Commit 3c43b372 authored by ElenaSubbotina's avatar ElenaSubbotina


parent 2df69274
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2016
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "CryptTransform.h"
#include "../../Common/3dParty/cryptopp/modes.h"
#include "../../Common/3dParty/cryptopp/aes.h"
#include "../../Common/3dParty/cryptopp/sha.h"
#include "../../Common/3dParty/cryptopp/pwdbased.h"
#include "../../Common/3dParty/cryptopp/filters.h"
static const unsigned char encrVerifierHashInputBlockKey[8] = { 0xfe, 0xa7, 0xd2, 0x76, 0x3b, 0x4b, 0x9e, 0x79 };
static const unsigned char encrVerifierHashValueBlockKey[8] = { 0xd7, 0xaa, 0x0f, 0x6d, 0x30, 0x61, 0x34, 0x4e };
static const unsigned char encrKeyValueBlockKey[8] = { 0x14, 0x6e, 0x0b, 0xe7, 0xab, 0xac, 0xd0, 0xd6 };
static const unsigned char encrDataIntegritySaltBlockKey[8] = { 0x5f, 0xb2, 0xad, 0x01, 0x0c, 0xb9, 0xe1, 0xf6 };
static const unsigned char encrDataIntegrityHmacValueBlockKey[8] = { 0xa0, 0x67, 0x7f, 0x02, 0xb2, 0x2c, 0x84, 0x33 };
//default ms2010
cryptData.cipherAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::AES_CBC;
cryptData.hashAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::SHA1;
cryptData.spinCount = 100000;
cryptData.keySize = 0x10;
cryptData.hashSize = 0x14;
cryptData.blockSize = 0x10;
cryptData.saltSize = 0x10;
//default ms2016
//cryptData.cipherAlgorithm = AES_CBC;
//cryptData.hashAlgorithm = SHA256;
//cryptData.spinCount = 100000;
//cryptData.keySize = 0x20;
//cryptData.hashSize = 0x40;
//cryptData.blockSize = 0x10;
//cryptData.saltSize = 0x10;
class _buf
bool bDelete;
unsigned char *ptr;
int size;
_buf() {ptr = NULL; size = 0; bDelete = true;}
_buf(int sz) {ptr = new unsigned char [sz]; size = sz; bDelete = true;}
_buf(unsigned char * p, int sz, bool bDelete_ = true )
bDelete = bDelete_;
if (bDelete)
ptr = new unsigned char [sz]; size = sz;
memcpy(ptr, p , sz);
ptr = p; size = sz;
void Clear()
if (bDelete && ptr) delete []ptr;
ptr = NULL; size = 0;
bDelete = true;
virtual ~_buf() {Clear();}
_buf& operator=(const _buf& oSrc)
size = oSrc.size;
ptr = new unsigned char [oSrc.size];
memcpy(ptr, oSrc.ptr, oSrc.size);
bDelete = true;
return *this;
_buf& operator=(_buf& oSrc)
size = oSrc.size;
ptr = new unsigned char [oSrc.size];
memcpy(ptr, oSrc.ptr, oSrc.size);
bDelete = true;
return *this;
bool operator==(const _buf& oBuf1, const _buf& oBuf2)
if (!oBuf1.ptr || !oBuf2.ptr) return false;
return 0 == memcmp(oBuf1.ptr, oBuf2.ptr, (std::min)(oBuf1.size, oBuf2.size));
void CorrectHashSize(_buf & hashBuf, int size, unsigned char padding)
if (hashBuf.size < size)
unsigned char *newPtr = new unsigned char[size];
memset(newPtr, padding, size);
memcpy(newPtr, hashBuf.ptr, hashBuf.size);
delete []hashBuf.ptr;
hashBuf.ptr = newPtr;
hashBuf.size = size;
else if (hashBuf.size > size)
hashBuf.size = size;
_buf HashAppend(_buf & hashBuf, _buf & block, CRYPT_METHOD::_hashAlgorithm algorithm)
if (algorithm == CRYPT_METHOD::SHA1)
CryptoPP::SHA1 hash;
if (hashBuf.ptr && hashBuf.size > 0) hash.Update( hashBuf.ptr, hashBuf.size);
if (block.ptr && block.size > 0) hash.Update( block.ptr , block.size);
CryptoPP::SecByteBlock buffer(hash.DigestSize());
return _buf(buffer.BytePtr(), buffer.SizeInBytes());
else if (algorithm == CRYPT_METHOD::SHA256)
CryptoPP::SHA256 hash;
if (hashBuf.ptr && hashBuf.size > 0) hash.Update( hashBuf.ptr, hashBuf.size);
if (block.ptr && block.size > 0) hash.Update( block.ptr , block.size);
CryptoPP::SecByteBlock buffer(hash.DigestSize());
return _buf(buffer.BytePtr(), buffer.SizeInBytes());
else if (algorithm == CRYPT_METHOD::SHA512)
CryptoPP::SHA512 hash;
if (hashBuf.ptr && hashBuf.size > 0) hash.Update( hashBuf.ptr, hashBuf.size);
if (block.ptr && block.size > 0) hash.Update( block.ptr , block.size);
CryptoPP::SecByteBlock buffer(hash.DigestSize());
return _buf(buffer.BytePtr(), buffer.SizeInBytes());
return _buf();
_buf GenerateKey(_buf & salt, _buf & password, _buf & blockKey, int hashSize, int spin, CRYPT_METHOD::_hashAlgorithm algorithm)
_buf pHashBuf = HashAppend(salt, password, algorithm);
for (int i = 0; i < spin; i++)
pHashBuf = HashAppend(_buf((unsigned char*)&i, 4, false), pHashBuf, algorithm);
pHashBuf = HashAppend(pHashBuf, blockKey, algorithm);
CorrectHashSize(pHashBuf, hashSize, 0x36);
return _buf(pHashBuf.ptr, pHashBuf.size);
bool DecryptAES(_buf & key, _buf & iv, _buf & data_inp, _buf & data_out)
CryptoPP::AES::Decryption aesDecryption(key.ptr, key.size);
CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption cbcDecryption( aesDecryption, iv.ptr );
if (!data_out.ptr)
data_out = _buf(data_inp.size);
CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfDecryptor(cbcDecryption, new CryptoPP::ArraySink( data_out.ptr, data_out.size), CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter::NO_PADDING);
stfDecryptor.Put( data_inp.ptr, data_inp.size );
return true;
bool ECMADecryptor::SetPassword(std::wstring password_)
password = password_;
_buf pPassword ((unsigned char*)password.c_str() , password.length() * 2);
_buf pSalt ((unsigned char*)cryptData.saltValue.c_str() , cryptData.saltValue.length());
_buf pInputBlockKey ((unsigned char*)encrVerifierHashInputBlockKey , 8);
_buf pValueBlockKey ((unsigned char*)encrVerifierHashValueBlockKey , 8);
_buf pEncVerInput ((unsigned char*)cryptData.encryptedVerifierInput.c_str() , cryptData.encryptedVerifierInput.length());
_buf pEncVerValue ((unsigned char*)cryptData.encryptedVerifierValue.c_str() , cryptData.encryptedVerifierValue.length());
_buf verifierInputKey = GenerateKey( pSalt, pPassword, pInputBlockKey, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm );
_buf decryptedVerifierHashInputBytes;
DecryptAES(verifierInputKey, pSalt, pEncVerInput, decryptedVerifierHashInputBytes);
_buf hashBuf = HashAppend(decryptedVerifierHashInputBytes, _buf(), cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
_buf decryptedVerifierHashBytes;
_buf verifierHashKey = GenerateKey(pSalt, pPassword, pValueBlockKey, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
DecryptAES(verifierHashKey, pSalt, pEncVerValue, decryptedVerifierHashBytes);
return (decryptedVerifierHashBytes==hashBuf);
void ECMADecryptor::SetCryptData(_cryptData &data)
cryptData = data;
void ECMADecryptor::Decrypt(unsigned char* data_inp, int size, unsigned char*& data_out)
data_out = NULL;
_buf pBlockKey ((unsigned char*)encrKeyValueBlockKey, 8);
_buf pPassw ((unsigned char*)password.c_str(), password.length() * 2);
_buf pDataSalt ((unsigned char*)cryptData.dataSaltValue.c_str(), cryptData.dataSaltValue.length());
_buf pSalt ((unsigned char*)cryptData.saltValue.c_str(), cryptData.saltValue.length());
_buf pKeyValue ((unsigned char*)cryptData.encryptedKeyValue.c_str(), cryptData.encryptedKeyValue.length());
_buf Key = GenerateKey( pSalt, pPassw, pBlockKey, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
_buf pDecryptedKey;
DecryptAES( Key, pSalt, pKeyValue, pDecryptedKey);
_buf iv(cryptData.blockSize);
memset( iv.ptr, 0x00, cryptData.blockSize );
int i = 0, sz = 4096, pos = 0;
data_out = new unsigned char[size];
while (pos < size)
if (pos + sz > size)
sz = size - pos;
_buf pIndex((unsigned char*)&i, 4);
iv = HashAppend(pDataSalt, pIndex, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
CorrectHashSize(iv, cryptData.blockSize, 0x36);
_buf pInp(data_inp + pos, sz, false);
_buf pOut(data_out + pos, sz, false);
DecryptAES(pDecryptedKey, iv, pInp, pOut);
pos += sz; i++;
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -34,36 +34,76 @@ ...@@ -34,36 +34,76 @@
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
class Decryptor namespace CRYPT_METHOD
enum _hashAlgorithm
enum _cipherAlgorithm
class ECMADecryptor
{ {
public: public:
Decryptor(int type);
virtual ~Decryptor();
void Decrypt(void* data, int size); struct _cryptData
CRYPT_METHOD::_cipherAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm;
CRYPT_METHOD::_hashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm;
int spinCount;
int keySize;
int hashSize;
int blockSize;
int saltSize;
std::string dataSaltValue;
std::string saltValue;
std::string encryptedKeyValue;
std::string encryptedVerifierInput;
std::string encryptedVerifierValue;
std::string encryptedHmacKey;
std::string encryptedHmacValue;
bool IsVerify(); //..........
virtual ~ECMADecryptor(){}
void Decrypt(unsigned char* data, int size, unsigned char*& data_out);
bool IsVerify(){}
bool SetPassword(std::wstring password); bool SetPassword(std::wstring password);
void SetCryptData(std::string salt, std::string verifier, std::string verifier_hash); void SetCryptData(_cryptData &data);
private: private:
_cryptData cryptData;
void *impl_; std::wstring password;
}; };
// //
//class Encryptor //class ECMAEncryptor
//{ //{
//public: //public:
// Encryptor(int type); // ECMAEncryptor(int type);
// virtual ~Encryptor(); // virtual ~ECMAEncryptor();
// //
// void Encrypt(char* data, int size); // void Encrypt(char* data, int size);
// //
// bool SetPassword(std::wstring password); // bool SetPassword(std::wstring password);
// void *impl_;
//}; //};
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@ ...@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@
*/ */
#include "ECMACryptReader.h" #include "ECMACryptReader.h"
#include "CryptTransform.h"
#include "../../Common/3dParty/pole/pole.h" #include "../../Common/3dParty/pole/pole.h"
#include "../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/Base/Types_32.h" #include "../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/Base/Types_32.h"
#include "../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/XML/xmlutils.h" #include "../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/XML/xmlutils.h"
#include "../../OfficeCryptTransform/CryptTransform.h" #include "../../DesktopEditor/common/File.h"
#define WritingElement_ReadAttributes_Start(Reader) \ #define WritingElement_ReadAttributes_Start(Reader) \
if ( Reader.GetAttributesCount() <= 0 )\ if ( Reader.GetAttributesCount() <= 0 )\
...@@ -106,10 +107,25 @@ void ReadMapEntry(POLE::Stream *pStream, ECMACryptReader::_mapEntry & m) ...@@ -106,10 +107,25 @@ void ReadMapEntry(POLE::Stream *pStream, ECMACryptReader::_mapEntry & m)
} }
m.dataSpaceName= ReadUnicodeLP(pStream); m.dataSpaceName= ReadUnicodeLP(pStream);
} }
std::string DecodeBase64(const std::string & value)
int nLength = 0;
unsigned char *pData = NULL;
std::string result;
NSFile::CBase64Converter::Decode(value.c_str(), value.length(), pData, nLength);
if (pData)
result = std::string((char*)pData, nLength);
delete []pData; pData = NULL;
return result;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------
bool ECMACryptReader::DecryptOfficeFile(std::wstring file_name, std::wstring folder_out, std::wstring password) bool ECMACryptReader::DecryptOfficeFile(std::wstring file_name_inp, std::wstring file_name_out, std::wstring password)
{ {
POLE::Storage *pStorage = new POLE::Storage(file_name.c_str()); POLE::Storage *pStorage = new POLE::Storage(file_name_inp.c_str());
if (!pStorage)return false; if (!pStorage)return false;
...@@ -148,15 +164,44 @@ bool ECMACryptReader::DecryptOfficeFile(std::wstring file_name, std::wstring fol ...@@ -148,15 +164,44 @@ bool ECMACryptReader::DecryptOfficeFile(std::wstring file_name, std::wstring fol
} }
} }
//Decryptor decryptor(1); ECMADecryptor decryptor;
//decryptor.SetCryptData(keyData.saltValue, keyData.encryptedVerifierHashInput, keyData.encryptedVerifierHashValue); ECMADecryptor::_cryptData cryptData;
//if (!decryptor.SetPassword(password)) cryptData.spinCount = atoi(keyEncryptors[0].spinCount.c_str());
//{ cryptData.blockSize = atoi(keyEncryptors[0].blockSize.c_str());
// delete pStorage; cryptData.hashSize = atoi(keyEncryptors[0].hashSize.c_str());
// return false; cryptData.saltSize = atoi(keyEncryptors[0].saltSize.c_str());
//} cryptData.keySize = atoi(keyEncryptors[0].keyBits.c_str() ) / 8;
cryptData.dataSaltValue = DecodeBase64(keyData.saltValue);
cryptData.saltValue = DecodeBase64(keyEncryptors[0].saltValue);
cryptData.encryptedKeyValue = DecodeBase64(keyEncryptors[0].encryptedKeyValue);
cryptData.encryptedVerifierInput = DecodeBase64(keyEncryptors[0].encryptedVerifierHashInput);
cryptData.encryptedVerifierValue = DecodeBase64(keyEncryptors[0].encryptedVerifierHashValue);
cryptData.encryptedHmacKey = DecodeBase64(dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacKey);
cryptData.encryptedHmacValue = DecodeBase64(dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacValue);
if (keyData.cipherAlgorithm == "AES")
if (keyData.cipherChaining == "ChainingModeCBC") cryptData.cipherAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::AES_CBC;
if (keyData.cipherChaining == "ChainingModeCFB") cryptData.cipherAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::AES_CFB;
if (keyData.hashAlgorithm == "SHA1") cryptData.hashAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::SHA1;
if (keyData.hashAlgorithm == "SHA224") cryptData.hashAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::SHA224;
if (keyData.hashAlgorithm == "SHA256") cryptData.hashAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::SHA256;
if (keyData.hashAlgorithm == "SHA384") cryptData.hashAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::SHA384;
if (keyData.hashAlgorithm == "SHA512") cryptData.hashAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::SHA512;
if (!decryptor.SetPassword(password))
return false;
//pStream = new POLE::Stream(pStorage, "DataSpaces/DataSpaceMap"); // //pStream = new POLE::Stream(pStorage, "DataSpaces/DataSpaceMap"); //
//if (pStream) //if (pStream)
...@@ -179,27 +224,36 @@ bool ECMACryptReader::DecryptOfficeFile(std::wstring file_name, std::wstring fol ...@@ -179,27 +224,36 @@ bool ECMACryptReader::DecryptOfficeFile(std::wstring file_name, std::wstring fol
bool result = false; bool result = false;
pStream = new POLE::Stream(pStorage, "EncryptionPackage"); pStream = new POLE::Stream(pStorage, "EncryptedPackage");
if (pStream) if (pStream->size() > 0)
{ {
_UINT64 length; _UINT64 lengthData, lengthRead = pStream->size() - 8;
pStream->read((unsigned char*)&length, 8); pStream->read((unsigned char*)&lengthData, 8);
while (true) unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[lengthRead];
{ unsigned char* data_out = NULL;
pStream->read(data, lengthRead);
decryptor.Decrypt(data, lengthRead, data_out);//todoo
delete pStream; delete pStream;
if (data_out)
NSFile::CFileBinary f;
f.WriteFile(data_out, lengthData);
result = true;
delete pStorage; delete pStorage;
return result; return result;
} }
bool ECMACryptReader::ReadEncryptionInfo(const std::string & xml_string) bool ECMACryptReader::ReadEncryptionInfo(const std::string & xml_string)
{ {
XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader xmlReader; XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader xmlReader;
...@@ -229,15 +283,24 @@ bool ECMACryptReader::ReadEncryptionInfo(const std::string & xml_string) ...@@ -229,15 +283,24 @@ bool ECMACryptReader::ReadEncryptionInfo(const std::string & xml_string)
} }
else if ( L"dataIntegrity" == sName ) else if ( L"dataIntegrity" == sName )
{ {
WritingElement_ReadAttributes_Start( xmlReader)
WritingElement_ReadAttributes_Read_if ( xmlReader, "encryptedHmacKey", dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacKey)
WritingElement_ReadAttributes_Read_else_if ( xmlReader, "encryptedHmacValue", dataIntegrity.encryptedHmacValue)
WritingElement_ReadAttributes_End( xmlReader )
} }
else if (L"keyEncryptors" == sName) else if (L"keyEncryptors" == sName)
{ {
while( xmlReader.ReadNextSiblingNode( nCurDepth + 1 ) ) while( xmlReader.ReadNextSiblingNode( nCurDepth + 1 ) )
{ {
sName = xmlReader.GetName();
if (L"keyEncryptor" == sName) if (L"keyEncryptor" == sName)
{ {
_keyEncryptor k; while( xmlReader.ReadNextSiblingNode( nCurDepth + 2 ) )
sName = xmlReader.GetName();
if (L"p:encryptedKey" == sName)
_keyEncryptor k={};
WritingElement_ReadAttributes_Start( xmlReader) WritingElement_ReadAttributes_Start( xmlReader)
WritingElement_ReadAttributes_Read_if ( xmlReader, "spinCount", k.spinCount ) WritingElement_ReadAttributes_Read_if ( xmlReader, "spinCount", k.spinCount )
...@@ -259,6 +322,8 @@ bool ECMACryptReader::ReadEncryptionInfo(const std::string & xml_string) ...@@ -259,6 +322,8 @@ bool ECMACryptReader::ReadEncryptionInfo(const std::string & xml_string)
} }
} }
} }
return true; return true;
} }
...@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ ...@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@
class ECMACryptReader class ECMACryptReader
{ {
public: public:
bool DecryptOfficeFile(std::wstring file_name_inp, std::wstring file_name_out, std::wstring password);
bool DecryptOfficeFile(std::wstring file_name, std::wstring folder_out, std::wstring password);
struct _keyEncryptor struct _keyEncryptor
{ {
...@@ -57,6 +56,12 @@ public: ...@@ -57,6 +56,12 @@ public:
std::string encryptedVerifierHashValue; std::string encryptedVerifierHashValue;
std::string encryptedKeyValue; std::string encryptedKeyValue;
}; };
struct _dataIntegrity
std::string encryptedHmacKey;
std::string encryptedHmacValue;
struct _refComponent struct _refComponent
{ {
int type; int type;
...@@ -74,8 +79,6 @@ private: ...@@ -74,8 +79,6 @@ private:
std::vector<_mapEntry> mapEntries; std::vector<_mapEntry> mapEntries;
//-------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------
_keyEncryptor keyData; _keyEncryptor keyData;
std::string encryptedHmacKey; _dataIntegrity dataIntegrity;
std::string encryptedHmacValue;
std::vector<_keyEncryptor> keyEncryptors; std::vector<_keyEncryptor> keyEncryptors;
}; };
...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<VisualStudioProject <VisualStudioProject
ProjectType="Visual C++" ProjectType="Visual C++"
Version="8,00" Version="8,00"
Name="ECMACryptReader" Name="OfficeFileCrypt"
ProjectGUID="{C27E9A9F-3A17-4482-9C5F-BF15C01E747C}" ProjectGUID="{C27E9A9F-3A17-4482-9C5F-BF15C01E747C}"
RootNamespace="ECMACryptReader" RootNamespace="ECMACryptReader"
Keyword="Win32Proj" Keyword="Win32Proj"
...@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ ...@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@
</References> </References>
<Files> <Files>
<File <File
RelativePath="..\..\OfficeCryptTransform\CryptTransform.cpp" RelativePath="..\source\CryptTransform.cpp"
> >
</File> </File>
<File <File
RelativePath="..\..\OfficeCryptTransform\CryptTransform.h" RelativePath="..\source\CryptTransform.h"
> >
</File> </File>
<File <File
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2016
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
#include "CryptTransform.h"
...@@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ namespace NExtractTools ...@@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ namespace NExtractTools
} }
int mscrypt2oot (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath, const InputParams& params) int mscrypt2oot (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath, InputParams& params)
{ {
std::wstring sResultOotDir = sTemp + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("oot_unpacked"); std::wstring sResultOotDir = sTemp + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("oot_unpacked");
std::wstring sResultOotFileEditor = sResultOotDir + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("Editor.bin"); std::wstring sResultOotFileEditor = sResultOotDir + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("Editor.bin");
...@@ -1256,22 +1256,54 @@ namespace NExtractTools ...@@ -1256,22 +1256,54 @@ namespace NExtractTools
return nRes; return nRes;
} }
int mscrypt2oox (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath, InputParams& params)
if (!params.m_sPassword) return AVS_FILEUTILS_ERROR_CONVERT_DRM;
if ( params.m_sPassword->empty()) return AVS_FILEUTILS_ERROR_CONVERT_DRM;
int mscrypt2oot_bin (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath, const InputParams& params) //decrypt to sTo
ECMACryptReader cryptReader;
if (cryptReader.DecryptOfficeFile(sFrom, sTo, *params.m_sPassword) == false)
return S_OK;
int mscrypt2oot_bin (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath, InputParams& params)
{ {
if (!params.m_sPassword) return AVS_FILEUTILS_ERROR_CONVERT_DRM; if (!params.m_sPassword) return AVS_FILEUTILS_ERROR_CONVERT_DRM;
if ( params.m_sPassword->empty()) return AVS_FILEUTILS_ERROR_CONVERT_DRM; if ( params.m_sPassword->empty()) return AVS_FILEUTILS_ERROR_CONVERT_DRM;
//decrypt to temp //decrypt to temp file
std::wstring sResultDecryptDir = sTemp + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("crypt_unpacked"); std::wstring sResultDecryptFile = sTemp + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"uncrypt_file.oox";
ECMACryptReader cryptReader; ECMACryptReader cryptReader;
if (cryptReader.DecryptOfficeFile(sFrom, sResultDecryptDir, *params.m_sPassword) == false) if (cryptReader.DecryptOfficeFile(sFrom, sResultDecryptFile, *params.m_sPassword) == false)
//convert from format (detect before) to temp binary folder COfficeFileFormatChecker OfficeFileFormatChecker;
return 0;
if (OfficeFileFormatChecker.isOfficeFile(sResultDecryptFile))
switch (OfficeFileFormatChecker.nFileType)
return docx2doct_bin(sResultDecryptFile, sTo, sTemp, sFontPath);
const std::wstring & sXmlOptions = params.getXmlOptions();
return xlsx2xlst_bin(sResultDecryptFile, sTo, sTemp, sFontPath, sXmlOptions);
return pptx2pptt_bin(sResultDecryptFile, sTo, sTemp, sFontPath);
} }
//html //html
...@@ -115,8 +115,9 @@ namespace NExtractTools ...@@ -115,8 +115,9 @@ namespace NExtractTools
int xlsx2ods (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath); int xlsx2ods (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath);
int xlsx_dir2ods (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath); int xlsx_dir2ods (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath);
int mscrypt2oot (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath, const InputParams& params); int mscrypt2oox (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath, const InputParams& params);
int mscrypt2oot_bin (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath, const InputParams& params); int mscrypt2oot (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath, InputParams& params);
int mscrypt2oot_bin (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo, const std::wstring & sTemp, const std::wstring &sFontPath, InputParams& params);
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int dir2zip (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo); int dir2zip (const std::wstring &sFrom, const std::wstring &sTo);
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