Commit 1fc2e22b authored by Oleg Korshul's avatar Oleg Korshul Committed by Alexander Trofimov

градиенты, wordArt'ы в старом формате. текст со спецсимволами.

parent 8d41ab1e
......@@ -37,6 +37,81 @@ void DUMP_MESSAGE_TO_FILE(const char* strMessage)
static void GetColorWithEffect(const std::wstring& sColor, const int& R, const int& G, const int& B,
int& resR, int& resG, int& resB)
resR = R;
resG = G;
resB = B;
double param = 0;
std::wstring::size_type pos1 = sColor.find('(');
std::wstring::size_type pos2 = sColor.find(')');
if (pos1 == std::wstring::npos || pos2 == std::wstring::npos)
if (pos2 < (pos1 + 2))
param = std::stod(sColor.substr(pos1 + 1, pos2 - pos1 - 1));
bool isEffect = false;
if (0 == sColor.find(L"darken"))
resR = (int)(R * param / 255);
resG = (int)(G * param / 255);
resB = (int)(B * param / 255);
isEffect = true;
else if (0 == sColor.find(L"lighten"))
resR = 255 - (int)((255 - R) * param / 255);
resG = 255 - (int)((255 - G) * param / 255);
resB = 255 - (int)((255 - B) * param / 255);
isEffect = true;
else if (0 == sColor.find(L"add"))
resR = R + (int)param;
resG = G + (int)param;
resB = B + (int)param;
isEffect = true;
else if (0 == sColor.find(L"subtract"))
resR = R - (int)param;
resG = G - (int)param;
resB = B - (int)param;
isEffect = true;
else if (0 == sColor.find(L"reversesubtract"))
resR = (int)param - R;
resG = (int)param - G;
resB = (int)param - B;
isEffect = true;
else if (0 == sColor.find(L"blackwhite"))
int nparam = (int)nparam;
resR = (R < nparam) ? 0 : 255;
resG = (G < nparam) ? 0 : 255;
resB = (B < nparam) ? 0 : 255;
isEffect = true;
if (isEffect)
resR = (resR < 0) ? 0 : resR;
resR = (resR > 255) ? 255 : resR;
resG = (resG < 0) ? 0 : resG;
resG = (resG > 255) ? 255 : resG;
resB = (resB < 0) ? 0 : resB;
resB = (resB > 255) ? 255 : resB;
namespace NS_DWC_Common
void CorrentCropString(CString& s)
......@@ -1674,6 +1749,9 @@ PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem CDrawingConverter::doc_LoadShape(XmlUtils::CXmlNode& oNo
//pShape->TextBoxBodyPr->wrap = new PPTX::Limit::TextWrap();
// TODO:
// тут утечки памяти. И вообще надо переписать. все намешано
// нужно с комментами прояснить всю конвертацию
XmlUtils::CXmlNodes oChilds;
if (oNodeShape.GetNodes(_T("*"), oChilds))
......@@ -1700,6 +1778,10 @@ PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem CDrawingConverter::doc_LoadShape(XmlUtils::CXmlNode& oNo
int nAngle = 90;
bool bColors = false;
int R = 255;
int G = 255;
int B = 255;
nullable_string sFillColor;
oNodeShape.ReadAttributeBase(L"fillcolor", sFillColor);
if (sFillColor.is_init())
......@@ -1712,10 +1794,31 @@ PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem CDrawingConverter::doc_LoadShape(XmlUtils::CXmlNode& oNo
pSolid->Color.Color->SetRGB(color.R, color.G, color.B);
R = color.R;
G = color.G;
B = color.B;
eFillType = etNoFill;
if (eFillType == etNoFill)
// default color for vml = white
nullable_string sFilled;
oNodeShape.ReadAttributeBase(L"filled", sFilled);
if (!sFilled.is_init() || (*sFilled != _T("false") && *sFilled != _T("f")))
eFillType = etSolidFill;
PPTX::Logic::SolidFill* pSolid = new PPTX::Logic::SolidFill();
pSolid->m_namespace = _T("a");
pSolid->Color.Color = new PPTX::Logic::SrgbClr();
pSolid->Color.Color->SetRGB(R, G, B);
for (LONG k = 0; k < lChildsCount; k++)
XmlUtils::CXmlNode oNodeP;
......@@ -1725,6 +1828,8 @@ PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem CDrawingConverter::doc_LoadShape(XmlUtils::CXmlNode& oNo
if (_T("textpath") == strNameP)
strString = oNodeP.GetAttribute(_T("string"));
// мы используем его в хмл
CString strStyle = oNodeP.GetAttribute(_T("style"));
......@@ -1739,8 +1844,17 @@ PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem CDrawingConverter::doc_LoadShape(XmlUtils::CXmlNode& oNo
if (pPair != oCSSParser.m_mapSettings.end())
nFontSize = _wtoi(pPair->second.GetBuffer()) * 2;
if (true)
nullable_string sFitPath;
oNodeP.ReadAttributeBase(L"fitpath", sFitPath);
if (sFitPath.is_init() && (*sFitPath == _T("true") || *sFitPath == _T("t")))
nFontSize = 2;
else if (_T("fill") == strNameP)
......@@ -1790,10 +1904,29 @@ PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem CDrawingConverter::doc_LoadShape(XmlUtils::CXmlNode& oNo
if (etSolidFill == eFillType)
eFillType = etGradFill;
NSPresentationEditor::CColor color = NS_DWC_Common::getColorFromString(*sColor2);
NSPresentationEditor::CColor color;
if (sColor2->Find(L"fill") != -1)
std::wstring sColorEffect = string2std_string(*sColor2);
if (sColorEffect.length() > 5)
sColorEffect = sColorEffect.substr(5);
int resR, resG, resB;
GetColorWithEffect(sColorEffect, R, G, B, resR, resG, resB);
color.R = resR;
color.G = resG;
color.B = resB;
color = NS_DWC_Common::getColorFromString(*sColor2);
PPTX::Logic::UniColor *oColor = new PPTX::Logic::UniColor();
oColor->Color = new PPTX::Logic::SrgbClr();
oColor->Color->SetRGB(color.R, color.G, color.B);
if (bOpacity2)
......@@ -1801,10 +1934,9 @@ PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem CDrawingConverter::doc_LoadShape(XmlUtils::CXmlNode& oNo
NSPresentationEditor::CColor color1 = NS_DWC_Common::getColorFromString(_T("white"));
PPTX::Logic::UniColor *oColor1 = new PPTX::Logic::UniColor();
oColor1->Color = new PPTX::Logic::SrgbClr();
oColor1->Color->SetRGB(color1.R, color1.G, color1.B);
oColor1->Color->SetRGB(color.R, color.G, color.B);
......@@ -1818,9 +1950,10 @@ PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem CDrawingConverter::doc_LoadShape(XmlUtils::CXmlNode& oNo
eFillType = etGradFill;
else if (*sType == _T("gradientradial"))
else if (*sType == _T("gradientradial") || *sType == _T("gradientRadial"))
// TODO: дописать радиальный!!!
eFillType = etGradFill;
if (sAngle.is_init())
......@@ -2043,7 +2176,7 @@ PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem CDrawingConverter::doc_LoadShape(XmlUtils::CXmlNode& oNo
strStrokeW.Format(_T("%d"), (int)Pt_To_Emu(m_dValue));
srPr += _T("<w14:textOutline w14:w=\"") + strStrokeW + _T("\">");
PPTX::Logic::SolidFill* pSolid = new PPTX::Logic::SolidFill();
smart_ptr<PPTX::Logic::SolidFill> pSolid = new PPTX::Logic::SolidFill();
pSolid->m_namespace = _T("a");
pSolid->Color.Color = new PPTX::Logic::SrgbClr();
NSPresentationEditor::CColor color;
......@@ -2072,11 +2205,17 @@ PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem CDrawingConverter::doc_LoadShape(XmlUtils::CXmlNode& oNo
srPr += _T("</w14:textOutline>");
//srPr += _T("</w:rPr>");
sParaRun += _T("<w:rPr>") + srPr + _T("</w:rPr>") + _T("<w:t>") + strString + _T("</w:t></w:r>");
sParaRun += _T("<w:rPr>") + srPr + _T("</w:rPr>") + _T("<w:t>") + strString + _T("</w:t></w:r>");
sTxbxContent += _T("<w:pPr><w:rPr>") + srPr + _T("</w:rPr></w:pPr>") + sParaRun + _T("</w:p></w:txbxContent>");
pShape->TextBoxShape = sTxbxContent;
strXmlPPTX = _T("<a:prstGeom prst=\"rect\"><a:avLst/></a:prstGeom>");
// у старого wordArt никаких отступов
pShape->TextBoxBodyPr->lIns = 0;
pShape->TextBoxBodyPr->tIns = 0;
pShape->TextBoxBodyPr->rIns = 0;
pShape->TextBoxBodyPr->bIns = 0;
......@@ -3242,6 +3381,10 @@ void CDrawingConverter::CheckBrushShape(PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem& oElem, XmlUtils
PPTX::Logic::Shape* pShape = (PPTX::Logic::Shape*)dynamic_cast<PPTX::Logic::Shape*>(oElem.GetElem().operator ->());
int R = 255;
int G = 255;
int B = 255;
nullable_string sFillColor;
oNode.ReadAttributeBase(L"fillcolor", sFillColor);
if (sFillColor.is_init() && !pPPTShape->IsWordArt())
......@@ -3253,8 +3396,18 @@ void CDrawingConverter::CheckBrushShape(PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem& oElem, XmlUtils
pSolid->Color.Color = new PPTX::Logic::SrgbClr();
pSolid->Color.Color->SetRGB(color.R, color.G, color.B);
pShape->spPr.Fill.Fill = pSolid;
pShape->spPr.Fill.Fill = pSolid;
else if (!pPPTShape->IsWordArt())
// default fillcolor in vml = white
PPTX::Logic::SolidFill* pSolid = new PPTX::Logic::SolidFill();
pSolid->m_namespace = _T("a");
pSolid->Color.Color = new PPTX::Logic::SrgbClr();
pSolid->Color.Color->SetRGB(R, G, B);
pShape->spPr.Fill.Fill = pSolid;
nullable_string sFilled;
oNode.ReadAttributeBase(L"filled", sFilled);
......@@ -3345,7 +3498,7 @@ void CDrawingConverter::CheckBrushShape(PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem& oElem, XmlUtils
nullable_string sFocus;
oNodeFill.ReadAttributeBase(L"focus", sFocus);
if (sType.is_init() && (*sType == _T("gradient") || *sType == _T("gradientradial")))
if (sType.is_init() && (*sType == _T("gradient") || *sType == _T("gradientradial") || *sType == _T("gradientRadial")))
PPTX::Logic::GradFill* pGradFill = new PPTX::Logic::GradFill();
pGradFill->m_namespace = _T("a");
......@@ -3360,15 +3513,25 @@ void CDrawingConverter::CheckBrushShape(PPTX::Logic::SpTreeElem& oElem, XmlUtils
Gs_.pos = 0;
pGradFill->GsLst.push_back( Gs_ );
R = color.R;
G = color.G;
B = color.B;
if (sColor2.is_init())
PPTX::Logic::Gs Gs_;
Gs_.color.Color = new PPTX::Logic::SrgbClr();
if (sColor2->Find(L"fill") != -1)
if (sColor2->Find(L"fill") != -1)
Gs_.color.Color->SetRGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
std::wstring sColorEffect = string2std_string(*sColor2);
if (sColorEffect.length() > 5)
sColorEffect = sColorEffect.substr(5);
int resR, resG, resB;
GetColorWithEffect(sColorEffect, R, G, B, resR, resG, resB);
Gs_.color.Color->SetRGB(resR, resG, resB);
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