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Commit 34277487 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

fix structured text format for HelpSys

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent cfb40d2c
ERP5 is based on a Rapid Application Developpment (RAD) Overview
framework: **ERP5Type**. ERP5Type allows to reduce by 50% or more
the number of lines of code needed to develop a Zope / CMF application. ERP5 is based on a Rapid Application Developpment (RAD) framework:
It provides an efficient way to create complex forms. It implements **ERP5Type**. ERP5Type allows to reduce by 50% or more the number of lines of
categories and relations. It also includes a flexible and fast code needed to develop a Zope / CMF application. It provides an efficient
cataloging mechanism for ERP documents based on simple SQL queries. way to create complex forms. It implements categories and relations. It also
**With ERP5Type, the Zope object database can be queried using includes a flexible and fast cataloging mechanism for ERP documents based on
simple or complex SQL queries and implements relations.** simple SQL queries.
In this chapter, we shall introduce the ERP5 RAD. **With ERP5Type, the Zope object database can be queried using simple or
complex SQL queries and implements relations.**
In this chapter, we shall introduce the ERP5 RAD.
ERP5Type: professional ERP applications in a matter of minutes ERP5Type: professional ERP applications in a matter of minutes
ERP systems involve many different attribute names which PropertySheets
can be used in different contexts. For example, a resource
may have a default global price. A path may define a default price
for specific source.
ERP5 uses PropertySheets in order to provide an explicit data model ERP systems involve many different attribute names which
which is used independently from interfaces. The role of interfaces can be used in different contexts. For example, a resource
is to define common explicit behaviour which can be implemented through may have a default global price. A path may define a default price
by different classes. The role of property sheets is for specific source.
to define common **attribute sets** which can be stored on instances
of different documents.
PropertySheets also hold explicit information about of the ERP data structure. ERP5 uses PropertySheets in order to provide an explicit data model
For example, some documents may not hold themselves pricing information which is used independently from interfaces. The role of interfaces
but rather acquire it through the order or the sourcing contract they depend from. is to define common explicit behaviour which can be implemented through
by different classes. The role of property sheets is
to define common **attribute sets** which can be stored on instances
of different documents.
ERP5 implements this feature through **explicit acquisition**. The value PropertySheets also hold explicit information about of the ERP data structure.
of attributes can be obtained by looking up the value of that attribute For example, some documents may not hold themselves pricing information
on another related document or by calling a method on another related document. but rather acquire it through the order or the sourcing contract they depend from.
Explicit acquisition requires to define relations between documents. The general ERP5 implements this feature through **explicit acquisition**. The value
model adopted by ERP5 is a **categorization** model which is equivalent to of attributes can be obtained by looking up the value of that attribute
a DACG model (Direct Acyclic Colored Graph). Thanks to Zope acquisition, this model on another related document or by calling a method on another related document.
is theoretically equivalent to a relationnal model.
We will explain bellow how those three concepts (attribute sets, categorization and Explicit acquisition requires to define relations between documents. The general
explicit acquisition) relate and how to define new Property Sheets in ERP5. model adopted by ERP5 is a **categorization** model which is equivalent to
a DACG model (Direct Acyclic Colored Graph). Thanks to Zope acquisition, this model
is theoretically equivalent to a relationnal model.
Attribute Sets We will explain bellow how those three concepts (attribute sets, categorization and
explicit acquisition) relate and how to define new Property Sheets in ERP5.
Attribute Sets
ERP5 uses Attribute Sets based on an approach which was originally developped ERP5 uses Attribute Sets based on an approach which was originally developped
by Max M. for its Zope Easy Product ( by Max M. for its Zope Easy Product (
...@@ -228,7 +230,7 @@ Attribute Sets ...@@ -228,7 +230,7 @@ Attribute Sets
*Implementation*: functions createDefaultAccessors and *Implementation*: functions createDefaultAccessors and
Categories Categories
First of all, a certain number First of all, a certain number
...@@ -314,7 +316,7 @@ Categories ...@@ -314,7 +316,7 @@ Categories
in in
Categories and relations Categories and relations
Categories allow to implement document categorization but also relations. Categories allow to implement document categorization but also relations.
In ERP5, categories are managed by a portal tool names **portal_categories**. In ERP5, categories are managed by a portal tool names **portal_categories**.
...@@ -352,7 +354,7 @@ Categories and relations ...@@ -352,7 +354,7 @@ Categories and relations
**All relations are therefore treated in ERP5 as categories** **All relations are therefore treated in ERP5 as categories**
Explicit Relational Acquisition Explicit Relational Acquisition
One of the purpose of property sheets is to create One of the purpose of property sheets is to create
...@@ -420,21 +422,21 @@ Explicit Relational Acquisition ...@@ -420,21 +422,21 @@ Explicit Relational Acquisition
_getReferenceList _getReferenceList
Do I need to create an attribute for a category ? Do I need to create an attribute for a category ?
It depends : if some information can be in a different application, It depends : if some information can be in a different application,
you need to holde the information somewhere, .... you need to holde the information somewhere, ....
Possible scenario Possible scenario
copy_value copy_value
mask_value mask_value
sync_value sync_value
Future Future
Atribute lookup should be put outside property sheet Atribute lookup should be put outside property sheet
into a tool ? into a tool ?
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