Commit 80be7b1b authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

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git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 3315627e
No related merge requests found
portal_types/Purchase Packing List Cell | apparel_fabric_item_fast_input
portal_types/Purchase Packing List Line | apparel_fabric_item_fast_input
\ No newline at end of file
Apparel Assortment Colour Variation | download
Apparel Assortment Colour Variation | image_view
Apparel Assortment Colour Variation | metadata
Apparel Assortment Colour Variation | print
Apparel Assortment Colour Variation | view
Apparel Assortment Module | csv_export
Apparel Assortment Module | csv_import
Apparel Assortment Module | list_ui
Apparel Assortment Module | print
Apparel Assortment Module | search
Apparel Assortment Module | sort_on
Apparel Assortment Module | view
Apparel Assortment Module | workflow_report
Apparel Assortment | history
Apparel Assortment | metadata
Apparel Assortment | print
Apparel Assortment | view
Apparel Assortment | view_related_apparel_transformation
Apparel Bath Module | csv_export
Apparel Bath Module | import_csv
Apparel Bath Module | list_ui
Apparel Bath Module | print
Apparel Bath Module | search
Apparel Bath Module | sort_on
Apparel Bath Module | view
Apparel Bath | history
Apparel Bath | metadata
Apparel Bath | print
Apparel Bath | view
Apparel Cloth Module | csv_export
Apparel Cloth Module | csv_import
Apparel Cloth Module | list_ui
Apparel Cloth Module | print
Apparel Cloth Module | search
Apparel Cloth Module | sort_on
Apparel Cloth Module | view
Apparel Cloth Module | workflow_report
Apparel Cloth | apparel_measure
Apparel Cloth | development
Apparel Cloth | history
Apparel Cloth | jump_to_related_apparel_model
Apparel Cloth | jump_to_related_apparel_model_morphology_variation
Apparel Cloth | metadata
Apparel Cloth | print
Apparel Cloth | view
Apparel Colour Range Module | csv_import
Apparel Colour Range Module | cvs_export
Apparel Colour Range Module | list_ui
Apparel Colour Range Module | print
Apparel Colour Range Module | search
Apparel Colour Range Module | sort_on
Apparel Colour Range Module | view
Apparel Colour Range Variation | history
Apparel Colour Range Variation | metadata
Apparel Colour Range Variation | print
Apparel Colour Range Variation | view
Apparel Colour Range | history
Apparel Colour Range | jump_to_related_apparel_model
Apparel Colour Range | metadata
Apparel Colour Range | print
Apparel Colour Range | view
Apparel Component Module | csv_export
Apparel Component Module | csv_import
Apparel Component Module | list_ui
Apparel Component Module | print
Apparel Component Module | search
Apparel Component Module | sort_on
Apparel Component Module | view
Apparel Component Module | workflow_report
Apparel Component Variation | download
Apparel Component Variation | history_view
Apparel Component Variation | image_view
Apparel Component Variation | metadata
Apparel Component Variation | print
Apparel Component Variation | view
Apparel Component | history
Apparel Component | instruction_view
Apparel Component | metadata
Apparel Component | price_view
Apparel Component | print
Apparel Component | view
Apparel Component | view_flow_capacity
Apparel Consumption Module | csv_export
Apparel Consumption Module | csv_import
Apparel Consumption Module | list_ui
Apparel Consumption Module | print
Apparel Consumption Module | search
Apparel Consumption Module | sort_on
Apparel Consumption Module | view
Apparel Consumption | history
Apparel Consumption | metadata
Apparel Consumption | print
Apparel Consumption | print_matrix
Apparel Consumption | view
Apparel Consumption | view_quantity
Apparel Fabric Colour Variation | download
Apparel Fabric Colour Variation | history
Apparel Fabric Colour Variation | image
Apparel Fabric Colour Variation | jump_to_related_apparel_colour_range_variation
Apparel Fabric Colour Variation | metadata
Apparel Fabric Colour Variation | print
Apparel Fabric Colour Variation | view
Apparel Fabric Item Module | csv_export
Apparel Fabric Item Module | import_csv
Apparel Fabric Item Module | list_ui
Apparel Fabric Item Module | print
Apparel Fabric Item Module | search
Apparel Fabric Item Module | sort_on
Apparel Fabric Item Module | view
Apparel Fabric Item | history
Apparel Fabric Item | metadata
Apparel Fabric Item | print
Apparel Fabric Item | view
Apparel Fabric Module | csv_export
Apparel Fabric Module | import_csv
Apparel Fabric Module | list_ui
Apparel Fabric Module | print
Apparel Fabric Module | search
Apparel Fabric Module | sort_on
Apparel Fabric Module | view
Apparel Fabric Module | workflow_report
Apparel Fabric | history
Apparel Fabric | instructions_view
Apparel Fabric | metadata
Apparel Fabric | print
Apparel Fabric | view
Apparel Fabric | view_composition
Apparel Fabric | view_flow_capacity
Apparel Fabric | view_price
Apparel Measurement Module | csv_export
Apparel Measurement Module | csv_import
Apparel Measurement Module | list_ui
Apparel Measurement Module | print
Apparel Measurement Module | search
Apparel Measurement Module | sort_on
Apparel Measurement Module | view
Apparel Measurement | customer_measure
Apparel Measurement | download
Apparel Measurement | history
Apparel Measurement | image
Apparel Measurement | jump_to_related_apparel_cloth
Apparel Measurement | jump_to_related_apparel_model
Apparel Measurement | metadata
Apparel Measurement | print
Apparel Measurement | view
Apparel Model Colour Variation | download
Apparel Model Colour Variation | image_view
Apparel Model Colour Variation | metadata
Apparel Model Colour Variation | print
Apparel Model Colour Variation | view
Apparel Model Module | csv_export
Apparel Model Module | csv_import
Apparel Model Module | list_ui
Apparel Model Module | print
Apparel Model Module | search
Apparel Model Module | sort_on
Apparel Model Module | view
Apparel Model Module | workflow_report
Apparel Model Morphology Variation | history
Apparel Model Morphology Variation | metadata
Apparel Model Morphology Variation | print
Apparel Model Morphology Variation | view
Apparel Model | copy_colour_range_variation
Apparel Model | development
Apparel Model | history
Apparel Model | inventory_view
Apparel Model | jump_to_related_apparel_model
Apparel Model | jump_to_related_apparel_transformation
Apparel Model | metadata
Apparel Model | morphology_variation
Apparel Model | print
Apparel Model | references
Apparel Model | view
Apparel Model | view_price
Apparel Model | view_variated_reference_list
Apparel Shape Module | csv_export
Apparel Shape Module | csv_import
Apparel Shape Module | list_ui
Apparel Shape Module | print
Apparel Shape Module | search
Apparel Shape Module | sort_on
Apparel Shape Module | view
Apparel Shape Module | workflow_report
Apparel Shape | development
Apparel Shape | history
Apparel Shape | jump_to_related_apparel_cloth
Apparel Shape | jump_to_related_apparel_model
Apparel Shape | jump_to_related_apparel_shape
Apparel Shape | metadata
Apparel Shape | print
Apparel Shape | view
Apparel Size Module | csv_export
Apparel Size Module | csv_import
Apparel Size Module | list_ui
Apparel Size Module | print
Apparel Size Module | search
Apparel Size Module | sort_on
Apparel Size Module | view
Apparel Size | customer_size
Apparel Size | history
Apparel Size | jump_to_related_apparel_model
Apparel Size | metadata
Apparel Size | print
Apparel Size | view
Apparel Technical Drawing | download
Apparel Technical Drawing | history
Apparel Technical Drawing | image_view
Apparel Technical Drawing | metadata
Apparel Technical Drawing | view
Apparel Transformation Assorted Resource | history
Apparel Transformation Assorted Resource | metadata
Apparel Transformation Assorted Resource | print
Apparel Transformation Assorted Resource | view
Apparel Transformation Assorted Resource | view_quantity
Apparel Transformation Module | csv_export
Apparel Transformation Module | csv_import
Apparel Transformation Module | list_ui
Apparel Transformation Module | print
Apparel Transformation Module | search
Apparel Transformation Module | sort_on
Apparel Transformation Module | view
Apparel Transformation Operation | complete_quantity_matrix
Apparel Transformation Operation | history
Apparel Transformation Operation | metadata
Apparel Transformation Operation | print
Apparel Transformation Operation | view
Apparel Transformation Operation | view_quantity
Apparel Transformation Transformed Resource | complete_quantity_matrix
Apparel Transformation Transformed Resource | complete_variation_matrix
Apparel Transformation Transformed Resource | history
Apparel Transformation Transformed Resource | metadata
Apparel Transformation Transformed Resource | print
Apparel Transformation Transformed Resource | view
Apparel Transformation Transformed Resource | view_quantity
Apparel Transformation Transformed Resource | view_variation
Apparel Transformation | expanded_view
Apparel Transformation | history
Apparel Transformation | jump_to_related_apparel_transformation
Apparel Transformation | metadata
Apparel Transformation | print
Apparel Transformation | update_variation_list
Apparel Transformation | view
Apparel Transformation | view_transformation_assorted_component
Apparel Transformation | view_transformation_component
Apparel Transformation | view_transformation_operation
Purchase Packing List Cell | apparel_fabric_item_fast_input
Purchase Packing List Line | apparel_fabric_item_fast_input
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