Commit c4c04f4b authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Speed up bootstrap and reconnection

The way peer addresses were exchanged polluted caches with information about
dead nodes. In particular, bootstrapping often took a long time because the
cache of the primary node was mostly useless.

This also fixes bootstrap of registry.
parent d3ff0e56
......@@ -5,12 +5,6 @@
- the ip address of the network being built
- the creator of the network ( add option in registry ? )
- Fix bootstrap problem:
registry & --private option ( see re6stnet man page HOW TO ).
one have to start the registry twice, the first time without
the --private option
- Babel limitations:
- The metric does not take latency into account.
ca ca.crt
key registry/ca.key
private 2001:db8:42::1
logfile registry/registry.log
......@@ -117,25 +117,20 @@ certificates, as follows: translate the significant part to hexadecimal
-days 365 -out ca.crt
The CA email will be used as sender for mails containing tokens.
Now start the registry in order to setup the main re6st node, which should be
on the same machine::
The registry can now be started::
re6st-registry --ca ca.crt --key ca.key --mailhost
re6st-conf --registry http://localhost/
If `re6st-conf` is run in the directory containing CA files, ca.crt will be
overridden without harm.
Note that the registry was started without specifying the re6st IP of the main
node, because it was not known yet. For your network to work, it has to be
restarted with appropriate --private option.
Like the registry, the first registered node should be always up because its
presence is used by all other nodes to garantee they are connected to the
network. It is therefore recommended to run it on the same machine as the
Let's suppose your first node is allocated subnet 2001:db8:42::/64.
Its IP is the first unicast address::
re6st-conf --registry http://localhost/
re6st-registry --private 2001:db8:42::1 ...
re6stnet --registry http://localhost/ --ip ...
If `re6st-conf` is run in the directory containing CA files, ca.crt will be
overridden without harm. See previous section for more information to create
a node.
......@@ -75,9 +75,6 @@ def main():
help="SMTP host to send confirmation emails. For debugging"
" purpose, it can also be an absolute or existing path to"
" a mailbox file")
help="re6stnet IP of the node on which runs the registry."
" Required for normal operation.")
_('--prefix-length', default=16, type=int,
help="Default length of allocated prefixes.")
_('--anonymous-prefix-length', type=int,
......@@ -31,29 +31,24 @@ class PeerDB(object):
q("INSERT INTO volatile.stat (peer) SELECT prefix FROM peer")
a = q("SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='registry'").next()[0]
except StopIteration:
a = self._updateRegistryIP()
self.registry_ip = utils.binFromIp(a)
if not self.registry_ip.startswith(network):
a = self._updateRegistryIP()"Cache initialized. Registry IP is %s", a)
def _updateRegistryIP(self):
int(a, 2)
except (StopIteration, ValueError):"Asking registry its private IP...")
retry = 1
while True:
a = self._registry.getPrivateAddress(self._prefix)
a = self._registry.getPrefix(self._prefix)
int(a, 2)
except socket.error, e:
retry = min(60, retry * 2)
self._db.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config VALUES ('registry',?)",
self.registry_ip = utils.binFromIp(a)
return a
q("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config VALUES ('registry',?)", (a,))
self.registry_prefix = a"Cache initialized. Prefix of registry node is %s/%u",
int(a, 2), len(a))
def log(self):
if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(5):
......@@ -64,6 +59,19 @@ class PeerDB(object):
logging.trace("- %s: %s%s", prefix, address,
' (blacklisted)' if _try else '')
def cacheMinimize(self, size):
with self._db:
def _cacheMinimize(self, size):
a = self._db.execute(
"SELECT peer FROM volatile.stat ORDER BY try, RANDOM() LIMIT ?,-1",
if a:
q = self._db.executemany
q("DELETE FROM peer WHERE prefix IN (?)", a)
q("DELETE FROM volatile.stat WHERE peer IN (?)", a)
def connecting(self, prefix, connecting):
self._db.execute("UPDATE volatile.stat SET try=? WHERE peer=?",
(connecting, prefix))
......@@ -119,13 +127,8 @@ class PeerDB(object):
return len(preferred)
address = ';'.join(sorted(address.split(';'), key=key))
except ValueError:
a = q("SELECT peer FROM volatile.stat ORDER BY try, RANDOM()"
" LIMIT ?,-1", (self._db_size,)).fetchall()
if a:
qq = self._db.executemany
qq("DELETE FROM peer WHERE prefix IN (?)", a)
qq("DELETE FROM volatile.stat WHERE peer IN (?)", a)
# 'a != address' will evaluate to True because types differs
a = None
if a != address:
q("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO peer VALUES (?,?)", (prefix, address))
q("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO volatile.stat VALUES (?,0)", (prefix,))
......@@ -30,24 +30,27 @@ class getcallargs(type):
class RegistryServer(object):
__metaclass__ = getcallargs
_peers = 0, ()
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.cert_duration = 365 * 86400
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.sessions = {}
if self.config.private:
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
logging.warning('You have declared no private address'
', either this is the first start, or you should'
'check you configuration')
# Database initializing
self.db = sqlite3.connect(self.config.db, isolation_level=None,
self.db.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS config (
name text primary key,
value text)""")
(self.prefix,), = self.db.execute(
"SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='prefix'")
except ValueError:
self.prefix = None
self.db.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS token (
token text primary key not null,
email text not null,
......@@ -157,7 +160,7 @@ class RegistryServer(object):
s.sendmail(self._email, email, msg.as_string())
def _getPrefix(self, prefix_len):
def _newPrefix(self, prefix_len):
max_len = 128 - len(
assert 0 < prefix_len <= max_len
......@@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ class RegistryServer(object):
if len(prefix) < max_len or '1' in prefix:
return prefix
self.db.execute("UPDATE cert SET cert = 'reserved' WHERE prefix = ?", (prefix,))
return self._getPrefix(prefix_len)
return self._newPrefix(prefix_len)
def requestCertificate(self, token, req):
req = crypto.load_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, req)
......@@ -193,9 +196,13 @@ class RegistryServer(object):
if not prefix_len:
email = None
prefix = self._getPrefix(prefix_len)
prefix = self._newPrefix(prefix_len)
self.db.execute("UPDATE cert SET email = ? WHERE prefix = ?",
(email, prefix))
if self.prefix is None:
self.prefix = prefix
"INSERT INTO config VALUES ('prefix',?)", (prefix,))
return self._createCertificate(prefix, req.get_subject(),
......@@ -227,37 +234,51 @@ class RegistryServer(object):
def getCa(self):
return crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
def getPrefix(self, cn):
return self.prefix
def getPrivateAddress(self, cn):
return self.config.private
# BBB: Deprecated by getPrefix.
return utils.ipFromBin( + self.prefix)
def getBootstrapPeer(self, cn):
with self.lock:
cert = self._getCert(cn)
address = self.config.private, tunnel.PORT
age, peers = self._peers
if time.time() < age or not peers:
peers = [x[1] for x in utils.iterRoutes(]
self._peers = time.time() + 60, peers
peer = peers.pop()
if peer == cn:
# Very unlikely (e.g. peer restarted with empty cache),
# so don't bother looping over above code
# (in case 'peers' is empty).
peer = self.prefix
address = utils.ipFromBin( + peer), tunnel.PORT
self.sock.sendto('\2', address)
peer = None
while[self.sock], [], [], peer is None)[0]:
start = time.time()
timeout = 1
# Loop because there may be answers from previous requests.
while[self.sock], [], [], timeout)[0]:
msg = self.sock.recv(1<<16)
if msg[0] == '\1':
peer = msg[1:].split('\n')[-2]
except IndexError:
peer = ''
if peer is None:
raise EnvironmentError("Timeout while querying [%s]:%u" % address)
if not peer or peer.split()[0] == cn:
raise LookupError("No bootstrap peer found")"Sending bootstrap peer: %s", peer)
return utils.encrypt(cert, peer)
msg = msg[1:msg.index('\n')]
except ValueError:
if msg.split()[0] == peer:
timeout = max(0, time.time() - start)
raise EnvironmentError("Timeout while querying [%s]:%u"
% address)"Sending bootstrap peer: %s", msg)
return utils.encrypt(cert, msg)
def topology(self):
with self.lock:
is_registry = utils.binFromIp(self.config.private
peers = deque('%u/%u' % (int(x, 2), len(x))
for x, in self.db.execute("SELECT prefix FROM cert")
if is_registry(x))
assert len(peers) == 1
peers = deque(('%u/%u' % (int(self.prefix, 2), len(self.prefix)),))
cookie = hex(random.randint(0, 1<<32))[2:]
graph = dict.fromkeys(peers)
asked = 0
import logging, random, socket, subprocess, time
from collections import deque
from itertools import chain
from . import plib, utils
PORT = 326
RTF_CACHE = 0x01000000 # cache entry
# Be careful the refresh interval should let the routes be established
......@@ -278,8 +276,6 @@ class TunnelManager(object):
count -= self._makeTunnel(peer, address)
ip = utils.ipFromBin(self._network + peer)
# TODO: Send at least 1 address. This helps the registry
# node filling its cache when building a new network.
self.sock.sendto('\2', (ip, PORT))
except socket.error, e:
......@@ -317,23 +313,9 @@ class TunnelManager(object):
del self._distant_peers[:]
for conn in self._connection_dict.itervalues():
conn.routes = 0
a = len(self._network)
b = a + len(self._prefix)
other = []
with open('/proc/net/ipv6_route') as f:
self._last_routing_table =
for line in self._last_routing_table.splitlines():
line = line.split()
iface = line[-1]
if iface == 'lo' or int(line[-2], 16) & RTF_CACHE:
ip = bin(int(line[0], 16))[2:].rjust(128, '0')
if ip[:a] != self._network or ip[a:b] == self._prefix:
prefix_len = int(line[1], 16)
prefix = ip[a:prefix_len]
logging.trace('Route on iface %s detected to %s/%u',
iface, utils.ipFromBin(ip), prefix_len)
for iface, prefix in utils.iterRoutes(self._network, self._prefix):
assert iface != 'lo', (iface, prefix)
nexthop = self._iface_to_prefix.get(iface)
if nexthop:
self._connection_dict[nexthop].routes += 1
......@@ -343,10 +325,9 @@ class TunnelManager(object):
is_registry = self._peer_db.registry_ip[a:].startswith
if is_registry(self._prefix) or any(is_registry(peer)
for peer in chain(self._distant_peers, other,
self._served, self._connection_dict)):
registry = self._peer_db.registry_prefix
if registry == self._prefix or any(registry in x for x in (
self._distant_peers, other, self._served, self._connection_dict)):
self._disconnected = None
# XXX: When there is no new peer to connect when looking at routes
# coming from tunnels, we'd like to consider those discovered
......@@ -410,37 +391,34 @@ class TunnelManager(object):
code = ord(msg[0])
if code == 1: # answer
# We parse the message in a way to discard a truncated line.
for peer in msg[1:].split('\n')[:-1]:
# Old versions may send additional and obsolete addresses.
# Ignore them, as well as truncated lines.
prefix, address = peer.split()
prefix, address = msg[1:msg.index('\n')].split()
int(prefix, 2)
except ValueError:
if prefix != self._prefix:
self._peer_db.addPeer(prefix, address)
except KeyError:
self._makeTunnel(prefix, address)
elif code == 2: # request
encode = '%s %s\n'.__mod__
if self._address:
msg = [encode((self._prefix, self._address))]
else: # I don't know my IP yet!
msg = []
# Add an extra random peer, mainly for the registry.
if random.randint(0, self._peer_db.getPeerCount()):
if msg:
msg = '\1%s %s\n' % (self._prefix, self._address)
self.sock.sendto('\1' + ''.join(msg), address[:2])
self.sock.sendto(msg, address[:2])
except socket.error, e:'Failed to reply to %s (%s)', address, e)
#else: # I don't know my IP yet!
elif code == 255:
# the registry wants to know the topology for debugging purpose
if utils.binFromIp(address[0]) == self._peer_db.registry_ip:
if utils.binFromIp(address[0])[len(self._network):].startswith(
msg = ['\xfe%s%u/%u\n%u\n' % (msg[1:],
int(self._prefix, 2), len(self._prefix),
......@@ -155,6 +155,33 @@ def binFromSubnet(subnet):
p, l = subnet.split('/')
return bin(int(p))[2:].rjust(int(l), '0')
if 1:
def _iterRoutes():
with open('/proc/net/ipv6_route') as f:
routing_table =
for line in routing_table.splitlines():
line = line.split()
iface = line[-1]
if 0 < int(line[5], 16) < 1 << 31: # positive metric
yield (iface, bin(int(line[0], 16))[2:].rjust(128, '0'),
int(line[1], 16))
_iterRoutes.__doc__ = """Iterates over all routes
Amongst all returned routes starting with re6st prefix:
- one is the local one with our prefix
- any route with null prefix will be ignored
- other are reachable routes installed by babeld
def iterRoutes(network, exclude_prefix=None):
a = len(network)
for iface, ip, prefix_len in _iterRoutes():
if ip[:a] == network:
prefix = ip[a:prefix_len]
if prefix and prefix != exclude_prefix:
yield iface, prefix
def decrypt(key_path, data):
p = subprocess.Popen(
('openssl', 'rsautl', '-decrypt', '-inkey', key_path),
......@@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ def main():
r_pipe, write_pipe = os.pipe()
read_pipe = os.fdopen(r_pipe)
peer_db = db.PeerDB(db_path, registry, config.key, network, prefix)
cleanup.append(lambda: peer_db.cacheMinimize(config.client_count))
tunnel_manager = tunnel.TunnelManager(write_pipe, peer_db,
config.openvpn_args, timeout, config.tunnel_refresh,
config.client_count, config.iface_list, network, prefix,
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