Commit af5d252c authored by Christian Ledermann's avatar Christian Ledermann

comfortable timespan and timestamp handling for features

parent 7bf44fe5
......@@ -116,38 +116,101 @@ class _Feature(_BaseObject):
name = None
#User-defined text displayed in the 3D viewer as the label for the
#object (for example, for a Placemark, Folder, or NetworkLink).
description = None
#User-supplied content that appears in the description balloon.
# User-defined text displayed in the 3D viewer as the label for the
# object (for example, for a Placemark, Folder, or NetworkLink).
visibility = 1
#Boolean value. Specifies whether the feature is drawn in the 3D
#viewer when it is initially loaded. In order for a feature to be
#visible, the <visibility> tag of all its ancestors must also be
#set to 1.
# Boolean value. Specifies whether the feature is drawn in the 3D
# viewer when it is initially loaded. In order for a feature to be
# visible, the <visibility> tag of all its ancestors must also be
# set to 1.
isopen = 0
#Boolean value. Specifies whether a Document or Folder appears
#closed or open when first loaded into the Places panel.
#0=collapsed (the default), 1=expanded.
# Boolean value. Specifies whether a Document or Folder appears
# closed or open when first loaded into the Places panel.
# 0=collapsed (the default), 1=expanded.
#TODO atom_author = None
# KML 2.2 supports new elements for including data about the author
# and related website in your KML file. This information is displayed
# in geo search results, both in Earth browsers such as Google Earth,
# and in other applications such as Google Maps.
#TODO atom_link = None
# Specifies the URL of the website containing this KML or KMZ file.
#TODO address = None
# A string value representing an unstructured address written as a
# standard street, city, state address, and/or as a postal code.
# You can use the <address> tag to specify the location of a point
# instead of using latitude and longitude coordinates.
#TODO phoneNumber = None
# A string value representing a telephone number.
# This element is used by Google Maps Mobile only.
_snippet = None #XXX
# _snippet is eiter a tuple of a string Snippet.text and an integer
# Snippet.maxLines or a string
# A short description of the feature. In Google Earth, this
# description is displayed in the Places panel under the name of the
# feature. If a Snippet is not supplied, the first two lines of
# the <description> are used. In Google Earth, if a Placemark
# contains both a description and a Snippet, the <Snippet> appears
# beneath the Placemark in the Places panel, and the <description>
# appears in the Placemark's description balloon. This tag does not
# support HTML markup. <Snippet> has a maxLines attribute, an integer
# that specifies the maximum number of lines to display.
description = None
#User-supplied content that appears in the description balloon.
_styleUrl = None
#URL of a <Style> or <StyleMap> defined in a Document.
#If the style is in the same file, use a # reference.
#If the style is defined in an external file, use a full URL
#along with # referencing.
_styles = None
_time_span = None
_time_stamp = None
# URL of a <Style> or <StyleMap> defined in a Document.
# If the style is in the same file, use a # reference.
# If the style is defined in an external file, use a full URL
# along with # referencing.
#XXX atom_author = None
#XXX atom_link = None
_styles = None
# One or more Styles and StyleMaps can be defined to customize the
# appearance of any element derived from Feature or of the Geometry
# in a Placemark.
# A style defined within a Feature is called an "inline style" and
# applies only to the Feature that contains it. A style defined as
# the child of a <Document> is called a "shared style." A shared
# style must have an id defined for it. This id is referenced by one
# or more Features within the <Document>. In cases where a style
# element is defined both in a shared style and in an inline style
# for a Feature—that is, a Folder, GroundOverlay, NetworkLink,
# Placemark, or ScreenOverlay—the value for the Feature's inline
# style takes precedence over the value for the shared style.
_time_span = None #XXX
# Associates this Feature with a period of time.
_time_stamp = None #XXX
# Associates this Feature with a point in time.
#TODO Region = None
# Features and geometry associated with a Region are drawn only when
# the Region is active.
#TODO ExtendedData = None
# Allows you to add custom data to a KML file. This data can be
# (1) data that references an external XML schema,
# (2) untyped data/value pairs, or
# (3) typed data.
# A given KML Feature can contain a combination of these types of
# custom data.
# <Metadata> (deprecated in KML 2.2; use <ExtendedData> instead)
def __init__(self, ns=None, id=None, name=None, description=None,
styles=None, styleUrl=None):
super(_Feature, self).__init__(ns, id)
if styleUrl is not None:
self.styleUrl = styleUrl
self.styleUrl = styleUrl
self._styles = []
if styles:
for style in styles:
......@@ -156,7 +219,7 @@ class _Feature(_BaseObject):
def styleUrl(self):
""" Returns the url only, not a full StyleUrl object.
if you need the full StyleUrl use _styleUrl """
if you need the full StyleUrl object use _styleUrl """
if isinstance(self._styleUrl, StyleUrl):
return self._styleUrl.url
......@@ -173,7 +236,57 @@ class _Feature(_BaseObject):
raise ValueError
def timeStamp(self):
""" This just returns the datetime portion of the timestamp"""
if self._time_stamp is not None:
return self._time_stamp.timestamp[0]
def timeStamp(self, dt):
if dt == None:
self._time_stamp = None
self._time_stamp = TimeStamp(timestamp=dt)
if self._time_span is not None:
logger.warn('Setting a TimeStamp, TimeSpan deleted')
self._time_span = None
def begin(self):
if self._time_span is not None:
return self._time_span.begin[0]
def begin(self, dt):
if self._time_span is None:
self._time_span = TimeSpan(begin=dt)
if self._time_span.begin is None:
self._time_span.begin = [dt, None]
self._time_span.begin[0] = dt
if self._time_stamp is not None:
logger.warn('Setting a TimeSpan, TimeStamp deleted')
self._time_stamp = None
def end(self):
if self._time_span is not None:
return self._time_span.end[0]
def end(self, dt):
if self._time_span is None:
self._time_span = TimeStamp(end=dt)
if self._time_span.end is None:
self._time_span.end = [dt, None]
self._time_span.end[0] = dt
if self._time_stamp is not None:
logger.warn('Setting a TimeSpan, TimeStamp deleted')
self._time_stamp = None
def append_style(self, style):
""" append a style to the feature """
......@@ -201,17 +314,28 @@ class _Feature(_BaseObject):
description.text = self.description
visibility = etree.SubElement(element, "%svisibility" %self.ns)
visibility.text = str(self.visibility)
isopen = etree.SubElement(element, "%sopen" %self.ns)
isopen.text = str(self.isopen)
if self.isopen:
isopen = etree.SubElement(element, "%sopen" %self.ns)
isopen.text = str(self.isopen)
if self._styleUrl is not None:
for style in self.styles():
if self._snippet:
snippet = etree.SubElement(element, "%sSnippet" %self.ns)
if isinstance(self._snippet, basestring):
snippet.text = self._snippet
assert (isinstance(self._snippet[0], basestring))
snippet.text = self._snippet[0]
if self._snippet[1]:
snippet.set('maxLines', str(self._snippet[1]))
if (self._time_span is not None) and (self._time_stamp is not None):
raise ValueError
#elif self._time_span:
# timespan = TimeStamp(self.ns, begin=self._time_span[0][0],
# begin_res=self._time_span[0][1])
raise ValueError('Either Timestamp or Timespan can be defined, not both')
elif self._time_span:
elif self._time_stamp:
return element
......@@ -250,7 +374,23 @@ class _Feature(_BaseObject):
s = StyleUrl(self.ns)
self._styleUrl = s
#XXX Timespan/stamp
snippet = element.find('%sSnippet' % self.ns)
if snippet is not None:
self._snippet = ('',0)
self._snippet[0] = snippet.text
if snippet.get('maxLines'):
self._snippet[1] = int(snippet.get('maxLines'))
timespan = element.find('%sTimeSpan' % self.ns)
if timespan is not None:
s = TimeSpan()
self._time_span = s
timestamp = element.find('%sTimeStamp' % self.ns)
if timestamp is not None:
s = TimeStamp()
self._time_stamp = s
......@@ -529,9 +669,25 @@ class _TimePrimitive(_BaseObject):
RESOLUTIONS = ['gYear', 'gYearMonth', 'date', 'dateTime']
def get_resolution(self, dt, resolution):
if resolution:
if resolution not in self.RESOLUTIONS:
raise ValueError
return resolution
if isinstance(dt, datetime):
resolution = 'dateTime'
elif isinstance(dt, date):
resolution = 'date'
resolution = None
return resolution
def parse_str(self, datestr):
resolution = 'dateTime'
year = 1900
year = 0
month = 1
day = 1
if len(datestr) == 4:
......@@ -556,31 +712,23 @@ class _TimePrimitive(_BaseObject):
dt = dateutil.parser.parse(datestr)
raise ValueError
return dt, resolution
return [dt, resolution]
def date_to_string(self, dt, resolution=None):
if resolution:
if resolution not in self.RESOLUTIONS:
raise ValueError
if isinstance(dt, datetime):
resolution = 'dateTime'
elif isinstance(dt, date):
resolution = 'date'
raise ValueError
if resolution == 'gYear':
return dt.strftime('%Y')
elif resolution == 'gYearMonth':
return dt.strftime('%Y-%m')
elif resolution == 'date':
if isinstance(dt, datetime):
elif resolution == 'dateTime':
return dt.isoformat()
if isinstance(dt, (date, datetime)):
resolution = self.get_resolution(dt, resolution)
if resolution == 'gYear':
return dt.strftime('%Y')
elif resolution == 'gYearMonth':
return dt.strftime('%Y-%m')
elif resolution == 'date':
if isinstance(dt, datetime):
return dt.isoformat()
elif resolution == 'dateTime':
return dt.isoformat()
class TimeStamp(_TimePrimitive):
......@@ -588,10 +736,10 @@ class TimeStamp(_TimePrimitive):
__name__ = 'TimeStamp'
timestamp = None
def __init__(self, ns=None, id=None, timestamp=None, resolution='dateTime'):
super(TimeStamp, self).__init__(ns, id)
if timestamp:
self.timestamp = (timestamp, resolution)
def __init__(self, ns=None, id=None, timestamp=None, resolution=None):
super(TimeStamp, self).__init__(ns, id)
resolution = self.get_resolution(timestamp, resolution)
self.timestamp = [timestamp, resolution]
def etree_element(self):
element = super(TimeStamp, self).etree_element()
......@@ -614,13 +762,15 @@ class TimeSpan(_TimePrimitive):
begin = None
end = None
def __init__(self, ns=None, id=None, begin=None, begin_res='dateTime',
end=None, end_res='dateTime'):
super(TimeStamp, self).__init__(ns, id)
def __init__(self, ns=None, id=None, begin=None, begin_res=None,
end=None, end_res=None):
super(TimeSpan, self).__init__(ns, id)
if begin:
self.begin = (begin, begin_res)
resolution = self.get_resolution(begin, begin_res)
self.begin = [begin, resolution]
if end:
self.end = (end, end_res)
resolution = self.get_resolution(end, end_res)
self.end = [end, resolution]
def from_element(self, element):
super(TimeSpan, self).from_element(element)
......@@ -634,8 +784,16 @@ class TimeSpan(_TimePrimitive):
def etree_element(self):
element = super(TimeSpan, self).etree_element()
if self.begin is not None:
begin = etree.SubElement(element, "%sbegin" %self.ns)
begin.text = self.date_to_string(*self.begin)
text = self.date_to_string(*self.begin)
if text:
begin = etree.SubElement(element, "%sbegin" %self.ns)
begin.text = text
if self.end is not None:
end = etree.SubElement(element, "%send" %self.ns)
end.text = self.date_to_string(*self.end)
text = self.date_to_string(*self.end)
if text:
end = etree.SubElement(element, "%send" %self.ns)
end.text = text
if self.begin == self.end == None:
raise ValueError("Either begin, end or both must be set")
#TODO test if end > begin
return element
......@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ class StyleUrl(_BaseObject):
element.text = self.url
return element
logger.critical('No url given for styleUrl')
raise ValueError
raise ValueError('No url given for styleUrl')
def from_element(self, element):
super(StyleUrl, self).from_element(element)
......@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ class Style(_StyleSelector):
def styles(self):
for style in self._styles:
if isinstance(style, _ColorStyle):
if isinstance(style, (_ColorStyle, BalloonStyle)):
yield style
raise TypeError
......@@ -106,6 +105,7 @@ class Style(_StyleSelector):
thestyle = LabelStyle(self.ns)
#XXX BalloonStyle
def etree_element(self):
element = super(Style, self).etree_element()
......@@ -373,4 +373,7 @@ class LabelStyle(_ColorStyle):
self.scale = float(scale.text)
class BalloonStyle(_BaseObject):
""" Specifies how the description balloon for placemarks is drawn.
The <bgColor>, if specified, is used as the background color of
the balloon."""
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from fastkml import kml
from fastkml import styles
from fastkml import base
from fastkml import config
import datetime
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon
......@@ -43,8 +44,28 @@ class BaseClassesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_Feature(self):
f = kml._Feature(name='A Feature')
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, f.etree_element)
self.assertEqual(, 'A Feature')
self.assertEqual(f.visibility, 1)
self.assertEqual(f.isopen, 0)
#self.assertEqual(f.atom_author, None)
#self.assertEqual(f.atom_link, None)
#self.assertEqual(f.address, None)
#self.assertEqual(f.phoneNumber, None)
self.assertEqual(f._snippet, None)
self.assertEqual(f.description, None)
self.assertEqual(f._styleUrl, None)
self.assertEqual(f._styles, [])
self.assertEqual(f._time_span, None)
self.assertEqual(f._time_stamp, None)
#self.assertEqual(f.region, None)
#self.assertEqual(f.extended_data, None)
f.__name__ = 'Feature'
f.styleUrl = '#default'
self.assertTrue('Feature>' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('#default' in f.to_string())
def test_Container(self):
......@@ -68,7 +89,7 @@ class BuildKmlTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
k = kml.KML()
self.assertEqual(len( list(k.features())),0)
self.assertEqual( k.to_string(),
'<ns0:kml xmlns:ns0=""/>')
'<ns0:kml xmlns:ns0=""/>')
k2 = kml.KML()
self.assertEqual(k.to_string(), k2.to_string())
......@@ -631,12 +652,122 @@ class StyleFromStringTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
self.assertEqual(k.to_string(), k2.to_string())
class DateTimeTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
def test_timestamp(self):
now =
ts = kml.TimeStamp(timestamp=now)
self.assertEqual(ts.timestamp, [now, 'dateTime'])
self.assertTrue('TimeStamp>' in ts.to_string())
self.assertTrue('when>' in ts.to_string())
self.assertTrue(now.isoformat() in ts.to_string())
y2k =,1,1)
ts = kml.TimeStamp(timestamp=y2k)
self.assertEqual(ts.timestamp, [y2k, 'date'])
self.assertTrue('2000-01-01' in ts.to_string())
def test_timestamp_resolution(self):
now =
ts = kml.TimeStamp(timestamp=now)
self.assertTrue(now.isoformat() in ts.to_string())
ts.timestamp[1] = 'date'
self.assertTrue( in ts.to_string())
self.assertFalse(now.isoformat() in ts.to_string())
year = str(now.year)
ym = now.strftime('%Y-%m')
ts.timestamp[1] = 'gYearMonth'
self.assertTrue(ym in ts.to_string())
self.assertFalse( in ts.to_string())
ts.timestamp[1] = 'gYear'
self.assertTrue(year in ts.to_string())
self.assertFalse(ym in ts.to_string())
ts.timestamp = None
self.assertRaises(TypeError, ts.to_string)
def test_timespan(self):
now =
y2k = datetime.datetime(2000,1,1)
ts = kml.TimeSpan(end=now, begin=y2k)
self.assertEqual(ts.end, [now, 'dateTime'])
self.assertEqual(ts.begin, [y2k, 'dateTime'])
self.assertTrue('TimeSpan>' in ts.to_string())
self.assertTrue('begin>' in ts.to_string())
self.assertTrue('end>' in ts.to_string())
self.assertTrue(now.isoformat() in ts.to_string())
self.assertTrue(y2k.isoformat() in ts.to_string())
ts.end = None
self.assertFalse(now.isoformat() in ts.to_string())
self.assertTrue(y2k.isoformat() in ts.to_string())
ts.begin = None
self.assertRaises(ValueError, ts.to_string)
def test_feature_timestamp(self):
now =
f = kml.Document()
f.timeStamp = now
self.assertTrue(now.isoformat() in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('TimeStamp>' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('when>' in f.to_string())
f.timeStamp =
self.assertTrue( in f.to_string())
self.assertFalse(now.isoformat() in f.to_string())
f.timeStamp = None
self.assertFalse('TimeStamp>' in f.to_string())
def test_feature_timespan(self):
now =
y2k =,1,1)
f = kml.Document()
f.begin = y2k
f.end = now
self.assertTrue(now.isoformat() in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('2000-01-01' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('TimeSpan>' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('begin>' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('end>' in f.to_string())
f.end = None
self.assertFalse(now.isoformat() in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('2000-01-01' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('TimeSpan>' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('begin>' in f.to_string())
self.assertFalse('end>' in f.to_string())
f.begin = None
self.assertFalse('TimeSpan>' in f.to_string())
def test_feature_timespan_stamp(self):
now =
y2k =,1,1)
f = kml.Document()
f.begin = y2k
f.end = now
self.assertTrue(now.isoformat() in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('2000-01-01' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('TimeSpan>' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('begin>' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('end>' in f.to_string())
self.assertFalse('TimeStamp>' in f.to_string())
self.assertFalse('when>' in f.to_string())
f.timeStamp = now
self.assertTrue(now.isoformat() in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('TimeStamp>' in f.to_string())
self.assertTrue('when>' in f.to_string())
self.assertFalse('2000-01-01' in f.to_string())
self.assertFalse('TimeSpan>' in f.to_string())
self.assertFalse('begin>' in f.to_string())
self.assertFalse('end>' in f.to_string())
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite( KmlFromStringTestCase ))
suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite( BuildKmlTestCase ))
suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite( StyleFromStringTestCase ))
return suite
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