Commit 1537b40d authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé

Update Release Candidate

parents f2ea3c29 c87e9c90
......@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ parts =
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
shared = true
url =
md5sum = 3aae077280b6be861e3c1c637491853a
url =
md5sum = 9716e2b4be3f9e1105f23aa1f80a37e4
configure-options =
......@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ configure-option =
environment =
LDFLAGS=-L${gmp:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${gmp:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=@@LOCATION@@/lib
CPPFLAGS=-I${gmp:location}/include -I${openssl:location}/include
LDFLAGS=-L${gmp:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${gmp:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=@@LOCATION@@/lib -L${openssl:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${openssl:location}/lib
......@@ -71,7 +71,17 @@ install =
extract_dir = self.extract(, md5sum))
destination_dir = os.path.join(options['location'], extension_name)
self.copyTree(guessworkdir(extract_dir), destination_dir)
patches = options.get(extension_name + '-patches')
if patches:
patch_options=options.get(extension_name + '-patch-options', '-p1'),
os.chmod(destination_dir, 0o750)
patch-binary = ${patch:location}/bin/patch
ms-python-python-patches = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${ms-python-disable-jedi-buildout.patch:_update_hash_filename_} ${ms-python-disable-jedi-buildout.patch:md5sum}
content =
......@@ -20,3 +20,7 @@ md5sum = 8157c22134200bd862a07c6521ebf799
_update_hash_filename_ = yarn.lock
md5sum = b1012625be07ad6a3daf27b9ed6004f0
_update_hash_filename_ = ms-python-disable-jedi-buildout.patch
md5sum = 0ec840ffecceaf7e91a037d439962415
jedi: Disable discover_buildout_paths
This slows down jedi a lot and can make it crash on some scripts.
See also
extension/pythonFiles/lib/python/jedi/inference/ | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/extension/pythonFiles/lib/python/jedi/inference/ b/extension/pythonFiles/lib/python/jedi/inference/
index 5b82ec1..256b19c 100644
--- a/extension/pythonFiles/lib/python/jedi/inference/
+++ b/extension/pythonFiles/lib/python/jedi/inference/
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ def check_sys_path_modifications(module_context):
def discover_buildout_paths(inference_state, script_path):
buildout_script_paths = set()
+ return buildout_script_paths
for buildout_script_path in _get_buildout_script_paths(script_path):
for path in _get_paths_from_buildout_script(inference_state, buildout_script_path):
......@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ eggs +=
recipe =
# download beremiz at revision 86b02aa32d413437ddcb9ab6cf4cc72aad394b3e
url =
md5sum = 0b46be8c8e849bd612373dc999427912
# download beremiz at revision 8171447dc479012a58fae0f2ffd233ade7d28d6a
url =
md5sum = 48070804b00b633d79dfc4bae3a73646
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:develop
filename =
md5sum = 6e3e1dc304378640707cdb6a792106f1
md5sum = f0714597e23ebcb0f2a1368cd065a84e
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
parts =
......@@ -20,6 +21,13 @@ recipe =
offline = false
url = ${instance-parameter:configuration.runtime_plc_url}
recipe = plone.recipe.command
stop-on-error = true
command =
{{ buildout['bin-directory'] }}/pythonwitheggs {{ buildout['directory'] }}/parts/beremiz-source/ --project-home ${directory:home}/parts/download-plc/ build
update-command = ${:command}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
computer = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
......@@ -47,7 +55,7 @@ log = ${:var}/log
logfile = ${directory:log}/beremiz-runtime.log
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line =
{{ buildout['bin-directory'] }}/pythonwitheggs {{ buildout['directory'] }}/parts/beremiz-source/ -a ${instance-parameter:configuration.autostart} -p ${instance-parameter:configuration.port} -i ${instance-parameter:configuration.interface} -x 1 ${directory:home}/parts/download-plc
{{ buildout['bin-directory'] }}/pythonwitheggs {{ buildout['directory'] }}/parts/beremiz-source/ -a ${instance-parameter:configuration.autostart} -p ${instance-parameter:configuration.port} -i ${instance-parameter:configuration.interface} -x 1 ${directory:home}/parts/download-plc/build
wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/beremiz-runtime
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
extends =
......@@ -10,11 +11,12 @@ parts =
recipe =
repository =
branch = default
revision = 8171447dc479012a58fae0f2ffd233ade7d28d6a
git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git
......@@ -45,6 +47,10 @@ eggs = click
......@@ -92,3 +98,12 @@ typing =
autobahn = 19.11.2
txaio = 18.8.1
idna = 2.10
numpy = 1.16.5
cycler = 0.10.0
click = 7.1.2
lxml = 4.5.0
opcua = 0.98.13
trollius = 2.2.1
futures = 3.3.0
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ md5sum = 5784bea3bd608913769ff9a8afcccb68
filename =
md5sum = 02ce5d44d49982fda598e3086cfbca99
md5sum = 1e912fb970401a4b7670b25ba8284a5b
filename =
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ md5sum = be54431846fe7f3cee65260eefc83d62
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
md5sum = fdf46b1dee6ea6b91b9aa9e322a0530d
md5sum = cb627dfce9ab7bc23fd98818d55876b7
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/notfound.html
......@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ extra-context =
key not_found_file caddy-configuration:not-found-file
key username monitor-instance-parameter:username
key password monitor-htpasswd:passwd
key global_disable_http2 configuration:global-disable-http2
# BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge BEGIN
key apache_certificate apache-certificate:output
# BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge END
......@@ -3,7 +3,16 @@
import {{ slave_configuration_directory }}/*.conf
:{{ https_port }} {
tls {{ master_certificate }} {{ master_certificate }}
tls {{ master_certificate }} {{ master_certificate }} {
{%- if global_disable_http2 %}
# Disallow HTTP2
alpn http/1.1
{%- else %}
# Allow http2
alpn h2 http/1.1
{%- endif %}
bind {{ local_ipv4 }}
status 404 /
log / {{ access_log }} "{remote} - {>REMOTE_USER} [{when}] \"{method} {uri} {proto}\" {status} {size} \"{>Referer}\" \"{>User-Agent}\" {latency_ms}" {
......@@ -29,7 +38,15 @@ import {{ slave_configuration_directory }}/*.conf
# Access to server-status Caddy-style
https://[{{ global_ipv6 }}]:{{ https_port }}/server-status, https://{{ local_ipv4 }}:{{ https_port }}/server-status {
tls {{ frontend_configuration['ip-access-certificate'] }} {{ frontend_configuration['ip-access-certificate'] }}
tls {{ frontend_configuration['ip-access-certificate'] }} {{ frontend_configuration['ip-access-certificate'] }} {
{%- if global_disable_http2 %}
# Disallow HTTP2
alpn http/1.1
{%- else %}
# Allow http2
alpn h2 http/1.1
{%- endif %}
bind {{ local_ipv4 }}
basicauth "{{ username }}" {{ password | trim }} {
"Server Status"
......@@ -472,7 +472,8 @@
"data-to-vm": {
"title": "Text content to send to this virtual machine.",
"description": "Text content which will be written in a file 'data' of http server of this virtual machine instance. The file will be available via URL: in the VM.",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"textarea": true
"disable-ansible-promise": {
"title": "Desactivate Ansible promise check",
......@@ -305,7 +305,8 @@
"data-to-vm": {
"title": "Text content to send to this virtual machine.",
"description": "Text content which will be written in a file 'data' of http server of this virtual machine instance. The file will be available via URL: in the VM.",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"textarea": true
"frontend-instance-guid": {
"title": "Frontend Instance ID",
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
filename =
md5sum = 9ff98282480b9edf9af75fca5da5f349
md5sum = 145ebeb4adcd4ec3d13929f1d2ee239c
filename =
......@@ -19,3 +19,12 @@ output = ${directory:scripts}/matomo-backup
context =
section parameter_dict instance-parameter
key php_bin php-bin:wrapper-path
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ setup(
......@@ -25,10 +25,14 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import io
import os
import requests
import urllib.parse
import glob
import lxml.etree
import requests
from slapos.testing.testcase import makeModuleSetUpAndTestCaseClass
setUpModule, SlapOSInstanceTestCase = makeModuleSetUpAndTestCaseClass(
......@@ -63,5 +67,25 @@ class MatomoTestCase(SlapOSInstanceTestCase):
resp = requests.get(self.connection_parameters['monitor-setup-url'], verify=False)
self.assertEqual(, resp.status_code)
def test_database_setup(self):
# Database setup page is prefilled with mariadb connection parameters
resp = requests.get(
parser = lxml.etree.HTMLParser()
tree = lxml.etree.parse(io.StringIO(resp.text), parser)
......@@ -16,27 +16,27 @@
filename = instance.cfg
md5sum = 7b96a100c24e3b282246ae79e97b887b
md5sum = 9d5f4fc9ed3664140d33dd7c447dbd63
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-enb-epc.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 1358f8e0a4cecefe4cdf389b69067f34
md5sum = 8ea71fb85a30e5f57d823ea2f48cb9de
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-enb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 80ee6b6aae270e5a44e84ba8edc6b3c6
md5sum = 78b83842ca2e49dd9f19eab117dc2733
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-gnb-epc.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = c160dac9b21ca748452e466bb3016ac8
md5sum = 33a6236150551c5328d27d3b7f07f690
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-gnb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 8c8d05845be9b7c2c3f79bd3309ba88d
md5sum = 690761b983087465a118a49f1379f0b6
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-epc.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 0c69dee1e1afcdcca250fa78e76a0615
md5sum = 83ad87a675ce1ccf1449e80f3848af80
filename = config/ue_db.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ md5sum = d33163012d6c98efc59161974c649557
filename = config/enb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = aeb1e8ff149db6ecaf2734cf7dc326aa
md5sum = b78082a9c5d6af79f11a1c79d6d25a86
filename = config/gnb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 2830e108184cca7740e5373e9bc4920a
md5sum = 944e342d426d5a7c4c16bdcb01398ba3
filename =
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ md5sum = 1ba2e065bdf14a6411e95e80db17dcfd
filename = config/mme.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 518c71ce57204304b703b977c665a164
md5sum = 13ce0230f06e1089c10924b17f80e49b
filename = config/ims.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -26,9 +26,6 @@
log_options: "all.level=debug,all.max_size=32,file.rotate=1G,file.path={{ directory['tmp'] }}",
log_filename: "{{ directory['log'] }}/enb.log",
/* Enable remote API and Web interface */
com_addr: "[{{ slap_configuration['ipv6-random'] }}]:{{ slap_configuration['configuration.enb_ws_port'] }}",
/* RF driver configuration */
rf_driver: {
name: "sdr",
......@@ -53,15 +50,25 @@
mme_list: [
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('mme_list', '') %}
{%- for i, k in enumerate(slapparameter_dict['mme_list']) %}
{%- if i == 0 %}
/* address of MME for S1AP connection. Must be modified if the MME
runs on a different host. */
mme_addr: "{{ slapparameter_dict.get('mme_addr', '') }}"
{%- else -%}
, {
{%- endif %}
mme_addr: "{{ slapparameter_dict['mme_list'][k]['mme_addr'] }}",
{%- endfor -%}
{% else %}
mme_addr: "",
{% endif %}
/* GTP bind address (=address of the ethernet interface connected to
the MME). Must be modified if the MME runs on a different host. */
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('mme_addr', '') %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('mme_list', '') %}
gtp_addr: "{{ gtp_addr }}",
{% else %}
gtp_addr: "",
......@@ -75,7 +82,23 @@
/* Broadcasted PLMN identities */
plmn_list: [
{%- if slapparameter_dict.get('plmn_list', '') %}
{%- for i, k in enumerate(slapparameter_dict['plmn_list']) %}
{%- if i == 0 -%}
{%- else -%}
, {
{%- endif %}
plmn: "{{ slapparameter_dict['plmn_list'][k]['plmn'] }}",
reserved: {{ str(slapparameter_dict['plmn_list'][k].get('reserved', false)).lower() }},
{%- if slapparameter_dict['plmn_list'][k].get('attach_without_pdn', '') %}
attach_without_pdn: {{ str(slapparameter_dict['plmn_list'][k]['attach_without_pdn']).lower() }},
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
dl_earfcn: {{ slapparameter_dict.get('dl_earfcn', slap_configuration['configuration.default_dl_earfcn']) }},
......@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
log_options: "all.level=debug,all.max_size=32,file.rotate=1G,file.path={{ directory['tmp'] }}",
log_filename: "{{ directory['log'] }}/gnb.log",
/* Enable remote API and Web interface */
com_addr: "[{{ slap_configuration['ipv6-random'] }}]:{{ slap_configuration['configuration.enb_ws_port'] }}",
rf_driver: {
name: "sdr",
/* list of devices. 'dev0' is always the master. */
......@@ -35,14 +32,25 @@
rx_gain: {{ slapparameter_dict.get('rx_gain', slap_configuration['configuration.default_nr_rx_gain']) }}, /* RX gain (in dB) */
amf_list: [
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('amf_list', '') %}
{%- for i, k in enumerate(slapparameter_dict['amf_list']) %}
{%- if i == 0 %}
{%- else -%}
, {
{%- endif %}
amf_addr: "{{ slapparameter_dict['amf_list'][k]['amf_addr'] }}",
{%- endfor -%}
{% else %}
/* address of AMF for NGAP connection. Must be modified if the AMF runs on a different host. */
amf_addr: "{{ slapparameter_dict.get('amf_addr', '') }}",
amf_addr: "",
{% endif %}
/* GTP bind address (=address of the ethernet interface connected to
the AMF). Must be modified if the AMF runs on a different host. */
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('amf_addr', '') %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('amf_list', '') %}
gtp_addr: "{{ gtp_addr }}",
{% else %}
gtp_addr: "",
......@@ -163,23 +171,69 @@
ssb_period: 20, /* in ms */
n_id_cell: 500,
plmn_list: [ {
tac: 100,
plmn_list: [
{%- if slapparameter_dict.get('plmn_list', '') %}
{%- for i, k in enumerate(slapparameter_dict['plmn_list']) %}
{%- if i == 0 -%}
{%- else -%}
, {
{%- endif %}
plmn: "{{ slapparameter_dict['plmn_list'][k]['plmn'] }}",
tac: {{ slapparameter_dict['plmn_list'][k].get('tac', 100) }},
{%- if slapparameter_dict['plmn_list'][k].get('ranac', '') %}
ranac: {{ slapparameter_dict['plmn_list'][k]['ranac'] }},
{%- endif %}
reserved: {{ str(slapparameter_dict['plmn_list'][k].get('reserved', false)).lower() }},
nssai: [
{%- if slapparameter_dict.get('nssai', '') %}
{%- for j, k in enumerate(slapparameter_dict['nssai']) %}
{%- if j == 0 %}
{%- else -%}
, {
{%- endif %}
sst: {{ slapparameter_dict['nssai'][k]['sst'] }},
{%- if slapparameter_dict['nssai'][k].get('sd', '') %}
sd: {{ slapparameter_dict['nssai'][k]['sd'] }},
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% else %}
sst: 1,
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% else %}
plmn: "00101",
tac: 100,
reserved: false,
nssai: [
{%- if slapparameter_dict.get('nssai', '') %}
{%- for j, k in enumerate(slapparameter_dict['nssai']) %}
{%- if j == 0 %}
{%- else -%}
, {
{%- endif %}
sst: {{ slapparameter_dict['nssai'][k]['sst'] }},
{%- if slapparameter_dict['nssai'][k].get('sd', '') %}
sd: {{ slapparameter_dict['nssai'][k]['sd'] }},
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% else %}
sst: 1,
sst: 2,
sst: 3,
sd: 50,
{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
/*sib_sched_list: [
......@@ -19,16 +19,17 @@
log_options: "all.level=debug,all.max_size=32",
log_filename: "{{ directory['log'] }}/mme.log",
/* Enable remote API and Web interface */
com_addr: "[{{ slap_configuration['ipv6-random'] }}]:{{ slap_configuration['configuration.mme_ws_port'] }}",
/* bind address for GTP-U. Normally = address of the PC, here bound
on local interface to be able to run ltemme on the same PC as
lteenb. By default, the S1AP SCTP connection is bound on the same
address. */
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('external_enb_gnb', '') %}
gtp_addr: "{{ gtp_addr }}",
{% else %}
gtp_addr: "",
{% endif %}
plmn: "00101",
plmn: "{{ slapparameter_dict.get('epc_plmn', "00101") }}",
mme_group_id: 32769,
mme_code: 1,
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
offline = true
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration.serialised
computer = {{ slap_connection['computer-id'] }}
partition = {{ slap_connection['partition-id'] }}
url = {{ slap_connection['server-url'] }}
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ promise = ${:etc}/promise
log = ${:var}/log
recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
recipe = slapos.cookbook:request.serialised
software-url = {{ slap_connection['software-release-url'] }}
server-url = {{ slap_connection['server-url'] }}
computer-id = {{ slap_connection['computer-id'] }}
......@@ -52,42 +52,18 @@ return = monitor-base-url
name = EPC
software-type = epc
config-name = epc
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("mme_config_link", None) %}
config-mme_config_link = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["mme_config_link"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("mme_config_version", None) %}
config-mme_config_version = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["mme_config_version"]) }}
{% endif %}
{%- for key, value in slapparameter_dict.iteritems() %}
config-{{ key }} = {{ dumps(value) }}
{% endfor -%}
<= request-common-base
name = eNB
software-type = enb
config-name = enb
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("tx_gain", None) %}
config-tx_gain = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["tx_gain"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("rx_gain", None) %}
config-rx_gain = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["rx_gain"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("dl_earfcn", None) %}
config-dl_earfcn = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["dl_earfcn"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("n_rb_dl", None) %}
config-n_rb_dl = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["n_rb_dl"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("mme_addr", None) %}
config-mme_addr = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["mme_addr"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("enb_id", None) %}
config-enb_id = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["enb_id"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("enb_config_link", None) %}
config-enb_config_link = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["enb_config_link"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("enb_config_version", None) %}
config-enb_config_version = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["enb_config_version"]) }}
{% endif %}
{%- for key, value in slapparameter_dict.iteritems() %}
config-{{ key }} = {{ dumps(value) }}
{% endfor -%}
lte-epc-request = ${lte-epc-request:connection-monitor-base-url}
......@@ -3,6 +3,20 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
{%- if epc %}
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
{%- endif %}
"tx_gain": {
"title": "Tx gain",
"description": "Tx gain (in dB)",
......@@ -33,11 +47,60 @@
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"mme_list": {
"title": "MME list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of MME to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"mme_addr": {
"title": "MME Address",
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of S1AP SCTP connection to the MME. The default port is 36412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"enb_id": {
"title": "eNB ID",
"description": "eNB ID",
"type": "string",
"default": "0x1A2D0"
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the eNodeB, at most 6 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"attach_without_pdn": {
"default": false,
"title": "Attach Without PDN",
"description": "Optional boolean. Indicates if PLMN supports attach without PDN connectivity.",
"type": "boolean"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ recipe = plone.recipe.command
command = rm -rf ${directory:tmp}/*
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration.serialised
computer = {{ slap_connection['computer-id'] }}
partition = {{ slap_connection['partition-id'] }}
url = {{ slap_connection['server-url'] }}
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ context =
section directory directory
section slap_configuration slap-configuration
key slapparameter_dict slap-configuration:configuration
raw gtp_addr {{ local_ipv4 }}
key gtp_addr slap-configuration:ipv6-random
import netaddr netaddr
......@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ output = ${directory:etc}/enb.cfg
<= monitor-publish
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
ipv4 = {{ local_ipv4 }}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("name", None) %}
......@@ -2,5 +2,18 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "EPC Input Parameters",
"type": "object",
"properties": {}
"properties": {
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
offline = true
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration.serialised
computer = {{ slap_connection['computer-id'] }}
partition = {{ slap_connection['partition-id'] }}
url = {{ slap_connection['server-url'] }}
......@@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ context =
section directory directory
section slap_configuration slap-configuration
key slapparameter_dict slap-configuration:configuration
key gtp_addr slap-configuration:ipv6-random
import netaddr netaddr
key ifup_empty lte-mme-ifup-empty:wrapper-path
<= config-base
......@@ -133,20 +135,19 @@ url = ${mme-config-dl:target}
url = {{ mme_template }}
{% endif %}
output = ${directory:etc}/mme.cfg
context =
section directory directory
section slap_configuration slap-configuration
key slapparameter_dict slap-configuration:configuration
import netaddr netaddr
key ifup_empty lte-mme-ifup-empty:wrapper-path
monitor-title = {{ slapparameter_dict['name'] }}
password = {{ slapparameter_dict['monitor-password'] }}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("name", None) %}
monitor-title = {{ slapparameter_dict['name'] | string }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("monitor-password", None) %}
password = {{ slapparameter_dict['monitor-password'] | string }}
{% endif %}
<= monitor-publish
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
epc-ip = ${slap-configuration:ipv6-random}
# Add custom promise to check if /dev/sdr0 is busy
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
offline = true
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration.serialised
computer = {{ slap_connection['computer-id'] }}
partition = {{ slap_connection['partition-id'] }}
url = {{ slap_connection['server-url'] }}
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ promise = ${:etc}/promise
log = ${:var}/log
recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
recipe = slapos.cookbook:request.serialised
software-url = {{ slap_connection['software-release-url'] }}
server-url = {{ slap_connection['server-url'] }}
computer-id = {{ slap_connection['computer-id'] }}
......@@ -52,48 +52,18 @@ return = monitor-base-url
name = EPC
software-type = epc
config-name = epc
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("mme_config_link", None) %}
config-mme_config_link = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["mme_config_link"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("mme_config_version", None) %}
config-mme_config_version = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["mme_config_version"]) }}
{% endif %}
{%- for key, value in slapparameter_dict.iteritems() %}
config-{{ key }} = {{ dumps(value) }}
{% endfor -%}
<= request-common-base
name = gNB
software-type = gnb
config-name = gnb
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("tx_gain", None) %}
config-tx_gain = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["tx_gain"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("rx_gain", None) %}
config-rx_gain = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["rx_gain"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("dl_nr_arfcn", None) %}
config-dl_nr_arfcn = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["dl_nr_arfcn"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("nr_band", None) %}
config-nr_band = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["nr_band"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("nr_bandwidth", None) %}
config-nr_bandwidth = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["nr_bandwidth"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("amf_addr", None) %}
config-amf_addr = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["amf_addr"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("gnb_id", None) %}
config-gnb_id = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["gnb_id"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("gnb_config_link", None) %}
config-gnb_config_link = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["gnb_config_link"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("gnb_config_version", None) %}
config-gnb_config_version = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["gnb_config_version"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("ssb_pos_bitmap", None) %}
config-ssb_pos_bitmap = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict["ssb_pos_bitmap"]) }}
{% endif %}
{%- for key, value in slapparameter_dict.iteritems() %}
config-{{ key }} = {{ dumps(value) }}
{% endfor -%}
lte-epc-request = ${lte-epc-request:connection-monitor-base-url}
......@@ -3,6 +3,20 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
{%- if epc %}
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
{%- endif %}
"tx_gain": {
"title": "Tx gain",
"description": "Tx gain (in dB)",
......@@ -33,11 +47,23 @@
"type": "number",
"default": {{ default_nr_bandwidth }}
"amf_list": {
"title": "AMF list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of AMF to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"amf_addr": {
"title": "AMF Address",
"description": "IPv4 of the core network",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of NGAP SCTP connection to the AMF. The default port is 38412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"gnb_id": {
"title": "gNB ID",
......@@ -50,6 +76,67 @@
"description": "SSB position bitmap in bits (4, 8 or 64 bits depending on the DL frequency).",
"type": "string",
"default": {{ default_nr_ssb_pos_bitmap }}
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the gNodeB, at most 12 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"tac": {
"default": 100,
"title": "Tracking Area Code",
"description": "Integer (range 0 to 16777215)",
"type": "number"
"ranac": {
"title": "Optional integer (range 0 to 255)",
"description": "RAN Area Code",
"type": "number"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"nssai": {
"title": "AMF slices configuration",
"description": "AMF slices configuration.",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"sst": {
"default": 1,
"title": "Slice Service Type",
"description": "Integer (range 1 to 255).",
"type": "number"
"sd": {
"default": 50,
"title": "Slice Differentiator",
"description": "Optional integer (range 0 to 0xFFFFFE)",
"type": "number"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ recipe = plone.recipe.command
command = rm -rf ${directory:tmp}/*
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration.serialised
computer = {{ slap_connection['computer-id'] }}
partition = {{ slap_connection['partition-id'] }}
url = {{ slap_connection['server-url'] }}
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ context =
section directory directory
section slap_configuration slap-configuration
key slapparameter_dict slap-configuration:configuration
raw gtp_addr {{ local_ipv4 }}
key gtp_addr slap-configuration:ipv6-random
import netaddr netaddr
......@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ output = ${directory:etc}/gnb.cfg
<= monitor-publish
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
ipv4 = {{ local_ipv4 }}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("name", None) %}
......@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
"tx_gain": {
"title": "Tx gain",
"description": "Tx gain (in dB)",
......@@ -33,11 +45,60 @@
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"mme_list": {
"title": "MME list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of MME to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"mme_addr": {
"title": "MME Address",
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of S1AP SCTP connection to the MME. The default port is 36412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"enb_id": {
"title": "eNB ID",
"description": "eNB ID",
"type": "string",
"default": "0x1A2D0"
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the eNodeB, at most 6 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"attach_without_pdn": {
"default": false,
"title": "Attach Without PDN",
"description": "Optional boolean. Indicates if PLMN supports attach without PDN connectivity.",
"type": "boolean"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,11 +33,60 @@
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"mme_list": {
"title": "MME list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of MME to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"mme_addr": {
"title": "MME Address",
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of S1AP SCTP connection to the MME. The default port is 36412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"enb_id": {
"title": "eNB ID",
"description": "eNB ID",
"type": "string",
"default": "0x1A2D0"
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the eNodeB, at most 6 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"attach_without_pdn": {
"default": false,
"title": "Attach Without PDN",
"description": "Optional boolean. Indicates if PLMN supports attach without PDN connectivity.",
"type": "boolean"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
"tx_gain": {
"title": "Tx gain",
"description": "Tx gain (in dB)",
......@@ -33,11 +45,23 @@
"type": "number",
"default": 40
"amf_list": {
"title": "AMF list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of AMF to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"amf_addr": {
"title": "AMF Address",
"description": "IPv4 of the core network",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of NGAP SCTP connection to the AMF. The default port is 38412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"gnb_id": {
"title": "gNB ID",
......@@ -50,6 +74,67 @@
"description": "SSB position bitmap in bits (4, 8 or 64 bits depending on the DL frequency).",
"type": "string",
"default": 1000
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the gNodeB, at most 12 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"tac": {
"default": 100,
"title": "Tracking Area Code",
"description": "Integer (range 0 to 16777215)",
"type": "number"
"ranac": {
"title": "Optional integer (range 0 to 255)",
"description": "RAN Area Code",
"type": "number"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"nssai": {
"title": "AMF slices configuration",
"description": "AMF slices configuration.",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"sst": {
"default": 1,
"title": "Slice Service Type",
"description": "Integer (range 1 to 255).",
"type": "number"
"sd": {
"default": 50,
"title": "Slice Differentiator",
"description": "Optional integer (range 0 to 0xFFFFFE)",
"type": "number"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,11 +33,23 @@
"type": "number",
"default": 40
"amf_list": {
"title": "AMF list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of AMF to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"amf_addr": {
"title": "AMF Address",
"description": "IPv4 of the core network",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of NGAP SCTP connection to the AMF. The default port is 38412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"gnb_id": {
"title": "gNB ID",
......@@ -50,6 +62,67 @@
"description": "SSB position bitmap in bits (4, 8 or 64 bits depending on the DL frequency).",
"type": "string",
"default": 1000
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the gNodeB, at most 12 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"tac": {
"default": 100,
"title": "Tracking Area Code",
"description": "Integer (range 0 to 16777215)",
"type": "number"
"ranac": {
"title": "Optional integer (range 0 to 255)",
"description": "RAN Area Code",
"type": "number"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"nssai": {
"title": "AMF slices configuration",
"description": "AMF slices configuration.",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"sst": {
"default": 1,
"title": "Slice Service Type",
"description": "Integer (range 1 to 255).",
"type": "number"
"sd": {
"default": 50,
"title": "Slice Differentiator",
"description": "Optional integer (range 0 to 0xFFFFFE)",
"type": "number"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
"tx_gain": {
"title": "Tx gain",
"description": "Tx gain (in dB)",
......@@ -33,11 +45,60 @@
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"mme_list": {
"title": "MME list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of MME to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"mme_addr": {
"title": "MME Address",
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of S1AP SCTP connection to the MME. The default port is 36412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"enb_id": {
"title": "eNB ID",
"description": "eNB ID",
"type": "string",
"default": "0x1A2D0"
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the eNodeB, at most 6 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"attach_without_pdn": {
"default": false,
"title": "Attach Without PDN",
"description": "Optional boolean. Indicates if PLMN supports attach without PDN connectivity.",
"type": "boolean"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,11 +33,60 @@
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"mme_list": {
"title": "MME list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of MME to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"mme_addr": {
"title": "MME Address",
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of S1AP SCTP connection to the MME. The default port is 36412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"enb_id": {
"title": "eNB ID",
"description": "eNB ID",
"type": "string",
"default": "0x1A2D0"
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the eNodeB, at most 6 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"attach_without_pdn": {
"default": false,
"title": "Attach Without PDN",
"description": "Optional boolean. Indicates if PLMN supports attach without PDN connectivity.",
"type": "boolean"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
"tx_gain": {
"title": "Tx gain",
"description": "Tx gain (in dB)",
......@@ -33,11 +45,23 @@
"type": "number",
"default": 40
"amf_list": {
"title": "AMF list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of AMF to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"amf_addr": {
"title": "AMF Address",
"description": "IPv4 of the core network",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of NGAP SCTP connection to the AMF. The default port is 38412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"gnb_id": {
"title": "gNB ID",
......@@ -50,6 +74,67 @@
"description": "SSB position bitmap in bits (4, 8 or 64 bits depending on the DL frequency).",
"type": "string",
"default": 10000000
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the gNodeB, at most 12 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"tac": {
"default": 100,
"title": "Tracking Area Code",
"description": "Integer (range 0 to 16777215)",
"type": "number"
"ranac": {
"title": "Optional integer (range 0 to 255)",
"description": "RAN Area Code",
"type": "number"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"nssai": {
"title": "AMF slices configuration",
"description": "AMF slices configuration.",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"sst": {
"default": 1,
"title": "Slice Service Type",
"description": "Integer (range 1 to 255).",
"type": "number"
"sd": {
"default": 50,
"title": "Slice Differentiator",
"description": "Optional integer (range 0 to 0xFFFFFE)",
"type": "number"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,11 +33,23 @@
"type": "number",
"default": 40
"amf_list": {
"title": "AMF list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of AMF to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"amf_addr": {
"title": "AMF Address",
"description": "IPv4 of the core network",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of NGAP SCTP connection to the AMF. The default port is 38412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"gnb_id": {
"title": "gNB ID",
......@@ -50,6 +62,67 @@
"description": "SSB position bitmap in bits (4, 8 or 64 bits depending on the DL frequency).",
"type": "string",
"default": 10000000
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the gNodeB, at most 12 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"tac": {
"default": 100,
"title": "Tracking Area Code",
"description": "Integer (range 0 to 16777215)",
"type": "number"
"ranac": {
"title": "Optional integer (range 0 to 255)",
"description": "RAN Area Code",
"type": "number"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"nssai": {
"title": "AMF slices configuration",
"description": "AMF slices configuration.",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"sst": {
"default": 1,
"title": "Slice Service Type",
"description": "Integer (range 1 to 255).",
"type": "number"
"sd": {
"default": 50,
"title": "Slice Differentiator",
"description": "Optional integer (range 0 to 0xFFFFFE)",
"type": "number"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
"tx_gain": {
"title": "Tx gain",
"description": "Tx gain (in dB)",
......@@ -33,11 +45,60 @@
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"mme_list": {
"title": "MME list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of MME to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"mme_addr": {
"title": "MME Address",
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of S1AP SCTP connection to the MME. The default port is 36412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"enb_id": {
"title": "eNB ID",
"description": "eNB ID",
"type": "string",
"default": "0x1A2D0"
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the eNodeB, at most 6 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"attach_without_pdn": {
"default": false,
"title": "Attach Without PDN",
"description": "Optional boolean. Indicates if PLMN supports attach without PDN connectivity.",
"type": "boolean"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,11 +33,60 @@
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"mme_list": {
"title": "MME list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of MME to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"mme_addr": {
"title": "MME Address",
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of S1AP SCTP connection to the MME. The default port is 36412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"enb_id": {
"title": "eNB ID",
"description": "eNB ID",
"type": "string",
"default": "0x1A2D0"
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the eNodeB, at most 6 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"attach_without_pdn": {
"default": false,
"title": "Attach Without PDN",
"description": "Optional boolean. Indicates if PLMN supports attach without PDN connectivity.",
"type": "boolean"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
"tx_gain": {
"title": "Tx gain",
"description": "Tx gain (in dB)",
......@@ -33,11 +45,23 @@
"type": "number",
"default": 40
"amf_list": {
"title": "AMF list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of AMF to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"amf_addr": {
"title": "AMF Address",
"description": "IPv4 of the core network",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of NGAP SCTP connection to the AMF. The default port is 38412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"gnb_id": {
"title": "gNB ID",
......@@ -50,6 +74,67 @@
"description": "SSB position bitmap in bits (4, 8 or 64 bits depending on the DL frequency).",
"type": "string",
"default": 10000000
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the gNodeB, at most 12 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"tac": {
"default": 100,
"title": "Tracking Area Code",
"description": "Integer (range 0 to 16777215)",
"type": "number"
"ranac": {
"title": "Optional integer (range 0 to 255)",
"description": "RAN Area Code",
"type": "number"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"nssai": {
"title": "AMF slices configuration",
"description": "AMF slices configuration.",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"sst": {
"default": 1,
"title": "Slice Service Type",
"description": "Integer (range 1 to 255).",
"type": "number"
"sd": {
"default": 50,
"title": "Slice Differentiator",
"description": "Optional integer (range 0 to 0xFFFFFE)",
"type": "number"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,11 +33,23 @@
"type": "number",
"default": 40
"amf_list": {
"title": "AMF list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of AMF to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"amf_addr": {
"title": "AMF Address",
"description": "IPv4 of the core network",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of NGAP SCTP connection to the AMF. The default port is 38412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"gnb_id": {
"title": "gNB ID",
......@@ -50,6 +62,67 @@
"description": "SSB position bitmap in bits (4, 8 or 64 bits depending on the DL frequency).",
"type": "string",
"default": 10000000
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the gNodeB, at most 12 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"tac": {
"default": 100,
"title": "Tracking Area Code",
"description": "Integer (range 0 to 16777215)",
"type": "number"
"ranac": {
"title": "Optional integer (range 0 to 255)",
"description": "RAN Area Code",
"type": "number"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"nssai": {
"title": "AMF slices configuration",
"description": "AMF slices configuration.",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"sst": {
"default": 1,
"title": "Slice Service Type",
"description": "Integer (range 1 to 255).",
"type": "number"
"sd": {
"default": 50,
"title": "Slice Differentiator",
"description": "Optional integer (range 0 to 0xFFFFFE)",
"type": "number"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
"tx_gain": {
"title": "Tx gain",
"description": "Tx gain (in dB)",
......@@ -33,11 +45,60 @@
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"mme_list": {
"title": "MME list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of MME to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"mme_addr": {
"title": "MME Address",
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of S1AP SCTP connection to the MME. The default port is 36412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"enb_id": {
"title": "eNB ID",
"description": "eNB ID",
"type": "string",
"default": "0x1A2D0"
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the eNodeB, at most 6 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"attach_without_pdn": {
"default": false,
"title": "Attach Without PDN",
"description": "Optional boolean. Indicates if PLMN supports attach without PDN connectivity.",
"type": "boolean"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,11 +33,60 @@
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"mme_list": {
"title": "MME list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of MME to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"mme_addr": {
"title": "MME Address",
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of S1AP SCTP connection to the MME. The default port is 36412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"enb_id": {
"title": "eNB ID",
"description": "eNB ID",
"type": "string",
"default": "0x1A2D0"
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the eNodeB, at most 6 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"attach_without_pdn": {
"default": false,
"title": "Attach Without PDN",
"description": "Optional boolean. Indicates if PLMN supports attach without PDN connectivity.",
"type": "boolean"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
"epc_plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Core Network PLMN",
"description": "Core Network Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"external_enb_gnb": {
"default": false,
"title": "External eNB / gNB",
"description": "Set to true if external eNB / gNB will need to connect to this core network.",
"type": "boolean"
"tx_gain": {
"title": "Tx gain",
"description": "Tx gain (in dB)",
......@@ -33,11 +45,23 @@
"type": "number",
"default": 40
"amf_list": {
"title": "AMF list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of AMF to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"amf_addr": {
"title": "AMF Address",
"description": "IPv4 of the core network",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of NGAP SCTP connection to the AMF. The default port is 38412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"gnb_id": {
"title": "gNB ID",
......@@ -50,6 +74,67 @@
"description": "SSB position bitmap in bits (4, 8 or 64 bits depending on the DL frequency).",
"type": "string",
"default": 10000000
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the gNodeB, at most 12 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"tac": {
"default": 100,
"title": "Tracking Area Code",
"description": "Integer (range 0 to 16777215)",
"type": "number"
"ranac": {
"title": "Optional integer (range 0 to 255)",
"description": "RAN Area Code",
"type": "number"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"nssai": {
"title": "AMF slices configuration",
"description": "AMF slices configuration.",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"sst": {
"default": 1,
"title": "Slice Service Type",
"description": "Integer (range 1 to 255).",
"type": "number"
"sd": {
"default": 50,
"title": "Slice Differentiator",
"description": "Optional integer (range 0 to 0xFFFFFE)",
"type": "number"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,11 +33,23 @@
"type": "number",
"default": 40
"amf_list": {
"title": "AMF list",
"description": "Optionnal. List of AMF to which the gNodeB is connected",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"amf_addr": {
"title": "AMF Address",
"description": "IPv4 of the core network",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"description": "IP address (and optional port) of NGAP SCTP connection to the AMF. The default port is 38412.",
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"gnb_id": {
"title": "gNB ID",
......@@ -50,6 +62,67 @@
"description": "SSB position bitmap in bits (4, 8 or 64 bits depending on the DL frequency).",
"type": "string",
"default": 10000000
"plmn_list": {
"title": "PLMN list",
"description": "List of PLMNs broadcasted by the gNodeB, at most 12 (default: 00101)",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"plmn": {
"default": "00101",
"title": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"description": "Public Land Mobile Network",
"type": "string"
"tac": {
"default": 100,
"title": "Tracking Area Code",
"description": "Integer (range 0 to 16777215)",
"type": "number"
"ranac": {
"title": "Optional integer (range 0 to 255)",
"description": "RAN Area Code",
"type": "number"
"reserved": {
"default": false,
"title": "Reserved",
"description": "True if the cell is reserved for operator use.",
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
"nssai": {
"title": "AMF slices configuration",
"description": "AMF slices configuration.",
"patternProperties": {
".*": {
"properties": {
"sst": {
"default": 1,
"title": "Slice Service Type",
"description": "Integer (range 1 to 255).",
"type": "number"
"sd": {
"default": 50,
"title": "Slice Differentiator",
"description": "Optional integer (range 0 to 0xFFFFFE)",
"type": "number"
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"default": {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ develop-eggs-directory = ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}
offline = true
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration.serialised
computer = $${slap-connection:computer-id}
partition = $${slap-connection:partition-id}
url = $${slap-connection:server-url}
......@@ -36,20 +36,6 @@ gnb = dynamic-template-lte-gnb:output
epc = dynamic-template-lte-epc:output
RootSoftwareInstance = $${:enb-epc}
recipe =
init =
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(('', 1))
ip = s.getsockname()[0]
except Exception:
ip = ''
options['local-ipv4'] = ip
< = jinja2-template-base
url = ${template-lte-enb-epc:target}
......@@ -57,7 +43,6 @@ filename = instance-lte-enb-epc.cfg
extensions =
extra-context =
raw monitor_template ${monitor2-template:output}
key local_ipv4 local-ipv4-address:local-ipv4
< = jinja2-template-base
......@@ -66,7 +51,6 @@ filename = instance-lte-gnb-epc.cfg
extensions =
extra-context =
raw monitor_template ${monitor2-template:output}
key local_ipv4 local-ipv4-address:local-ipv4
< = jinja2-template-base
......@@ -88,7 +72,6 @@ extra-context =
raw default_lte_rx_gain ${enb:default-lte-rx-gain}
raw min_frequency ${enb:min-frequency}
raw max_frequency ${enb:max-frequency}
key local_ipv4 local-ipv4-address:local-ipv4
< = jinja2-template-base
......@@ -111,7 +94,6 @@ extra-context =
raw default_nr_ssb_pos_bitmap ${enb:default-nr-ssb-pos-bitmap}
raw min_frequency ${enb:min-frequency}
raw max_frequency ${enb:max-frequency}
key local_ipv4 local-ipv4-address:local-ipv4
< = jinja2-template-base
......@@ -122,6 +122,6 @@ for rf_mode_context in rf_mode_context_list:
'w+') as f:
if software_type in ['enb', 'enb-epc']:
f.write(instance_enb_json_template.render(**rf_mode_context, **global_context))
f.write(instance_enb_json_template.render(**rf_mode_context, **global_context, epc='epc' in software_type))
f.write(instance_gnb_json_template.render(**rf_mode_context, **global_context))
f.write(instance_gnb_json_template.render(**rf_mode_context, **global_context, epc='epc' in software_type))
"name": "ORS Amarisoft",
"description": "4G and 5G amarisoft stack for ORS",
"serialisation": "xml",
"serialisation": "json-in-xml",
"software-type": {
"enb": {
"title": "eNB",
"name": "ORS Amarisoft",
"description": "4G and 5G amarisoft stack for ORS",
"serialisation": "xml",
"serialisation": "json-in-xml",
"software-type": {
"enb": {
"title": "eNB",
"name": "ORS Amarisoft",
"description": "4G and 5G amarisoft stack for ORS",
"serialisation": "xml",
"serialisation": "json-in-xml",
"software-type": {
"enb": {
"title": "eNB",
"name": "ORS Amarisoft",
"description": "4G and 5G amarisoft stack for ORS",
"serialisation": "xml",
"serialisation": "json-in-xml",
"software-type": {
"enb": {
"title": "eNB",
"name": "ORS Amarisoft",
"description": "4G and 5G amarisoft stack for ORS",
"serialisation": "xml",
"serialisation": "json-in-xml",
"software-type": {
"enb": {
"title": "eNB",
# Theia software release
Theia is a cloud (and desktop) IDE
This version comes pre-configured with a few plugins, but does not come with python plugin, to let
you choose between theia and vscode one.
## jedi
[jedi]( which is used by both thiea and vscode python plugins has
some support for `zc.buildout`. It looks up for a `buildout.cfg` file and if found will load all scripts
from the bin directory from this buildout to add eggs to sys.path. In webrunner we have almost 100 scripts
in bin directory, with maybe 30 eggs in each scripts, so this makes jedi so slow it's unusable. Also, if
an error occurs parsing these scripts, jedi won't be usable. This issue is tracked in
A simple workaround is to create and empty `buildout.cfg` file at the root of project folder.
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ md5sum = 0969fbb25b05c02ef3c2d437b2f4e1a0
filename =
md5sum = 274365ebbade26558ca4836837e781aa
md5sum = 38653020296e43f84a93b99cb35aaef6
filename =
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from import By
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
import six
import time
from urllib import urlopen
import json
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ setuptools-dso = 1.7
rubygemsrecipe = 0.4.3
six = 1.12.0
slapos.cookbook = 1.0.246
slapos.core = 1.7.6
slapos.core = 1.7.8
slapos.extension.strip = 0.4
slapos.extension.shared = 1.0
slapos.libnetworkcache = 0.25
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