide MR count and link in project list where MRs are disabled. (Simon Stieger @sim0)
### Changed (202 changes, 88 of them are from the community)
- Mark `startDate` and `endDate` arguments as deprecated in the GraphQL schema for `Project.milestones` and `Group.milestones` (FOSS and EE), and `Project.iterations`, `Project.milestones`, `Group.epic`, `Group.epics`, `Group.iterations`, `Group.milestones`, `BoardEpic.children`, and `Epic.children` fields (EE-only). Previously these arguments were marked as deprecated only in their descriptions. !45229
- Improve Linked Issues Usability. !50879 (Andrew Minion)
- Make new issue title look like wiki. !50940 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Introduce WebIDE as an extension for Editor Lite. !51527
- Update LaTeX Docker image in CI Templates to TexLive 2020. !52043 (Michael Schmitt @schmitmd)
- Allow creation of iterations in the past. !52403
- Allow overlapping iteration dates with ancestor group iterations and restrict dates overlapping for iterations within same group. !52403
- Send gitlab_standard context with events from the frontend. !52959
- Prefill first multiline commit message for new MRs. !52984 (Max Coplan @vegerot)
- Auto-enable admin mode on privileged environments. !53015 (Diego Louzán)
- Add loading indicator to "Update username" button in account settings. !53142 (Kev @KevSlashNull)
- Replace btn-primary with btn-confirm in Start your free trial button. !53215 (Yogi (@yo))
- Update project page buttons to conform to design system. !53260
- Lift the NPM package naming convention for the project level API. !53266
- Adds ability to have multiple cache per job. !53410
- Improve Jira connect app styling and i18n. !53441
- Restyle the repository compare show page. !53523
- API: include external users in user search for non-admins. !53584 (Jonas Wälter @wwwjon)
- Record onboarding action for issue creation. !53611
- Merge Sentry's contexts into Gitlab::ApplicationContext. !53691
- Add divergedFromTargetBranch field to MergeRequestType to indicate the target branch has diverged from the source branch. !53759
- Provide name of expiring token in personal access token expiration mail. !53766
- Convert merge request widget state to use GraphQL. !53846
- Sidebar confidentiality component updates in real-time. !53858
- Add creator to custom emoji. !53879
- Migrate namespaces delayed_project_removal to namespace_settings. !53916
- Add name field to cluster agent token. !53920
- Apply new GitLab UI for request email button. !53966 (Yogi (@yo))
- Add support for ETag caching when using GraphQL. !53978
- Allow anonymous access to public Conan packages. !54047 (Steve Mokris @smokris)
- Make the Geo OAuth application trusted by default. !54079
- Add description field to cluster agent token. !54091
- Project Settings CI/CD headers expand/collapse on click / tap. !54114 (Daniel Schömer)
- Project Settings CI/CD Variables header expands/collapses on click / tap. !54117 (Daniel Schömer)
- Add Role and Rolebinding for CiliumNetworkPolicies. !54130
- Add btn-default and remove extra right margin. !54134 (Yogi (@yo))
- Update user avatar in sidebar realtime. !54135 (Yogi (@yo))
- Remove illustration in export/import CSV modal. !54136 (Yogi (@yo))
- Update to btn-confirm and align subscription banner. !54137 (Yogi (@yo))
- Remove service desk issue prefix. !54140 (Lee Tickett @leetickett)
- Apply new GitLab UI for learn more button in time tracking. !54142 (Yogi (@yo))
- Apply new GitLab UI for apply template button in new issue. !54143 (Yogi (@yo))
- Remove gl-overflow-scroll in merge instructions modal. !54144 (Yogi (@yo))
- Align merge conflict warning text to center. !54145 (Yogi (@yo))
- Deprecate instanceStatisticsMeasurements in favor of usageTrendsMeasurements GraphQL field. !54153
- Web IDE disallow commit when project has 'reject unsigned commits' rule. !54166
- Add space next to download icon in download artifacts button. !54228 (Yogi (@yo))
- Convert IDE nav form tab to GlTab. !54274
- Add btn-icon class for commit action buttons. !54286 (Yogi (@yo))
- Convert Threat Monitoring environment picker to GlDropdown. !54309
- Allow importing groups as new top-level groups. !54323
- Show user follow button first instead of center. !54326 (Yogi (@yo))
- Update 'Get Started with CI/CD' button with latest URL. !54344
- Log individual user usage of Slack service. !54347
- Add duration and finishedAt GraphQL fields to jobType in the CI namespace. !54358
- Show icon next to reviewers who have approved. !54365
- Add btn-icon for buttons in pipeline schedules. !54426 (Yogi (@yo))
- Restore Sentry functionaly to the frontend. !54441
- Github Importer: Validate repository size before importing. !54449
- Allow search for pipeline by SHA as well as IID via GraphQL. !54471
- Change default API content_type to JSON. !54479
- Added environment details to Job Hook and Pipeline Hook. !54480 (AdrianLC)
- GraphQL: Expose Label "created_at" and "updated_at". !54487
- Move CI_CONFIG_PATH as project variable and deprecate CI_PROJECT_CONFIG_PATH. !54498
- Registry: make delete icon buttons secondary. !54545
- Add GlToggle label in edit feature flag. !54546 (Yogi (@yo))
- Add GlToggle label in sidebar subscription toggle. !54548 (Yogi (@yo))
- Refine Registry Lists and Search Bar UI. !54549
- Remove outdated ci db columns. !54564
- BulkImports: Avoid import ProjectLabels in the Group import level. !54580
- Update default title of alerts to New: Alert. !54621
- Clear Environment Search in CI/CD Variables. !54626
- Only show 2FA badge to project maintainers and group owners. !54646
- Enable pages_serve_with_zip_file_protocol by default. !54650
- Auto-scroll to top of page upon committing in pipeline editor. !54657
- Remove Expiration Policy text from container registry header. !54665
- Reduce elements in Pipeline page dropdowns with lazy. !54674
- BulkImports: Import Label timestamps. !54678
- Improve at.js members autocomplete matching. !54681
- Use Root Image for images with missing name. !54693
- Change the order of action buttons in the configure feature flags modal. !54731
- Remove deprecated button variant in groups, projects and snippets. !54747 (Yogi (@yo))
- Add selected state for ellipsis button in a commit. !54754 (Yogi (@yo))
- Apply new GitLab UI for button in promotion link. !54755 (Yogi (@yo))
- Apply new GitLab UI for buttons in empty label placeholder. !54760 (Yogi (@yo))
- Add selected state for diff view in commit page. !54762 (Yogi (@yo))
- Add selected state for chart button in vulnerabilities dashboard. !54763 (Yogi (@yo))
- Add btn-default class for settings toggle button. !54764 (Yogi (@yo))
- Apply new GitLab UI for badge in runners list. !54766 (Yogi (@yo))
- Better error message when import fails due to backend validation. !54827
- Moved CODEOWNERS tip into approvals Vue app. !54830
- Add a new project feature called container_registry. !54831
- Relax tag requirements when generating changelogs. !54832
- Regroup alerts integration form into tabs. !54842
- Reverts default sort order for Explore Projects to Last updated. !54879
- Fix DOS on Math blocks. !54898
- Added non-null constraint to terraform state name. !54940
- Remove MergeRequestAssigneesMigrationProgressCheck background migration. !54943
- Adjust text explaining content of Operations menu from visibility section of project settings. !54963
- Use info colour for merged search results instead of primary. !55008
- Update button variant to confirm on integration settings page. !55017
- Allow `$CI_JOB_TOKEN` to access the "Download a single artifact file" endpoints of the Jobs Artifacts API. !55042 (Eric Engestrom @1ace)
- Ignore prerelease tags when generating changelogs. !55065
- Rename comment form textarea label to `Comment`. !55088
- Add runners api context metadata. !55089
- Reschedule artifact expiry backfill. !55093
- Small visual updates to Git ref selector dropdown on New/Edit Release page. !55121
- Group integration settings buttons to the left. !55139
- Optimize Metrics Dictionary. !55145
- Show nested environments when change tab, page. !55167
- Move to btn-confirm in app/views/devise directory. !55200 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm in app/views/shared/empty_states directory. !55203 (Yogi (@yo))
- Change the button to Primary Blue. !55204 (Yogi (@yo))
- Update button to btn-confirm on merge requests page. !55218
- Add empty state to pipeline editor section. !55227
- Project Settings Repository Default branch header expand/collaps on click. !55228 (Daniel Schömer)
- Project Settings Repository Mirroring repositories header expands/collapses on click / tap. !55229 (Daniel Schömer)
- Project Settings CI/CD Variables header expands/collapses on click / tap. !55230 (Daniel Schömer)
- Project Settings Repository Protected tags header expands/collapses on click / tap. !55231 (Daniel Schömer)
- Project Settings Repository Cleanup header expands/collapses on click / tap. !55232 (Daniel Schömer)
- Project Settings Repository Deploy tokens header expands/collapses on click / tap. !55233 (Daniel Schömer)
- Project Settings Repository Deploy keys header expands/collapses on click / tap. !55234 (Daniel Schömer)
- Collapse deployments in merge request if many. !55239
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in abuse_reports folder. !55262 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin application_settings directory. !55263 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/appearances directory. !55264 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/applications directory. !55265 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/broadcast_messages directory. !55266 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/deploy_keys directory. !55267 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/groups directory. !55268 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/hooks directory. !55272 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/labels directory. !55273 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/projects directory. !55274 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/serverless directory. !55275 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/users directory. !55276 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in views/doorkeeper directory. !55277 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in groups/milestones directory. !55278 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in groups/settings directory. !55281 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in groups directory. !55282 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in views/import directory. !55291 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/access_token directory. !55298 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/deploy_keys directory. !55299 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/deploy_tokens directory. !55300 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/gitpod directory. !55301 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/groups directory. !55302 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/issuable directory. !55303 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/labels directory. !55304 (Yogi (@yo))
- Bump swagger-ui-dist to 3.44.1. !55310 (Roger Meier)
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/members directory. !55315 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/wikis directory. !55316 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared directory. !55317 (Yogi (@yo))
- Remove suggestions custom commit feature flag. !55344
- Use policies for group access rights as admin. !55349 (Diego Louzán)
- Increase contrast of Solarized Light in Web IDE. !55361
- Enable `trace_memory_allocations` by default. !55369
- Expose project access token value with create API. !55408
- Allow alert to link to incidents. !55426
- Send notifications to subscribers when merge request draft status removed. !55444
- Show number of files in snippet lists. !55452
- Use CodeQuality packaged with CodeClimate 0.85.23 by default in CI template. !55508
- Simplify notifications dropdown. !55522
- Improve Marginalia comments for API. !55564
- Clarify epic delete warning. !55574
- Exclude duplicates from emails on push recipients. !55588
- Move IDE routes to Rails. !55597
- Update cluster agent tokens with null names. !55673
- Expand nested stopped environments. !55676
- Add fields to BulkImports::Tracker for concurrent work. !55686
- Move to confirm variant from success in 2fa codes component. !55729 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to confirm variant from success in badges component. !55730 (Yogi (@yo))
- Add Gradle instructions and instruction selector to package details. !55738
- Update text for email config under Incidents in Settings > Operations. !55753
- Display suite errors on test summary page. !55770
- Alert integrations UX cleanup. !55786
- Remove project_transactionless_destroy feature flag. !55795
- Update code owner approval tooltip message. !55842
- Sort milestones within autocomplete dropdown. !55850
- Adjust debug button icon size in job detail page. !55886
- Link fields to types in GraphQL reference documentation. !55901
- Remove `vue_project_members_list` feature flag. !55902
- Public generic packages can now be accessed by developer, guest and anonymous users. !55978 (Mathieu Parent)
- Port essential database metrics to Sidekiq. !56005
- Add API Fuzzing to Security Configuration page, and re-order scanners. !56022
- Add last_used_at field to cluster agent token. !56023
- Change the default batch_class_name for batched_background_migrations to the unqualified class name. !56036
- Improve styling of user access role badges. !56061
- Temporary make `GC.compact` no-op. !56079
- Move to btn-default and selected class in toggle comment button. !56090 (Yogi (@yo))
- Apply new GitLab UI for buttons in GitLab Import page. !56095 (Yogi (@yo))
- Apply new GitLab UI for buttons on GitHub Import page. !56096 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move to confirm variant from success in environments directory. !56203 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in clusters directory. !56205 (Yogi (@yo))
- Remove security & compliance config page feature flag. !56219
- Display in progress for pipeline duration cell when pipeline has not finished running. !56266
- Add project_id to pipeline api. !56339
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in milestones directory. !56342 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in mirrors directory. !56343 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in pages directory. !56348 (Yogi (@yo))
- Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in pages_domains directory. !56349 (Yogi (@yo))
- Consume check if user is bot from Users API. !56362
- Hide archived projects from group boards project select dropdown. !56452
- Update mailroom to v0.0.9. !56592
### Performance (32 changes)
- Limit Project Authorizations refresh for shared groups only to direct members of the group being shared with. !51869
- Remove unneeded transitions on MR for mark_as_unchecked event. !53537
- Preload certain data used in the updating of a merge request. !53802
- Enable codequality report comparison with backend. !54241
- Add preload attribute to markdown videos. !54350
- Improve pull mirroring performance. !54353
- Remove coverage_data_new_finder feature flag. !54486
- Improve performance of builds queuing by introducing a limit on the queue depth. !54579
- Added composite index to epic_issues table and improved performance of loading bigger epic roadmaps. !54677
- Consider only distinct user ids for project authorizations refresh jobs for group members. !54697
- Improve performance of validations when a group has a lot of runners. !54774
- Hardened "add" arithmetic for usage data. !54794
- Harden added metrics. !54805
- Cache /search/count requests in the browser. !55036
- Use recursive approach to query all projects for a namespace. !55043
- Fix N+1s related to per-build metadata lookups. !55053
- Fetch build one-by-one. !55194
- Improve build contention. !55202
- Move branch deletion on merge to async worker. !55390
- Improve performance of manual pipeline form by limiting the refs loaded on page load. !55394
- Fix N+1 queries in api/v3/repos/:namespace/:project/events endpoint. !55442
- Refactor blame view. !55488
- Reduce queries when ticking runner queue. !55496
- Shortcircuit expensive queries in Runner#can_pick?. !55518
- Preload runner tags for `UpdateBuildQueueService`. !55543
- Batch-load vulnerability findings by UUID. !55642
- Improve a11y of the new project form by marking required fields. !55682
- Reduce DB load when resetting CI minute notifications. !55765
- Remove latest_builds_report_results preloading in pipeline serializer. !56181
- Optimize branch commit resolution. !56204
- Use `Namespace#all_projects` for NPM package finder. !56415
- Project sharing to use specialized worker to calculate project authorizations. !56606
### Added (91 changes, 11 of them are from the community)
- Add setting to control merge when pipeline succeeds notification. !37880 (Ravishankar)
- Adds Request CVE ID button to issue sidebar. !41203
- convert to GlTabs in app/assets/javascripts/ide/components/repo_tabs.vue. !42162 (Brandon Everett)
- Add invite_email Quick Action. !49264 (Lee Tickett)
- Add API endpoint for fetching a single job by CI_JOB_TOKEN. !51727 (ahmet2mir)
- Add API endpoint for deleting stale review envs. !52224
- Add active period columns to on-call rotations. !52998
- Add user preference to turn off selected text keystroke formatting. !53079
- Display success message after successfully adding a namespace in Jira Connect. !53332
- Add groups endpoint for Projects API. !53642
- Add suppport for an end time on on-call rotations. !53675
- Replace scss with stylelint in documentation. !53700
- Add composer cache rake task. !53772
- Limit the payload size of Sidekiq jobs before scheduling. !53829
- Expose `failure_reasons` in `Build#features`. !53964
- Create ExternalApprovalRule table and associations. !54002
- Jira Connect app: add ability to select namespace from list of available namespaces. !54037
- Expose container_registry_image_prefix to project API. !54090 (Mathieu Parent)
- Default confidentiality of replies. !54122 (Lee Tickett @leetickett)
- Add environment to custom CI_JOB_JWT claims. !54168
- Make `to` in the changelog API optional. !54229
- Add API endpoint /application/plan_limits for package file size limits. !54232 (Jonas Wälter @wwwjon)
- Add pagination of file diffs when viewing a large commit. !54236
- Add internal and external URL config for KAS. !54260
- Add Azure ActiveDirectory v2 OmniAuth provider. !54265
- Add application setting for enabling in-product marketing emails. !54324
- Enable customize homepage banner by default. !54357
- Expose epic board list collapsed value via GraphQL. !54541
- Implement passing trigger payload into pipeline variable. !54544
- Support "view_diffs_file_by_file" param in the Users create and update API. !54595
- Add GraphQL mutation to create release asset link. !54605
- Create tables to track auto-batched background migrations. !54628
- Create system note on alert when its auto-resolved via alert integration. !54645
- Add package list to group graphql type. !54672
- Add Import options to projects and groups dropdown. !54749
- Add mutation to accept merge requests. !54758
- Add Operating System details to usage ping. !54778
- Add is_removed column on Oncall Participant model. !54779
- Add reviewers detail to new merge request email. !54781
- Add wiki_size and storage_size to NamespaceStatistics. !54786
- Add branch_name to dast_profiles table. !54891
- Support composer v2 metadata-url. !54906
- Bump auto-deploy-image tag in Deploy.latest.gitlab-ci.yml to v2.6.0, which includes changes to ciliumnetworkpolicies. !54983
- Add CI_JOB_STARTED_AT and CI_PIPELINE_CREATED_AT variables. !54989 (Vincent Firmin @winkies)
- Add styling to de-emphasize nested test reports in merge requests. !55001
- Display parsing errors in test reports MR widget. !55037
- Add user callouts to GraphQL. !55099
- Add 'Followed User Activity' as dashboard user choices. !55165 (Benj Fassbind @randombenj)
- Improve Vulnerability Tracking: Store Fingerprints. !55173
- Cleanup invite_members_version_a experiment. !55178
- Incident management: add issue state to alerts table. !55185
- Document propagate_correlation_id configuration for GitLab Pages. !55205 (Ercan Ucan @ercan.ucan)
- Add Allow force push option to Protected branches. !55261 (Mycroft Kang @TaehyeokKang)
- Add a background migration to copy projects.container_registry_enabled to project_features.container_registry_access_level. !55327
- Add trigger support for matrix jobs. !55348
- Add more explanation about the presented data and show the last updated time on the DevOps Score page. !55357
- Query group projects by ids with GraphQL. !55383
- Allow users to work on non-default branch in pipeline editor. !55413
- Add reviewers detail to merge when pipeline succeeds email. !55463
- Implement needs:job:optional for CI pipelines. !55468
- Add tier column to the environments table. !55471
- Add DORA daily metrics modeling. !55473
- Add setting to control Rails.application.config.hosts. !55491
- Ignore reverted commits when generating changelogs. !55537
- Add reviewers detail to merge request unmergeable email. !55582
- Add reviewers detail to merge request status email. !55584
- Add reviewers detail to merged merge request email. !55589
- Add reviewers detail to text version of closed merge request email. !55594
- Add client_id to application context. !55683
- Allow release to be created on existing tag through the UI. !55697
- Add index for pages migration. !55757
- Remove improved_merge_diff_highlighting feature flag. !55771
- Usage ping: Histogram for enabled integrations per project. !55782
- Add Pages cache configuration settings. !55812
- Add package and quickaction metrics to Metrics Dictionary. !55846
- Enable serving GitLab Pages sites migrated to zip storage. !55847
- Log large multipart messages from Rack. !55933
- Add update GraphQL mutation for Oncall Rotations. !55955
- Cache open issues count in group sidebar. !55968
- Add the ability to cherry pick accross forks. !55970
- Migrate group milestones when using Bulk Import. !55981
- Introduce `info` column for the `security_scans` table. !55983
- Support environment deployment tier. !56081
- Add Prometheus metrics for ActionCable subscription events. !56157
- Add reviewers detail to new mention in merge request email. !56184
- Add more settings to group MR approval settings. !56215
- Automatically retarget merge requests upon merge (default on). !56233
- Add section headers for the test report widget on the merge request page. !56252
- Add GraphQL mutation to update existing release asset link. !56265
- Upgrade Pages to v1.36.0. !56295
- Add plan limit for Terraform Module package file size. !56414
### Other (74 changes, 9 of them are from the community)
- Add a confirmation prompt to lock and unlock path locks. !44849
- Recalculate UUID for all Vulnerability::Findings. !47529
- Use Created instead of opened when describing issue creation. !49478
- Removes collect_package_events_redis feature flag. !49897
- Fix a crash when logging in using SAML for the first time when sign-ups are disabled. !50216
- Add iterations_cadences table and respective model. !50707
- Migrated Bootstrap dropdown to GitLab UI GlDropdown used for comment submit button. !50933
- Rename indexes to remove inconsistencies. !51011
- Notify issue email participants instead of external author. !51023 (Lee Tickett @leetickett)
- Remove usage_data_i_source_code_code_intelligence flag. !51765
- Apply GitLab UI button styles to buttons in ee/app/views/subscriptions/groups directory. !51784 (Yogi (@yo))
- Updated UI text to match style guidelines. !53179
- Update the Sign In button to use the new confirm button variant, migrate OAuth buttons to use the default variant of GlButton. !53254
- Apply new GitLab UI for button is project settings/repository page. !53346 (Yogi (@yo))
- Add btn-default class for edit buttons in admin projects and groups. !53453
- Add btn-default for cancel button in issueable form. !53458 (Yogi (@yo))
- Set MobSF version to 3.2.9 in SAST template. !53545
- Move add reaction button of note to gl-button. !53565 (Yogi (@yo))
- Improve Service Desk empty states. !54006
- Spell "npm" with lowercase letters in Package Registry UI. !54163 (Simon Stieger @sim0)
- Replace import/export CSV modal with Vue component. !54214
- Add quick action data to usage ping. !54293
- Add documentation for graphQL queries. !54302
- Add NOT NULL constraint to gitlab_subscriptions namespace_id. !54319
- Update accessibility of the "Reply to discussion" UX. !54380
- Remove temporary index on issues. !54387 (Lee Tickett @leetickett)
- Add Vue notifications dropdown component. !54422
- Move wiki helper alert to Vue. !54517
- Composer cache update worker. !54551
- Fix setting default cadences migration. !54598
- Update protected branches buttons to pajamas style. !54612
- Dry up notes build service spec. !54632 (Lee Tickett @leetickett)
- Updating general Chef .gitlab-ci.yml template. !54676
- Enable `nakayoshi_fork` by default. !54688
- Remove backup_labels table. !54856
- Update GitLab Runner Helm Chart to 0.26.0. !54863
- Add notification templates for merge request draft/WIP status change events. !54870
- Remove pipeline editor feature flag. !54971
- Remove graphql_logging feature flag. !54984
- Add tracking to merge request time estimate/spent changes. !55046
- Track usage pings when MR gets locked/unlocked. !55069
- Deemphasize comment and close button. !55075
- Log Optimistic Locks with retries. !55187
- Add environment_scope column to ci_group_variables. !55256
- Align heading style with subheadings in markdown. !55284
- Restore accidental changes to structure.sql. !55352
- Show API errors when a command-only comment fails. !55457
- Remove dashboard_pipeline_status feature flag. !55472
- Add tracking to merge request labels/milestone changes. !55484
- Add tracking to merge request assignees/reviewers changes. !55486
- Remove unique index and add composite key index to Security Orchestration. !55521
- Fix Sidekiq system check for cluster mode. !55530 (Horst Prote)
- Rename vulnerability fingerprints indexes. !55552
- Refactor docs and UI for embedding Grafana panels. !55567
- Remove the optimized_merge_request_count_with_merged_at_filter feature flag. !55600
- Add histogram for optimistic lock retries. !55614
- Replace Bootstrap popover with GitLab UI popover for merge conflict. !55652
- Use more common help icon in security report MR widget. !55741
- Schedule removal of duplicate Findings. !55749
- Update spacing between Notifications dropdown, New Subgroup button, and New Project buttons while using the new confirm variant instead of the deprecated success variant for the New Project button. Better left alignment of Notifications dropdown at smaller breakpoints. variant. !55819
- Update buttons on a job page to conform to the Pajamas design system. !55858
- Add web_hook_logs partitioning migration. !55938
- Updating usage dictionary generator. !55956
- Reorder user profile actions and use the confirm variant for the follow button. !55999
- Link to the merge request in its creation email notification. !56064
- Update UI text to CI/CD from CI / CD. !56070
- Harden Prometheus client usage data wrapper. !56210
- Update Pages template examples to default branch. !56298
- Update CI template examples to default branch. !56301
- Update templates to refer to default branch. !56304
- Remove bottom border from header. !56315
- Remove merge_request_rebase_nowait_lock flag. !56406
- Update mobsf version in the SAST template. !56413
- Convert mattermost alert to pajamas. !56556
## 13.9.3 (2021-03-08)
### Fixed (4 changes)
\ No newline at end of file
title: Sync the maven metadata file upon package deletion through the UI
merge_request: 55207
type: fixed
title: Support maven plugins packaging in the maven metadata sync worker
merge_request: 56229
type: fixed
title: Improve at.js members autocomplete matching
merge_request: 54681
type: changed
title: Add notification templates for merge request draft/WIP status change events
merge_request: 54870
type: other
title: Send notifications to subscribers when merge request draft status removed
merge_request: 55444
type: changed
title: Fix tooltips failing to hide in commit graph on Firefox
merge_request: 56631
author: Jonathan Duncan
type: fixed
title: Add a new project feature called container_registry
merge_request: 54831
type: changed
title: Add a background migration to copy projects.container_registry_enabled to project_features.container_registry_access_level
merge_request: 55327
type: added
title: Deemphasize comment and close button
merge_request: 55075
type: other
title: Project Settings CI/CD headers expand/collapse on click / tap
merge_request: 54114
author: Daniel Schömer
type: changed
title: Project Settings CI/CD Variables header expands/collapses on click / tap
merge_request: 54117
author: Daniel Schömer
type: changed
title: Project Settings Repository Default branch header expand/collaps on click
merge_request: 55228
author: Daniel Schömer
type: changed
title: Project Settings Repository Mirroring repositories header expands/collapses on click / tap
merge_request: 55229
author: Daniel Schömer
type: changed
title: Project Settings CI/CD Variables header expands/collapses on click / tap
merge_request: 55230
author: Daniel Schömer
type: changed
title: Project Settings Repository Protected tags header expands/collapses on click / tap
merge_request: 55231
author: Daniel Schömer
type: changed
title: Project Settings Repository Cleanup header expands/collapses on click / tap
merge_request: 55232
author: Daniel Schömer
type: changed
title: Project Settings Repository Deploy tokens header expands/collapses on click / tap
merge_request: 55233
author: Daniel Schömer
type: changed
title: Project Settings Repository Deploy keys header expands/collapses on click / tap
merge_request: 55234
author: Daniel Schömer
type: changed
title: Add Gradle instructions and instruction selector to package details
merge_request: 55738
type: changed
title: Remove dashboard_pipeline_status feature flag
merge_request: 55472
type: other
title: Do not show button to resolve discussion opening an issue when issues are disabled
merge_request: 54263
type: fixed
title: Recalculate UUID for all Vulnerability::Findings
merge_request: 47529
type: other
title: Add the ability to cherry pick accross forks
merge_request: 55970
type: added
title: Web IDE disallow commit when project has 'reject unsigned commits' rule
merge_request: 54166
type: changed
title: Show number of files in snippet lists
merge_request: 55452
type: changed
title: Add loading indicator to "Update username" button in account settings
merge_request: 53142
author: Kev @KevSlashNull
type: changed
title: Fix status cache for upstream pipelines
merge_request: 54937
type: fixed
title: Skip orphaned pool repositories on restore
merge_request: 54112
type: fixed
title: Add invite_email Quick Action
merge_request: 49264
author: Lee Tickett
type: added
title: Notify issue email participants instead of external author
merge_request: 51023
author: Lee Tickett @leetickett
type: other
title: Replace Bootstrap popover with GitLab UI popover for merge conflict
merge_request: 55652
type: other
title: 'Incident management: add issue state to alerts table'
merge_request: 55185
type: added
merge_request: 54989
author: Vincent Firmin @winkies
type: added
title: Remove Remove from board button from board sidebar
merge_request: 53946
type: removed
title: Add wiki_size and storage_size to NamespaceStatistics
merge_request: 54786
type: added
title: Update protected branches buttons to pajamas style
merge_request: 54612
type: other
title: Apply GitLab UI button styles to buttons in ee/app/views/subscriptions/groups
merge_request: 51784
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: other
title: Convert mattermost alert to pajamas
merge_request: 56556
type: other
title: Display success message after successfully adding a namespace in Jira Connect
merge_request: 53332
type: added
title: Update accessibility of the "Reply to discussion" UX
merge_request: 54380
type: other
title: Add Import options to projects and groups dropdown
merge_request: 54749
type: added
title: Use Created instead of opened when describing issue creation
merge_request: 49478
type: other
title: 'Search: Log search.scope for the default scope'
merge_request: 54684
type: fixed
title: Add user preference to turn off selected text keystroke formatting
merge_request: 53079
type: added
title: Only show 2FA badge to project maintainers and group owners
merge_request: 54646
type: changed
title: Replace import/export CSV modal with Vue component
merge_request: 54214
type: other
title: Fix pipeline notifications for Webex Teams / Unify Circuit integrations
merge_request: 54852
type: fixed
title: Support composer v2 metadata-url
merge_request: 54906
type: added
title: Add active period columns to on-call rotations.
merge_request: 52998
type: added
title: Add is_removed column on Oncall Participant model
merge_request: 54779
type: added
title: Add update GraphQL mutation for Oncall Rotations
merge_request: 55955
type: added
title: Use recursive approach to query all projects for a namespace
merge_request: 55043
type: performance
title: 'Usage ping: Histogram for enabled integrations per project'
merge_request: 55782
type: added
title: Create ExternalApprovalRule table and associations
merge_request: 54002
type: added
title: Exclude duplicates from emails on push recipients
merge_request: 55588
type: changed
title: Add trigger support for matrix jobs
merge_request: 55348
type: added
title: Update project page buttons to conform to design system
merge_request: 53260
type: changed
title: Update the Sign In button to use the new confirm button variant, migrate OAuth
buttons to use the default variant of GlButton.
merge_request: 53254
type: other
title: Update spacing between Notifications dropdown, New Subgroup button, and New Project buttons while using the new confirm variant instead of the deprecated success variant for the New Project button. Better left alignment of Notifications dropdown at smaller breakpoints.
merge_request: 55819
type: other
title: Reorder user profile actions and use the confirm variant for the follow button
merge_request: 55999
type: other
title: Update buttons on a job page to conform to the Pajamas design system
merge_request: 55858
type: other
title: Cleanup incorrect data in projects.has_external_issue_tracker
merge_request: 53936
type: fixed
title: Remove service desk issue prefix
merge_request: 54140
author: Lee Tickett @leetickett
type: changed
title: Add divergedFromTargetBranch field to MergeRequestType to indicate the target
branch has diverged from the source branch
merge_request: 53759
type: changed
title: Fix argument type for background migration
merge_request: 55097
type: fixed
title: Support "view_diffs_file_by_file" param in the Users create and update API
merge_request: 54595
type: added
title: Use info colour for merged search results instead of primary
merge_request: 55008
type: changed
title: Deprecate instanceStatisticsMeasurements in favor of usageTrendsMeasurements
GraphQL field
merge_request: 54153
type: changed
title: Add package list to group graphql type
merge_request: 54672
type: added
title: Make new issue title look like wiki
merge_request: 50940
author: Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi
type: changed
title: Add groups endpoint for Projects API
merge_request: 53642
type: added
title: Ensure Project Approvals API casts to boolean
merge_request: 55492
type: fixed
title: Add composer cache rake task
merge_request: 53772
type: added
title: Composer cache update worker
merge_request: 54551
type: other
title: Fix styling of "Enabled OAuth sign-in sources" checkboxes
merge_request: 56254
type: fixed
title: Remove merge manually message
merge_request: 56016
type: fixed
title: Add space next to icons in epic issue list
merge_request: 54138
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: fixed
title: Schedule removal of duplicate Findings
merge_request: 55749
type: other
title: Introduce WebIDE as an extension for Editor Lite
merge_request: 51527
type: changed
title: Improve pull mirroring performance
merge_request: 54353
type: performance
title: Add tracking to merge request assignees/reviewers changes
merge_request: 55486
type: other
title: Add tracking to merge request labels/milestone changes
merge_request: 55484
type: other
title: Track usage pings when MR gets locked/unlocked
merge_request: 55069
type: other
title: Add tracking to merge request time estimate/spent changes
merge_request: 55046
type: other
title: Add styling to de-emphasize nested test reports in merge requests
merge_request: 55001
type: added
title: Add iterations_cadences table and respective model
merge_request: 50707
type: other
title: Improve a11y of the new project form by marking required fields
merge_request: 55682
type: performance
title: Move wiki helper alert to Vue
merge_request: 54517
type: other
title: Allow anonymous access to public Conan packages
merge_request: 54047
author: Steve Mokris @smokris
type: changed
title: Fix Sidekiq system check for cluster mode
merge_request: 55530
author: Horst Prote
type: other
title: Add more explanation about the presented data and show the last updated time on the DevOps Score page
merge_request: 55357
type: added
title: Add Prometheus metrics for ActionCable subscription events
merge_request: 56157
type: added
title: Remove Expiration Policy text from container registry header
merge_request: 54665
type: changed
title: Add Operating System details to usage ping
merge_request: 54778
type: added
title: Fix not skipped manual and delayed DAG jobs
merge_request: 54073
type: fixed
title: Remove suggestions custom commit feature flag
merge_request: 55344
type: changed
title: Update code owner approval tooltip message
merge_request: 55842
type: changed
title: fix stringify empty position object
merge_request: 56037
type: fixed
title: Limit Project Authorizations refresh for shared groups only to direct members
of the group being shared with
merge_request: 51869
type: performance
title: Remove improved_merge_diff_highlighting feature flag
merge_request: 55771
type: added
title: Enable customize homepage banner by default
merge_request: 54357
type: added
title: Enable serving GitLab Pages sites migrated to zip storage
merge_request: 55847
type: added
title: Add documentation for graphQL queries
merge_request: 54302
type: other
title: Cache /search/count requests in the browser
merge_request: 55036
type: performance
title: Added non-null constraint to terraform state name
merge_request: 54940
type: changed
title: Add description field to cluster agent token
merge_request: 54091
type: changed
title: Add GlToggle label in sidebar subscription toggle
merge_request: 54548
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Add GlToggle label in edit feature flag
merge_request: 54546
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Send gitlab_standard context with events from the frontend
merge_request: 52959
type: changed
title: Prefill first multiline commit message for new MRs
merge_request: 52984
author: Max Coplan @vegerot
type: changed
title: Updated UI text to match style guidelines
merge_request: 53179
type: other
title: Sidebar confidentiality component updates in real-time
merge_request: 53858
type: changed
title: Provide name of expiring token in personal access token expiration mail
merge_request: 53766
type: changed
title: Add reviewers detail to text version of closed merge request email
merge_request: 55594
type: added
title: Add reviewers detail to merge when pipeline succeeds email
merge_request: 55463
type: added
title: Add reviewers detail to merge request status email
merge_request: 55584
type: added
title: Add reviewers detail to merge request unmergeable email
merge_request: 55582
type: added
title: Add reviewers detail to merged merge request email
merge_request: 55589
type: added
title: Add reviewers detail to new mention in merge request email
merge_request: 56184
type: added
title: Add reviewers detail to new merge request email
merge_request: 54781
type: added
title: Adjust debug button icon size in job detail page
merge_request: 55886
type: changed
title: Alert integrations UX cleanup
merge_request: 55786
type: changed
title: Regroup alerts integration form into tabs
merge_request: 54842
type: changed
title: Restyle the repository compare show page
merge_request: 53523
type: changed
title: Default confidentiality of replies
merge_request: 54122
author: Lee Tickett @leetickett
type: added
title: Expose epic board list collapsed value via GraphQL
merge_request: 54541
type: added
title: Hide repeated trial offers on self-hosted instances
merge_request: 54550
type: fixed
title: Make the Geo OAuth application trusted by default
merge_request: 54079
type: changed
title: Implement needs:job:optional for CI pipelines
merge_request: 55468
type: added
title: 'Registry: make delete icon buttons secondary'
merge_request: 54545
type: changed
title: Remove merge_request_rebase_nowait_lock flag
merge_request: 56406
type: other
title: Use Root Image for images with missing name
merge_request: 54693
type: changed
title: Update 'Get Started with CI/CD' button with latest URL
merge_request: 54344
type: changed
title: Implement passing trigger payload into pipeline variable
merge_request: 54544
type: added
title: Add quick action data to usage ping
merge_request: 54293
type: other
title: Refine Registry Lists and Search Bar UI
merge_request: 54549
type: changed
title: Add plan limit for Terraform Module package file size
merge_request: 56414
type: added
title: Cleanup invite_members_version_a experiment
merge_request: 55178
type: added
title: Update k8s version for EKS cluster
merge_request: 54389
author: Vincent Firmin @winkies
type: fixed
title: Add preload attribute to markdown videos
merge_request: 54350
type: performance
title: Add Vue notifications dropdown component
merge_request: 54422
type: other
title: Spell "npm" with lowercase letters in Package Registry UI
merge_request: 54163
author: Simon Stieger @sim0
type: other
title: Render version dropdowns in MR changes view above tab navbar
merge_request: 54159
author: Simon Stieger @sim0
type: fixed
title: Fix copy to clipboard tooltip button
merge_request: 54472
type: fixed
title: Hide issue count and link in project list for projects with disabled issues
merge_request: 54275
author: Simon Stieger @sim0
type: fixed
title: Handle RestClient errors in Discord integration
merge_request: 56112
type: fixed
title: Show user follow button first instead of center
merge_request: 54326
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Enable pages_serve_with_zip_file_protocol by default
merge_request: 54650
type: changed
title: Remove temporary index on issues
merge_request: 54387
author: Lee Tickett @leetickett
type: other
title: Clarify epic delete warning
merge_request: 55574
type: changed
title: Fix N+1s related to per-build metadata lookups
merge_request: 55053
type: performance
title: Improve performance of manual pipeline form by limiting the refs loaded on page load.
merge_request: 55394
type: performance
title: Improve performance of validations when a group has a lot of runners
merge_request: 54774
type: performance
title: Fix bug when snippet blobs array contain a nil value
merge_request: 54552
type: fixed
title: Reduce elements in Pipeline page dropdowns with lazy
merge_request: 54674
type: changed
title: Fix 500 error for long commit messages
merge_request: 55320
type: fixed
title: "Introduce `info` column for the `security_scans` table"
merge_request: 55983
type: added
title: Correctly style Dark Mode application header in profile preferences
merge_request: 54575
author: Simon Stieger @sim0
type: fixed
title: Fix rendering of projects when the last pipeline changes during rendering
merge_request: 54651
type: fixed
title: Fix the npm instance level API to exclude subgroups
merge_request: 54554
type: fixed
title: Expand left sidebar `Issues` when viewing project iterations
merge_request: 54815
type: fixed
title: Fix N+1 queries in api/v3/repos/:namespace/:project/events endpoint
merge_request: 55442
type: performance
title: Fix invite member modal dropdown checkbox styling
merge_request: 55832
author: Kev @KevSlashNull
type: fixed
title: Consider only distinct user ids for project authorizations refresh jobs for
group members
merge_request: 54697
type: performance
title: Harden added metrics
merge_request: 54805
type: performance
title: Hardened "add" arithmetic for usage data
merge_request: 54794
type: performance
title: Optimize Metrics Dictionary
merge_request: 55145
type: changed
title: Add histogram for optimistic lock retries
merge_request: 55614
type: other
title: Log Optimistic Locks with retries
merge_request: 55187
type: other
title: Add last_used_at field to cluster agent token
merge_request: 56023
type: changed
title: Hide archived projects from group boards project select dropdown
merge_request: 56452
type: changed
title: Change the button to Primary Blue
merge_request: 55204
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Reenable OAuth password grants without client credentials
merge_request: 55873
type: fixed
title: Add section headers for the test report widget on the merge request page
merge_request: 56252
type: added
title: Update button variant to confirm on integration settings page
merge_request: 55017
type: changed
title: Fix issue with loading the repository compare page
merge_request: 55058
type: fixed
title: Update cluster agent tokens with null names
merge_request: 55673
type: changed
title: Use more common help icon in security report MR widget
merge_request: 55741
type: other
title: Increase contrast of Solarized Light in Web IDE
merge_request: 55361
type: changed
title: 'Fixes: No such file or directory lib/pager_duty/validator/schemas/message.json'
merge_request: 55725
type: fixed
title: Fix assignees search to show only project members
merge_request: 55396
type: fixed
title: Fix empty field in custom notification events modal
merge_request: 55313
author: Kev @KevSlashNull
type: fixed
title: Batch-load vulnerability findings by UUID
merge_request: 55642
type: performance
title: Expose project access token value with create API
merge_request: 55408
type: changed
title: Add more settings to group MR approval settings
merge_request: 56215
type: added
title: Port essential database metrics to Sidekiq
merge_request: 56005
type: changed
title: Add index for pages migration
merge_request: 55757
type: added
title: Add API Fuzzing to Security Configuration page, and re-order scanners
merge_request: 56022
type: changed
title: Update text for email config under Incidents in Settings > Operations
merge_request: 55753
type: changed
title: Cache open issues count in group sidebar
merge_request: 55968
type: added
title: Temporary make `GC.compact` no-op
merge_request: 56079
type: changed
title: Add web_hook_logs partitioning migration
merge_request: 55938
type: other
title: Fix diff comment hidden dropdown
merge_request: 56072
type: fixed
title: Add project_id to pipeline api
merge_request: 56339
type: changed
title: Fix upgrade banner for Jira issues showing on group / instance level integrations
merge_request: 56628
type: fixed
title: Remove illustration in export/import CSV modal
merge_request: 54136
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Lift the NPM package naming convention for the project level API
merge_request: 53266
type: changed
title: Don't close auto suggest select boxes on click if only the mouseup (but not the mousedown) event happened outside the box
merge_request: 51139
author: Simon Stieger @sim0
type: fixed
title: Remove graphql_logging feature flag
merge_request: 54984
type: other
title: Add API endpoint for fetching a single job by CI_JOB_TOKEN
merge_request: 51727
author: ahmet2mir
type: added
title: Fix typo in pipeline status email
merge_request: 55412
author: Gabriel Berke-Williams
type: fixed
title: Updating general Chef .gitlab-ci.yml template
merge_request: 54676
type: other
title: Harden Prometheus client usage data wrapper
merge_request: 56210
type: other
title: Rename indexes to remove inconsistencies
merge_request: 51011
type: other
title: Add Allow force push option to Protected branches
merge_request: 55261
author: Mycroft Kang @TaehyeokKang
type: added
title: Allow `$CI_JOB_TOKEN` to access the "Download a single artifact file" endpoints of the Jobs Artifacts API.
merge_request: 55042
author: Eric Engestrom @1ace
type: changed
title: Add client_id to application context
merge_request: 55683
type: added
title: Add application setting for enabling in-product marketing emails
merge_request: 54324
type: added
title: Added environment details to Job Hook and Pipeline Hook
merge_request: 54480
author: AdrianLC
type: changed
title: Add support for ETag caching when using GraphQL
merge_request: 53978
type: changed
title: Add internal and external URL config for KAS
merge_request: 54260
type: added
title: Add NOT NULL constraint to gitlab_subscriptions namespace_id
merge_request: 54319
type: other
title: "Add 'Followed User Activity' as dashboard user choices"
merge_request: 55165
author: Benj Fassbind @randombenj
type: added
title: Add Pages cache configuration settings
merge_request: 55812
type: added
title: Add setting to control Rails.application.config.hosts
merge_request: 55491
type: added
title: Add space next to download icon in download artifacts button
merge_request: 54228
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Adds Request CVE ID button to issue sidebar
merge_request: 41203
type: added
title: Add Role and Rolebinding for CiliumNetworkPolicies
merge_request: 54130
type: changed
title: "Renamed the second project panel to group"
merge_request: 54834
author: Niklas van Schrick @Taucher2003
type: fixed
title: Collapse deployments in merge request if many
merge_request: 55239
type: changed
title: Add mutation to accept merge requests
merge_request: 54758
type: added
title: Link fields to types in GraphQL reference documentation
merge_request: 55901
type: changed
title: Show icon next to reviewers who have approved
merge_request: 54365
type: changed
title: Allow alert to link to incidents
merge_request: 55426
type: changed
title: Include shared with groups in list of authorized groups
merge_request: 54894
type: fixed
title: Align merge conflict warning text to center
merge_request: 54145
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Add package and quickaction metrics to Metrics Dictionary
merge_request: 55846
type: added
title: Fix Auto DevOps deploys that use a default branch that's not named 'master'
merge_request: 53280
author: Mitchell Cash @MitchellCash
type: fixed
title: Auto-scroll to top of page upon committing in pipeline editor
merge_request: 54657
type: changed
title: Refactor blame view
merge_request: 55488
type: performance
title: Fixed error handling GraphQL API when issue board creation fails
merge_request: 56467
type: fixed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in abuse_reports folder
merge_request: 55262
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/appearances directory
merge_request: 55264
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin application_settings directory
merge_request: 55263
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/applications directory
merge_request: 55265
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/broadcast_messages directory
merge_request: 55266
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/deploy_keys directory
merge_request: 55267
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/groups directory
merge_request: 55268
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/hooks directory
merge_request: 55272
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/labels directory
merge_request: 55273
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/projects directory
merge_request: 55274
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/serverless directory
merge_request: 55275
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in admin/users directory
merge_request: 55276
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm in app/views/devise directory
merge_request: 55200
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in clusters directory
merge_request: 56205
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in views/doorkeeper directory
merge_request: 55277
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm in app/views/shared/empty_states directory
merge_request: 55203
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to confirm variant from success in environments directory
merge_request: 56203
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in groups/milestones directory
merge_request: 55278
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in groups/settings directory
merge_request: 55281
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in groups directory
merge_request: 55282
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Remove deprecated button variant in groups, projects and snippets
merge_request: 54747
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to btn-confirm from btn-success in views/import directory
merge_request: 55291
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to confirm variant from success in 2fa codes component
merge_request: 55729
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move to confirm variant from success in badges component
merge_request: 55730
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in milestones directory
merge_request: 56342
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in mirrors directory
merge_request: 56343
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in pages_domains directory
merge_request: 56349
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in pages directory
merge_request: 56348
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/access_token directory
merge_request: 55298
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/deploy_keys directory
merge_request: 55299
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/deploy_tokens directory
merge_request: 55300
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/gitpod directory
merge_request: 55301
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/groups directory
merge_request: 55302
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/members directory
merge_request: 55315
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/wikis directory
merge_request: 55316
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared directory
merge_request: 55317
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Update to btn-confirm and align subscription banner
merge_request: 54137
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Add btn-default class for edit buttons in admin projects and groups
merge_request: 53453
type: other
title: Add btn-default class for settings toggle button
merge_request: 54764
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Add btn-default for cancel button in issueable form
merge_request: 53458
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: other
title: Move to btn-default and selected class in toggle comment button
merge_request: 56090
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Add btn-icon class for commit action buttons
merge_request: 54286
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Add btn-icon for buttons in pipeline schedules
merge_request: 54426
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Improve Linked Issues Usability
merge_request: 50879
author: Andrew Minion
type: changed
title: Update gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher to 0.5.5 to handle namespaced queues
merge_request: 55013
type: fixed
title: Bump auto-deploy-image tag in Deploy.latest.gitlab-ci.yml to v2.6.0, which includes changes to ciliumnetworkpolicies.
merge_request: 54983
type: added
title: move create_release_evidence sidekiq queue out of the cronjob namespace
merge_request: 54432
type: fixed
title: Restore accidental changes to structure.sql
merge_request: 55352
type: other
title: Make `to` in the changelog API optional
merge_request: 54229
type: added
title: Handle commits without descriptions for changelogs
merge_request: 56224
type: fixed
title: Ignore reverted commits when generating changelogs
merge_request: 55537
type: added
title: Include MRs for merge commits for changelogs
merge_request: 55371
type: fixed
title: Bump swagger-ui-dist to 3.44.1
merge_request: 55310
author: Roger Meier
type: changed
title: Fetch build one-by-one
merge_request: 55194
type: performance
title: Improve build contention
merge_request: 55202
type: performance
title: Remove MergeRequestAssigneesMigrationProgressCheck background migration
merge_request: 54943
type: changed
title: Upgrade gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher for correctly detecting interrupted jobs when
Sidekiq pods are restarted
merge_request: 54881
type: fixed
title: Add labels to GlToggles
merge_request: 56387
type: fixed
title: Convert IDE nav form tab to GlTab
merge_request: 54274
type: changed
title: Convert Threat Monitoring environment picker to GlDropdown
merge_request: 54309
type: changed
title: Fix `@` autocomplete selecting the loading icon
merge_request: 54925
type: fixed
title: Rename comment form textarea label to `Comment`
merge_request: 55088
type: changed
title: Use CodeQuality packaged with CodeClimate 0.85.23 by default in CI template
merge_request: 55508
type: changed
title: Correct generated maven repository instruction for Gradle Groovy DSL
merge_request: 56318
author: Cromefire_ (@cromefire_)
type: fixed
title: Fix bug in wiki page destroy API endpoint when an error is raised
merge_request: 56285
type: fixed
title: Skip two factor setup for help pages
merge_request: 54739
type: fixed
title: Migrate namespaces delayed_project_removal to namespace_settings
merge_request: 53916
type: changed
title: Change default API content_type to JSON
merge_request: 54479
type: changed
title: Move IDE routes to Rails
merge_request: 55597
type: changed
title: Fix button alignment in design management header
merge_request: 48003
type: fixed
title: Fixed vestigial Anchor links in doc/development/usage_ping/
merge_request: 55874
author: Raimund Hook
type: fixed
title: Support environment deployment tier
merge_request: 56081
type: added
title: Document propagate_correlation_id configuration for GitLab Pages
merge_request: 55205
author: Ercan Ucan @ercan.ucan
type: added
title: Add DORA daily metrics modeling
merge_request: 55473
type: added
title: Dry up notes build service spec
merge_request: 54632
author: Lee Tickett @leetickett
type: other
title: Fix fork thumbnail overflow
merge_request: 55764
type: fixed
title: Display suite errors on test summary page
merge_request: 55770
type: changed
title: Add selected state for ellipsis button in a commit
merge_request: 54754
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Add name field to cluster agent token
merge_request: 53920
type: changed
title: Enable `trace_memory_allocations` by default
merge_request: 55369
type: changed
title: Project sharing to use specialized worker to calculate project authorizations
merge_request: 56606
type: performance
title: Add environment_scope column to ci_group_variables
merge_request: 55256
type: other
title: Add tier column to the environments table
merge_request: 55471
type: added
title: Added composite index to epic_issues table and improved performance of loading
bigger epic roadmaps
merge_request: 54677
type: performance
title: Refactor docs and UI for embedding Grafana panels
merge_request: 55567
type: other
title: Expand nested stopped environments
merge_request: 55676
type: changed
title: Expose `failure_reasons` in `Build#features`
merge_request: 53964
type: added
title: Expose container_registry_image_prefix to project API
merge_request: 54090
author: Mathieu Parent
type: added
title: Add API endpoint /application/plan_limits for package file size limits
merge_request: 54232
author: Jonas Wälter @wwwjon
type: added
title: Auto-enable admin mode on privileged environments
merge_request: 53015
author: Diego Louzán
type: changed
title: convert to GlTabs in app/assets/javascripts/ide/components/repo_tabs.vue
merge_request: 42162
author: Brandon Everett
type: added
title: Improve performance of builds queuing by introducing a limit on the queue depth
merge_request: 54579
type: performance
title: Fix the value of `$CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX` when used in group with a name containing uppercase letters
merge_request: 54559
author: Eric Engestrom @1ace
type: fixed
title: Fix edited timestamp updated when transforming / resolving comments
merge_request: 55671
author: Mycroft Kang @TaehyeokKang
type: fixed
title: 'API: include external users in user search for non-admins'
merge_request: 53584
author: Jonas Wälter @wwwjon
type: changed
title: Fix setting default cadences migration
merge_request: 54598
type: other
title: Correct job artifacts API download for expired and locked files
merge_request: 53567
author: Fabio Huser
type: fixed
title: Fix overflowing width - at mention container
merge_request: 54377
type: fixed
title: Prevent removal of the last group owner if the last group owner is a blocked user
merge_request: 54587
author: Jonas Wälter @wwwjon
type: fixed
title: Fix project import error occurring due to default visibility
merge_request: 53827
author: Jonas Wälter @wwwjon
type: fixed
title: Handle relative position on issue move or clone
merge_request: 55555
type: fixed
title: Use gitlab_web_url (if it exists) for issue title links in Issue lists
merge_request: 55021
type: fixed
title: Allow saving repository weights after a storage has been removed
merge_request: 55689
type: fixed
title: Reduce queries when ticking runner queue
merge_request: 55496
type: performance
title: Shortcircuit expensive queries in Runner#can_pick?
merge_request: 55518
type: performance
title: Migrate group milestones when using Bulk Import
merge_request: 55981
type: added
title: Fix Web Project Export rate limiting scope
merge_request: 55975
type: fixed
title: Apply new GitLab UI for badge in runners list
merge_request: 54766
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Apply new GitLab UI for apply template button in new issue
merge_request: 54143
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Apply new GitLab UI for button in promotion link
merge_request: 54755
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Apply new GitLab UI for request email button
merge_request: 53966
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Apply new GitLab UI for buttons on GitHub Import page
merge_request: 56096
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Apply new GitLab UI for buttons in GitLab Import page
merge_request: 56095
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Apply new GitLab UI for buttons in empty label placeholder
merge_request: 54760
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move add reaction button of note to gl-button
merge_request: 53565
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: other
title: Apply new GitLab UI for button is project settings/repository page
merge_request: 53346
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: other
title: Apply new GitLab UI for learn more button in time tracking
merge_request: 54142
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Link to the merge request in its creation email notification
merge_request: 56064
type: other
title: Hide fork count and link in project list where forks are disabled
merge_request: 56520
author: Simon Stieger @sim0
type: fixed
title: Hide MR count and link in project list where MRs are disabled
merge_request: !56432
author: Simon Stieger @sim0
type: fixed
title: Move branch deletion on merge to async worker
merge_request: 55390
type: performance
title: Ignore prerelease tags when generating changelogs
merge_request: 55065
type: changed
title: Automatically retarget merge requests upon merge (default on)
merge_request: 56233
type: added
title: 'Improve Vulnerability Tracking: Store Fingerprints'
merge_request: 55173
type: added
title: Remove backup_labels table
merge_request: 54856
type: other
title: Allow overlapping iteration dates with ancestor group iterations and restrict dates overlapping for iterations within same group
merge_request: 52403
type: changed
title: Allow creation of iterations in the past
merge_request: 52403
type: changed
title: Improve Jira connect app styling and i18n
merge_request: 53441
type: changed
title: Add duration and finishedAt GraphQL fields to jobType in the CI namespace
merge_request: 54358
type: changed
title: Consume check if user is bot from Users API
merge_request: 56362
type: changed
title: Fix relative URL with composer package
merge_request: 53918
type: fixed
title: Add fields to BulkImports::Tracker for concurrent work
merge_request: 55686
type: changed
title: Better error message when import fails due to backend validation
merge_request: 54827
type: changed
title: 'BulkImports: Avoid import ProjectLabels in the Group import level'
merge_request: 54580
type: changed
title: 'BulkImports: Import Label timestamps'
merge_request: 54678
type: changed
title: 'GithubImporter: Add Merge request approval only if it does not exists yet'
merge_request: 55376
type: fixed
title: 'Github Importer: Import Pull request "merged_at" attribute'
merge_request: 54862
type: fixed
title: 'Github Importer: Validate repository size before importing'
merge_request: 54449
type: changed
title: 'GraphQL: Expose Label "created_at" and "updated_at"'
merge_request: 54487
type: changed
title: Fix DOS on Math blocks
merge_request: 54898
type: changed
title: Remove usage_data_i_source_code_code_intelligence flag
merge_request: 51765
type: other
title: Sort milestones within autocomplete dropdown
merge_request: 55850
type: changed
title: Mark `startDate` and `endDate` arguments as deprecated in the GraphQL schema for `Project.milestones` and `Group.milestones`
(FOSS and EE), and `Project.iterations`, `Project.milestones`, `Group.epic`, `Group.epics`, `Group.iterations`, `Group.milestones`,
`BoardEpic.children`, and `Epic.children` fields (EE-only). Previously these arguments were marked as deprecated only in their descriptions
merge_request: 45229
type: changed
title: Handle GlobalIDs with invalid resource names
merge_request: 54290
type: fixed
title: Remove workaround for icon loading in Chrome 84
merge_request: 56114
type: removed
title: Allow search for pipeline by SHA as well as IID via GraphQL
merge_request: 54471
type: changed
title: Adds ability to have multiple cache per job
merge_request: 53410
type: changed
title: Optimize branch commit resolution.
merge_request: 56204
type: performance
title: Reschedule artifact expiry backfill
merge_request: 55093
type: changed
title: Reduce DB load when resetting CI minute notifications.
merge_request: 55765
type: performance
title: Resolve project from branch in commit resolver.
merge_request: 55694
type: fixed
title: Add user callouts to GraphQL.
merge_request: 55099
type: added
title: Display parsing errors in test reports MR widget
merge_request: 55037
type: added
title: Fix style issue with "reply" placeholder textarea in firefox
merge_request: 54592
type: fixed
title: Enable codequality report comparison with backend
merge_request: 54241
type: performance
title: Query group projects by ids with GraphQL
merge_request: 55383
type: added
title: Remove coverage_data_new_finder feature flag
merge_request: 54486
type: performance
title: Group integration settings buttons to the left
merge_request: 55139
type: changed
title: Move CI_CONFIG_PATH as project variable and deprecate CI_PROJECT_CONFIG_PATH
merge_request: 54498
type: changed
title: Improve Service Desk empty states
merge_request: 54006
type: other
title: Updated UI text to match style guidelines
merge_request: 50383
type: fixed
title: Remove bottom border from header
merge_request: 56315
type: other
title: Align heading style with subheadings in markdown
merge_request: 55284
type: other
title: Add setting to control merge when pipeline succeeds notification
merge_request: 37880
author: Ravishankar
type: added
title: Enable `nakayoshi_fork` by default
merge_request: 54688
type: other
title: Add GraphQL mutation to create release asset link
merge_request: 54605
type: added
title: Add GraphQL mutation to update existing release asset link
merge_request: 56265
type: added
title: Allow release to be created on existing tag through the UI
merge_request: 55697
type: added
title: Fix double scrollbars in some dropdowns
merge_request: 54837
type: fixed
title: Fix double scrollbar issue in milestone selector dropdown
merge_request: 54734
type: fixed
title: Fix double scrollbar in ref selector dropdown
merge_request: 54719
type: fixed
title: Small visual updates to Git ref selector dropdown on New/Edit Release page
merge_request: 55121
type: changed
title: Turn off native autocomplete for ref selector components
merge_request: 56128
type: fixed
title: Record onboarding action for issue creation
merge_request: 53611
type: changed
title: Added a missing class to reply placeholder
merge_request: 54817
type: fixed
title: Display in progress for pipeline duration cell when pipeline has not finished running
merge_request: 56266
type: changed
title: Change the default batch_class_name for batched_background_migrations to the
unqualified class name
merge_request: 56036
type: changed
title: Create tables to track auto-batched background migrations
merge_request: 54628
type: added
title: Remove `vue_project_members_list` feature flag
merge_request: 55902
type: changed
title: Fixed diff notes GraphQL mutation not allowing comments on deleted lines
merge_request: 54801
type: fixed
title: Moved CODEOWNERS tip into approvals Vue app
merge_request: 54830
type: changed
title: Convert merge request widget state to use GraphQL
merge_request: 53846
type: changed
title: Add branch_name to dast_profiles table
merge_request: 54891
type: added
title: Allow users to work on non-default branch in pipeline editor
merge_request: 55413
type: added
title: Add empty state to pipeline editor section
merge_request: 55227
type: changed
title: 'checks: Skip LFS checks when deleting refs'
merge_request: 55609
type: fixed
title: Clear Environment Search in CI/CD Variables
merge_request: 54626
type: changed
title: Preload runner tags for `UpdateBuildQueueService`
merge_request: 55543
type: performance
title: Fix inconsistent heading style in email diffs
merge_request: 55420
type: fixed
title: Stop scrollbar stretching filtered search box
merge_request: 54574
type: fixed
title: Public generic packages can now be accessed by developer, guest and anonymous users
merge_request: 55978
author: Mathieu Parent
type: changed
title: Limit the payload size of Sidekiq jobs before scheduling
merge_request: 53829
type: added
title: Merge Sentry's contexts into Gitlab::ApplicationContext
merge_request: 53691
type: changed
title: Remove latest_builds_report_results preloading in pipeline serializer
merge_request: 56181
type: performance
title: Restore Sentry functionaly to the frontend
merge_request: 54441
type: changed
title: Use policies for group access rights as admin
merge_request: 55349
author: Diego Louzán
type: changed
title: Relax tag requirements when generating changelogs
merge_request: 54832
type: changed
title: Migrated Bootstrap dropdown to GitLab UI GlDropdown used for comment submit
merge_request: 50933
type: other
title: Add environment to custom CI_JOB_JWT claims
merge_request: 54168
type: added
title: Add pagination of file diffs when viewing a large commit
merge_request: 54236
type: added
title: Remove outdated ci db columns
merge_request: 54564
type: changed
title: Remove unique index and add composite key index to Security Orchestration
merge_request: 55521
type: other
title: Add btn-default and remove extra right margin
merge_request: 54134
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Remove the optimized_merge_request_count_with_merged_at_filter feature flag
merge_request: 55600
type: other
title: 'Jira Connect app: add ability to select namespace from list of available namespaces'
merge_request: 54037
type: added
title: Remove pipeline editor feature flag
merge_request: 54971
type: other
title: Removes collect_package_events_redis feature flag
merge_request: 49897
type: other
title: Remove gl-overflow-scroll in merge instructions modal
merge_request: 54144
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Remove security & compliance config page feature flag
merge_request: 56219
type: changed
title: Remove project_transactionless_destroy feature flag
merge_request: 55795
type: changed
title: Rename vulnerability fingerprints indexes
merge_request: 55552
type: other
title: Reverts default sort order for Explore Projects to Last updated
merge_request: 54879
type: changed
title: Add runners api context metadata
merge_request: 55089
type: changed
title: reconcile source installation and upgrade docs
merge_request: 55170
author: Jörg Behrmann @behrmann
type: fixed
title: Sanitize issue description in search result
merge_request: 56256
type: fixed
title: 'Workhorse: prevent escaped router path traversal'
type: security
title: Patch Kramdown syntax highlighter gem
type: security
title: 'Workhorse: Stop logging when path is excluded'
type: security
title: Add selected state for chart button in vulnerabilities dashboard
merge_request: 54763
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Add selected state for diff view in commit page
merge_request: 54762
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Add a confirmation prompt to lock and unlock path locks
merge_request: 44849
type: other
title: Add Azure ActiveDirectory v2 OmniAuth provider
merge_request: 54265
type: added
title: Fix UTF-8 characters not working with Azure Blob storage
merge_request: 54875
type: fixed
title: Use `Namespace#all_projects` for NPM package finder
merge_request: 56415
type: performance
title: Improve Marginalia comments for API
merge_request: 55564
type: changed
title: Log large multipart messages from Rack
merge_request: 55933
type: added
title: Update batch_loader gem to v2.0.0
merge_request: 54639
type: fixed
title: Update fog-aws to v3.9.0
merge_request: 55528
type: fixed
title: Update mailroom to v0.0.9
merge_request: 56592
type: changed
title: Use gitlab-fog-google instead of upstream fog-google gem
merge_request: 56245
type: fixed
title: Show nested environments when change tab, page
merge_request: 55167
type: changed
title: Update user avatar in sidebar realtime
merge_request: 54135
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Simplify notifications dropdown
merge_request: 55522
type: changed
title: Log individual user usage of Slack service
merge_request: 54347
type: changed
title: Set MobSF version to 3.2.9 in SAST template
merge_request: 53545
type: other
title: Update mobsf version in the SAST template
merge_request: 56413
type: other
title: Add API endpoint for deleting stale review envs
merge_request: 52224
type: added
title: Change the order of action buttons in the configure feature flags modal
merge_request: 54731
type: changed
title: Add suppport for an end time on on-call rotations
merge_request: 53675
type: added
title: Create system note on alert when its auto-resolved via alert integration
merge_request: 54645
type: added
title: 'Update default title of alerts to New: Alert'
merge_request: 54621
type: changed
title: Adjust text explaining content of Operations menu from visibility section of
project settings
merge_request: 54963
type: changed
title: Add creator to custom emoji
merge_request: 53879
type: changed
title: Remove unneeded transitions on MR for mark_as_unchecked event
merge_request: 53537
type: performance
title: Preload certain data used in the updating of a merge request
merge_request: 53802
type: performance
title: Fix 'viewed' checkbox in single-file view mode
merge_request: 55922
type: fixed
title: React to new DOM nodes being added to the page to bind the user information
popover to them
merge_request: 54411
type: fixed
title: Fix horizontal alignment of MR Changes cog menu dropdown checkboxes
merge_request: 55591
type: fixed
title: Show API errors when a command-only comment fails
merge_request: 55457
type: other
title: Fix bold text mismatch in MR ⚙ menu
merge_request: 54531
type: fixed
title: Replace btn-primary with btn-confirm in Start your free trial button
merge_request: 53215
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Update Pages template examples to default branch
merge_request: 56298
type: other
title: Update CI template examples to default branch
merge_request: 56301
type: other
title: Update templates to refer to default branch
merge_request: 56304
type: other
title: Update UI text to CI/CD from CI / CD
merge_request: 56070
type: other
title: Update GitLab Runner Helm Chart to 0.26.0
merge_request: 54863
type: other
title: Update button to btn-confirm on merge requests page
merge_request: 55218
type: changed
title: Change terraform_states.locked_by_user_id foreign key to SET NULL
merge_request: 55813
type: fixed
title: Update validate_url gem
merge_request: 55706
type: fixed
title: Update LaTeX Docker image in CI Templates to TexLive 2020
merge_request: 52043
author: Michael Schmitt @schmitmd
type: changed
title: Upgrade Pages to v1.36.0
merge_request: 56295
type: added
title: Updating usage dictionary generator
merge_request: 55956
type: other
title: Improve styling of user access role badges
merge_request: 56061
type: changed
title: Fix a crash when logging in using SAML for the first time when sign-ups are disabled
merge_request: 50216
type: other
title: Fixed typo on Two-Factor Authentication page
merge_request: 54565
author: Jani Uusitalo @uusijani
type: fixed
title: Wrap long code lines in markdown
merge_request: 54540
type: fixed
title: Replace scss with stylelint in documentation
merge_request: 53700
type: added
title: Do not break word in the code blocks under Safari
merge_request: 55405
type: fixed
title: Forcibly load OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE
merge_request: 54569
type: fixed
title: Allow importing groups as new top-level groups
merge_request: 54323
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/issuable directory
merge_request: 55303
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
title: Move from btn-success to btn-confirm in shared/labels directory
merge_request: 55304
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
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