Commit 62968e03 authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

update test after addition of new dependencies

parent 66f8e314
......@@ -728,22 +728,24 @@ class TestTemplateTool(ERP5TypeTestCase):
ordered_list = template_tool.sortBusinessTemplateList(new_bt5_list)
# group orders
first_group = range(0, 6)
second_group = range(6, 8)
third_group = range(8, 10)
fourth_group = range(10, 12)
fifth_group = range(12, 13)
first_group = range(0, 5)
second_group = range(5, 11)
third_group = range(11, 12)
fourth_group = range(12, 14)
fifth_group = range(14, 15)
expected_position_dict = {
'erp5_property_sheets': first_group,
'erp5_core_proxy_field_legacy': first_group,
'erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog': first_group,
'erp5_core': first_group,
'erp5_full_text_mroonga_catalog': first_group,
'erp5_xhtml_style': first_group,
'erp5_jquery': second_group,
'erp5_jquery_ui': second_group,
'erp5_full_text_mroonga_catalog': second_group,
'erp5_ingestion_mysql_innodb_catalog': second_group,
'erp5_base': second_group,
'erp5_jquery': third_group,
'erp5_knowledge_pad': second_group,
'erp5_ingestion': third_group,
'erp5_web': fourth_group,
'erp5_crm': fourth_group,
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