"description":"A network dedicated to globally promoting “free” and particularly free software with many services and innovative projects freely put at the disposal of the general public."
"description":"A network dedicated to globally promoting “free” and particularly free software with many services and innovative projects freely put at the disposal of the general public.",
"description":"Free directory about free softwares and free culture where every contributor is encouraged to take part, by creating, improving, modifying articles.",
"description":"Framagenda is an online agenda based on Nextcloud; It allows you to create and share multiple calendars, schedule appointments and tasks and keep contacts easily accessible from anywhere.",
"category_list":["Information Technology"],
"description":"A collective that gathers free, open source, ethical and decentralized structures to find alternatives to GAFAM.",
"description":"A pad is an online collaborative text editor. The contributions of each user are indicated by a colour code, appear on the screen in real time and are recorded as they are typed.",