Commit 982a1f8f authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled Committed by Eteri

tests: new ui_dump_test helper

parent bc301de7
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Julien Muchembled <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import os, sys, weakref
from difflib import unified_diff
from pprint import pprint, pformat
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement \
import getSecurityManager, setSecurityManager
from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import Unauthorized
from Testing import ZopeTestCase
class ui_dump_test(object):
User Interface dump generator while running unit test.
This class is usually subclassed. If you wish to store dump file,
you should export os environment variable "save_<subclass_name>=1"
_enabled = None
def __hook(*method_path_list):
"""Helper function to easily inject code at the end of methods
Note: Methods are hooked permanently (when this module is imported), in
order to avoid any conflict with interaction workflows.
def _setHook(wrapped, method_path):
module_path, class_name, method_name = method_path.rsplit('.', 2)
cls = getattr(__import__(module_path, fromlist=(class_name,), level=0),
original_method = getattr(cls, method_name)
def hook(*args, **kw):
result = original_method(*args, **kw)
if ui_dump_test._enabled:
wrapped(ui_dump_test._enabled, result, *args, **kw)
return result
hook.__doc__ = original_method.__doc__
hook.__name__ = original_method.__name__
setattr(cls, method_name, hook)
def setHook(wrapped):
for method_path in method_path_list:
_setHook(wrapped, method_path)
return classmethod(wrapped)
return setHook
def __new__(cls, wrapped):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
self = object.__new__(cls)
self.__init__(*args, **kw)
ui_dump_test._enabled = self
result = wrapped(*args, **kw)
ui_dump_test._enabled = None
del self.context
return result
wrapper.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__
wrapper.__name__ = wrapped.__name__
return wrapper
def __init__(self, context, *args, **kw):
self.object_set = set()
self.last_id_dict = {}
self.virtual_path_dict = {}
self.track_object_dict = {}
self.dump = []
self.dump_index = 0
self.last_dump_dict = {}
self.context = context
self = weakref.proxy(self)
context.checkUISecurity = lambda ob: self.trackObject(
ob.getPhysicalPath()[2:], ob)
# TODO: hook LocalRoleAssignorMixIn.updateLocalRolesOnDocument
def Folder__setObject(__self, __result, self, id, object, *args, **kw):
container = self.getPhysicalPath()[2:]
path = container + (__result,)
__self.last_id_dict.setdefault(container, 0)
__self.last_id_dict[path] = None
__self.trackObject(path, object)
def DCWorkflowDefinition__executeTransition(__self, __result,
self, ob, *args, **kw):
__self.trackObject(ob.getPhysicalPath()[2:], ob)
_module_tracking_blacklist = {
def trackObject(self, path, ob):
if (len(path) > 1
and path[0] not in self._module_tracking_blacklist
and not path[0].startswith('fake_')
and not getattr(ob, 'isTempObject', bool)()):
def getVirtualId(self, obj):
"""Return the id for children of tracked objects
This allows to produce stable dumps.
return obj.getId()
def getVirtualPath(self, path, obj, raise_if_new=0):
virtual_path = self.virtual_path_dict.get(path)
if not virtual_path:
container = path[:-1]
virtual_id = self.last_id_dict.get(container, 1)
if virtual_id is None:
container = self.getVirtualPath(container, obj.getParentValue(), 1)
virtual_id = self.getVirtualId(obj)
assert not raise_if_new, "Tracking a subobject of a new and" \
" untracked object produces unstable dumps."
self.last_id_dict[container] += 1
self.virtual_path_dict[path] = virtual_path = container + (virtual_id,)
return virtual_path
def diff(self, expected_string):
diff = tuple(unified_diff(pformat(eval(expected_string)).splitlines(),
n=6, lineterm=''))
if diff:
return '\n'.join(diff[2:])
def check(self):
context = self.context
test_file = sys.modules[context.__class__.__module__].__file__
dump_name = self.__class__.__name__
dump_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(test_file)),
dump_name, '' %
save_env_name = 'save_' + dump_name
if os.environ.get(save_env_name) == '1':
with open(dump_path, 'w') as f:
pprint(self.dump, f)
# The following 2 lines are only for debugging purpose: it saves the
# actual results in a temporary place, so that when the diff is not
# clear enough, one can inspect them in whole.
with open(dump_path, 'w') as f:
pprint(self.dump, f)
with open(dump_path) as f:
diff = self.diff(
if diff:
msg = ("UI dump for %r changed:\n%s\n\nTo update the dump, please"
" run the test again setting the environment variable %r to 1.") % (dump_path, diff, save_env_name))
def getTrackingKey(self, path, obj):
"""Return the 'type' of object (only 1 object per 'type' is tracked)
For each 'type' of object, we only dump data for the object with the
smallest sorting key. This provides a way to avoid dumplicate dumps for
similar objects.
return path[0], obj.getParentValue().getPortalType(), obj.getPortalType()
def getSortingKey(self, obj):
"""Return a key to decide which object should be tracked
When there are several candidate objects for the same tracking key,
only the object with the smallest sorting key will be tracked.
This allows to produce stable dumps.
return obj.getId()
def getTrackedObjectList(self):
# Because objects may be created in a random order, we must filter objects
# to track at the last moment and provide an API so that the unit test can
# decide which object to keep.
best_object_dict = {}
traverse = self.context.portal.unrestrictedTraverse
for path in self.object_set:
obj = traverse(path)
key = self.getTrackingKey(path, obj)
tracked_object = self.track_object_dict.get(key)
if tracked_object == path:
yield path, obj
elif tracked_object is None:
best_object = best_object_dict.setdefault(key, [])
sorting_key = tuple(self.getSortingKey(x)
for x in obj.aq_chain[len(path)-1::-1])
if not best_object or sorting_key < best_object[0]:
best_object[:] = sorting_key, path, obj
for key, (sorting_key, path, obj) in best_object_dict.iteritems():
self.track_object_dict[key] = path
yield path, obj
def flush(self, result, *args, **kw):
if not self.object_set:
context = self.context
security_manager = getSecurityManager()
dump_list = []
# sort by path, to process parent objects before children
for path, obj in sorted(self.getTrackedObjectList()):
dump_dict = {}
for user_id in sorted(self.getUserList()):
if context.portal.restrictedTraverse(path, None) is None:
has_permission = getSecurityManager().getUser().has_permission
permission = ''.join(sorted(permission_code
for permission_code, permission in
if has_permission(permission, obj)))
dump = dict(permission=permission)
if 'V' in permission:
for action in action_list
if action['id'] != 'consistency'))
for action_type, action_list in context.portal.portal_actions
if action_list and action_type in ('object_view',
except Unauthorized:
dump_dict.setdefault(repr(dump), dump) \
.setdefault('user', []).append(user_id)
# switch back to previous user here, because the current user may
# not have permission to call some script used by getVirtualPath
path = self.getVirtualPath(path, obj)
dump = (path, dict(x for x in obj.getWorkflowStateItemList() if x[1]),
sorted(dump_dict.itervalues(), key=lambda x: x['user']))
if dump != self.last_dump_dict.get(path):
self.last_dump_dict[path] = dump
if dump_list:
dump_list.sort() # sort again by virtual path
self.dump += self.dump_index, dump_list
ZopeTestCase._print("\n Dumping UI with index : %i" % self.dump_index)
self.dump_index += 1
def getUserList(self):
return self.context.portal.acl_users.zodb_users.listUserIds()
def getPermissionDict(self):
return {
'A': 'Access contents information',
'C': 'Add portal content',
'M': 'Modify portal content',
'V': 'View',
del __hook
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