Commit ebaea661 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

ERP5: fix instantiation with new publish-early API when test-runner is enabled

parent 2c0de6f4
master 1.0 ZODB3 alain-wrapper-recipe arnau arnau-RD-pylint-latest beremiz buildout.hash.cfg change-partition cloudooo_test_with_client_certificate cmf_upgrade_versions cookbook-urlparse cythonplus debug-resiliency draft_cloudooo_py3 edit-lamp2 erp5-component failover-backend feat/debian11 feat/firefox-78-seleniumserver feat/fix_kvm_wipe feat/gitea feat/mgroonga feat/obs_test feat/telegraf-version-up feat/testcase feat/theia-bash-completions firefox-version-up fix- fix- fix/cloudooo-rpath fix/jinja2_version_up fix/resilient_test gitlab-fixup gitlab-upgrade glib hash-update-addition html5as html5as-base html5as-test html5as-tutorial improve-monitor-httpd intentially_broken_cloudooo jm jm-py3 json-api kvm_auto_reboot lamp-edit lamp-edit2 lamp-edit3 lamp-edit4 lle-bout/ppc64le logrotate/truncate master+ZODB4-wc2 matomo matomo-computerid-fixup matomo-tutorial moodle my2to3 proview-r remove_tempstorage repman-1.0 repman-parameters resilience_all_parameters runner-multi-sr scalability_crash_mariadb stack/supervisord test-fix-erp5-resiliency ttrm-novel-fix-testnode y/wc2-next zope4 zope4py2 zope4py3 1.0.231 1.0.230 1.0.229 1.0.228 1.0.227 1.0.226 1.0.225 1.0.224 1.0.223 1.0.222 1.0.221 1.0.220 1.0.219 1.0.218 1.0.217 1.0.216 1.0.215 1.0.214 1.0.213 1.0.212 1.0.211 1.0.210 1.0.209 1.0.208 1.0.207 1.0.206 1.0.205 1.0.204 1.0.203 1.0.202 1.0.201 1.0.200 1.0.199 1.0.198 1.0.197 1.0.196 1.0.195 1.0.194 1.0.193 1.0.192 1.0.191 1.0.190 1.0.189 1.0.188 1.0.187 1.0.186 1.0.185 1.0.184 1.0.183 1.0.182 1.0.181 1.0.180 1.0.179 1.0.178 1.0.177 1.0.176 1.0.175 1.0.174 1.0.173 1.0.172 1.0.171 1.0.170 1.0.169 1.0.168 1.0.167 1.0.166 1.0.165 1.0.164 1.0.163 1.0.162 1.0.161 1.0.160 1.0.159 1.0.158 1.0.157 1.0.156 1.0.155 1.0.154 1.0.153 1.0.152 1.0.151 1.0.150 1.0.149 1.0.148 1.0.147 1.0.146 1.0.145 1.0.144 1.0.143 1.0.142 1.0.141 1.0.140 1.0.137 1.0.136 1.0.135 1.0.134 1.0.133 1.0.132 1.0.131 1.0.130 1.0.129 1.0.128 1.0.127 1.0.126 1.0.125 1.0.124 1.0.123 1.0.122 1.0.121 1.0.120 slapos.cookbook-1.0.124 re6stnet-0.551+2 re6stnet-0.548+3 re6stnet-0.541+1 re6stnet-0.539+3 re6stnet-0.539+2 re6stnet-0.539+1 re6stnet-0.536+2
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......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ md5sum = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
filename =
md5sum = 079244ece03662c7ceadb68570b69d2f
md5sum = ca5375204bacdc1df30285d3c5d179b1
filename =
......@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish-early
{%- endif %}
{%- if test_runner_enabled %}
{%- for zope_family_name in zope_family_name_list %}
{{ zope_family_name }}-test-runner-url-list default-balancer-test-runner-url-list:default
{{ zope_family_name }}-test-runner-url-list default-balancer-test-runner-url-list:{{ zope_family_name }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if neo %}
......@@ -415,12 +415,15 @@ inituser-password = {{ dumps(inituser_password) }}
{%- set deadlock_debugger_password = slapparameter_dict.get('deadlock-debugger-password') -%}
{%- if deadlock_debugger_password %}
deadlock-debugger-password = {{ dumps(deadlock_debugger_password) }}
{%- endif %}
{% endif %}
{%- if test_runner_enabled %}
recipe =
default = not-ready
{%- for zope_family_name in zope_family_name_list %}
{{ zope_family_name }} = not-ready
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:generate.password
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