Commit 039a80a5 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

another test passing w 3.2

parent 42b15c19
......@@ -47,8 +47,20 @@ Make sure the bootstrap script actually works::
d zc.buildout-...egg
By default it gets the latest version:
>>> buildout_script = join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout')
>>> if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
... buildout_script += ''
>>> print_(open(buildout_script).read()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
sys.path[0:0] = [
Now trying the `--version` option, that let you define a version for
`zc.buildout`. If not provided, bootstrap will look for the latest one.
Let's try with an unknown version::
......@@ -61,65 +73,23 @@ Let's try with an unknown version::
No local packages or download links found for zc.buildout==UNKNOWN
Now let's try with `1.1.2`, which happens to exist::
Now let's try with `2.0.0`, which happens to exist::
>>> print_('X'); print_(system(
... zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
... ' --version 1.1.2')); print_('X')
... ' --version 2.0.0')); print_('X')
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'.
Let's make sure the generated `buildout` script uses it::
>>> buildout_script = join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout')
>>> if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
... buildout_script += ''
>>> print_(open(buildout_script).read()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
import sys
sys.path[0:0] = [
import zc.buildout.buildout
if __name__ == '__main__':
Let's try with `1.2.1`::
>>> print_('X'); print_(system(
... zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
... ' --version 1.2.1')); print_('X') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'.
Let's make sure the generated `buildout` script uses it::
>>> print_(open(buildout_script).read()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
import sys
sys.path[0:0] = [
import zc.buildout.buildout
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -2893,6 +2893,7 @@ def bootstrapSetup(test):
sample_eggs = test.globs['sample_eggs']
ws = getWorkingSetWithBuildoutEgg(test)
makeNewRelease('zc.buildout', ws, sample_eggs, '2.0.0')
makeNewRelease('zc.buildout', ws, sample_eggs, '22.0.0')
os.environ['bootstrap-testing-find-links'] = test.globs['link_server']
test.globs['bootstrap_py'] = bootstrap_py
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