Commit ddbdc4c4 authored by Clem's avatar Clem Committed by GitHub

Update owncloud.json

parent 18ebd2eb
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"country": "DE",
"phone_contact": "+49 911 14888690",
"mail_contact": "",
"coordinate_list": "49.48690797273724, 11.103847442342884"
"coordinate_list": [49.48690797273724, 11.103847442342884]
"subsidiary_location_list": "",
"website_url": "",
......@@ -19,38 +19,38 @@
"kpi_list": [{
"year": "2020",
"staff": "50",
"earnings": "388 696 27€",
"total_assets": "4 974 402 66€",
"earnings": "388696€",
"total_assets": "4974402€",
"revenues": "",
"source_url": ""
"source_url": ""
}, {
"year": "2019",
"staff": "43",
"earnings": "-519 435 07",
"total_assets": "4 451 782 44€",
"earnings": "-519435€",
"total_assets": "4451782€",
"revenues": "",
"source_url": ""
"source_url": ""
"year": "2018",
"staff": "35",
"earnings": "-521 392 26",
"total_assets": "3 819 996 48€",
"earnings": "-521392€",
"total_assets": "3819996€",
"revenues": "",
"source_url": ""
"source_url": ""
"year": "2017",
"staff": "35",
"earnings": "-1 377 054 41€",
"total_assets": "4 116 320 50€",
"earnings": "-1377054€",
"total_assets": "4116320€",
"revenues": "",
"source_url": ""
"source_url": ""
"year": "2016",
"staff": "",
"earnings": "-788 749 79€",
"total_assets": "3 585 703 99€",
"earnings": "-788749€",
"total_assets": "3585703€",
"revenues": "",
"source_url": ""
"source_url": ""
"solution_list": [{
"title": "ownCloud GmbH",
......@@ -62,15 +62,15 @@
"similar_solution_list": [{
"title": "Nextcloud",
"category": ""
"category": "Workspace"
}, {
"title": "Seafile",
"category": ""
"category": "Workspace"
"licence_list": ["AGPLv3"],
"source_code_download": "",
"source_code_profile": "",
"source_code_download": "",
"source_code_profile": "",
"commercial_support_url": "",
"floss_software": "yes",
"commercial_support_open_source_version": "no",
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