Commit 0ed74510 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

CodingStyleTestCase: output errors for all business templates in test_rebuild_business_template.

parent 6a0c55f0
......@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ class CodingStyleTestCase(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.maxDiff = None
template_tool = self.portal.portal_templates
diff_line_list = []
diff_files = []
for bt_title in self.getTestedBusinessTemplateList():
bt = template_tool.getInstalledBusinessTemplate(bt_title, strict=True)
# run migrations on the business template, except for the BT used to
......@@ -158,7 +160,6 @@ class CodingStyleTestCase(ERP5TypeTestCase):
p.strip() for p in self.rebuild_business_template_ignored_path.splitlines()
if p and not p.strip().startswith("#")}
diff_line_list = []
def get_difference(path, has_old=True, has_new=True):
old = (
os.path.join(bt_base_path, path)
......@@ -214,7 +215,8 @@ class CodingStyleTestCase(ERP5TypeTestCase):
for diff in get_differences(sub_dcmp, os.path.join(base, sub_path)):
yield diff
diff_files = list(get_differences(filecmp.dircmp(bt_dir, export_dir), bt_local_path))
diff_files.extend(list(get_differences(filecmp.dircmp(bt_dir, export_dir), bt_local_path)))
# dump a diff in log directory, to help debugging
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.runUnitTest import log_directory
if log_directory and diff_line_list:
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