Commit 14291c24 authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander Trofimov


git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@55211 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 2d8a1be4
#include "GraphicsPath.h"
namespace Aggplus
// GraphicsPath
CGraphicsPath::CGraphicsPath() : ISimpleGraphicsPath()
m_bEvenOdd = false;
CGraphicsPath* CGraphicsPath::Clone()
CGraphicsPath* pNew = new CGraphicsPath();
pNew->m_agg_ps = m_agg_ps;
pNew->m_bEvenOdd = m_bEvenOdd;
return pNew;
Status CGraphicsPath::Reset()
m_bIsMoveTo = false;
return Ok;
void CGraphicsPath::SetRuler(bool bEvenOdd)
m_bEvenOdd = bEvenOdd;
Status CGraphicsPath::StartFigure()
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::CloseFigure()
return Ok;
bool CGraphicsPath::Is_poly_closed()
if (!m_agg_ps.total_vertices())
return true;
double x, y;
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.last_vertex(&x, &y);
if (nTip & agg::path_flags_close)
return true;
return false;
Status CGraphicsPath::MoveTo(double x, double y)
m_bIsMoveTo = true;
m_agg_ps.move_to(x, y);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::LineTo(double x, double y)
m_agg_ps.line_to(x, y);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::CurveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
m_agg_ps.curve4(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.move_to(x1, y1);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x1, y1);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x2, y2);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddLines(double* pPoints, int nCount)
if (4 > nCount)
return InvalidParameter;
int nRet = 0;
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
MoveTo(pPoints[0], pPoints[1]);
/*if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.move_to((double)pPoints[0], (double)pPoints[1]);
m_agg_ps.line_to((double)pPoints[0], (double)pPoints[1]);
int n = (nCount / 2) - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
const double* points = &pPoints[i * 2];
m_agg_ps.line_to(points[0], points[1]);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddBezier(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4)
if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.move_to(x1, y1);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x1, y1);
m_agg_ps.curve4(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddBeziers(double* pPoints, int nCount)
if (8 > nCount)
return InvalidParameter;
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
MoveTo(pPoints[0], pPoints[1]);
const double* points = pPoints;
agg::curve4 curve;
curve.init(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5], points[6], points[7]);
if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.concat_path(curve, 0);
m_agg_ps.join_path(curve, 0);
int nCountTo = (nCount - 8) / 6;
for (int i = 0; i < nCountTo; ++i)
points = pPoints + 8 + 6 * i;
CurveTo(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5]);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddCurve(double* pPoints, int nCount)
// . - .
return AddBeziers(pPoints, nCount);
Status CGraphicsPath::AddEllipse(double x, double y, double width, double height)
agg::bezier_arc arc(x+width/2.0, y+height/2.0, width/2.0, height/2.0, 0.0, agg::pi2);
//2.3 m_agg_ps.add_path(arc, 0, true);
m_agg_ps.join_path(arc, 0);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height)
m_agg_ps.move_to(x, y);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x + width, y);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x + width, y + height);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x, y + height);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddPolygon(double* pPoints, int nCount)
if (2 > nCount)
return InvalidParameter;
int nRet = 0;
if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.move_to(pPoints[0], pPoints[1]);
m_agg_ps.line_to(pPoints[0], pPoints[1]);
int n = (nCount / 2) - 1;
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
double* points = &pPoints[i * 2];
m_agg_ps.line_to(points[0], points[1]);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddPath(const CGraphicsPath& oPath)
typedef agg::conv_curve<agg::path_storage> conv_crv_type;
agg::path_storage p_copy(oPath.m_agg_ps);
conv_crv_type p3(p_copy);
m_agg_ps.join_path(p3, 0);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddArc(double x, double y, double width, double height, double startAngle, double sweepAngle)
if(sweepAngle >= 360.0)
sweepAngle = 360;
agg::bezier_arc arc(x+width/2.00, y+height/2.00, width/2.00, height/2.00, agg::deg2rad(startAngle), agg::deg2rad(sweepAngle));
//2.3 m_agg_ps.add_path(arc, 0, !z_is_poly_closed());
if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.concat_path(arc, 0);
m_agg_ps.join_path(arc, 0);
return Ok;
ULONG CGraphicsPath::GetPointCount() const
ULONG nPointCount=0;
ULONG nTotal = m_agg_ps.total_vertices();
double x, y;
for(ULONG i = 0; i < nTotal; ++i)
ULONG nTip = m_agg_ps.vertex(i, &x, &y);
if (!(nTip & agg::path_flags_close))
return nPointCount;
Status CGraphicsPath::GetPathPoints(PointF* points, int count) const
int nTotal = m_agg_ps.total_vertices();
double x, y;
int i = 0, k = 0;
while (k < count && i < nTotal)
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.vertex(i, &x, &y);
if (nTip)
if(!(nTip & agg::path_flags_close))
points[k].X = REAL(x);
points[k].Y = REAL(y);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::GetLastPoint(double& x, double& y)
m_agg_ps.last_vertex(&x, &y);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::GetPathPoints(double* points, int count) const
int nTotal = m_agg_ps.total_vertices();
double x, y;
int i = 0, k = 0;
while (k < count && i < nTotal)
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.vertex(i, &x, &y);
if (nTip)
if(!(nTip & agg::path_flags_close))
points[2 * k] = x;
points[2 * k + 1] = y;
return Ok;
void CGraphicsPath::GetBounds(double& left, double& top, double& width, double& height)
unsigned int nTotal = m_agg_ps.total_vertices();
if (nTotal)
agg::rect_d bounds(1e100, 1e100, -1e100, -1e100);
double x, y;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++)
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.vertex(i, &x, &y);
if(x < bounds.x1) bounds.x1 = x;
if(y < bounds.y1) bounds.y1 = y;
if(x > bounds.x2) bounds.x2 = x;
if(y > bounds.y2) bounds.y2 = y;
left = bounds.x1;
top = bounds.y1;
width = (bounds.x2 - bounds.x1);
height = (bounds.y2 - bounds.y1);
left = 0;
top = 0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
Status CGraphicsPath::Transform(const CMatrix* matrix)
if (NULL != matrix)
agg::path_storage p2(m_agg_ps);
agg::conv_transform<agg::path_storage> trans(p2, matrix->m_agg_mtx);
//2.3 m_agg_ps.add_path(trans, 0, false);
m_agg_ps.concat_path(trans, 0);
return Ok;
bool CGraphicsPath::_MoveTo(double x, double y)
return (Ok == MoveTo(x, y));
bool CGraphicsPath::_LineTo(double x, double y)
return (Ok == LineTo(x, y));
bool CGraphicsPath::_CurveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
return (Ok == CurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3));
bool CGraphicsPath::_Close()
return (Ok == CloseFigure());
Status CGraphicsPath::AddString(const std::wstring& strText, CFontManager* pFont, double x, double y)
if (NULL == pFont)
return InvalidParameter;
pFont->LoadString(strText, (float)x, (float)y);
return (TRUE == pFont->GetStringPath(this)) ? Ok : InvalidParameter;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddStringC(const LONG& lText, CFontManager* pFont, double x, double y)
if (NULL == pFont)
return InvalidParameter;
std::wstring strText((wchar_t)lText, 1);
pFont->LoadString(strText, (float)x, (float)y);
return (TRUE == pFont->GetStringPath(this)) ? Ok : InvalidParameter;
void CGraphicsPath::z_Stroke(const NSStructures::CPen* Pen)
if (NULL == Pen)
typedef agg::conv_stroke<agg::path_storage> Path_Conv_Stroke;
Path_Conv_Stroke pg(m_agg_ps);
agg::path_storage psNew;
//2.3 psNew.add_path(pg, 0, false);
psNew.concat_path(pg, 0);
m_agg_ps = psNew;
void CGraphicsPath::Widen(const NSStructures::CPen* Pen, const CMatrix* matrix, float flatness)
if (NULL == Pen || NULL == matrix || 0.0f == flatness)
typedef agg::conv_curve<agg::path_storage> conv_crv_type;
typedef agg::conv_contour<conv_crv_type> Path_Conv_Contour;
conv_crv_type crv(m_agg_ps);
Path_Conv_Contour pg(crv);
agg::line_join_e LineJoin;
switch (Pen->LineJoin)
case LineJoinMiter : LineJoin=agg::miter_join; break;
case LineJoinBevel : LineJoin=agg::bevel_join; break;
case LineJoinRound : LineJoin=agg::round_join; break;
case LineJoinMiterClipped: LineJoin=agg::miter_join_revert; break;
agg::path_storage psNew;
//2.3 psNew.add_path(pg, 0, false);
//m_agg_ps.concat_path(pg, 0);
m_agg_ps.concat_path(pg, 0);
m_agg_ps = psNew;
agg::path_storage* CGraphicsPath::z_get_agg_path_storage()
return &m_agg_ps;
int CGraphicsPath::EllipseArc(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double fAngle1, double fAngle2, BOOL bClockDirection)
int nRet = 0;
while ( fAngle1 < 0 )
fAngle1 += 360;
while ( fAngle1 > 360 )
fAngle1 -= 360;
while ( fAngle2 < 0 )
fAngle2 += 360;
while ( fAngle2 >= 360 )
fAngle2 -= 360;
if ( !bClockDirection )
if ( fAngle1 <= fAngle2 )
nRet = EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, fAngle2, FALSE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, 360, FALSE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, 0, fAngle2, FALSE );
if ( fAngle1 >= fAngle2 )
nRet = EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, fAngle2, TRUE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, 0, TRUE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, 360, fAngle2, TRUE );
return nRet;
double CGraphicsPath::AngToEllPrm(double fAngle, double fXRad, double fYRad)
// .. x= a cos(t) y = b sin(t) - .
// x = r cos(p), y = r sin(p) => t = atan2( sin(p) / b, cos(p) / a );
return atan2( sin( fAngle ) / fYRad, cos( fAngle ) / fXRad );
int CGraphicsPath::EllipseArc2(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double fAngle1, double fAngle2, BOOL bClockDirection)
int nRet = 0;
double dAngle1 = fAngle1 * 3.141592 / 180;
double dAngle2 = fAngle2 * 3.141592 / 180;
unsigned int nFirstPointQuard = int(fAngle1) / 90 + 1;
unsigned int nSecondPointQuard = int(fAngle2) / 90 + 1;
nSecondPointQuard = min( 4, max( 1, nSecondPointQuard ) );
nFirstPointQuard = min( 4, max( 1, nFirstPointQuard ) );
double fStartX = 0.0, fStartY = 0.0, fEndX = 0.0, fEndY = 0.0;
fStartX = fX + fXRad * cos( AngToEllPrm( dAngle1, fXRad, fYRad ) );
fStartY = fY + fYRad * sin( AngToEllPrm( dAngle1, fXRad, fYRad ) );
LineTo(fStartX, fStartY);
double fCurX = fStartX, fCurY = fStartY;
double dStartAngle = dAngle1;
double dEndAngle = 0;
if ( !bClockDirection )
for( unsigned int nIndex = nFirstPointQuard; nIndex <= nSecondPointQuard; nIndex++ )
if ( nIndex == nSecondPointQuard )
dEndAngle = dAngle2;
dEndAngle = (90 * (nIndex ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
if ( !( nIndex == nFirstPointQuard ) )
dStartAngle = (90 * (nIndex - 1 ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
EllipseArc3(fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), AngToEllPrm( dEndAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), &fEndX, &fEndY, FALSE);
for( unsigned int nIndex = nFirstPointQuard; nIndex >= nSecondPointQuard; nIndex-- )
if ( nIndex == nFirstPointQuard )
dStartAngle = dAngle1;
dStartAngle = (90 * (nIndex ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
if ( !( nIndex == nSecondPointQuard ) )
dEndAngle = (90 * (nIndex - 1 ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
dEndAngle = dAngle2;
EllipseArc3(fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), AngToEllPrm( dEndAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), &fEndX, &fEndY, FALSE);
return nRet;
int CGraphicsPath::EllipseArc3(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double dAngle1, double dAngle2, double *pfXCur, double *pfYCur, BOOL bClockDirection)
// ,
double fX1 = 0.0, fX2 = 0.0, fY1 = 0.0, fY2 = 0.0;
double fCX1 = 0.0, fCX2 = 0.0, fCY1 = 0.0, fCY2 = 0.0;
double fAlpha = sin( dAngle2 - dAngle1 ) * ( sqrt( 4.0 + 3.0 * tan( (dAngle2 - dAngle1) / 2.0 ) * tan( (dAngle2 - dAngle1) / 2.0 ) ) - 1.0 ) / 3.0;
double fKoef = 1;
fX1 = fX + fXRad * cos( dAngle1 );
fY1 = fY + fYRad * sin( dAngle1 );
fX2 = fX + fXRad * cos( dAngle2 );
fY2 = fY + fYRad * sin( dAngle2 );
fCX1 = fX1 - fAlpha * fXRad * sin ( dAngle1 );
fCY1 = fY1 + fAlpha * fYRad * cos ( dAngle1 );
fCX2 = fX2 + fAlpha * fXRad * sin ( dAngle2 );
fCY2 = fY2 - fAlpha * fYRad * cos ( dAngle2 );
if ( !bClockDirection )
CurveTo(fCX1, fCY1, fCX2, fCY2, fX2, fY2);
*pfXCur = fX2;
*pfYCur = fY2;
CurveTo(fCX2, fCY2, fCX1, fCY1, fX1, fY1);
*pfXCur = fX1;
*pfYCur = fY1;
return 0;
int CGraphicsPath::Ellipse(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad)
MoveTo(fX - fXRad, fY);
double c_fKappa = 0.552;
CurveTo(fX - fXRad, fY + fYRad * c_fKappa, fX - fXRad * c_fKappa, fY + fYRad, fX, fY + fYRad);
CurveTo(fX + fXRad * c_fKappa, fY + fYRad, fX + fXRad, fY + fYRad * c_fKappa, fX + fXRad, fY);
CurveTo(fX + fXRad, fY - fYRad * c_fKappa, fX + fXRad * c_fKappa, fY - fYRad, fX, fY - fYRad);
CurveTo(fX - fXRad * c_fKappa, fY - fYRad, fX - fXRad, fY - fYRad * c_fKappa, fX - fXRad, fY);
return 0;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddArc2(double fX, double fY, double fWidth, double fHeight, double fStartAngle, double fSweepAngle)
if (0 >= fWidth || 0 >= fHeight)
return InvalidParameter;
if ( Is_poly_closed() )
double dStartAngle = fStartAngle * agg::pi / 180;
double fStartX = fX + fWidth / 2.0 + fWidth / 2 * cos( AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2 ) );
double fStartY = fY + fHeight / 2.0 - fHeight / 2 * sin( AngToEllPrm ( dStartAngle, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2 ) );
// , AppendEllipse, MoveTo
if ( fSweepAngle < 360 )
if ( Ok != MoveTo( fStartX, fStartY ) )
return GenericError;
BOOL bClockDirection = FALSE;
double fEndAngle = 360 - ( fSweepAngle + fStartAngle );
double fSrtAngle = 360 - fStartAngle;
if( fSweepAngle > 0 )
bClockDirection = TRUE;
if( abs(fSweepAngle) >= 360 ) //
return (0 == Ellipse(fX + fWidth / 2, fY + fHeight / 2, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2)) ? Ok : GenericError;
else //
return (0 == EllipseArc(fX + fWidth / 2, fY + fHeight / 2, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2, fSrtAngle, fEndAngle, bClockDirection)) ? Ok : GenericError;
return Ok;
// Converter
m_pRenderer = NULL;
m_bEvenOdd = false;
m_bIsMoveTo = false;
m_bIsClosed = false;
void CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::SetRenderer(IRenderer* pRenderer)
m_pRenderer = pRenderer;
IRenderer* CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::GetRenderer(BOOL bIsAddref)
if (bIsAddref)
return m_pRenderer;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandMoveTo(double fX, double fY)
return _MoveTo(fX, fY);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandLineTo(double fX, double fY)
return _LineTo(fX, fY);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandLinesTo(double* pPoints, LONG lCount)
if (NULL == pPoints)
return false;
double* pData = pPoints;
if (2 == lCount)
return _LineTo(pData[0], pData[1]);
if (4 > lCount)
return false;
int nRet = 0;
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
_MoveTo(pData[0], pData[1]);
int n = (lCount / 2) - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
double* points = &pData[i * 2];
_LineTo(points[0], points[1]);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandCurveTo(double fX1, double fY1, double fX2, double fY2, double fX3, double fY3)
return _CurveTo(fX1, fY1, fX2, fY2, fX3, fY3);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandCurvesTo(double* pData, LONG lCount)
if (NULL == pData)
return false;
if (8 > lCount)
return false;
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
_MoveTo(pData[0], pData[1]);
pData += 2;
lCount -= 2;
_LineTo(pData[0], pData[1]);
pData += 2;
lCount -= 2;
double* points = pData;
int nCountTo = (lCount) / 6;
for (int i = 0; i < nCountTo; ++i)
points = pData + 6 * i;
_CurveTo(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5]);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandArcTo(double fX, double fY, double fWidth, double fHeight, double fStartAngle, double fSweepAngle)
return AddArc(fX, fY, fWidth, fHeight, -fStartAngle, -fSweepAngle);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandClose()
return _Close();
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandEnd()
return _Reset();
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandStart()
return _Start();
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandGetCurrentPoint(double* fX, double* fY)
m_agg_ps.last_vertex(fX, fY);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandText(std::wstring& bsText, CFontManager* pManager, double fX, double fY, double fWidth, double fHeight, double fBaseLineOffset)
return AddString(bsText, pManager, fX, fY + fBaseLineOffset);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandTextEx(std::wstring& bsText, std::wstring& bsGidText, CFontManager* pManager, double fX, double fY, double fWidth, double fHeight, double fBaseLineOffset, DWORD lFlags)
if (!bsGidText.empty())
return PathCommandText(bsGidText, pManager, fX, fY, fWidth, fHeight, fBaseLineOffset);
return PathCommandText(bsText, pManager, fX, fY, fWidth, fHeight, fBaseLineOffset);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandGetBounds(double& left, double& top, double& width, double &height)
unsigned int nTotal = m_agg_ps.total_vertices();
if (nTotal)
agg::rect_d bounds(1e100, 1e100, -1e100, -1e100);
double x, y;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++)
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.vertex(i, &x, &y);
if(x < bounds.x1) bounds.x1 = x;
if(y < bounds.y1) bounds.y1 = y;
if(x > bounds.x2) bounds.x2 = x;
if(y > bounds.y2) bounds.y2 = y;
left = bounds.x1;
top = bounds.y1;
width = (bounds.x2 - bounds.x1);
height = (bounds.y2 - bounds.y1);
left = 0;
top = 0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_MoveTo(double x, double y)
m_bIsMoveTo = true;
m_agg_ps.move_to(x, y);
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
m_pRenderer->PathCommandMoveTo(x, y);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_LineTo(double x, double y)
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
_MoveTo(x, y);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x, y);
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
m_pRenderer->PathCommandLineTo(x, y);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_CurveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
_MoveTo(x1, y1);
m_agg_ps.curve4(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
m_pRenderer->PathCommandCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_Close()
m_bIsClosed = true;
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_Reset()
m_bEvenOdd = false;
m_bIsMoveTo = false;
m_bIsClosed = false;
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_Start()
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::AddString(std::wstring& bstrText, CFontManager* pFont, double x, double y)
if (NULL == pFont)
return false;
pFont->LoadString(bstrText, (float)x, (float)y);
return (TRUE == pFont->GetStringPath(this)) ? true : false;
int CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::EllipseArc(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double fAngle1, double fAngle2, BOOL bClockDirection)
int nRet = 0;
while ( fAngle1 < 0 )
fAngle1 += 360;
while ( fAngle1 > 360 )
fAngle1 -= 360;
while ( fAngle2 < 0 )
fAngle2 += 360;
while ( fAngle2 >= 360 )
fAngle2 -= 360;
if ( !bClockDirection )
if ( fAngle1 <= fAngle2 )
nRet = EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, fAngle2, FALSE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, 360, FALSE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, 0, fAngle2, FALSE );
if ( fAngle1 >= fAngle2 )
nRet = EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, fAngle2, TRUE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, 0, TRUE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, 360, fAngle2, TRUE );
return nRet;
double CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::AngToEllPrm(double fAngle, double fXRad, double fYRad)
// .. x= a cos(t) y = b sin(t) - .
// x = r cos(p), y = r sin(p) => t = atan2( sin(p) / b, cos(p) / a );
return atan2( sin( fAngle ) / fYRad, cos( fAngle ) / fXRad );
int CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::EllipseArc2(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double fAngle1, double fAngle2, BOOL bClockDirection)
int nRet = 0;
double dAngle1 = fAngle1 * 3.141592 / 180;
double dAngle2 = fAngle2 * 3.141592 / 180;
unsigned int nFirstPointQuard = int(fAngle1) / 90 + 1;
unsigned int nSecondPointQuard = int(fAngle2) / 90 + 1;
nSecondPointQuard = min( 4, max( 1, nSecondPointQuard ) );
nFirstPointQuard = min( 4, max( 1, nFirstPointQuard ) );
double fStartX = 0.0, fStartY = 0.0, fEndX = 0.0, fEndY = 0.0;
fStartX = fX + fXRad * cos( AngToEllPrm( dAngle1, fXRad, fYRad ) );
fStartY = fY + fYRad * sin( AngToEllPrm( dAngle1, fXRad, fYRad ) );
_LineTo(fStartX, fStartY);
double fCurX = fStartX, fCurY = fStartY;
double dStartAngle = dAngle1;
double dEndAngle = 0;
if ( !bClockDirection )
for( unsigned int nIndex = nFirstPointQuard; nIndex <= nSecondPointQuard; nIndex++ )
if ( nIndex == nSecondPointQuard )
dEndAngle = dAngle2;
dEndAngle = (90 * (nIndex ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
if ( !( nIndex == nFirstPointQuard ) )
dStartAngle = (90 * (nIndex - 1 ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
EllipseArc3(fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), AngToEllPrm( dEndAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), &fEndX, &fEndY, FALSE);
for( unsigned int nIndex = nFirstPointQuard; nIndex >= nSecondPointQuard; nIndex-- )
if ( nIndex == nFirstPointQuard )
dStartAngle = dAngle1;
dStartAngle = (90 * (nIndex ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
if ( !( nIndex == nSecondPointQuard ) )
dEndAngle = (90 * (nIndex - 1 ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
dEndAngle = dAngle2;
EllipseArc3(fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), AngToEllPrm( dEndAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), &fEndX, &fEndY, FALSE);
return nRet;
int CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::EllipseArc3(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double dAngle1, double dAngle2, double *pfXCur, double *pfYCur, BOOL bClockDirection)
// ,
double fX1 = 0.0, fX2 = 0.0, fY1 = 0.0, fY2 = 0.0;
double fCX1 = 0.0, fCX2 = 0.0, fCY1 = 0.0, fCY2 = 0.0;
double fAlpha = sin( dAngle2 - dAngle1 ) * ( sqrt( 4.0 + 3.0 * tan( (dAngle2 - dAngle1) / 2.0 ) * tan( (dAngle2 - dAngle1) / 2.0 ) ) - 1.0 ) / 3.0;
double fKoef = 1;
fX1 = fX + fXRad * cos( dAngle1 );
fY1 = fY + fYRad * sin( dAngle1 );
fX2 = fX + fXRad * cos( dAngle2 );
fY2 = fY + fYRad * sin( dAngle2 );
fCX1 = fX1 - fAlpha * fXRad * sin ( dAngle1 );
fCY1 = fY1 + fAlpha * fYRad * cos ( dAngle1 );
fCX2 = fX2 + fAlpha * fXRad * sin ( dAngle2 );
fCY2 = fY2 - fAlpha * fYRad * cos ( dAngle2 );
if ( !bClockDirection )
_CurveTo(fCX1, fCY1, fCX2, fCY2, fX2, fY2);
*pfXCur = fX2;
*pfYCur = fY2;
_CurveTo(fCX2, fCY2, fCX1, fCY1, fX1, fY1);
*pfXCur = fX1;
*pfYCur = fY1;
return 0;
int CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::Ellipse(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad)
_MoveTo(fX - fXRad, fY);
double c_fKappa = 0.552;
_CurveTo(fX - fXRad, fY + fYRad * c_fKappa, fX - fXRad * c_fKappa, fY + fYRad, fX, fY + fYRad);
_CurveTo(fX + fXRad * c_fKappa, fY + fYRad, fX + fXRad, fY + fYRad * c_fKappa, fX + fXRad, fY);
_CurveTo(fX + fXRad, fY - fYRad * c_fKappa, fX + fXRad * c_fKappa, fY - fYRad, fX, fY - fYRad);
_CurveTo(fX - fXRad * c_fKappa, fY - fYRad, fX - fXRad, fY - fYRad * c_fKappa, fX - fXRad, fY);
return 0;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::AddArc(double fX, double fY, double fWidth, double fHeight, double fStartAngle, double fSweepAngle)
if (0 >= fWidth || 0 >= fHeight)
return false;
if ( Is_poly_closed() )
double dStartAngle = fStartAngle * agg::pi / 180;
double fStartX = fX + fWidth / 2.0 + fWidth / 2 * cos( AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2 ) );
double fStartY = fY + fHeight / 2.0 - fHeight / 2 * sin( AngToEllPrm ( dStartAngle, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2 ) );
// , AppendEllipse, MoveTo
if ( fSweepAngle < 360 )
if ( false == _MoveTo( fStartX, fStartY ) )
return false;
BOOL bClockDirection = FALSE;
double fEndAngle = 360 - ( fSweepAngle + fStartAngle );
double fSrtAngle = 360 - fStartAngle;
if( fSweepAngle > 0 )
bClockDirection = TRUE;
if( abs(fSweepAngle) >= 360 ) //
return (0 == Ellipse(fX + fWidth / 2, fY + fHeight / 2, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2)) ? true : false;
else //
return (0 == EllipseArc(fX + fWidth / 2, fY + fHeight / 2, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2, fSrtAngle, fEndAngle, bClockDirection)) ? true : false;
return Ok;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::Is_poly_closed()
if (!m_agg_ps.total_vertices())
return true;
double x, y;
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.last_vertex(&x, &y);
if (nTip & agg::path_flags_close)
return true;
return false;
#include "GraphicsPath.h"
#ifndef max
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#ifndef min
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
namespace Aggplus
// GraphicsPath
CGraphicsPath::CGraphicsPath() : ISimpleGraphicsPath()
m_bEvenOdd = false;
CGraphicsPath* CGraphicsPath::Clone()
CGraphicsPath* pNew = new CGraphicsPath();
pNew->m_agg_ps = m_agg_ps;
pNew->m_bEvenOdd = m_bEvenOdd;
return pNew;
Status CGraphicsPath::Reset()
m_bIsMoveTo = false;
return Ok;
void CGraphicsPath::SetRuler(bool bEvenOdd)
m_bEvenOdd = bEvenOdd;
Status CGraphicsPath::StartFigure()
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::CloseFigure()
return Ok;
bool CGraphicsPath::Is_poly_closed()
if (!m_agg_ps.total_vertices())
return true;
double x, y;
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.last_vertex(&x, &y);
if (nTip & agg::path_flags_close)
return true;
return false;
Status CGraphicsPath::MoveTo(double x, double y)
m_bIsMoveTo = true;
m_agg_ps.move_to(x, y);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::LineTo(double x, double y)
m_agg_ps.line_to(x, y);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::CurveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
m_agg_ps.curve4(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.move_to(x1, y1);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x1, y1);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x2, y2);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddLines(double* pPoints, int nCount)
if (4 > nCount)
return InvalidParameter;
int nRet = 0;
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
MoveTo(pPoints[0], pPoints[1]);
/*if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.move_to((double)pPoints[0], (double)pPoints[1]);
m_agg_ps.line_to((double)pPoints[0], (double)pPoints[1]);
int n = (nCount / 2) - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
const double* points = &pPoints[i * 2];
m_agg_ps.line_to(points[0], points[1]);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddBezier(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4)
if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.move_to(x1, y1);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x1, y1);
m_agg_ps.curve4(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddBeziers(double* pPoints, int nCount)
if (8 > nCount)
return InvalidParameter;
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
MoveTo(pPoints[0], pPoints[1]);
const double* points = pPoints;
agg::curve4 curve;
curve.init(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5], points[6], points[7]);
if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.concat_path(curve, 0);
m_agg_ps.join_path(curve, 0);
int nCountTo = (nCount - 8) / 6;
for (int i = 0; i < nCountTo; ++i)
points = pPoints + 8 + 6 * i;
CurveTo(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5]);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddCurve(double* pPoints, int nCount)
// этим мы не пользуемся. Понадобится - реализую.
return AddBeziers(pPoints, nCount);
Status CGraphicsPath::AddEllipse(double x, double y, double width, double height)
agg::bezier_arc arc(x+width/2.0, y+height/2.0, width/2.0, height/2.0, 0.0, agg::pi2);
//2.3 m_agg_ps.add_path(arc, 0, true);
m_agg_ps.join_path(arc, 0);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height)
m_agg_ps.move_to(x, y);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x + width, y);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x + width, y + height);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x, y + height);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddPolygon(double* pPoints, int nCount)
if (2 > nCount)
return InvalidParameter;
int nRet = 0;
if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.move_to(pPoints[0], pPoints[1]);
m_agg_ps.line_to(pPoints[0], pPoints[1]);
int n = (nCount / 2) - 1;
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
double* points = &pPoints[i * 2];
m_agg_ps.line_to(points[0], points[1]);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddPath(const CGraphicsPath& oPath)
typedef agg::conv_curve<agg::path_storage> conv_crv_type;
agg::path_storage p_copy(oPath.m_agg_ps);
conv_crv_type p3(p_copy);
m_agg_ps.join_path(p3, 0);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddArc(double x, double y, double width, double height, double startAngle, double sweepAngle)
if(sweepAngle >= 360.0)
sweepAngle = 360;
agg::bezier_arc arc(x+width/2.00, y+height/2.00, width/2.00, height/2.00, agg::deg2rad(startAngle), agg::deg2rad(sweepAngle));
//2.3 m_agg_ps.add_path(arc, 0, !z_is_poly_closed());
if (Is_poly_closed())
m_agg_ps.concat_path(arc, 0);
m_agg_ps.join_path(arc, 0);
return Ok;
ULONG CGraphicsPath::GetPointCount() const
ULONG nPointCount=0;
ULONG nTotal = m_agg_ps.total_vertices();
double x, y;
for(ULONG i = 0; i < nTotal; ++i)
ULONG nTip = m_agg_ps.vertex(i, &x, &y);
if (!(nTip & agg::path_flags_close))
return nPointCount;
Status CGraphicsPath::GetPathPoints(PointF* points, int count) const
int nTotal = m_agg_ps.total_vertices();
double x, y;
int i = 0, k = 0;
while (k < count && i < nTotal)
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.vertex(i, &x, &y);
if (nTip)
if(!(nTip & agg::path_flags_close))
points[k].X = REAL(x);
points[k].Y = REAL(y);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::GetLastPoint(double& x, double& y)
m_agg_ps.last_vertex(&x, &y);
return Ok;
Status CGraphicsPath::GetPathPoints(double* points, int count) const
int nTotal = m_agg_ps.total_vertices();
double x, y;
int i = 0, k = 0;
while (k < count && i < nTotal)
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.vertex(i, &x, &y);
if (nTip)
if(!(nTip & agg::path_flags_close))
points[2 * k] = x;
points[2 * k + 1] = y;
return Ok;
void CGraphicsPath::GetBounds(double& left, double& top, double& width, double& height)
unsigned int nTotal = m_agg_ps.total_vertices();
if (nTotal)
agg::rect_d bounds(1e100, 1e100, -1e100, -1e100);
double x, y;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++)
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.vertex(i, &x, &y);
if(x < bounds.x1) bounds.x1 = x;
if(y < bounds.y1) bounds.y1 = y;
if(x > bounds.x2) bounds.x2 = x;
if(y > bounds.y2) bounds.y2 = y;
left = bounds.x1;
top = bounds.y1;
width = (bounds.x2 - bounds.x1);
height = (bounds.y2 - bounds.y1);
left = 0;
top = 0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
Status CGraphicsPath::Transform(const CMatrix* matrix)
if (NULL != matrix)
agg::path_storage p2(m_agg_ps);
agg::conv_transform<agg::path_storage> trans(p2, matrix->m_agg_mtx);
//2.3 m_agg_ps.add_path(trans, 0, false);
m_agg_ps.concat_path(trans, 0);
return Ok;
bool CGraphicsPath::_MoveTo(double x, double y)
return (Ok == MoveTo(x, y));
bool CGraphicsPath::_LineTo(double x, double y)
return (Ok == LineTo(x, y));
bool CGraphicsPath::_CurveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
return (Ok == CurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3));
bool CGraphicsPath::_Close()
return (Ok == CloseFigure());
Status CGraphicsPath::AddString(const std::wstring& strText, CFontManager* pFont, double x, double y)
if (NULL == pFont)
return InvalidParameter;
pFont->LoadString(strText, (float)x, (float)y);
return (TRUE == pFont->GetStringPath(this)) ? Ok : InvalidParameter;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddStringC(const LONG& lText, CFontManager* pFont, double x, double y)
if (NULL == pFont)
return InvalidParameter;
std::wstring strText((wchar_t)lText, 1);
pFont->LoadString(strText, (float)x, (float)y);
return (TRUE == pFont->GetStringPath(this)) ? Ok : InvalidParameter;
void CGraphicsPath::z_Stroke(const NSStructures::CPen* Pen)
if (NULL == Pen)
typedef agg::conv_stroke<agg::path_storage> Path_Conv_Stroke;
Path_Conv_Stroke pg(m_agg_ps);
agg::path_storage psNew;
//2.3 psNew.add_path(pg, 0, false);
psNew.concat_path(pg, 0);
m_agg_ps = psNew;
void CGraphicsPath::Widen(const NSStructures::CPen* Pen, const CMatrix* matrix, float flatness)
if (NULL == Pen || NULL == matrix || 0.0f == flatness)
typedef agg::conv_curve<agg::path_storage> conv_crv_type;
typedef agg::conv_contour<conv_crv_type> Path_Conv_Contour;
conv_crv_type crv(m_agg_ps);
Path_Conv_Contour pg(crv);
agg::line_join_e LineJoin;
switch (Pen->LineJoin)
case LineJoinMiter : LineJoin=agg::miter_join; break;
case LineJoinBevel : LineJoin=agg::bevel_join; break;
case LineJoinRound : LineJoin=agg::round_join; break;
case LineJoinMiterClipped: LineJoin=agg::miter_join_revert; break;
agg::path_storage psNew;
//2.3 psNew.add_path(pg, 0, false);
//m_agg_ps.concat_path(pg, 0);
m_agg_ps.concat_path(pg, 0);
m_agg_ps = psNew;
agg::path_storage* CGraphicsPath::z_get_agg_path_storage()
return &m_agg_ps;
int CGraphicsPath::EllipseArc(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double fAngle1, double fAngle2, BOOL bClockDirection)
int nRet = 0;
while ( fAngle1 < 0 )
fAngle1 += 360;
while ( fAngle1 > 360 )
fAngle1 -= 360;
while ( fAngle2 < 0 )
fAngle2 += 360;
while ( fAngle2 >= 360 )
fAngle2 -= 360;
if ( !bClockDirection )
if ( fAngle1 <= fAngle2 )
nRet = EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, fAngle2, FALSE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, 360, FALSE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, 0, fAngle2, FALSE );
if ( fAngle1 >= fAngle2 )
nRet = EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, fAngle2, TRUE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, 0, TRUE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, 360, fAngle2, TRUE );
return nRet;
double CGraphicsPath::AngToEllPrm(double fAngle, double fXRad, double fYRad)
// Функция для перевода реального угла в параметрическое задание эллписа
// т.е. x= a cos(t) y = b sin(t) - параметрическое задание эллписа.
// x = r cos(p), y = r sin(p) => t = atan2( sin(p) / b, cos(p) / a );
return atan2( sin( fAngle ) / fYRad, cos( fAngle ) / fXRad );
int CGraphicsPath::EllipseArc2(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double fAngle1, double fAngle2, BOOL bClockDirection)
// переведем углы в радианы
int nRet = 0;
double dAngle1 = fAngle1 * 3.141592 / 180;
double dAngle2 = fAngle2 * 3.141592 / 180;
// Выясним в каких четвертях находятся начальная и конечная точки
unsigned int nFirstPointQuard = int(fAngle1) / 90 + 1;
unsigned int nSecondPointQuard = int(fAngle2) / 90 + 1;
nSecondPointQuard = min( 4, max( 1, nSecondPointQuard ) );
nFirstPointQuard = min( 4, max( 1, nFirstPointQuard ) );
// Проведем линию в начальную точку дуги
double fStartX = 0.0, fStartY = 0.0, fEndX = 0.0, fEndY = 0.0;
fStartX = fX + fXRad * cos( AngToEllPrm( dAngle1, fXRad, fYRad ) );
fStartY = fY + fYRad * sin( AngToEllPrm( dAngle1, fXRad, fYRad ) );
LineTo(fStartX, fStartY);
// Дальше рисуем по четверям
double fCurX = fStartX, fCurY = fStartY;
double dStartAngle = dAngle1;
double dEndAngle = 0;
if ( !bClockDirection )
for( unsigned int nIndex = nFirstPointQuard; nIndex <= nSecondPointQuard; nIndex++ )
if ( nIndex == nSecondPointQuard )
dEndAngle = dAngle2;
dEndAngle = (90 * (nIndex ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
if ( !( nIndex == nFirstPointQuard ) )
dStartAngle = (90 * (nIndex - 1 ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
EllipseArc3(fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), AngToEllPrm( dEndAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), &fEndX, &fEndY, FALSE);
for( unsigned int nIndex = nFirstPointQuard; nIndex >= nSecondPointQuard; nIndex-- )
if ( nIndex == nFirstPointQuard )
dStartAngle = dAngle1;
dStartAngle = (90 * (nIndex ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
if ( !( nIndex == nSecondPointQuard ) )
dEndAngle = (90 * (nIndex - 1 ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
dEndAngle = dAngle2;
EllipseArc3(fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), AngToEllPrm( dEndAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), &fEndX, &fEndY, FALSE);
return nRet;
int CGraphicsPath::EllipseArc3(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double dAngle1, double dAngle2, double *pfXCur, double *pfYCur, BOOL bClockDirection)
// Рассчитаем начальную, конечную и контрольные точки
double fX1 = 0.0, fX2 = 0.0, fY1 = 0.0, fY2 = 0.0;
double fCX1 = 0.0, fCX2 = 0.0, fCY1 = 0.0, fCY2 = 0.0;
double fAlpha = sin( dAngle2 - dAngle1 ) * ( sqrt( 4.0 + 3.0 * tan( (dAngle2 - dAngle1) / 2.0 ) * tan( (dAngle2 - dAngle1) / 2.0 ) ) - 1.0 ) / 3.0;
double fKoef = 1;
fX1 = fX + fXRad * cos( dAngle1 );
fY1 = fY + fYRad * sin( dAngle1 );
fX2 = fX + fXRad * cos( dAngle2 );
fY2 = fY + fYRad * sin( dAngle2 );
fCX1 = fX1 - fAlpha * fXRad * sin ( dAngle1 );
fCY1 = fY1 + fAlpha * fYRad * cos ( dAngle1 );
fCX2 = fX2 + fAlpha * fXRad * sin ( dAngle2 );
fCY2 = fY2 - fAlpha * fYRad * cos ( dAngle2 );
if ( !bClockDirection )
CurveTo(fCX1, fCY1, fCX2, fCY2, fX2, fY2);
*pfXCur = fX2;
*pfYCur = fY2;
CurveTo(fCX2, fCY2, fCX1, fCY1, fX1, fY1);
*pfXCur = fX1;
*pfYCur = fY1;
return 0;
int CGraphicsPath::Ellipse(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad)
MoveTo(fX - fXRad, fY);
double c_fKappa = 0.552;
CurveTo(fX - fXRad, fY + fYRad * c_fKappa, fX - fXRad * c_fKappa, fY + fYRad, fX, fY + fYRad);
CurveTo(fX + fXRad * c_fKappa, fY + fYRad, fX + fXRad, fY + fYRad * c_fKappa, fX + fXRad, fY);
CurveTo(fX + fXRad, fY - fYRad * c_fKappa, fX + fXRad * c_fKappa, fY - fYRad, fX, fY - fYRad);
CurveTo(fX - fXRad * c_fKappa, fY - fYRad, fX - fXRad, fY - fYRad * c_fKappa, fX - fXRad, fY);
return 0;
Status CGraphicsPath::AddArc2(double fX, double fY, double fWidth, double fHeight, double fStartAngle, double fSweepAngle)
if (0 >= fWidth || 0 >= fHeight)
return InvalidParameter;
if ( Is_poly_closed() )
double dStartAngle = fStartAngle * agg::pi / 180;
double fStartX = fX + fWidth / 2.0 + fWidth / 2 * cos( AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2 ) );
double fStartY = fY + fHeight / 2.0 - fHeight / 2 * sin( AngToEllPrm ( dStartAngle, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2 ) );
// В случае, когда эллипс рисуется целиком используется команда AppendEllipse, в которой команда MoveTo уже есть
if ( fSweepAngle < 360 )
if ( Ok != MoveTo( fStartX, fStartY ) )
return GenericError;
BOOL bClockDirection = FALSE;
double fEndAngle = 360 - ( fSweepAngle + fStartAngle );
double fSrtAngle = 360 - fStartAngle;
if( fSweepAngle > 0 )
bClockDirection = TRUE;
if( abs(fSweepAngle) >= 360 ) // Целый эллипс
return (0 == Ellipse(fX + fWidth / 2, fY + fHeight / 2, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2)) ? Ok : GenericError;
else // Дуга эллипса
return (0 == EllipseArc(fX + fWidth / 2, fY + fHeight / 2, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2, fSrtAngle, fEndAngle, bClockDirection)) ? Ok : GenericError;
return Ok;
// Converter
m_pRenderer = NULL;
m_bEvenOdd = false;
m_bIsMoveTo = false;
m_bIsClosed = false;
void CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::SetRenderer(IRenderer* pRenderer)
m_pRenderer = pRenderer;
IRenderer* CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::GetRenderer(BOOL bIsAddref)
if (bIsAddref)
return m_pRenderer;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandMoveTo(double fX, double fY)
return _MoveTo(fX, fY);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandLineTo(double fX, double fY)
return _LineTo(fX, fY);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandLinesTo(double* pPoints, LONG lCount)
if (NULL == pPoints)
return false;
double* pData = pPoints;
if (2 == lCount)
return _LineTo(pData[0], pData[1]);
if (4 > lCount)
return false;
int nRet = 0;
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
_MoveTo(pData[0], pData[1]);
int n = (lCount / 2) - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
double* points = &pData[i * 2];
_LineTo(points[0], points[1]);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandCurveTo(double fX1, double fY1, double fX2, double fY2, double fX3, double fY3)
return _CurveTo(fX1, fY1, fX2, fY2, fX3, fY3);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandCurvesTo(double* pData, LONG lCount)
if (NULL == pData)
return false;
if (8 > lCount)
return false;
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
_MoveTo(pData[0], pData[1]);
pData += 2;
lCount -= 2;
_LineTo(pData[0], pData[1]);
pData += 2;
lCount -= 2;
double* points = pData;
int nCountTo = (lCount) / 6;
for (int i = 0; i < nCountTo; ++i)
points = pData + 6 * i;
_CurveTo(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5]);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandArcTo(double fX, double fY, double fWidth, double fHeight, double fStartAngle, double fSweepAngle)
return AddArc(fX, fY, fWidth, fHeight, -fStartAngle, -fSweepAngle);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandClose()
return _Close();
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandEnd()
return _Reset();
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandStart()
return _Start();
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandGetCurrentPoint(double* fX, double* fY)
m_agg_ps.last_vertex(fX, fY);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandText(std::wstring& bsText, CFontManager* pManager, double fX, double fY, double fWidth, double fHeight, double fBaseLineOffset)
return AddString(bsText, pManager, fX, fY + fBaseLineOffset);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandTextEx(std::wstring& bsText, std::wstring& bsGidText, CFontManager* pManager, double fX, double fY, double fWidth, double fHeight, double fBaseLineOffset, DWORD lFlags)
if (!bsGidText.empty())
return PathCommandText(bsGidText, pManager, fX, fY, fWidth, fHeight, fBaseLineOffset);
return PathCommandText(bsText, pManager, fX, fY, fWidth, fHeight, fBaseLineOffset);
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::PathCommandGetBounds(double& left, double& top, double& width, double &height)
unsigned int nTotal = m_agg_ps.total_vertices();
if (nTotal)
agg::rect_d bounds(1e100, 1e100, -1e100, -1e100);
double x, y;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++)
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.vertex(i, &x, &y);
if(x < bounds.x1) bounds.x1 = x;
if(y < bounds.y1) bounds.y1 = y;
if(x > bounds.x2) bounds.x2 = x;
if(y > bounds.y2) bounds.y2 = y;
left = bounds.x1;
top = bounds.y1;
width = (bounds.x2 - bounds.x1);
height = (bounds.y2 - bounds.y1);
left = 0;
top = 0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_MoveTo(double x, double y)
m_bIsMoveTo = true;
m_agg_ps.move_to(x, y);
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
m_pRenderer->PathCommandMoveTo(x, y);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_LineTo(double x, double y)
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
_MoveTo(x, y);
m_agg_ps.line_to(x, y);
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
m_pRenderer->PathCommandLineTo(x, y);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_CurveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
if (!m_bIsMoveTo)
_MoveTo(x1, y1);
m_agg_ps.curve4(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
m_pRenderer->PathCommandCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_Close()
m_bIsClosed = true;
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_Reset()
m_bEvenOdd = false;
m_bIsMoveTo = false;
m_bIsClosed = false;
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::_Start()
if (NULL != m_pRenderer)
return true;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::AddString(std::wstring& bstrText, CFontManager* pFont, double x, double y)
if (NULL == pFont)
return false;
pFont->LoadString(bstrText, (float)x, (float)y);
return (TRUE == pFont->GetStringPath(this)) ? true : false;
int CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::EllipseArc(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double fAngle1, double fAngle2, BOOL bClockDirection)
int nRet = 0;
while ( fAngle1 < 0 )
fAngle1 += 360;
while ( fAngle1 > 360 )
fAngle1 -= 360;
while ( fAngle2 < 0 )
fAngle2 += 360;
while ( fAngle2 >= 360 )
fAngle2 -= 360;
if ( !bClockDirection )
if ( fAngle1 <= fAngle2 )
nRet = EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, fAngle2, FALSE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, 360, FALSE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, 0, fAngle2, FALSE );
if ( fAngle1 >= fAngle2 )
nRet = EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, fAngle2, TRUE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, fAngle1, 0, TRUE );
nRet += EllipseArc2( fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, 360, fAngle2, TRUE );
return nRet;
double CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::AngToEllPrm(double fAngle, double fXRad, double fYRad)
// Функция для перевода реального угла в параметрическое задание эллписа
// т.е. x= a cos(t) y = b sin(t) - параметрическое задание эллписа.
// x = r cos(p), y = r sin(p) => t = atan2( sin(p) / b, cos(p) / a );
return atan2( sin( fAngle ) / fYRad, cos( fAngle ) / fXRad );
int CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::EllipseArc2(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double fAngle1, double fAngle2, BOOL bClockDirection)
// переведем углы в радианы
int nRet = 0;
double dAngle1 = fAngle1 * 3.141592 / 180;
double dAngle2 = fAngle2 * 3.141592 / 180;
// Выясним в каких четвертях находятся начальная и конечная точки
unsigned int nFirstPointQuard = int(fAngle1) / 90 + 1;
unsigned int nSecondPointQuard = int(fAngle2) / 90 + 1;
nSecondPointQuard = min( 4, max( 1, nSecondPointQuard ) );
nFirstPointQuard = min( 4, max( 1, nFirstPointQuard ) );
// Проведем линию в начальную точку дуги
double fStartX = 0.0, fStartY = 0.0, fEndX = 0.0, fEndY = 0.0;
fStartX = fX + fXRad * cos( AngToEllPrm( dAngle1, fXRad, fYRad ) );
fStartY = fY + fYRad * sin( AngToEllPrm( dAngle1, fXRad, fYRad ) );
_LineTo(fStartX, fStartY);
// Дальше рисуем по четверям
double fCurX = fStartX, fCurY = fStartY;
double dStartAngle = dAngle1;
double dEndAngle = 0;
if ( !bClockDirection )
for( unsigned int nIndex = nFirstPointQuard; nIndex <= nSecondPointQuard; nIndex++ )
if ( nIndex == nSecondPointQuard )
dEndAngle = dAngle2;
dEndAngle = (90 * (nIndex ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
if ( !( nIndex == nFirstPointQuard ) )
dStartAngle = (90 * (nIndex - 1 ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
EllipseArc3(fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), AngToEllPrm( dEndAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), &fEndX, &fEndY, FALSE);
for( unsigned int nIndex = nFirstPointQuard; nIndex >= nSecondPointQuard; nIndex-- )
if ( nIndex == nFirstPointQuard )
dStartAngle = dAngle1;
dStartAngle = (90 * (nIndex ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
if ( !( nIndex == nSecondPointQuard ) )
dEndAngle = (90 * (nIndex - 1 ) ) * 3.141592f / 180;
dEndAngle = dAngle2;
EllipseArc3(fX, fY, fXRad, fYRad, AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), AngToEllPrm( dEndAngle, fXRad, fYRad ), &fEndX, &fEndY, FALSE);
return nRet;
int CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::EllipseArc3(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad, double dAngle1, double dAngle2, double *pfXCur, double *pfYCur, BOOL bClockDirection)
// Рассчитаем начальную, конечную и контрольные точки
double fX1 = 0.0, fX2 = 0.0, fY1 = 0.0, fY2 = 0.0;
double fCX1 = 0.0, fCX2 = 0.0, fCY1 = 0.0, fCY2 = 0.0;
double fAlpha = sin( dAngle2 - dAngle1 ) * ( sqrt( 4.0 + 3.0 * tan( (dAngle2 - dAngle1) / 2.0 ) * tan( (dAngle2 - dAngle1) / 2.0 ) ) - 1.0 ) / 3.0;
double fKoef = 1;
fX1 = fX + fXRad * cos( dAngle1 );
fY1 = fY + fYRad * sin( dAngle1 );
fX2 = fX + fXRad * cos( dAngle2 );
fY2 = fY + fYRad * sin( dAngle2 );
fCX1 = fX1 - fAlpha * fXRad * sin ( dAngle1 );
fCY1 = fY1 + fAlpha * fYRad * cos ( dAngle1 );
fCX2 = fX2 + fAlpha * fXRad * sin ( dAngle2 );
fCY2 = fY2 - fAlpha * fYRad * cos ( dAngle2 );
if ( !bClockDirection )
_CurveTo(fCX1, fCY1, fCX2, fCY2, fX2, fY2);
*pfXCur = fX2;
*pfYCur = fY2;
_CurveTo(fCX2, fCY2, fCX1, fCY1, fX1, fY1);
*pfXCur = fX1;
*pfYCur = fY1;
return 0;
int CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::Ellipse(double fX, double fY, double fXRad, double fYRad)
_MoveTo(fX - fXRad, fY);
double c_fKappa = 0.552;
_CurveTo(fX - fXRad, fY + fYRad * c_fKappa, fX - fXRad * c_fKappa, fY + fYRad, fX, fY + fYRad);
_CurveTo(fX + fXRad * c_fKappa, fY + fYRad, fX + fXRad, fY + fYRad * c_fKappa, fX + fXRad, fY);
_CurveTo(fX + fXRad, fY - fYRad * c_fKappa, fX + fXRad * c_fKappa, fY - fYRad, fX, fY - fYRad);
_CurveTo(fX - fXRad * c_fKappa, fY - fYRad, fX - fXRad, fY - fYRad * c_fKappa, fX - fXRad, fY);
return 0;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::AddArc(double fX, double fY, double fWidth, double fHeight, double fStartAngle, double fSweepAngle)
if (0 >= fWidth || 0 >= fHeight)
return false;
if ( Is_poly_closed() )
double dStartAngle = fStartAngle * agg::pi / 180;
double fStartX = fX + fWidth / 2.0 + fWidth / 2 * cos( AngToEllPrm( dStartAngle, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2 ) );
double fStartY = fY + fHeight / 2.0 - fHeight / 2 * sin( AngToEllPrm ( dStartAngle, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2 ) );
// В случае, когда эллипс рисуется целиком используется команда AppendEllipse, в которой команда MoveTo уже есть
if ( fSweepAngle < 360 )
if ( false == _MoveTo( fStartX, fStartY ) )
return false;
BOOL bClockDirection = FALSE;
double fEndAngle = 360 - ( fSweepAngle + fStartAngle );
double fSrtAngle = 360 - fStartAngle;
if( fSweepAngle > 0 )
bClockDirection = TRUE;
if( abs(fSweepAngle) >= 360 ) // Целый эллипс
return (0 == Ellipse(fX + fWidth / 2, fY + fHeight / 2, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2)) ? true : false;
else // Дуга эллипса
return (0 == EllipseArc(fX + fWidth / 2, fY + fHeight / 2, fWidth / 2, fHeight / 2, fSrtAngle, fEndAngle, bClockDirection)) ? true : false;
return Ok;
bool CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter::Is_poly_closed()
if (!m_agg_ps.total_vertices())
return true;
double x, y;
unsigned int nTip = m_agg_ps.last_vertex(&x, &y);
if (nTip & agg::path_flags_close)
return true;
return false;
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