Commit 11094475 authored by Kevin Deldycke's avatar Kevin Deldycke

Mass category import from an OpenOffice document is now much more flexible.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent df0071f4
No related merge requests found
......@@ -75,40 +75,53 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import convertToUpperCase\n
OOoParser = OOoParser()\n
def getIdFromString(string=None):\n
def getIDFromString(string=None):\n
This function transform a string to a safe id.\n
It is used here to create a safe category id from a string.\n
This function transform a string to a safe and beautiful ID.\n
It is used here to create a safe category ID from a string.\n
clean_id = \'\'\n
if string == None:\n
return None\n
translation_map = { "a": [\'\\xe0\']\n
, "e": [\'\\xe9\', \'\\xe8\']\n
clean_id = \'\'\n
translation_map = { \'a\' : [u\'\\xe0\', u\'\\xe3\']\n
, \'e\' : [u\'\\xe9\', u\'\\xe8\']\n
, \'i\' : [u\'\\xed\']\n
, \'u\' : [u\'\\xf9\']\n
, \'_\' : [\' \', \'+\']\n
, \'-\' : [\'-\', u\'\\u2013\']\n
, \'and\': [\'&\']\n
# Replace odd chars by safe ascii\n
string = string.lower()\n
string = string.strip()\n
# oocalc inserts some strange chars when you press - key in a text cell.\n
# Following line is a workaround for this, because \\u2013 does not exist in latin1\n
string = string.replace(u\'\\u2013\', \'-\')\n
for char in string.encode(\'iso8859_1\'):\n
if char == \'_\' or char.isalnum():\n
clean_id += char\n
elif char.isspace() or char in (\'+\', \'-\'):\n
clean_id += \'_\'\n
for (safe_char, char_list) in translation_map.items():\n
if char in char_list:\n
clean_id += safe_char\n
for char in char_list:\n
string = string.replace(char, safe_char)\n
# Exclude all non alphanumeric chars\n
for char in string:\n
if char.isalnum() or char in translation_map.keys():\n
clean_id += char\n
# Delete leading and trailing char which are not alpha-numerics\n
# This prevent having IDs with starting underscores\n
while len(clean_id) > 0 and not clean_id[0].isalnum():\n
clean_id = clean_id[1:]\n
while len(clean_id) > 0 and not clean_id[-1].isalnum():\n
clean_id = clean_id[:-1]\n
return clean_id\n
# Extract tables from the speadsheet file\n
filename = OOoParser.getFilename()\n
spreadsheets = OOoParser.getSpreadsheetsMapping()\n
# Some statistics\n
new_category_counter = 0\n
updated_category_counter = 0\n
total_category_counter = 0\n
for table_name in spreadsheets.keys():\n
......@@ -119,7 +132,7 @@ for table_name in spreadsheets.keys():\n
column_index = 0\n
path_index = 0\n
for column in columns_header:\n
column_id = getIdFromString(column)\n
column_id = getIDFromString(column)\n
# This give us the information that the path definition has started\n
path_def_started = \'path_0\' in property_map.values()\n
# The path of the category has started to be expressed\n
......@@ -147,28 +160,51 @@ for table_name in spreadsheets.keys():\n
# The first category is the Base category\n
# 1 table = 1 base category\n
base_category_name = table_name\n
base_category_id = getIdFromString(base_category_name)\n
base_category_id = getIDFromString(base_category_name)\n
categories.append({ \'path\' : base_category_id\n
, \'title\' : base_category_name\n
, \'title\': base_category_name\n
# This path_elements help us to reconstruct the absolute path\n
path_elements = []\n
for line in spreadsheets[table_name][1:]:\n
category_properties = {}\n
# Exclude empty lines\n
if line.count(\'\') + line.count(None) == len(line):\n
# Analyse every cells of the line\n
# Prefetch line datas\n
cell_index = 0\n
line_data = {}\n
for cell in line:\n
# Ignore empty cells, do the test on the generated id because getIdFromString() is more restrictive\n
cell_id = getIdFromString(cell)\n
if cell_id not in (\'\', None):\n
# Get the property corresponding to the cell data\n
property_id = property_map[cell_index]\n
line_data[property_id] = cell\n
cell_index += 1\n
# Analyse every cells of the line\n
category_properties = {}\n
cell_index = 0\n
for (property_id, cell_data) in line_data.items():\n
# Try to generate a cell id from cell data\n
cell_id = getIDFromString(cell_data)\n
# Returned cell_id can be None or \'\' (empty string). Both have different meaning:\n
# None : no data was inputed by the user.\n
# \'\' : data entered by the user, but no good transformation of the string to a safe ID.\n
# In case of an empty string, we should use the title as path id if present.\n
# If the cell_id tranformation return anything, and if the cell is a path item,\n
# we should try to use the line title (if exist) as basic info to get the safe id.\n
if cell_id == \'\' and property_id.startswith(\'path_\'):\n
if line_data.has_key(\'title\'):\n
cell_id = getIDFromString(line_data[\'title\'])\n
# Ignore empty cells\n
if cell_id not in (\'\', None):\n
# Handle normal properties\n
if not property_id.startswith(\'path_\'):\n
category_properties[property_id] = cell\n
category_properties[property_id] = cell_data\n
# Handle \'path\' property\n
path_element_id = cell_id\n
......@@ -186,22 +222,28 @@ for table_name in spreadsheets.keys():\n
# Get the next depth\n
category_properties[\'path\'] = \'/\'.join([base_category_id,] + absolut_path_element_list[::-1])\n
# If no title, get it from raw cell value\n
if \'title\' not in category_properties.keys():\n
clean_title = cell.strip()\n
clean_title = cell_data.strip()\n
if clean_title != cell_id:\n
category_properties[\'title\'] = clean_title\n
# Save the path element\n
path_elements.append({ \'depth\' : element_depth\n
, \'value\' : path_element_id\n
path_elements.append({ \'depth\': element_depth\n
, \'value\': path_element_id\n
# Proceed to next cell\n
cell_index += 1\n
if len(category_properties) > 0 and \'path\' in category_properties.keys():\n
# Create categories\n
total_category_counter += len(categories)\n
for category in categories:\n
is_new_category = False\n
keys = category.keys()\n
if \'path\' in keys:\n
base_path_obj = context.portal_categories\n
......@@ -209,6 +251,7 @@ for table_name in spreadsheets.keys():\n
for category_id in category[\'path\'].split(\'/\'):\n
# The current category is not existing\n
if category_id not in base_path_obj.contentIds():\n
# Create the category\n
if is_base_category:\n
category_type = \'Base Category\'\n
......@@ -218,6 +261,8 @@ for table_name in spreadsheets.keys():\n
, id = category_id\n
, immediate_reindex = 1\n
is_new_category = True\n
new_category_counter += 1\n
base_path_obj = base_path_obj[category_id]\n
is_base_category = False\n
new_category = base_path_obj\n
......@@ -225,20 +270,37 @@ for table_name in spreadsheets.keys():\n
# Set the category properties\n
for key in keys:\n
if key != \'path\':\n
method_id = "set" + convertToUpperCase(key)\n
setter_method_id = "set" + convertToUpperCase(key)\n
getter_method_id = "get" + convertToUpperCase(key)\n
value = category[key]\n
if value not in (\'\', None):\n
if hasattr(new_category, method_id):\n
method = getattr(new_category, method_id)\n
if key != \'int_index\':\n
# Convert the value to something like \'\\xc3\\xa9\' not \'\\xc3\\xa9\'\n
# Get the current value of the attribute\n
if hasattr(new_category, getter_method_id):\n
getter = getattr(new_category, getter_method_id)\n
previous_value = getter()\n
new_value = value.encode(\'UTF-8\')\n
# Do not update or set object attribute if the vale remain the same.\n
if previous_value != new_value:\n
if hasattr(new_category, setter_method_id):\n
setter = getattr(new_category, setter_method_id)\n
# Update statistics\n
if not is_new_category:\n
updated_category_counter += 1\n
# Import is a success, go back to the portal_categories tool\n
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.portal_categories.absolute_url() + \'/view?portal_status_message=\' + filename + \'+successfully+imported\')\n
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(\n
% ( context.portal_categories.absolute_url()\n
, total_category_counter\n
, filename\n
, new_category_counter\n
, updated_category_counter\n
, total_category_counter - new_category_counter - updated_category_counter\n
]]></string> </value>
......@@ -290,10 +352,13 @@ return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.portal_categories.absolute_url(
......@@ -311,12 +376,14 @@ return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.portal_categories.absolute_url(
......@@ -326,6 +393,8 @@ return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.portal_categories.absolute_url(
......@@ -333,14 +402,17 @@ return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.portal_categories.absolute_url(
2006-10-03 Kevin
* Mass category import from an OpenOffice document is now much more flexible.
2006-09-15 Aurel
* remove immediateReindex and pass parameter explicitely in Base_validateRelation
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